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coronas... (not the refreshing alcoholic beverage)

Aug 6, 2002, 10:49pm
If the corona was the object itself, the object wouldn't be visible around it.

[View Quote] > Those coronas that you are seeing are not inside the object, but are the
> object itself
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coronas... (not the refreshing alcoholic beverage)

Aug 7, 2002, 5:07am
And those have the corona inside the object. <shrug>

[View Quote] > Well I'v made plenty of corona's that look just like the one in AWGate
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Variables inside the WM

Jul 29, 2002, 5:25pm
WM? Let's not create any more non-standard AW acronyms (OP, etc) than is necessary, please...

[View Quote] > It would be useful if there could be certain variables in the WM like the
> avatar's name, citizen number, etc. Just a few things that would be useful
> at welcoming people to the world. :-)

Variables inside the WM

Jul 29, 2002, 6:10pm
Not a common one; in fact, first time I've heard of it and I've been using AW for over 5 years...

[View Quote] > It's already one... >:P
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Variables inside the WM

Jul 29, 2002, 9:05pm
No, that's WMP (Windows Media Player--3 words).

[View Quote] > I thought it was Windows Mediaplayer
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Variables inside the WM

Jul 29, 2002, 9:05pm
Even that's not very common. What is it with all these lazy teenagers coming up with silly acronyms?

[View Quote] > hasn't IO been more commonly used? immigration officer...not sure though...
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AWmegaOY is open!!!!!

Aug 1, 2002, 6:42pm
So? And why was this posted in wishlist?

[View Quote] > AWmegaOY is open!!!!!

Warps Why

Aug 3, 2002, 8:41pm
I agree, but you can already simulate "people movers" (horizontal escalators) and normal escalators if you use small enough increments. I have working escalators in old Hole (only running when I'm in AW). Unfortunately, since Roland screwed with avatar collision a couple years or so ago, bump warps have never worked as well as they used to. Of course, true object collision physics is what AW needs the most to get the best effect, but don't expect it anytime soon...

[View Quote] > Sorry stuck this in the wrong place
> Is there a reason the warp feature has an inconsistent speed?. It would be
> wonderful if warp was linear then we could have move commands for elevators,
> cars, planes, gondolas, moving walkways etc. that actually worked with Avs
> riding them. No build would suffer as far as I know if this was done. Just
> my 2 cent wish thought or what ever.

cell data (was Re: Bug in World Server build 43)

Aug 17, 2002, 3:15am
People don't crash from high cell data...but you are right in that AW is more laggy when loading high cell data cells, which is another reason why the action commands need redesigning ( for my idea).

[View Quote] > I think it's laggy as it is with huge cell data limit and have the place
> filled. But if you turn that option on in your world have fun watching
> everyone crash on entrance :)
[View Quote]

Re: User-Agent Formatting

Aug 18, 2002, 7:26am
This isn't a beta bug but a wishlist request; hence, it should've been posted in "wishlist", not "beta".

[View Quote] > AW isn't exactly using compliant user-agent strings in its response to web
> servers for object path data
> ( The browser
> currently responds as "Active Worlds Browser". This breaks the goal of
> "Don't break existing log-file analysis software or user-agent parsing
> code." In order for my log-file analysis scripting to work properly, I had
> to rewrite it to effectively report the browser. A more thoughtful and
> compliant user-agent string for Active Worlds might be something like this:
> ActiveWorlds/3.429 (Windows; N; Windows NT 5.0; en)

Fog & Clipping

Sep 1, 2002, 11:40pm
That isn't how fog clipping works; as far as I know they can't be separated unless you want AW to implement a separate kind of fog (like volumetric), but it most likely won't give the same effect. A better fog clipping design would have the fog gradient adjustable so more "weight" can be put closer to the minimum distance, for example.

I don't like fog clipping much anyway and any chance I get in games I disable it immediately and just use straight clipping.

