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Disappearing Telegrams & Other Problems

Jul 1, 2002, 10:31am
Definitely sounds like something got fooked up... Maybe a fresh install
would fix it?

[View Quote] > Something weird just happened! I had a window full of telegrams disappear
> on me!
> I opened up AW and all I had was one telegram unopened waiting for me,
> whereas last time I was in ( a few minutes previously) I had a whole list
> full of opened ones! I even went back out and ran Andras' tgreader and all
> it showed was the one new tgram in Telegram.dat!!!!
> I'm not certain if this has anything to do with it, but I've been getting
> the following error occasionally when I go to open AW:
> "Sorry, Active Worlds has encountered a fatal disk error (reason17).
> Unable to continue. (Tip: a system reboot can sometimes resolve this
> problem.)"
> But, oddly enough, I've found that all I have to do is click it closed, then
> continue on with AW. I usually don't have to reboot at all. All my icons
> are still in my Systray so I just go on.
> Oh, something else sometimes happens also. Occasionally, I find my view
> window switching from the current scene up to the panorama with the blue
> background below--no ground. I find I usually have to wind up leaving AW,
> then come back in to get back to where I was. It can happen while, I'm
> typing, moving my mouse, or not even doing anything. It happens while I'm
> in my own world, or anywhere else.
> I'm running the current version of AW 3.3 (build 419) on my Pentium3,
> 600Mhz, 256MB RAM, 32MB VRam, approx 60MB HD, at 1024x768 resolution in
> Win98SE.
> Thanks in advance for any help given!!
> Curious and curiouser...
> Barbara of Amberlin
> aka Barbara Eisner aka Barbarae

Goober King
Sounds like someone on the beta team! :P
rar1 at

Outer Worlds

Jul 10, 2002, 3:43pm
I'd actually be interested in seeing the OW version of AWNews. But
you'll have to tell me where it is, as "" appears to be
some sort of Chinese company, and there's no mention of any news on the
OW website...

[View Quote] >
> We have news.

Goober King
Call it "journalistic curiosity"...
rar1 at

Racists in AW ?

Jul 8, 2002, 12:03am

Did I just miss something, or did Nornny actually STAND UP FOR
SOMETHING?! Let me check that again...

No reneging... no counters... no smileys...

Good Lord... He might actually form some solid opinions yet! ;)

[View Quote] > You really should quit before you start sounding more ignorant than you
> already have said. I mean, these people give you a luxury most people die to
> have, and you're calling them dumb, broke, and totally devoid of doing
> calculus, basically.
> I did my research on truck drivers, garbage people, and they're just as good
> as blue-collar profession as any other. These people, unlike you Dion, are
> not obsessed with money, and that's perfectly legal. Some have families they
> want to go home to early, some like to travel, they're perfectly educated.
> Many have even gone to college, almost all of them graduated high school or
> have GEDs. So basically, they're just as smart as you are, and yet, they're
> getting paid and you aren't. Sounds smart to me.
> If you ever drove too, you know driving is a tougher job than it looks. I
> can barely drive a car without running into a telephone pole every day, who
> knows how truckers do it with their enormous load and horrible blind spots.
> And trust me, government jobs are not the most frugal in the world. lol.
> They get paid well for what they do, even if you consider it very little. I
> couldn't see why more moms, especially, wouldn't want a job like that to
> care for their kids. While they're sleeping, she does the trash (most moms
> do anyways), and she's home the rest of the day to take care of them. Wise,
> really.
> --
> From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:
> "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
> and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]
Goober King
Guess he's gonna have to change his sig again...
rar1 at

zip problems

Jul 9, 2002, 10:24pm
*notes signature*

Taking a page out of my book, eh? :)

[View Quote] > lmao...AWC's strong point = decision making.
> (for those of you who don't know...AW wanted to partner with Aladdin
> Systems...but of course you all know that being the good little AW'ians you
> are.)
> --
> - Syntax -
> It's like partnering Chuck's Party and Goober just doesn't work!
> syn at
[View Quote]
Goober King
At least they're factually correct...
rar1 at

Re: newsreader woes (was Re: URL breakup)

Jul 18, 2002, 3:39pm
If you use the Quick Launch feature, then it'll load even quicker than
IE does. As for taking up space and chewing up RAM, sounds to me like
your system could use an overhaul if it can't handle something like NS.
As far as IE being open source, if they don't release the source, then
it's not *open*, hence not open source. And Mozilla is funded by
Netscape (which is funded by AOL, which is funded...), so I don't think
Microsoft would even *want* to use them as a basis for anything.

