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Re: NG Trouble

Aug 6, 2002, 5:26pm
*applauds* Woo Flagg! I pray your contract isn't running out soon! :-/

NOTE: Cross-posted to let the other NGs know that the one-man scourge is
overwith. :P

[View Quote] > Hi Everyone,
> Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
> We have removed a couple accounts today for disrupting the NG's.
> In the future I would like to ask you all to try not to encourage these
> individuals. By replying to their rubbish you may be inadvertantly adding
> to it. If they find there way in here again please just forward the post to
> me (or call) and I will take care of it for us.
> Let's try to keep this place clean.
> Thanks again...
> -Flagg

Goober King
Unfortunately, the question isn't if he'll come back... but when?
robrod at

help? :-\

Aug 6, 2002, 9:55pm
They're only saved if you tell your email program to leave the messages
on the server. Otherwise, as soon as you click to view the message, it
downloads it off the server, puts it on your HD, and removes it from the
server. :-/

Now, if you were on an I-MAP server, it'd be a different story...

[View Quote] > I just formatted my computer and forgot to save my e-mails. I assume that
> the e-mails are kept on the pop3 e-mail server I use so how do I synchronize
> my Inbox with those?
> -Dion

Goober King
POP3 goes the e-mail!
robrod at

Spinning warp?

Aug 7, 2002, 1:56pm
I think they changed the teleport code so now such a thing isn't
possible anymore. At least, all of the spinning warps I've tried
recently don't work anymore... :(

But the old code was simply "bump warp +0 +0 +99999999999999" and it
would spin you around forever and ever... Now it just automatically
calculates where you'll stop and only spins you that far. :(

[View Quote] > Senility has set in and I cant remember the command for a spinning
> warp...... can any one help me out?
> You know, *bump warp +000000 +000000* or something?
> It's been too long since I had some one worth dropping one on

Goober King
Another treasure lost from the "Good 'ol Days"...
robrod at

Spinning warp?

Aug 7, 2002, 6:12pm
I guess the boys upstairs figured that people wouldn't need to turn more
than 360 degrees. :-/

[View Quote] > Why did they take the fun out of that?
[View Quote]
Goober King
As with most problems in AW, the cause is always the same...
robrod at

Re: word usage (was Re: aw_world_object_password SDK call?)

Aug 9, 2002, 9:08pm
Not sure what crazy dictionaries *you're* looking at, but mine makes a
clear distinction between the two words:

worse - adj. Bad or evil in a greater degree; less good
worst - adj. Most bad, evil, ill, or corrupt; Most unfavorable,
unpleasant, or painful

See the difference? :P

If not, I'm surprised you don't consider better and best
interchangeable, or less and least, or more and most. What did they
teach *you* in grade school? :P

[View Quote] > is more extreme than "worse"; and there is no "worser" or "worsest".
> That made no sense. You said they're not intensity differences then say
> they are.
> They are interchangable though, as says the couple of dictionarys that I
> have looked at in the past 10 minutes. They have the exact same meaning,
> just different spellings.
> --Bowen--

Goober King
So much for "common knowledge"...
robrod at

You can't make this stuff up...

Aug 9, 2002, 9:11pm
More proof that the internet truly belongs to the freaks...

This has to be the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of. If you can
stop from involuntarily wretching while reading this, you are not human.

Goober King
Can't even joke about this...
robrod at

You can't make this stuff up...

Aug 10, 2002, 2:07am
*sigh* Let's not bring that up again, please. That was not my intention
by posting this. :P

[View Quote] > I agree goob and just think some of them use AW and other universes to do
> this .............................
[View Quote]
Goober King
Some people just can't let go...
robrod at

Calling Javascript Boffins...

Aug 13, 2002, 1:59pm
Still not quite clear on what it is you're trying to do. I understand
the resizing the Iframe part (which you should get rid of anyway,
IFrames are IEvil :P), but what is it going to be based on? If it's the
height of the HTML file, that could be hard to determine, given that
people might be using different browser sizes. Any chance you have an
example to show?