[View Quote] > When activating Fog, you also have control over your viewing range where the
> world of clipped with the maximum distance. At least this is the behavior on
> my pc. I would like to suggest a 3rd variable for this.
> currently:
> min distance
> maximum distance
> and I'd like to add:
> clipping distance
> Example:
> You set min distance to 0, max distance to 90, the background color to dark
> blue like the midnight sky box, and you end up with a dark blue haze which
> is gradual and adds some nice depth. However, the mountains off in the
> distance are very clearly being clipped at 90, the effect is really nice
> except for this clipping, but to eliminate this you set clipping distance to
> 150 which may not eliminate the clipping altogether, but does dramatically
> reduce it, thus making the fog and depth effects much more realistic.

Fog & Clipping

Sep 2, 2002, 5:08am
Most games don't, which is why I said "any chance I get". Off the top of my head, Morrowind can do it but you have to set it in an INI/config file or something. The reason I don't like clipping fog is because it tends to be too close and the fog makes it harder to see right up to the clipping point--it's bad enough when the far clipping plane is so close but the fog only makes it seem closer.

[View Quote] > immediately and just use straight clipping.
> Not many games let you do that do they? I thought they put fog in to make it look
> more realistic instead of the world just ending suddenly (I haven't seen a game yet
> that lets you do it at least).

Object Properties Dialog Window

Sep 4, 2002, 3:25am
Yea, and you can't see who created the object, when it was built/modified, etc. Perhaps a better place for the object properties dialog would be in the tab pane--that way it can be as vertical and horizontal as the user wants, allowing for a MUCH better design: ;)

[View Quote] > There is one technical problem with your idea.
> As long as the NewLine representation is not a printable
> character combination like "\n", you will not be able to
> insert line breaks into comment and action line, and if
> you try to edit entries containing those you will loose
> everything that is not in the first line.
[View Quote]

Consideration for Lesser Speeds, Equip etc.

Sep 8, 2002, 2:40am
LOD and portal rendering would help but you're asking for problems if you try to use AW on a 233MHz CPU with a crappy video card that doesn't support DirectX 8.1...

[View Quote] > Please take into consideration those with small processors, smaller modem
> speeds, and lesser hard drive space. It's nice to have the ability to use
> and utilize new features, but we must not forget those that it might put a
> hardship on. I know of one other person in AW that has the problem I do in
> regards to mobility in highly animated areas. I wonder if there is anyone
> else that has these problems. I love new features, newer, better, versions
> of the software, but I have to be realistic about trying to make due with
> the equipment that brings it to my monitor. I'm willing to make some
> sacrifices, but not to the point where it hinders me from enjoying AW.

i wish

Aug 27, 2004, 5:21pm
Linn just wants the terrain to be deselectable by left-clicking anywhere in the 3D pane, like with normal objects (although no longer on the selected object itself, unfortunately).

I mentioned these things to Roland/Shamus/9 9 9/whoever the moment I saw them years ago but, of course, nothing was ever done about them (or the illions of other bugs AW has: I guess not enough people bitched and moaned to AWI about it...and that's essentially the problem with this community: it doesn't come together to influence AW's development, which is another reason why AW development has stagnated for years...again.

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removing contacts/blocking options

Jul 9, 2004, 7:07pm
Easy enough? The floating tabs aren't fully dockable (not using MFC, according to Shamus) and have other problems:

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removing contacts/blocking options

Jul 18, 2004, 4:18pm

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reminder - grouping objects

Jul 22, 2004, 4:14am
Irregular meaning not rotated around the desired axis.

Select all other objects, then select the object you want ALL the objects to rotate around.

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"media" command

Jul 6, 2004, 4:13pm
It would be nice if the "media" command at least had the functionality of the "sound" and "noise" commands, since they all can play WAVs.

Why doesn't it support world sound files without having to enter ""? Also, it should support zipped media (at least WAVs on the current world server). Sure does waste a lot of action command bytes and world server disk space having to unzip all the WAVs one wants to use with this command. I'm trying to get multiple WAVs to loop simultaneously (not possible with "sound" command).

loop argument needs an "inf" option instead of wasting bytes setting it to the max (2,147,483,647). for more AW bugs/improvements.

"media" command

Jul 6, 2004, 5:52pm
Every byte counts towards slowing cell loading though (not to mention the cell data limit). Plus it's just a pain for it to require that much code to do something another command can do--only without the simultaneous sound playing.

