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worlds and citizenships

Jan 2, 2002, 7:52pm
You have GOT to be joking right?

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worlds and citizenships

Jan 2, 2002, 8:09pm
Man that is warped. Pay for what you use, don't expect to be subsidised by
those in a better position to pay. Has it occurred to you that maybe you're
just being asked to pay your way?? With less public cits AW has one less
revenue stream, but without the real business there IS NO AW!! Its not

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worlds and citizenships

Jan 2, 2002, 8:42pm
Firstly this is only going to be an issue when your citizenship is next up
for renewal. That means that the vast majority of people bitching and crying
about this aren't even going to be affected for some time.

Secondly, citizens have been paying a pittance for AW since it was first
charged for ... $20 a year ... $1.65 a month. Its high time the "community"
paid their way.

Thirdly, high value "potential clients" don't often come from public forums
.... its called "Sales and Marketing" - corporations need to be SOLD things
like this, they rarely just land in your lap.

Also, I don't see any other way to read a statement like "I think if a big
company could afford a uniserver then they might also be able to afford to
shoulder some of the burden being put on our backs.". They have been
carrying you so far ... and you're asking for that to continue. I don't see
any reason why.

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worlds and citizenships

Jan 2, 2002, 10:58pm
Read that how you will ... but its true all the same. The posts on the
petitions just go to show what an influx of braindead spoilt brats AW has
had to endure in recent months. A large number of them are Tourists who are
just pissed at not getting something for free anymore.

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worlds and citizenships

Jan 3, 2002, 10:03pm
If its shit .... walk away!

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Jan 2, 2002, 8:27pm
Well said that man.

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Jan 2, 2002, 9:24pm
Geesh ... you win the award for the most self-centred and warped outlook I
have ever come across. You would rather people lose their jobs in this
economic climate than you have to leave a chat community?

That is just sick!

[View Quote] "You guys take pay cuts and even lay offs, and we only go up to 30-40 a

Some things i would like to bring up:

Jan 2, 2002, 8:55pm
Everyone is a business expert all of a sudden, with insights into AW's
corporate business. You think these people just wake up in the middle of the
night an think "I know ... I'll screw the cits!". Man, LEARN YOUR PLACE!

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Some things i would like to bring up:

Jan 2, 2002, 9:19pm
There is no way to come up with a pricing strategy on AW's behalf without
knowing all their revenue streams and their marketing strategies ... all of
which will have been addressed and potentially restructured as part of a
stategic review of their business in a slow-down like this. Its something
facing all companies at this time and there is no "Wonder Solution" for it.

When a company has to cut costs it has no choice but to gamble with some
part of its business ... and that is the basis of the "difficult" (more like
terrifying) decisions facing AW at this time. Attempting to work out the
numbers purely on the basis of retaining citizenships is not going to
provide anything like a realistic outlook.

Invariably, companies leave it until the very last minute (often too late)
before taking corrective action and then the changes tend to be drastic for
someone. In this case ... its the cits and it sucks for us. Welcome to the
real world everyone.


BTW ... why is MSVC++ crap?? ;o)

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Some things i would like to bring up:

Jan 2, 2002, 9:28pm
I think it would need to come from a representative of some form of user
group if you were going to try it ... not a guy with the backing of some
other cits in the newsgroup. Is there a user group these days? It just seems
that it should come from a "body" rather than person.

I would also hope that anyone with any rational views on this doesn't go
anywhere near those dumb petitions ... kinda kills the credibility.

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Some things i would like to bring up:

Jan 2, 2002, 9:29pm
I would severely question that statement, but without the figures, we'll
never know.

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End of the Worlds

Jan 3, 2002, 10:20pm
Employees salary ceilings are guaged from the value of that individual to
the company - can't be judged from outside.

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Jan 9, 2002, 9:37am
If the universe is infinitely large, there there is only one and can be only
one. However, if it has dimensions, no matter how large - then there is
every possibility that there is another.

Human brains boggle at the thought of infinite size becuase we cannot
comprehend it - finite space is the only thing we can understand without
making assumptions or guesses. Our brains tell us, from experience, that
everything has its bounds, which raises too many uncomfortable questions if
that is the case with our universe - basically, what is it and where is it
situated in what environment.

The "fact" that the universe is infinitely large is, at the the of the day,
a hypothesis - a guess that makes it easier for our fragile minds to accept
its existence and not have to think about where we actually live on too
broad a scale. It could be that the universe isn't infinite in size, just
DAMNED BIG (to us al least).

An interesting alternative subject to the darned pricing structure ;o)


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Jan 9, 2002, 10:28am
My understanding was that the general concensus was that the universe was
views as infinite and its CONTENTS were constantly expanding (until the
physics reverse the trend and we all get squished back to the singularity
from wence we came.

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another idea

Jan 6, 2002, 5:10pm
What I'd give for a £71 (GBP) a month mortgage (200 AUD)!! Not sure I could
even rent a broom cupboard for that in the UK.

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AW Petition On-line

Jan 6, 2002, 11:27am
Because (hopefully) everyone has got over their impetuous "its not fair"
hysteria and is waiting to see what is going to happen. Also, I guess all
the people who felt the need to express themselves so eloquently have
already done so.