[View Quote] > I need a javascript to dynamicly resize an iframe's height based on the
> length of the HTML file it is loading into it so that there is no need for
> scroll bars. This is because I am using PHP to create a website where the
> content for my site is loaded into the template file eliminating the need
> for multiple files with the template in. Offcourse different pages that I
> load into it will be different lengths (width isnt an issue) so I need a
> javascript to do this.
> I've looked all over the net and cant find one that works properly. I used
> to have one buy it was lost when I had to reformat. From what I remember it
> was a function that was called in the body tag onLoad and resized based on
> the window.height of the page it loaded in.
> The actua ljavascript that did the resizing was in the HTML file it loaded
> in, not the file with the iframe, although the template file was in DIV
> tags.
> Can anyone help me? :)
> -Robbie

Goober King
Help me to help you!
robrod at

Strike Rapier

Aug 13, 2002, 6:20pm
Ever hear of email, john? It's a wonderful thing...

[View Quote] > Stop blocking me on msn & blocking my!

Goober King
Causing problems before they start...
robrod at


Aug 14, 2002, 9:52am
Three things:

1. Take some Ritalin, kid.

2. Are we supposed to care?

3. This smells of over-reation, as none of the other news organizations
have reported this. Perhaps Item 1 will help you get your facts straight.

> SNOOP DOG IS DEAD!!!! a shoot out in Las Vegas....!
> *wonders if any awcomies will be on the news one day*
> BREAKING NEWS: Rick Noll on a Police Chase from Robbing a bank.
> ever wonder if that 'll happen?

Goober King
Had forgotten that these hyper-active kids still exist in here...
robrod at


Aug 14, 2002, 10:21pm
Erm, that's why it's called general discussion, Elyk. It's specifically
for non-AW related posts. Unfortunately, that also means you have to put
up with the stupid posts as well. :P

[View Quote] > What the hell is this?! Looks for something AW-related in this
> topic......*boggle*
[View Quote]
Goober King
"I may disagree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death so you
can say it."
robrod at

Bug in World Server build 43

Aug 17, 2002, 3:06pm
Erm, not quite. The object and the texture are independent of each
other. Once the object is loaded, then it goes about loading the
texture. If no texture is specified via a texture or animate command,
then it downloads the object's default texture. If you change an
already-loaded object's texture, then it just replaces the old texture
with the new texture. That's why, if you change it to a texture that's
not already in your cache, the object turns white/grey while the new
texture is downloading.

[View Quote] > object
> Well, that can be somewhat true. Adding a Create texture something to an
> object will cause your video card to completely redraw the object (I assume
> over the already present textures). This would cause a slight increase in
> the time to draw the frames, I would assume that's how it's done.
> --Bowen--

Goober King
Did Bowen put sugar on his foot or something? :P
gooberking at


Aug 15, 2002, 7:15pm
This coming from a guy who (surreptitiously) tried to advertise an
AWTeen event in here. Real smooth, SR.

The community NG is for anything that affects or interests the AW
community at large, including events, applications, and general
AW-related discussion. Didn't you read the Community NG Charter? :P

[View Quote] > ahh realllly, Community means community issues, not the community advertising service
[View Quote]
Goober King
Where's Tony M when you need him? :P
robrod at


Aug 16, 2002, 12:44am

That's all I can say in response to your awesome stupidity. I am
speechless before your amazing powers of ignorance and stupendously
short attention span.

Far be it from me, a lowly peasant who could not hope to match your
awe-inspiring mental short-comings, to point out that you were
chastising someone else for doing something you yourself have already
done. I wouldn't dream of tarnishing your god-like retardedness with
such acts of reason.


I am struck by the light of your ignorance, and despair. Please forgive me!

[View Quote] > Its posted to community 2, lol, and yes its a community event believe it or not :)
[View Quote]
Goober King
This mocking brought to you by the letter 'S'...
robrod at

a website

Aug 16, 2002, 12:51am
*blink* You mean to tell me that there are *still* some people who
haven't seen that All Your Base movie? Good god, how *old* is that
thing?! And here I thought it had gone the way of Hampsterdance...

