"media" command (Wishlist)

"media" command // Wishlist

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Jul 6, 2004, 4:13pm
It would be nice if the "media" command at least had the functionality of the "sound" and "noise" commands, since they all can play WAVs.

Why doesn't it support world sound files without having to enter "http://domain.com/worldpath/sounds/sound.wav"? Also, it should support zipped media (at least WAVs on the current world server). Sure does waste a lot of action command bytes and world server disk space having to unzip all the WAVs one wants to use with this command. I'm trying to get multiple WAVs to loop simultaneously (not possible with "sound" command).

loop argument needs an "inf" option instead of wasting bytes setting it to the max (2,147,483,647).

http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/improve.html for more AW bugs/improvements.

strike rapier

Jul 6, 2004, 5:10pm
I am not sure what the actual stance is on this,

The thing is as you've probably noticed the media commands uses the WMVCore
SDK, and as such gives up quite a lot of the nitty-gritty control for the
benefit of easy development. Really this is a good thing, if it was made
from scratch it would take them till 30.6, not 3.6.

I agree the media would benefit to using the object path as well, but really
its not all that important to do, even if it is 2 lines of extra code.

- MR

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Jul 6, 2004, 5:52pm
Every byte counts towards slowing cell loading though (not to mention the cell data limit). Plus it's just a pain for it to require that much code to do something another command can do--only without the simultaneous sound playing.

Another thing the "media" command is missing: overlapping.

Also, I set a WAV to loop=999 and changed the loop to 9 but it kept looping past 9 times and wouldn't stop (might have if it reached 999 but I didn't wait). Unlike "sound"/"noise" commands, "media" doesn't seem to restart the file (at least WAVs) if the "media loop" action command is changed.

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strike rapier

Jul 6, 2004, 6:16pm
This could be that the add then delete system keeps the WMP stream open and
active (the longest part if loading the media)... which would explain why it
does not restart, because it would never terminate.

Thats just my experience with WMP though, dunno for certain.

- MR

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Jul 6, 2004, 10:54pm
88888888 INFINITY 88888888

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