But you have to admit its funny how its not "the end of the world" anymore.
Amazing what a bit of mature reflection can bring to a situation.


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AW Petition On-line

Jan 6, 2002, 7:26pm
Maybe "everyone" was tpp strong a strong word. Citizens jumping ship so soon
is the epitomy of impetuous unless your cit expired very soon, but even then
its a bit enthusiastic. DLP were giving them away from what I understand.

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A not-so-welcome home. . .

Jan 7, 2002, 4:58am
If you're that careless when you're told what the deal is, then you deserve
to be charged.

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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 9, 2002, 4:30pm
"Blaxxun is worse than horseshit" ... Aye!!!

Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 9, 2002, 8:17pm
Could be a densely populated (object-wise) area ... still plenty of work to
be dont to render the objects within the visibility radius.

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shoot the mongrel

Jan 9, 2002, 10:06am
Maybe they are allowing the builders to get a look at the new objects now
while a new world is being built - no-one knows - which may be an attempt
(desitined to failure as most people here seem to be in "AW Bashing Mode"
regardless of what happens) to placate you a little in the short term.

Here is a suggestion of what (I think) will probably happen if a new, better
looking building world was introduced. I reckon AlphaWorld would end up
being dumped and everyone will get really pissed off crying over their old
builds for prosperity. AlphaWorld is a dinosaur - it has looked cheap, nasty
and uninviting for some time now - and is more than likely a huge drain on
resources to keep it going. I can see it getting dumped within 12 months if
this new building world people are talking about is opened.

Another quick thought ... There are three possibilities for these new

(a) They are introduced for use in AlphaWorld - which has been done. This is
nice and simple starting point for AW to improve its overall look.

(b) They are introduced in a new world - what people seem to want - which
means that, with such a small set of objects, everywhere will look the
same - like prefabs. There simply isn't enough range there yet to make this
viable with the current object set.

(c) AW keep them to themselves and build up the new object set without
making them available to the public. Then a new world is opened at a later
date, when the users will first see them.

My opinion is that (b) is paramount. A new world at this time with just this
small set of more attractive objects will fail because there is only a small
number of perms and coms that can be created with them.

It seems that everyone has dusted off their AW-Bashing-Sticks and is gagging
to use them as often as possible. Is no-one capable of posting something
here without the addition of a few gallons of melodrama?

If existing builds are being corrupted because of these or other changes
(this isn't just an issue with AlphaWorld, but also the private worlds that
rely on the AlphaWorld OP) then point it out to AW and ask them politely and
maturely to address the problem.

Posting an emotive messages in a newsgroup that has done all it can to
alienate AW and its staff in the past week isn't going to solve anything.

Are there any examples of what has happened? Most people won't see the
problems in AlphaWorld thanks to the crash and AW may be able to do
something about it quickly and easily if they are asked.

This is, afterall, what citizens are now being asked to pay for - support.


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shoot the mongrel

Jan 9, 2002, 10:16am
"thanks to the crash" ... oops ... crash = cache

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Jan 13, 2002, 4:42pm
The way I read that was that they were basically making a reference to the
new pricing ... i.e. once your citizenship reaches its renewal date,
renewals be made on the basis of whatever the "existing citzen's" pricing is
decided upon.


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help me fight for my rights!

Jan 14, 2002, 10:27pm
Hey everyone ... lets all welcome AW's new 3D Homepage Marketing Manager!

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help me fight for my rights!

Jan 15, 2002, 12:34pm
'Twas just an honest jest ;o) ... 3d Homepages have sadly been given very
little respect in the newsgroups especially after recent events. I thought
it was funny to see such an staunch advocate stick his head into the
proverbial lion's den.

Personally, I'm glad you get so much enjoyment from your 3D Homepage - its
not often we get such an enthusiastic and POSITIVE post in here.

Good luck,


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help me fight for my rights!

Jan 15, 2002, 1:01pm
Oh wow ... I bet they're really pissed about that! LOL


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help me fight for my rights!

Jan 15, 2002, 1:40pm
No free cit anymore ... but still good value with the hosting provided


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help me fight for my rights!

Jan 15, 2002, 10:02pm
Nothing stopping him taking them elsewhere ... A very simple solution is
HamFon's Buildbot ... it doesn't give a monkey's navel about the citizen
number its built on ... in fact he can filter the scan using it!

Not sure how else he was intending to "take it with him" anyway.


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help me fight for my rights!

Jan 16, 2002, 1:05pm
YOU don't need to. Do you have no friends in AW? Either someone that trusts
you enough to lend you a *temporary* priv password or will work with you for
a little while to scan your stuff of for you??

Are you determined to make this a bigger issue that it already appears to be
for you?


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help me fight for my rights!

Jan 17, 2002, 12:55am
That's your opinion ... I've been reading this thread in case something
useful/interesting pops in and I'm not getting into who's at fault or
whether you have any right to the cit - I don't care.

I pointed out a simple way to move your stuff if you want to and off you go
in search of other obstacles to stop you ending this. Sort it out or forget
it already!

Get someone to scan it for you ... then take it to DLP and rebuild it in a
nice little spot of your own. Its not difficult! Once that's done, there's
no need to prolong this thread any longer since its between you and whoever
you have the gripe with.


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