[View Quote] > Found some intresting sites/pages today:
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> A message from Zeo Toxion
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Goober King
C'mon everybody! It's the Hampsterdance! *dances*
robrod at

a website

Aug 16, 2002, 10:27pm
Nope, that's actually a real game that was brought to the states (and
poorly translated in the process) for the Genesis called Zero Wing. It
was a side-scrolling shooter game with probably the weirdest ending to a
game ever. (I guess to go along with its equally weird intro)

My roommate managed to find a ROM of it and played it all the way to the
end, and beat it, only to be greeted by, get this, dancing raisins. I
kid you not.

[View Quote] > "goober king" <gooberking at> wrote in news:3D5C635C.4030404
> at
> Heh, where the hell does it originate from? Some japanese freaks really
> made a game that shitty (in the first bit of it before the guys that made
> it go ammock putting "All your base is belong to us" on everything)?

Goober King
Weren't the California Raisins big in the '80s? :P
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 16, 2002, 3:18pm
True enough, but if there's one thing I can't stand, it's people making
*huge* generalizations about things they've only had a cursory
experience with. Saying anime sucks because of a few poorly drawn
movies/shows is like saying the entire American entertainment industry
sucks because of a few bad movies/shows.

As for the whole exaggeration thing, it's *supposed* to be silly. That's
why they do it; for comedic effect. If you look at more "serious" anime
(Princess Mononoke, Cowboy Bebop, etc), those exaggerations rarely
occur. The same can be said for American cartoons.

[View Quote] > It's in the eye of the beholder
[View Quote]
Goober King
Well, saying the American entertainment industry sucks might not be such
a huge stretch...
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 16, 2002, 10:35pm
Umm, I hate to break it to you, Bowen, but the dumbed-down crap that
they show on Cartoon Network is only a *tiny* fraction of all anime that
exists in the world. As I said in my previous analogy, anime in Japan is
just as big as Hollywood is in the states, if not bigger. The only
reason some of it makes it to the states in the first place is because a
bunch of advertising executives think that it'll sell merchandise. (i.e.
Pokemon, Dragonball, etc.)

So that's what I meant by "be adventurous". There's more to life than
Cartoon Network and Kids WB. Find your nearest Blockbuster and check out
the Sci-Fi section, or better yet, look up some fansubs of more current
anime. (if you don't mind reading subtitles)

As for the lack of culture, I guess I should rephrase that to "a lack of
wanting to learn more about the world around you." :P

[View Quote] [View Quote]
Goober King
Sweat drops mean embarrassment! *vein pops from forehead*
robrod at

Remind You of Anyone?

Aug 16, 2002, 10:38pm

Think 'Flame War', not Civil War :)

Goober King
You know you spend too much time in the AW NGs when...
robrod at

Remind You of Anyone?

Aug 21, 2002, 9:52am
Actually, I think this is more apt to describe JFK2,. If not the
description, then definitely the picture. :P

[View Quote] > Yeesh, don't even remind me..
> I got a dose of it at the SW forums today but we took swift action in
> removing all of his content and blocking the fool.
> --
> - Syntax -
> (No JFK2's allowed!)
[View Quote]
Goober King
Just try to classify him! :P
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 17, 2002, 12:03am
Sorry, but you made it sound like the only anime you've ever seen was
the stuff on Cartoon Network, and sadly, most of the people I've run
into who hate anime are the ones who've only seen a few episodes of DBZ
or whatnot. (Hence the "lack of culture" bit) Obviously, your loathing
of anime is quite legitimate, albeit a tad misplaced. ^_-

