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Second Life

Mar 17, 2006, 5:48pm
[View Quote] It's annoying at first but you quickly realize what you can create and are knocking out stuff like nothing--at least that's what I
did. I recreated in SL in a few months most of what I had made in AW in a few YEARS! Granted, I was learning modelling in AW during
that time but, still...SL modelling is SO much easier. Of course visual modelling (vs. in a text editor with RWX) is faster but SL's
modelling is really user-friendly and easy-to-use. Of course I'd still like to be able to get down to the vert-poly level but for
what object interaction (scripting) is possible in SL, I'm willing to forgo this (for now--no reason static vert-poly models
couldn't still be importable though).

> no accuracy in it from what i remember, atleast not without being extremely confused.

Define "accuracy". Things can be lined up near-exact to the thousandths place floating point precision on position (but it's been
wonky the past few months). SL has grid-snapping (which can be set to custom sizes/increments).

> AW, in my opinion, is great for looking at things you've made, and thats why i use it :)
> i mean, no way are SL going to be able to make a modeler any better then 3DS Max, or Maya, or whatever one uses.

Well, however improbably, it's always possible. I've read about some modellers implementing collaboration (shared modelling) but I
don't have any details on how it works. However, if modellers do MOVE to this, it will mean competition for AW/SL/etc. Granted, it's
unlikely lots of people could be modelling at once, as in a massively mulitiplayer environment/game, but ones games get the idea of
shared level design, I think AW/SL/etc's clock will be pretty much up--unless they too can adapt and incorporate game level
(environment, really) design.

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Error associated with command?

Mar 15, 2006, 3:52pm
....which was done to REMOVE a texture from an object before the "color" command existed...

Come on, Andras, be more thorough in your explanation next time. Losing your touch? :P

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Error associated with command?

Mar 15, 2006, 11:39pm
Er, that just looks for 1.jpg then--and if it ain't on the object server, it's still gonna give an error (AND it'll texture the
object with that image). A better solution is to simply use a blank (completely transparent) texture but I think that'll just makes
the object invisible (but it's been a while since I've played with the "animate" command).

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release notes wiki

Mar 17, 2006, 5:07pm
I've started adding AW's release notes to its wiki at Mauz and NetGuy have
kept them over the years but, so far, only NetGuy's collection is up.

If you have missing builds, please add them. Also, from AW2 on, many details are missing since Mauz only kept the main "what's new"
page and not the pages it linked to. :/

release notes wiki

Mar 17, 2006, 5:40pm
What are the others?

[View Quote] [View Quote]

release notes wiki

Mar 17, 2006, 6:52pm
OK, my bad: Mauz DID keep the details--they were just in separate HTML files. Oops. Sorry, Mauz. OK, ALL the release notes (that I
have anyway) are up now! :)

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release notes wiki

Mar 18, 2006, 3:59am
I know of the following AW-related (but not fully AW-SPECIFIC) wikis:

- Wikipedia's AW entry: (but it's too anal for me--too many wiki vultures/nazis/trolls)
- SWCity Wiki:
- Wikicites Creatures AW Wiki entry:

That's all I could find, but only really SWCity's is the most relevant. However, the Wikicities one is the most specific and general
and that is the one I'm going to continue contributing too.

I plan to, basically, put most (if not all) of the info on my RWX site ( there so others can add/change info as
AW develops (assuming it continues after AW 4.1, of course) since I am not into AW as much as I used to be.

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release notes wiki

Mar 18, 2006, 7:46pm
[View Quote] link farm

> and by me

This is OK but it's mostly empty--granted, not as empty as the Wikicities AW wiki but Wikicites is more established than Plus, your wiki started 2/06 while the Wikicites one has been around since 1/05. Surely you heard about it in that

I'm gonna stick with Wikicities.

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release notes wiki

Mar 19, 2006, 1:49am
That wiki's even worse and has no AW-related content on it that I can tell. Has lots of errors and is flaky. I'm sticking with

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release notes wiki

Mar 19, 2006, 6:02pm
It's not my wiki. I don't know who started it but I think it might've been JasonR (whoever he is) cuz he made the oldest edit:

Someone named Angela, while a much more recent user, has made lots of changes (mostly admin stuff). The wiki had no real content
until I started adding to it though. My experience with SL's LSL (scripting language) Wiki ( shows me
just how cool a collaborative website can be (and I wish I had a wiki back when I created my RWX site!).

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5 days left on world is it worth me renewing?

Apr 27, 2006, 1:47am
Second Life, among many other places...

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Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...

May 12, 2006, 7:32am
At least SL is ACTIVELY developing and so far ahead of AW in most ways it puts AW to shame multiple times. AW is better than SL in
SOME respects, but not enough to make it better than SL overall. to learn more.

