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goober king // User Search

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Aug 22, 2002, 10:25am
Umm, why would you need a function to create an array? Can't you just
create the array directly, like so?

var months = new


var months =

As for what's wrong with it, I suspect it's your else-if statements.
Instead of looking like this:

if (dd == 1 || dd == 21 || dd == 31) {
day = dd + "st";
} else {
if (dd == 2 || dd == 22) {
day = dd + "nd";

It should look like this:

if (dd == 1 || dd == 21 || dd == 31) {
day = dd + "st";
else if (dd == 2 || dd == 22) {
day = dd + "nd";

Hope that helped! :)

[View Quote] > Can someone tell me what's wrong with this script?
> <script language="JavaScript">
> //This Script creates variables for the date and time that is displayed in
> the upper right hand corner
> function makeArray() {
> for (i = 0; i<makeArray.arguments.length; i++)
> this[i + 1] = makeArray.arguments[i];
> }
> var months = new
> makeArray('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August',
> 'September','October','November','December');
> var date = new Date();
> var dd = date.getDate();
> if (dd == 1 || dd == 21 || dd == 31) {
> day = dd + "st";
> } else {
> if (dd == 2 || dd == 22) {
> day = dd + "nd";
> } else {
> if (dd == 3 || dd == 23) {
> day = dd + "rd";
> } else {
> day = dd + "th";
> }
> var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
> var yy = date.getYear();
> var year = (yy < 1000) ? yy + 1900 : yy;
> var hh = date.getHours();
> var hour = (hh > 12) ? hh - 12 : hh;
> var mm = date.getMinutes();
> if (mm < 10) {
> minute1 = "0" + mm;
> }
> minute1 = "" + minute1
> if (hh < 12) {
> minute = minute1 + " AM"
> } else {
> minute = minute1 + " PM"
> }
> </script>
> Thanks,
> -Dion

Goober King
Would help if he knew what it was being used for...
robrod at


Aug 22, 2002, 6:14pm
What sort of error messages is it giving you? (If you're using Netscape,
type "javascript:" in the Location box after running the script,
otherwise you can double click on the yellow warning triangle in the
lower-left corner of IE to find out the errors)

[View Quote] > It didn't fix it :-\
[View Quote]
Goober King
Nothing more troubling than broken Javascript that gives no errors...
robrod at


Aug 23, 2002, 12:42am
*smacks NCC* Bad NCC, BAD! Those verdammt statements only work in IE! If you're
going to use those, then you need to check the user's browser and use an
NS alternative snippit of code. Either that, or don't use them in the
first place.

If Dion could tell me where he got his code, I'd be able to explain what
went wrong and it won't have to come to that. (provided, of course, that
it worked on the site he stole it from. :P)

[View Quote] > <html><head>
> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
> <!--
> function NowDate() {
> var now = new Date(); hr = now.getHours(); min = now.getMinutes(); sec =
> now.getSeconds();
> days = now.getDay(); day = now.getDate(); month = now.getMonth(); year =
> now.getYear();
> if (year < 0) {year = year + 100}
> wkdays = new
> Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'
> );
> months = new
> Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','Sep
> tember','October','November','December');
> if (day == 1 || day == 21 || day == 31) {day = day + "st"}
> else if (day == 2 || day == 22) {day = day + "nd"}
> else if (day == 3 || day == 23) {day = day + "rd"}
> else {day = day + "th"}
> now = null;
> if (min < 10) {min = "0" + min}
> if (sec < 10) {sec = "0" + sec}
> if (hr < 10) {hr = " " + hr}
> CurTime = wkdays[days] + ", " + day + " " + months[month] + " " + year;
> = CurTime;
> CurTime = hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec;
> document.all.time.innerHTML = CurTime;
> setTimeout("NowDate()", 1000)
> }
> //-->
> <BODY BGCOLOR=#000000 OnLoad="NowDate();">
> <FONT COLOR=F6D000 id=time></FONT><BR>
> <FONT COLOR=F6D000 id=date></FONT><BR>
> </body></html>

Goober King
Give him cross-browser compatibility, or give him death!
robrod at


Aug 23, 2002, 9:49am
Though I agree with the sentiment, I can't guarantee my pages will work
in *ALL* browsers, just NS and IE. I can only test my pages on browsers
I actually have, and I'm not about to load up my comp with a ton of
browsers just to test a few pages. :P

[View Quote] > "Give him cross-browser compatibility, or give him death!"
> You might find this of interest, and might even want to promote the
> campaign by displaying one of its images on your site(s).
[View Quote]
Goober King
Smacking the IEgnorant masses since 1996.
robrod at

All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone!

Aug 23, 2002, 9:51am
Looks like I don't have to make any such comments, as everyone else has
said pretty much everything I was going to. :)

[View Quote] > Their citizenships are going to be banned? Oh, big deal. All they have
> to do is get another citizenship using someone elses credit card, a
> stolen account, a borrowed account...
> And Goober King doesn't make rude comments. He makes smart-ass
> arguementative comments. There *is* a difference =P
[View Quote]
Goober King
Letting other people do his dirty work
robrod at

All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone!