[View Quote] >
> Hate to break it to you but my friends all watch anime. They have huge
> collections. I've seen glimpses of it from time to time, and I'm sorry to
> say, I do not like it nor enjoy it. Anything predating 1993 with anime at
> least looks halfway decent and anything after it just contains the hints of
> style that I loathe.
> I do watch anime predating 1993, most of it is good, there's some garbage
> but that's ok. Just because I don't like what you like doesn't make me bad
> or uncultured or unadventurous. Like I just said, I don't like the
> "current" anime style. Not even american branches of it like Batman Beyond.
> It's just not entertaining to me, sorry if I can't like the same thing
> majorities like.
> How does me disliking a certain style automagically make me lacking the
> ability to want to learn more about the world around me? Does this same
> rule apply to people who don't like celery? They lack the wanting to a well
> balanced diet? I dislike it that I really don't want to learn more about
> it, so don't ask me questions since I've seen "glimpses" to test my
> knowledge. Some people are just a little prejudiced against others not
> liking the things they do.
> --Bowen--

Goober King
Hey, even the King of Goobers makes mistakes...
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 17, 2002, 2:56pm
*rubs temples* Now see, this is exactly the kind of crap I was talking
about. People who've only seen a few dumbed-down, Americanized anime
shows think that's all there is to anime, so they jump on all the
stereotypes and automatically label it crap.

Are there some anime shows that are just about sex and violence? Sure,
but then, so are quite a few American shows as well. Does that mean
Hollywood is all about sex and violence? Some might think so, but that
just isn't the case. Just as Hollywood covers the entire spectrum of
shows and movies, from innocent kid stuff to outright porn, so too does

At any rate, I don't care if you hate the stuff on Cartoon Network or
whatnot, that's fine. (Personally, I hate most of it too.) But don't
disparage an entire medium just because of a few bad shows. That's all
I'm saying.

[View Quote] > Dont forget long purple / blue hair and large purple swords.
> -Mark
[View Quote] --
Goober King
It helps if you know what you're talking about too...
gooberking at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 18, 2002, 3:58pm
And I'm telling you that just isn't the case. There are some anime shows
that are all sex and violence (i.e. hentai), an there are some shows
that have zero sex and violence (i.e. Card Captor Sakura), just like
American shows/movies. The only thing that differentiates anime from
American cinema is the drawing/animation style (i.e. big eyes, small
mouth, weird hair, etc.) and Japanese cultural references. Those are the
ONLY components that make anime anime. Any other components can be
readily found in all forms of entertainment in varying degrees. You
can't say sex and violence are the biggest components of *any* medium,
much less anime, because those things merely define a sub-section of the
medium, not the entire medium.

[View Quote] > Goob, I said violence and sex are the BIGGEST anime components, not the ONLY anime components. Come on, more carefully...and reply to the correct post (and don't quote sigs), ya newb. ;P
[View Quote]
Goober King
It beats arguing over how anal Eep is. ;P
gooberking at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 18, 2002, 4:30pm
*shrug* That's just the style they use to draw their characters. I don't
think it's because they can't do it, it's just that you can
theoretically get more expression out of bigger eyes (as is often the
case in less-realistic American cartoons). Do American cartoon
characters look American? :P

[View Quote] >
> Is it me, though, or are all anime characters non Asian? It seems they have a hard time
> doing the eyes for an Asian person in anime style.
> --Bowen--

Goober King
It's all a matter of taste...
gooberking at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 19, 2002, 12:44am
Sorry, Eep, but I only prefer girls that are legal (Sakura's barely 12
yrs old!). Maybe it's different in your neck of the woods, eh? :P

And apparently, this whole argument depends on your definition of "sex
and violence". If you think kids running around in skirts constitutes
"sex" and cute little monsters duking it out in battle equals
"violence", then you really need to get out more. :P

I will readily admit that there's sex and violence in a lot anime, but
you have to remember where it comes from. Violence was practically a way
of life for the Japanese culture until very recently (within the past
50-75 years) and they aren't as uptight about sex as we Americans; they
just see it as another aspect of life.

But again, just because a lot of it may have varying degrees of sex
and/or violence doesn't make it a necessary component for being anime.
One could also make the argument that Hollywood is all about sex and
violence, but that wouldn't be anymore true than anime. It all depends
on what you watch and how you interpret it, really.