At any rate, Netscape is still better, since you didn't refute any of my
other claims. ;)

[View Quote] > Netscape burns through my precious system ram like it doesn't exist. Takes
> more than a couple seconds to load on my machine too. Plus it takes up
> space, and you can't uninstall IE, so what's the point? ;) I think Mozilla
> is better than Netscape anyways. And yes, it's the same thing basically. I
> don't care about viruses, nothing important is on my machine. So, how is it
> better now? :P Actually IE was based on open source too (Mozilla I think
> was the base of it) , they just didn't release the source.
> --Bowen--
[View Quote]
Goober King
Refuting refutes is fun!
robrod at

Re: newsreader woes (was Re: URL breakup)

Jul 19, 2002, 7:43pm
Then here's a tip: Get more RAM! It's cheaper than ever, and if your
machine can't handle something like Netscape, then I'm surprised you can
handle something like AW! :P

[View Quote] > Well then you just proved my point. You can't unload it so why waste even
> MORE ram on another web browser that does the same thing? Sure there's
> subtle differences in the way they view webpages, but they do the same
> thing. I don't need to waste more ram of my already low system resources.
> :P
> --Bowen--
[View Quote]
Goober King
What does he have, a 486? :P
robrod at

Let tourists back in Alphaworld!!

Jul 25, 2002, 10:08am
I was never a tourist. I came in before such a concept even existed. *grin*

[View Quote] > i met most of my friends in alpha world as tourists i was teaching them to
> build now they cant even go to the yards sigh and SOMEone forgot we were
> ALL tourists at one time right???
[View Quote]
Goober King
Just thought he'd prove a point...
robrod at


Jul 27, 2002, 1:47am
I guess I'll be the first to stick my neck out and engage the newbie...

I just have one question for you: What the hell are you talking about?!

[View Quote] > exactly you guys think i am a hacker? a lier? a theif? a lamer?
> well all you see here is i am none of thos a simple teen , uses aw. i make
> joke pages yes they ar funny i may try to inimidate you. but there only for
> amusement. al pics on my site are for amusement JOKES aw JOOKES thats alL!
[View Quote]
Goober King
Perhaps its Ozilcho having an out-of-body experience? :P
robrod at

Off topic: Direct Connection between win98 and win2000

Jul 27, 2002, 12:16pm
I was able to do it once, but I had similar problems trying to get it to
work. I set up my Win98 machine as the guest, and created an account on
my Win2000 machine for my Win98 computer. The sticking point was that
the account name had to be *exactly* the same as the log-in name I used
for Win98. Did you try that approach already?

Wish I could be more clear, but I've since had to reinstall my Win2000
and lost all my connection settings... :(

[View Quote] > Not related to AW, But I am asking here as a last resort before going out
> and buying two NIC's and a cross-over network cable, I am obviously at my
> wits ends on this :o(. I've search the web and usenet high and low to try
> and find out how to do this to no avail.
> I'm trying to set up a direct connection between windows 2000 and 98 using a
> parellel "data transfer" cable, I HAVE been able to do this between two
> computers both running 98 in the past without problems but NEVER been able
> to get it working between a win98 and win2000 system.
> I've followed the instructions
> tried to do this several
> times over. I've even made sure the cable I was using *is* a cross over
> cable.
> So where else could I be going wrong?

Goober King
Always happens *before* you need it! :P
robrod at

Killing my Processor

Jul 29, 2002, 12:18am
Good God, children! Take it to email! I know this is general discussion
and all, but this is hardly a discussion anymore!

[View Quote] > Its called Internet Shorthand

Goober King
Some people never learn!
robrod at

[beta] Corona bug

Jul 28, 2002, 3:25am
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already, but if someone on the
beta team could post this to the beta NG, that'd be great:

Corona Bug

When trying to set the corona command on an object using astart/adone,
you have to set the delay very high (>500) in order to see the corona,
and even then it blinks on and off. This could be similar to the light
bug a while back where the light would blink on and off if set with
astart/adone. Any way to fix this?