Aug 24, 2002, 2:17am
Oh, the suspense is killing me! ;P

[View Quote] > I will send a big news reply tommorow.. just you people wait. you'll see the
> truth.
> -
[View Quote]
Goober King
This rude comment brought to you by the letters H and K.
robrod at

All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone!

Aug 26, 2002, 6:25pm
Yeesh, it's like reading one of JFK2's posts...

A word to the wise: The beauty of the newsgroups is you can think things
through before you type them. You can easily sit back and think about
what you're going to type, and then type it once you've gotten it all
laid out. And even if it doesn't look right after you've typed it all
out, you can still go back and edit it before clicking that Send button.
Utilizing this philosophy would solve so many problems in here...

So, in other words, calm down, take a deep breath (and maybe a couple
pills), and CHILL.

And, btw, I make "rude" comments to everyone, not just you. It's called
being "cynical". Don't feel like you're being singled out or anything. :P

[View Quote] > *sigh* stereo-types... looky lookers...
<snips random rambling>

Goober King
Think first, type later...
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 23, 2002, 10:36pm
I'd agree with the first picture as "sexy", but judging by the others, I
can only assume that any depiction of a female being constitutes "sex
symbol" in Eep's mind. (unless he's into the whole leather and chains
thing as depicted by the third picture) :P

[View Quote] > To call those examples sexy is a HUGE stretch and a bit disgusting.
[View Quote]
Goober King
He must not see too many of those...
robrod at

we should...

Aug 25, 2002, 11:02pm
If by "history", you're referring to the history of petitions and the
fact that they do squat, then I would say you can't "screw history", no
matter how much you want to. :P

Still, I seem to remember hearing somewhere that they were going to get
rid of the whole special commands BS and open up everything. (Though,
that could also be more wishful thinking) I was talking to Brant about
it a little while ago, and he claims that AWTeen has *never* had a
move/rotate related vandalism problem EVER. And you'd think that would
be the *first* place where such trouble would arise!

[View Quote] > Start a petition to have object rotation/rotate command enabled in
> alphaworld :-) It'd be easier than <removed*>...everyone wants it...why
> not? Screw history... ;-)
> maki
> *current working code removed to prevent peering awi employee eyes from
> seeing o.O

Goober King
Stranger things have happened... haven't they?
robrod at

we should...

Aug 26, 2002, 2:24pm
The point is, the fact that it was never reported means that it's not a
problem. Like you said, if all it is was tourist stuff, that can be
easily deleted. Now, if a ton of citizens were doing it, don't you think
it would be reported after a while? :P

And why would Brant lie about such a thing? The discussion I referred to
occurred after he had stepped down from being Caretaker, and all I asked
him was "Have you ever had a problem with move/rotate in AWTeen?" It
never came up as to why I asked that question, so he had no reason to lie.

[View Quote] >
> Well, could it be Brant's lying? I saw some rotation vandelisim by dozens
> of tourists (of course it's a tourist so why report it). Just because it's
> not reported doesn't mean it's never happened.
> --Bowen--

Goober King
Stretching for ideas in order to have something to say?
robrod at

we should...

Aug 27, 2002, 6:22pm
*smacks john* You idiot! Now they're going to go and fix it so that
doesn't work anymore! *grumbles about having to try more combos now*

[View Quote] > Just do
> ....,,,,,;create rotate
> ~John
[View Quote]
Goober King
Open mouth, insert foot.rwx
robrod at

we should...

Aug 28, 2002, 6:20pm
*blink* What wrong place? I always put my sig at the bottom of my posts. :P

[View Quote] > It was in the wrong place though.

Goober King
Digs out Signature Handbook and looks up the chapter on "Placement"...
robrod at

we should...

Aug 29, 2002, 8:50pm
Well then, tell that to Netscape, since it puts the sig at the bottom of
the post. Frankly, I'd rather it be there any way, since people can
easily see what you're referring to when the quote is directly beneath
what you typed, rather than having a sig get in the way. :P

[View Quote] > "goober king" <gooberking at> wrote in
> news:3D6D2AF1.2080703 at
> Your sig should be right under *your* post, not the quoting (actually, top
> posting is regarded as bad in most USENET groups, but I think it's a bit
> silly, even though it solves this problem). ;-))

Goober King
In your face, Outlook Express! :P
robrod at

really wierd dumb question

Aug 27, 2002, 6:29pm
It also provides a really good record of the layout and structure of the
building when you just can't seem to find/make/steal those spiffy

Was this guy recording the same spot for 10 minutes, or did it look like
he was actually casing the building? If the former, I wouldn't worry
about it too much. He might have been following a departing plane or

[View Quote] >
> I don't believe there is a nuclear plant anywhere near Orlando, I could be wrong.
> Nonetheless video taping the exterior does nothing but make it look pretty on tape.
> --Bowen--

Goober King
To combat the terrorists, you gotta think like a terrorist...
robrod at


Aug 30, 2002, 9:42am
Umm, they were never on the NYSE. Their stock got pulled off of NASDAQ
after they didn't show up to an appeal hearing to keep the stock listed.
This was due, in part, to Rick and JP resigning as CEO and CFO of AWCorp
and buying out the subsidiary, AW Inc.