[View Quote] > Sorry, but you're simply wrong, Goob. I've seen enough anime over the years (been watching since Akira came out in the mid 80s) and even the "cutsy" stuff (Pokemon, Urusei Yatsura, Sailor Moon) are HEAVILY laden with sex and violence. If you don't agree, you're obviously not watching enough anime. Sure, there MAY be a FEW series that don't have sex and violence (sorry, CCS has both--if you don't think little girls in short skirts is sexy, you're a fag ;) ) but I can't think of one off the top of my head and that hardly negates anime mostly being about sex and violence (which it is).
[View Quote]
Goober King
Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 19, 2002, 9:56am
[View Quote] [View Quote]
Umm, I know full well that there are plenty of Lolitas in Japan. But
that doesn't necessarily make it the driving force for creating anime
with little girls in them. Hell, most shoujo is created by *women* who
target them towards teenage girls; the Lolitas just help to keep them in

> Um, by "sex" I don't necessarily mean actual sex, you idiot; simply sexual...sexuality. Come on, man, learn to extrapolate. And if you don't think Pokemon has violence, YOU are the one who needs to get out more. How often is Team Rocket "blasted into space"? Duh...they have to be HIT (violence) by something to be pushed, you know.

Well dur, I knew you weren't talking about flat-out sex. So much for
extrapolating. As for violence, I suppose next you'll tell me that
Looney Tunes is rife with violence! "My God, it's poisoning our
children! When will it end?!" :P Give me a break.

> Uh are you now agreeing with me that sex and violence are the biggest components (not ONLY or ALL!) of anime?

I'm agreeing that sex and violence can be found in lots of anime in
varying degrees. But that doesn't mean it's the "biggest" component. If
you made the argument that sex and violence are part of Japanese
culture, which is really the biggest component of anime, then maybe
you'd have a case.

> I never said they were NECESSARY components for BEING anime; simply that they ARE the biggest components OF anime. Helps to understand English, Goob...

See above.

> Um, Hollywood IS MOSTLY (not "all") about sex and violence--if you can't see that, you truly are clueless.

So then, anime isn't "all" about sex and violence either, meaning sex
and violence isn't the biggest component. I never said Hollywood doesn't
have its share of sex and violence, but S & V isn't its BIGGEST
component any more than it's anime's.

> God damn, dude, do you just like to argue or something? At least TRY to offer support for your arguments...

I could ask the same about you...

At any rate, all I'm saying is you can't paint anime with such a broad
brush any more than you can do it to Hollywood. Then again, I suppose if
you truly believe what you're saying, that might explain a lot of
things, since you apparently must avoid all forms of entertainment. ;P


Goober King
Oh, and the answer to that last question is "yes". ;)
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 19, 2002, 2:34pm
*rubs temples and groans* Fine, I give up. This was never supposed to be
a sex and violence argument, but if you want to turn it into that, then
save it for another thread. The ONLY point I was ever trying to get
across was that they aren't the BIGGEST components of anime, or any
other entertainment medium for that matter. They *are* components, yes,
but not the biggest ones. Perhaps if you could see past all the skirts
and swords, you'd figure that out.

[View Quote] > Dude, learn how to quote correctly (still); all these extra blank lines are unnecessary. I've had to remove them yet again...
[View Quote]
Goober King
Everyone, on 3! 1... 2... 3... EEP IS A PRUDE! :P
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 19, 2002, 8:36pm
Then you need to take your own advice and take some Reading
Comprehension classes. I already told you that the biggest components of
anime, which actually define anime, are the drawing/animation style and
Japanese cultural references. (which, you might argue, could include
some of the sex and violence stuff) Everything else in anime is
secondary to those two components, otherwise it would be "just another

Ok, my turn to laugh! Let's see that rebuttal! :D

[View Quote] > OK, Goob, for a laugh, what do YOU think are the biggest anime components, hmm? I have yet to see you present a logical supportive argument yet!
[View Quote]
Goober King
Looks like he hit a nerve >:)
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 19, 2002, 11:24pm
You never "defined" anything; all you said was, and I quote, "Violence
and sex are the biggest anime components". Not plot devices, not subject
matter, just "components". And don't give me that "implied" BS of yours,
as you never made any mention of plot or story until now. (especially
since the picture you were referring to was a still image, with no plot
or story to it whatsoever) Sorry if I can't read your mind.

