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Ejected for telling the truth...????

Sep 18, 2001, 2:02pm
It only makes sense if you're reading it WITHOUT TRYING to find something
contentious ... which is why no-one else can see anything wrong.

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3.2 and Peeps

Sep 27, 2001, 2:23pm
heh heh ... quite an effective way to answer such a patronising post. Cool.

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3.2 and Peeps

Sep 28, 2001, 5:56pm
It runs off the midi mapper like pretty much everything else. If you want it
to use the MS Software synth again like in 3.1, change the default midi
playback instrument in the control panel to the software synth.

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3.2 and Peeps

Sep 29, 2001, 7:39pm
Hmmm ... sorry, that may not apply to you then. I have win2000. Is the
software synth present in the dropdown in DxDiag?

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3.2 and Peeps

Sep 30, 2001, 10:30pm
Sorry KAH, I can't say much more. I just scanned all kinds of windows and
MIDI support sites that I know of and can't find any mention of setting up
the s/w synth as the default MIDI device in ME (I am guessing you're using
ME - if not, sorry for the insult). It must be a configuration thing
somewhere. I remember an older version of windows used to have an Add
Instrument button on the MIDI tab of the multimedia control panel applet. I
never had any use for it though. Assuming its still there (it isn't under
Win2000), perhaps that's how you could get to it? (That was a wild stab in
the dark).

If you can't get to it as your default device like that (and you're prepared
to solve the problem at a small purchase price) perhaps another soft-synths
would be a good option for you - software wavetable synths with device
drivers. If you want to check some out ...

WinGroove: ($20 shareware)

Yamaha S-YG20 SoftSynthesizer available at ($25 purchase - 90 day
trial download available) - the S-YXG50 (with XG compaibility) is $50 so
that's a bit pointless for a software synth solution for you.

Jet-MIDI 1.1 looks like another one, at ($19 purchase - 30 day trial

Alternatively, you could probably pick up an old AWE64 for a few bucks too,
to replace the FM card you have.

I didn't have time to check them out for you (sorry, I would have tried if I
had more time), but there are downloads for you to try them out. I love
Yamaha keyboards (I have two) so my leaning would be to go for that one. If
you want to look for more, here are some resources, maybe you can find a
freeware one.

Be careful though, a lot of s/w synths are specialist and are either digital
versions of analog hardware synths or designed to mimic old hardware or
don't provide a device driver (i.e. they are self contained

Hope this is of some help. I guess it all depends how much you want to
improve the MIDI playback if a sound card upgrade isn't an option for you.
Also, the AW browser may just be too greedy for another resouce hungry
application to run on your machine.

Gook luck.


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3.2 and Peeps

Oct 1, 2001, 2:23am
KAH ... I'm a dumbass sometimes, I really am. I have a 2nd software synth
installed on this laptop (with the soundcard) and it was that one I could
select. Can't get to the Microsoft Synthesizer. Sorry. I'll shut up.

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3d scams

Sep 27, 2001, 2:31pm
Totally agree. I think its a good idea for gathering new custom. The term
"Trial World" is much less inviting.

The only thing that bugs me about this is that the world list is becoming
pretty pointless. Last time I looked there were 50 additional worlds in the
list called "aw3d#00" or something like that. So many worlds in one universe
is getting a bit silly now, I think. Since AW are clearly changing their
public image a little right now, time maybe for multiple universes and the
ability to switch between them within the browser. Just a thought.

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did Roland rush out 3.2?

Sep 27, 2001, 2:33pm
Be fair Wing. From what I have read in your posts, you like nothing better
than to unstandardize your machines. Maybe you're not the best example here.

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did Roland rush out 3.2?

Sep 27, 2001, 2:42pm
My experience of GZ is that most people there are basically inexperienced,
untechnical users. I don't think they can be validly included in a
comparison on what types of problems people have with 3.2.

I'm with Nornny on this one. Personally, I was amazed when I read the post
in here that 3.2 had gone public so soon ... with seemingly serious issues
only recently posted to the Beta newsgroup. It didn't appear to me that it
was ready leading up to the release.

Obviously opinion is divided on this, so there's no "truth", but my gut
feeling from reading posts here and playing with the browser is that it was
"out on the shelves" just a little early.


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What did we do to aw to deserve this

Sep 29, 2001, 8:05pm
Unfortunately, in a number af cases, the "something to get it work" seems to
be to get a new graphics card and replace the one that worked perfectly well
with 3.1. Not really on, I think.