"create name a, animate me . 1 1 500,astart;adone corona halo
name=a,astart a"

Goober King
Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
robrod at

[beta] Corona bug

Jul 28, 2002, 4:16pm
I was more concerned with getting rid of the "blinking effect". Since
astart/adone constantly refreshes the command, it causes the corona to
fade in, then blink off and fade in again, ad infinitum. I was hoping
they could find some way to make it only fade in once. They somehow
fixed the light command when it had similar problems, so maybe they can
fix this too. *shrug*

[View Quote] > I think its because coronas Fade in, so it will take about 500 to show em to
> their full strength
> Da Goober said:
> When trying to set the corona command on an object using astart/adone,
> you have to set the delay very high (>500) in order to see the corona,
> and even then it blinks on and off. This could be similar to the light
> bug a while back where the light would blink on and off if set with
> astart/adone. Any way to fix this?
> - Mark
> *=D at he who knows*

Goober King
He who already knew that :P
robrod at


Jul 29, 2002, 6:09pm
It's been that way for a *long* time. Works in telegrams and the Action
box too. Haven't you ever wondered how people managed to get line breaks
in signs? ;P

[View Quote] > it works on object descriptions too :D has it always been like this?

Goober King
It's amazing what you can find when you experiment...
robrod at

Object Request, or Help?

Jul 31, 2002, 9:44am
As far as I know, you make animated masks the same way you make animated
textures. In fact, if you already have the filmstrip JPG for the
texture, you can simply use something like Photoshop to make the
black-and-white mask for it.

For making filmstrips, you can visit:

[View Quote] > Hi all,
> I'm wondering how I can make special animated Masks.
> Any of you that have played Soldier of Fortune 2 in Jungle missions
> and seen the long grass, that is the type of objects I'm trying to get
> made. I wish for animated grass like that in the game, looks like it's
> moving very slightly with the wind. The 3d trees they use are 3d
> objects but the leaves are masks and are animated also to look as if
> they were moving around slightly.
> Anyone know how it can be done? Or anyone have those kinds of cool
> objects already?
> Thanks
> ,,,,,
> (o o)
> /--------------ooO--(_)--Ooo--------------\
> | Anduin (317281) |
> | o The Gorean Scribe |
> | o |
> | o World: GorSJ (18+ Only) |
> \--------------ooO-------Ooo--------------/

Goober King
Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look
robrod at

Object Request, or Help?

Aug 1, 2002, 9:42am
Perhaps it would help if more people were on the beta rather than the
same 10 people every time. :P

And, in a purely Eep moment, don't cross-post to beta, as most of us
aren't allowed to post there. :P

[View Quote] > So don't make them sprites. Roland screwed up sprites when he implemented axis-aligned polygons in AW3--he didn't allow them to be rotated like they were in AW 2.2 and they no longer oriented to ALL axes. I, of course, immediately bitched to him about this but he just didn't care, as usual...and no one else seemed to care either, unfortunately.
> Perhaps more people WILL care--and learn to care IMMEDIATELY when there's more likely something will be changed than wait years later and HOPE it changes. That's why I'm making such a big deal about AW 3.4's field of view (FOV) being so extreme in 1st-person view. It's something like 120 degrees, which is WAY to distorted! Supposedly in the latest beta build it dynamically adjusts relative to the 3D pane width, but I have yet to try it. I'd still like an option to set it to a specific setting, however. 3rd-person view is an odd 68 degrees or something. Most 3D games have the FOV at 90 degrees--and it works. Why AW has to be different is beyond me.
> Anyway, you have to bitch as much as possible during the beta or things most likely won't be changed for years later, if ever. Unfortunately, I've been the one doing most of the bitching over the years so Roland and AWC/AWI have gotten sick of me. It's not easy being the sole fighter for AW citizen "rights" but I guess someone's gotta do it. Surely more people care enough about AW to be a part of keeping it from getting even more annoying and frustrating to use...
[View Quote]
Goober King
Not exactly representative of the whole...
robrod at

ejection bug

Aug 2, 2002, 12:36am
As if you're so terrible busy that you can't bother to write in
paragraphs. That's a load if I ever heard one.

What's your problem, Maki? Are you *trying* to start a fight or
something? Bowen was just calling it like he saw it. Granted, he didn't
quite understand it all, but that's no reason to mock him over it.