Still, I suppose it's comforting to know you haven't changed a lick.
Learn well, young grasshoppers: When the tiger loses his teeth, he
resorts to attacking your posting methods. When that fails, the beast
must use his last resort: Plugging his ears and singing "La La La I
can't hear you!!" This is also known as the Magic Filter. Take heed, my
sons, and you will defeat the beast. ^_^

At any rate, I'm sure the NGs are just dying to hear you get the last
word, so knock yourself out. I can only say the same thing 10 different
ways. If you still can't get it, then I guess there's nothing else I can
do for you. I'm done.

[View Quote] > What do you think make up most of the Japanese cultural references, Goob? Fight and battle scenes--ninja warriors, clans, family honor, et al--aka, violence. As for drawing style, that's a given and is not a "component" per se; components in the context as I've been defining them are themes, plot devices, subject matter, etc--not the LOOK of something.
> Keep laughing, jughead--you must think you're a riot. I just think you're ineptly incompetent at even the most basic forms of debate. <shrug>
> And you STILL don't know how to configure your newsreader. Netscape 6.x must be even shittier than I thought. Pathetic...glad I don't use it!
[View Quote]
Goober King
That was a pretty good laugh, though. Thanks Eep! :D
robrod at

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 20, 2002, 5:07pm
Ugh, I'm not going to bother going through all this *again*, especially
with someone whose anime experience apparently consists of only Cartoon
Network and KidsWB. Do yourself a favor, kid, and get some fansubs in
yer system, then maybe we'll talk. :P

And if I were to mention what I wanted to do to Yuri, (the chick in the
picture) I'd get kicked off the NGs in a heartbeat. *grin*

[View Quote] > Goober, sorry to have to beak this to you but YES, about 99% of the male population would kill to be with a Real-Life version of that image I posted further up, and I do think their intensions with her would be to to go upto her and go "Ah, the force is strong in this 1" it would be for sex. Also, There are all the girls who go running around in short skirts, Sakura, Usagi (Sailor Moon), and Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and the outer senshi thrown in for fun (carefull what you think about the outer Senshi, you could be in for a bit of a suprise if you mised their into) yarda yarda yarda, now I make it clear im not accusing anyone of being slightly insane and freakish, but hell, youve got to find that "slightly" sexual. Then again you are probably the 1%...
> Violence violence, sex and violence go well together dont they, while I was thinking about this last night I realised why its aimed at lads and men so much as well as the girls (even on sailor moon), and even as sick as this is (Flagg, nuke this post if you feel the need) is that, as sad as it is *Cringe* it comes from the part that Men + Lads would just love to be dominated by someone *cringe again* now mix that with the reasons in the first paragraph and there you have it for Sex, and the Union of Sex and violence.
> Now for voilence on its own, its kinda of differnt from the violence of hitting someone around the head with a metal bar, because its things like Energy Attacks (Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Digimon, Usagi Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, etc...) because IRL you cant actually fire Kahmehamehhar's (DBZ's "Ultimate Distuction Wave / Beam" in English) would be great if you could, so for things like that, its Violence, but violence derived from A desire to be able to do all these energy beams etc, Hell if I were Goku IRL id be laughing (just think, id never have to get a car, could just use instant translocation to get to work), so anyway...
> Allot of sex, Allot of sex + Violence, but a strange sue of violence on its own (cause we all want to see the evil person get creamed dont we? :) )
> - Mark
> Goober King Wrote:

Goober King
Mmm, long-haired Asian chick... *drool*
robrod at

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