3.2 release rushed into existence very quickly ... never a good sign. I have
never come across a piece of software tha thas such a "wobbly" (for want of
a better word) upgrade path.


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3.2 - the version from hell

Sep 30, 2001, 11:49pm
I'm guessing "Midiout midi drivers" isn't what it implies (i.e. routing to
the MIDI Out port for other MIDI devices) and I assume that MIDIs played
directly through WMP are perfectly ok?


[View Quote] > Audio Excel Wavetable 5.1 channel surround sound sound card using C-media
> software which uses "Midiout" midi drivers

Custom Bots

Oct 10, 2001, 1:08pm
So on the same thought ....

Q. Why buy commercial software when there are perfectly good alternatives
available as freeware ...

A. Because the freeware versions are invariably inferior.


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What does it take?

Oct 9, 2001, 5:17pm
Actually, I read SW Chris's replies as perfectly feasible alternatives to
the paranoia you seem to be exhibiting.

Its up to you to look after your money. If you don't trust a person or
company that you are purchasing goods or services from, then its your
responsibility to ensure that the transaction is carried out to your
satisfaction. I don't see that it really warrants a whining post in the
Community newsgroup.


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What does it take?

Oct 9, 2001, 8:34pm
But that's the basic point. The safeguard of YOUR money is YOUR concern. If
you don't treat it, and the instruments at your disposal for spending it,
with care then you only have yourself to blame. An exeperienced/unknowing
user e-mailing their credit card details to someone is synonymous with
writing them on a piece of paper and sticking them in a box with a hole on
the front. If you don't understand what that box is or does, then you gotta
be pretty dumb to put your credit card details in it, don't you think? Its
about time people took responsible for their own lives, possessions and
actions in this world - not too much to ask really.

Just as an aside, consider all the crap that is purely there to protect
idiots from themselves. Warning signs like "Mind your head" being the
classic. Look around and you'll be amazed how many examples you'll find.


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What does it take?

Oct 10, 2001, 2:58pm
Shhh everyone .... I think I heard the calm voice of reason and common sense
just then!!!

Glad to see someone out there is capable of looking at things from a point
of view other than their own ;o) "Its not fair" is all I keep reading in
here recently.


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What does it take?

Oct 10, 2001, 8:58pm
The focus of these points are somewhat different from the original post, and
now its clear why the frustrations are there. Its difficult to have much
respect for a company that seemingly refuses to respond to e-mails, although
I would find it hard to believe that anyone is being ignored by AWC, unless
its because the wrong person is being expected to deal with it by the
company and they've pushed it to the bottom of their list - everyone has
done it at some point ... pushed the stuff you'd rather not deal with
straight away further down the to-do pile. I'm not saying its right, but it
happens. I am sure that *some* resolution would be forthcoming sometime
soon. Sounds like phoning AWC would be the only course of action open to you
right now.

However, I dont' think I agree that "the largest amount of AW revenue comes
from NEW users" ... I think the commercial aspects of AW and the licences on
the other universes would massively outweigh the miserly $20 a year gained
by AW citizenships.

Anyway ... a few thoughts.


What does it take?

Oct 11, 2001, 2:28am
Geesh! NO ... I wouldn't .... because its DUMB to do that!

Its quite simple really ... you pay for what you want to pay for, and pay
for it in a manner with which you are comfortable. If you're either not
happy with the service or aren't happy paying for that service using one of
the methods available to you ... then by all means, vote with your feet.
HOWEVER ... AWC have a telephone - remember them? Don't kick 'em just
because they, like many many other companies, don't provide facilities for
secure internet payments. It costs money for a company to use services to
acquire credit card transactions over the internet and I'm pretty certain
that the volume of internet payments they would receive wouldn't justify the
cost to them.

If people can't be bothered to pick up a phone and do it the old fashioned
way, then they can damned well go without.


[View Quote] Would you be willing to give out your credit card information in a public
chat room? I think not.

What does it take?

Oct 11, 2001, 5:32pm
Grow up. How many times has this happended with AW? How many times has any
company made a mistake with an order? How many times has your bank screwed
up your account, charging you the wrong amount. Fair Trade has nothing to do
with clerical or user consumer errors. Its protection for the consumer
against malicious practices.