Another thing the "media" command is missing: overlapping.

Also, I set a WAV to loop=999 and changed the loop to 9 but it kept looping past 9 times and wouldn't stop (might have if it reached 999 but I didn't wait). Unlike "sound"/"noise" commands, "media" doesn't seem to restart the file (at least WAVs) if the "media loop" action command is changed.

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see AW in a new way

Jul 8, 2004, 10:53pm
I probably mentioned this in these newsgroups years ago when I had access, but Starheart asked in Andras' AW worldbuilders newsgroup (news:// so I thought I'd mention it here too.

Use 3D-Analyze: to render AW without textures, in wireframe mode, force anistropic texture filtering (makes AW look a LOT better!), and more.

Would be nice if AW had support for these modes, but...

see AW in a new way

Jul 9, 2004, 3:29am
Of course it's safe--sheesh. But just scan it for yourself if you don't trust me. <shrug>

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see AW in a new way

Jul 9, 2004, 5:14am
You must not know me, c p. I don't put people on. to learn some things. :P

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Re: AW Profiles?

Jul 8, 2004, 11:18pm
I changed the followup-to newsgroup. ;P

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Re: AW Profiles?

Jul 8, 2004, 11:27pm
Yea, but AW should have such a system anyway...

You would need a database to do it decently though.

But, really, if people want to put a profile of themselves (or a link to an ICQ/Yahoo Messenger/MSN Messenger/etc profile) on their website, like Ciena mentioned, that's their perogative. Sure, not everyone HAS a website or USES a chat program, but I suspect most AWers do.

What WOULD be nice is a simple AW-related profile (in AW) that shows:

- how long someone has been a citizen (not just based on current citizenship purchase timeframe either--mine got locked out years ago for a few days or something and when my citizen ID was reinstated my immgration date was reset from mid-1997!)
- how many objects built (per world)
- worlds owned (if any)
- rights access (perhaps just caretaker and/or public speaker) in worlds (if any)

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Full Screen Mode

Jul 13, 2004, 7:07pm
Compared to There and Second Life, AW needs better animation, environmental interaction, physics, etc for people to BE interested in "machinima"...

While full-screen would be interesting, I doubt the time it would take to rewrite the interface would be worth it--and AW has FAR many more basic bugs that need fixing first:

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Full Screen Mode

Jul 13, 2004, 10:45pm
[View Quote] Somehow I doubt it would be that simple...

> I agree that fixing bugs should come first and adding more features
> should come second, but whenever a new version comes out that doesn't
> add many new features a lot of people seem to bitch or say "there is
> nothing new" and just revert back to the old version. :P

But fixing old bugs restores previous features that have been disabled/altered. Some (out of MANY) examples:

- no bobbing/bouncing objects (most noticeable on infinitely repeating ground object)
- restored av hover Newtonian physics (changing av rotation doesn't change av momentum in that direction)
- reduce av collision momentum (currently causes bump noises to repeat WAY too much)
- "examine" command doesn't start rotation screwed up (this WAS fixed a few versions ago but is somehow back since 3.4)

I would rather have these OLD bugs (some dating back to pre-AW3) fixed before adding completely new features ("media" command, VOIP, et al), wouldn't you?

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a new create

Jul 15, 2004, 9:14pm
[View Quote] "copy" is better.

> Special because if someone add a object well hidden, with that command, and
> i try to clean up mess after it, and it continue to pop up, because of the
> duplicate command.

The object wouldn't be copied if the command to copy it was deleted...

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a new create

Jul 15, 2004, 11:47pm
[View Quote] Perhaps you'd prefer "spawn"? :P

> Oh and here's a very good URL btw: This has a great
> history link.

Er, why are you telling me about one of my own pages? :P is the direct link. Some people (E N Z O and Tyrell) don't think it's so "great"...

a new create

Jul 16, 2004, 10:01pm
Then learn to write better so your intended audience is indicated (corrected your punctuation):

"Eep, stop that! OK, already the word 'copy' has less letters.

Oh, in case people don't know, here's a very good URL (with a great history link) BTW:"


[View Quote]

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