[View Quote] > they're also a waste of time, and I never said I wanted you to understand
> it, it was your choice to read and reply
> --
> maki
[View Quote]
Goober King
It's the Lingo poisoning his mind...
robrod at

ejection bug

Aug 2, 2002, 9:49am
Ugh. Both of you need a time-out. :P

Maki, you started this whole thing when you said "stop replying to my
posts, or at least read them till you understand them." That, believe it
or not, is a flame and was entirely unnecessary. Considering you don't
post that often, how could Bowen stop replying when he was just starting? :P

And Bowen, here's a tip: If it didn't happen in the NGs, keep it out of
the NGs. We don't care about you and Maki's little tiff about your
world, so stick to e-mail if you two must bicker. Same goes to you,
Maki. No wonder no one wants to post in here! :P

[View Quote] >
> It is. Unless of course, you were trying to be a Mak(a/e/o/u) clone.
> Ok? Is this relevant to the discussion no? If you didn't want me to retort
> back to you, why did you insintantly call me gay? Right on.
> ass
> I'm flaming now; too bad, so sad.
> wont
> every
> *clap* I really do think you're still being dorky because I wouldn't let
> you into my world. I'm sure you would come back and say something to this
> affect "No, I really don't care." Or rather something of that sort, most
> people would. Oh well. If you didn't want a flame, you shouldn't have
> posted what you did.
> --Bowen--

Goober King
Conversation. Stop. Now.
robrod at


Aug 4, 2002, 7:30pm
Keiffer, two things:

1) Use a spell-checker; most decent email programs have one. That's what
it's there for.

2) Shut up.

[View Quote] > <snip pointless drivel>

Goober King
Be thankful he can't breed...
robrod at


Aug 4, 2002, 7:33pm
Because Rick and JP aren't interested in including their customers in
the company side of things. They're content to believe that a) we
wouldn't care about such things, or b) couldn't possibly understand such
things. To put it simply, they don't care what we think.

[View Quote] > hicks8,
> I don't worry as much about that, but it's good to question what's going on
> with any company you have an interest in, either with your money, your
> heart, your sweat or your tears. We should count on citizens being filled
> in with what's going on with the company every so often by way of a meeting.
> Wonder why that isn't happening? : )
[View Quote]
Goober King
Their uncaring is well documented...
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 12:27am
Crud... and here I was hoping AWNews would actually break a story
*before* it hit the NGs! :P Damn my wanting more info first! :P

[View Quote] > I recently called AW via telephone on Friday, to discover that Noelle is no
> longer with AW, what is going on up there in Newburyport Massachusettes? Why
> are so many leaving?...yes I know most employees were part-time, but this is
> rediculous!
> MrBruce
> A1CTWorld at

Goober King
He can't help it if he wants to be thorough...
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 2:39pm
*smirk* It seems I've hit a nerve. Good, that means I did my job. ;)

I noticed you actually changed your email address this time. While you
may be learning, it's a bit late now. Oh well, JFK, keep trying. You may
fool us eventually!

[View Quote] > See what happens when you stick your nose up this "KIEFFER'S" butt...
<snip more ranting>

Goober King
That'll be the day :P
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 3:16pm
*chuckle* It was almost too easy.

If that's been your email the entire time, then how could it have been
"changed"? You mean to tell me that OhhhMy at isn't
your *real* email address?! *mock shock* Hmm, wonder what it could be...
something including "", perhaps?

Oh well, I'm not going to bother deflating your pathetic attempts at
deception anymore, as it's not even necessary anymore. You've solidly
established yourself as a flaming idiot, JFK2 or not, so I don't even
have to try anymore :)

BTW, you might want to have someone look at this "butt" obsession of
your, Kieffer. Sounds like a personal problem...

[View Quote] > Even Goober is a prime example of NOT FULLY reading someone's posts....
> If Goober will only take the time to really observe... I MEAN STICK his
> nose at the top of the post where the email addy is... He will notice
> that all of my posts have had the email changed from the very start.
> lol
> YET it takes him umpteen posts later to notice that fact... That shows
> right off where his nose has been.... Up this poor "KIEFFER's" butt.
> Will someone in the NG community do us all a little favor.... Stick
> your nose up Goober's Butt.... And then write a news article on how
> clean or DIRTY it is. lol
> It sould really make for an interesting read. lol
> ===============================================
> "goober king" <gooberking at> wrote in news:3D4EA527.5030806
> at
> may

Goober King
Refusing to participate in a battle of wits with an unarmed man...
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 8:46pm
Hate to break it to you, Chris, but technically speaking, he's not a
mature adult. He has what's known as Klinefelter's Syndrome, which is a
genetic abnormality that gives males an extra X chromosome. Besides
causing all sorts of odd sexual abnormalities, it also can cause serious
language impairment. Unfortunately, not a lot is known about XXY adults
and how the more serious symptoms affect them. for more info.