I'd point you to the AWNews story, but the site is still down. :P

[View Quote] > not ALL but enough to get pulled off the NYSE
[View Quote]
Goober King
It won't be for long!
robrod at


Aug 29, 2002, 1:42am
Just because they're rude doesn't give you the right to be rude back,
especially unprovoked. There's a time and a place for rudeness. ;)

[View Quote] > I just stated a fact. And the owners of that tv ARE rude.
> So they just get back what they give.
[View Quote]
Goober King
He's not rude. He's cynical. :P
robrod at


Aug 30, 2002, 3:41pm
Or how about not being rude at all? Might actually make it easier to
read in here. :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
And ya won't scare away the newbies!
robrod at

[Event] The Great AWTeen Show Info

Sep 1, 2002, 8:27pm
That'd be great, except that's when the CY Awards are going to take
place! No offense, but I doubt even the Great AWTeen Show can compete
with that. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Bow to the power of the CYs...
robrod at

Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 30, 2002, 9:50am
It... uh... it disrupts the reading flow... yea...

And a hearty *smack* to all you OE fools out there. Non-expiring
threads, suckaz! ;P

[View Quote] > Personally, I think it's annoying when I have to scroll through a days worth
> of discussion to get to your sig quote. (likes reading them me)
> So Netscape does that you say? hehe...silly, silly Netscape. As for it
> getting in the way, I don't think 3 lines of minimal text will hurt
> anything. ;-)
> --
> - Syntax -
> <--- OE all the way, baby...
[View Quote]
Goober King
Can you dig it, sucka?
robrod at

Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 30, 2002, 3:46pm
Features that are easily removed/disabled, btw. Nothing against Mozilla,
but having the Netscape name attached to it at least gives it the
appearance that it's a tried and tested browser (even if it *is*
infected with AOL) rather than a relatively untested open-source
browser. Then again, 6.0 sorta disproved that theory, didn't it? :P

Just call it loyalty, then. :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Brand loyalty is a fading trend...
robrod at

Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 30, 2002, 6:22pm
Reread my last sentence. :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Give me Netscape, or give me... something else!
robrod at

Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 30, 2002, 6:23pm
The point is, you shouldn't *have* to touch the registry. Why OE even
bothers to delete threads is beyond me. :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Do programmers actually *use* the programs they program?
robrod at

Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 30, 2002, 6:25pm
KAH, I beg of you, before it's too late: Just let it go, man. As if you
weren't already Eep enough... :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Where's *you're* sig delim, huh? HUH?! :P
robrod at

Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 31, 2002, 7:04pm
One advantage Netscape has over Mozilla: A spell checker! :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Very important tool in this most hazardous of environments...
robrod at

Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 31, 2002, 8:34pm
Yes, but Netscape comes with it already installed. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Guess that's part of the "bloated" features. :P
robrod at

Signatures (was: we should...)

Sep 1, 2002, 2:36am
Like you said, Netscape is based off Mozilla, and that includes the
installer. Netscape just gives you more stuff to turn on or off.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Too bad it doesn't include that verdammy AOL icon. :P
robrod at

Re: Newsgroup Switch (Was: Re: lame ghettolife)

Aug 31, 2002, 7:02pm
Whereas with Mozilla/Netscape mail, all you do is click the drop down
box next to the newsgroup name and change "Newsgroup:" to "Followup-To:"
Yet another reason OE sucks! ;)

[View Quote] --
Goober King
How many reasons do you need?
robrod at

to daphne

Sep 1, 2002, 2:33pm
I'll pretend that made some sense and just continue on...

While I agree that Linn should have kept a message like this to email, I
also agree with Johnny that Eep didn't have to be so forceful about it.
Perhaps rather than berate her for it, he could have given her Daphne's
email address so that it wouldn't happen in the future. But then, I
suppose Eep could never grasp such a concept as "tact". :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
There are other ways to solve problems besides yelling...
robrod at

to daphne

Sep 3, 2002, 7:14pm
He was joking, dumbass. Here, have another chill pill. *pop*

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Looks like Daphne could use one too!
robrod at

to daphne

Sep 3, 2002, 8:17pm
This coming from a guy who called Strike a "bragging lil kid". Right.
Ok. *I'm* the immature one. Gotcha. And I'm not even going to try to
understand what lions have to do with all of this. *boggle*

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Talk about "reasonless"! :P
robrod at

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