.... and as for "Ever think Grimble" .... idiot!

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What does it take?

Oct 11, 2001, 5:39pm
[View Quote] Where small-time contributers belong. ;O)

What does it take?

Oct 11, 2001, 5:40pm
Perhaps if most of the people compaining about this weren't whining little
girls, then they would be taken more seriously by AW and have their ear. I
keep hearing "AW should read the newsgroups" ... but when they get here its
just this bitching waiting for them.

If people would act like adults rather than cry off bitching and sulk all
the time, life would be so much easier.

It didn't tale long, but I've had enough of this ng ... should never have
resubscribed. Easily fixed.


"rpg helper" <noneasyet at>
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RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 24, 2001, 5:03pm
If you check out the web-page, you'll see what it DOES include. How
ungrateful can you get?

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RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 24, 2001, 7:53pm
Why is this an issue? If you don't want it or trust Fox, then don't download
it. Simply really.

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RWXViewer 0.90 beta 1 released !

Oct 26, 2001, 10:13am
I think we're all just software hoarders .. heh heh.

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-= JTech Web Systems Announces Hosting Services =-

Oct 27, 2001, 1:43pm
And for some reason you felt you needed to crowbar this information into the
conversation? Very odd.

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-= JTech Web Systems Announces Hosting Services =-

Oct 28, 2001, 3:44pm
Actually he very unsubtley pointed the conversations there ... "You know, I
once dated a guy named Chris before." ... Exhibit A - One Crowbar

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Unfair Voting Procedure for Avatars 2001

Dec 3, 2001, 12:02am
Surely its only a bit of fun ... not like anyones life depends on it. And
not a lot to do with world building either really.

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Unfair Voting Procedure for Avatars 2001

Dec 5, 2001, 7:30pm
I went in all the AV01 worlds (and let the whole download finish) with my
700MHz Win2000 laptop with an ATI Rage Mobility 8MB (yes, EIGHT Megabytes)
video card and all was fine - ran like a dog mind you, but it didn't crash.
Filling up the video cards memory isn't a (valid) reason for an application
to crash ... just hammer the poor PC. It was ok in Direct3D and software
mode (although as you can imagine the performance of the two are pretty
similar with this setup but those seven hardware lights look much better in
s/w mode). I went in just after it opened like 1,000,000 other people seemed
to do.

It won't be common to everyone because everyone is running different spec
machines, different versions of windows and having different applications
running at the same time. Who knows?


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Be careful with Nate007

Dec 20, 2001, 7:50pm
I haven't come across this guy (yet) and don't have particularly strong
views on what to do about it, but I do have one point to make here.
Unfortunately, all that banning someone from a world that they have
vandalised achieves is to make it someone elses problem ... so he moves on,
causing the problem for someone else. This doesn't sound like an accident
since it appears he's been at it in a number of places, so its malicious.

No solutions from me, just that point to raise.


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new citizenship

Jan 2, 2002, 8:23pm
I must admit, its a bit odd to bump the prices so drastically purely on the
promise of things to come. Deliver v3.3 and raise the prices as whole
package. Less confusion, and something substantial against which to
atrribute the additional cost.

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worlds and citizenships

Jan 2, 2002, 6:44pm
Well I have just done two things I rarely do ... purely out of curiosity
about what the reaction to this would be - subscribed to the community
newsgroup and visited AWGate - and I haven't been let down at all.

AWGate is full of people raising petitions and bitching and crying and
wingeing (no change there!) because they're not gonna get something dead
cheap anymore. What so many people have conveniently ignored all this time
is that their citizenships have been subsidised by the other business AW
does by selling its technology to corporations around the world. The
"community" and the ability for the public to access AW for close to nothing
is a by-product of that business. As Rick says in the letter, the business
is failing for the same reasons that many other businesses are ... customers
that simply aren't able to pay what they are due to pay or decide against
taking on new ventures.

Putting up the price of an AW cit by 600% might seem excessive but I think
it probably just brings it more in line with the annual cost of hosting the
technology. The fact that the cit count will drop dramatically will have
been built into that pricing model for new cits and I can't see it being uch
cheaper for existing cits to be honest.

Personally, I'll be glad to see the back of the freeloading tourists,
although I think the 2 weeks gratis period is a little short. Anyway, I'll
be watching with interest what sort of comments get plastered into this NG
.... could turn out to be a record thread.


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