Of course, language impairment alone doesn't explain some of his
stranger habits. There are some studies which indicate that older XXY
males have a history of psychological problems, possibly due to not
getting the proper attention while growing up, but they were still able
to overcome their pasts. Pity Kieffer can't seem to do the same...

[View Quote] > Dude... for a mature adult you've gone way off the deep end. Straighten
> up, will you? You're scaring me.
> Chris

Goober King
Maybe they can make JFK2 a KS test case! :P
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 8:49pm
Sorry, Baron, but I think this takes the Funniest Post 2002 award! :D

[View Quote] > I'm suddenly beginning to think Insanity wasn't that bad of a person...
> --Bowen--

Goober King
He just has one thing to say: LOL!
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 8:53pm
Relax, Bruce... That was a fake conversation that Joe was using to prove
a point (I think)...

As for Flagg, he certainly would seem to be the next likely candidate.
But who knows... maybe he actually renewed his contract?

[View Quote] > I seen this in a post from Joeman and laughed when I seen my name in a
> statement (refering this snip)
> Goodbar king: Hows the weather?
> ohhhmy: IM NOT JKF2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!
> mrbruce: Im now opening up a!!!!!!!!!!!!ct for another month! Fun and games
> for all!
> ohhhmy: IM NOT HIM!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! NOT MEE!!!!!!!!!
> Goodbar king: We know its you...
> ohhhmy: NO! NOt ME1 FfdsfLDSF! at
> Goodbar king: Well, if its not you... Then, its a moron in a box.
> Brant: Stop that.
> MrMolEsTo at ImNotGoingToTell.MO! hahahahaha!! Its funny!!! at BEcause your going
> to email, and nothing is going to happen!!! LOLOLOLLOLLL!!!
> -Joe
> The part where it says mrbruce: Im now opening up a!!!!!!!!!!!!ct for
> another month! Fun and games
> for all!
> Funny I do not remember being any part of a conversation like this before or
> ever making that statement, I was just curious where that came from?
> Lastley, My concerns about Noelle's leaving is that I do alot of business
> with AW and I liked having people at the other end of the phone, who knew
> who I was, and I felt it was a little more personal that way. But now I have
> to get used to someone *new* every week it seems. My next Tom
> (flagg) next to leave?
> MrBruce
> A1CTWorld at
[View Quote]
Goober King
As if anyone would name themselves "Goodbar King"! :P
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 8:58pm
Good god, is JFK2 taking lessons from Eep now?! And here I thought it
couldn't get any worse! :P

[View Quote] > Ohhhhh..... I think everyone should start to pay closer attention about
> their posts in this thread.... WHAT you don't realize is.... When you
> click SEND....
> Are you sure you want to send it to all of these groups?
> community,general.discussion,worldbuilders
> I'm surprised that no one in the world builders have made a STINK about a
> ton of cross-posters YET...
> SO this will be the last one that i'll send to all the groups... THAT is
> so all the IDIOTS that don't know how to read AND then reply will be the
> ones getting the WORLDBUILDERS complaint and not the person who you all
> perceive to be NUTS.... I'll let all the other NUTS make complete fools
> of themselves posting to almost all the groups. lol

Goober King
He knew he was cross-posting... he just didn't care :P
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 6, 2002, 9:48am
Hey PC, need a broom? You're dropping names all over the place. :P

[View Quote] > Hi everyone:
[View Quote]
Goober King
Don't step in the name droppings!
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 6, 2002, 2:39pm
Things tend to go over his head quite a bit. Perhaps his growth was
stunted too...?

[View Quote] > I guess my point was missed - that being that I don't care!
[View Quote]
Goober King
Say hello to Mini-JFK2! *shudder*
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 7, 2002, 9:42am
*sighs and looks up* Another point missed...

[View Quote] > Hi everyone:
[View Quote]
Goober King
Lots of short people in AW, apparently...
robrod at

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 7, 2002, 9:45am
I know I wouldn't want other people (especially new customers)
experiencing that nutcase. :P

[View Quote] > ohhhmy's message was removed from the server
> Did AW find it offensive?
> --
> D a n
[View Quote]
Goober King
It makes good business sense!
robrod at

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