SL is known more because its developers, Linden Lab, advertise and promote it, while AW sits stagnant and dormant like the obscure,
outdated application it, unfortunately, is.

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Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...

May 13, 2006, 1:41am
[View Quote] That's not the case with the ever-increasing resident count:

> You haven't changed in forever.. anyone reading your posts will want to stay in AW even longer considering that you're the one who
> always complains no matter how good things get. It's a shame that you're the disrespectful unloyal maniac in AW.

Huh? Disrespectful? Unloyal? Maniac? You're on crack, Jack. I don't owe AW ANYTHING. I'm free to criticize anything and anyone I
feel like. Don't like it? Tough tits, champ.

Learn to quote, too.

Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...

May 13, 2006, 1:43am
Gee, aren't YOU touchy about AW? I don't know how you think I was rude in that post but, whatever. You have issues, Vera. <shrug>

It's obvious you, ORB, and others are severely attached to AW and can't stand the thought of something being better than it. Sorry
to burst your bubble, but SL IS better than AW in most every respect. But, hey, you can go on living in your delusion. I'll be
moving onto better pastures.

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Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...

May 13, 2006, 1:49am
[View Quote] Hardly:

Tip: don't make a verdict until you get the facts and experience.

> With SL you got design and scripting of things. Things like vehicles and equipment.

And a whole lot more.

> And then ultimately the concept is money - selling them, or selling real estate.

No, that's not the ultimate concept; making money is just ONE thing you can do in SL. I've barely sold anything--and only when
people approach ME about buying something I've made (usually when I'm working on it, annoyingly). I prefer to just make things and
give/trade them to/with others.m Making money is hardly the only or even ultimate concept in SL.

> I haven't heard of any town communities there like you have around AW. Would be ridiculous due to how hard and expensive it is to
> get permanent land all in one area.

While I agree with how ridiculously expensive SL land is, there are some community-themed sims.

> I heard there's basically no infrastructure either. Everything is just scattered about and floating.

There is some Linden-built infrastructure (if you mean roads, bridges, etc), but not much. It's up to the landowners to build
whatever infrastructure they want--if any. It's kind of funny to talk about infrastructure in AW yet it doesn't even have vehicles,
yet the little infrastructure there is in SL despite it HAVING vehicles. Go figure. Just shows that roads aren't that important in
an environment where instant teleportation is possible...

> Because of those hard limitations, SL offers nothing to a builder like me.

Then you're obviously not much of a builder.

Get your facts straight before passing verdict on something you know little about.

Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...

May 20, 2006, 4:00am
[View Quote] Huh? While it's true a lot of mature areas in SL are, just that: mature, if you think AW's Gor worlds are no different, you're
smoking crack, Jack. As for kids, well, that's why SL has a teen grid and only allows 18+-year-olds on the main grid. You obviously
haven't explored enough if you mindlessly generalize all PG areas as being "stupid" and the mature areas "being full of T&A all over
the place".

> Not only that, SL is offline so often now because of hacker attacks I am getting sick of it. In order to prevent the hacker
> attacks, certain illusions of SL's superiority in scripting are going to have to be given up or restricted in order to prevent
> them in the future. I am tired of being told I can not enter SL because of these attacks and only Lindens can enter. It was
> happening monthly, but now weekly. SL is hardly down that often from "hacker attacks"--in fact, I only recall it being down TWICE since 12/04 (when I joined
SL) because of a "hacker attack" (which is just a dramatic way of saying some idiot spawned a self-replicating object). Linden Lab
is taking steps to deal with these "attacks" more and more.

> Although AW may not be growing, it does not have the problems that SL has... and that may also be why AW 4.1 is so delayed BTW...
> they may actually be "testing" the software to make sure it's not like SL :P

You can believe that if you like, but I suspect, in actuality, it's because of the lack of developers and their abilities...

Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...

May 20, 2006, 4:08am
You're an idiot if you think AW hasn't sold out. Perhaps you don't know the details about when aW tried to go public and sold out to
some hole-in-the-wall company named Vanguard that had NOTHING to do with computer software, let alone VR online environments.

Who the hell do you think funded AW 4's development? Did you forget about Stagecoach Island already? Hello, Wells Fargo! Why the
hell do you think it's taking YEARS to even GET AW 4 (4.1 now, no less)?

If working on AW is such a "dream job", why did its ORIGINAL developer, Ron Britvich (Protagonist) leave it YEARS ago? And why did
another longtime developer, Roland Vilette, also leave a couple years ago?

SL has venture capital but it has its own agenda, unlike AW which has continually added features its buyers have asked for (ala
Stagecoach Island).

Stop being so oblivious and wake up to the facts. to get a clue or 8 about AW's history.

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Preserving AW History (build 130 included)

Jul 3, 2006, 4:29am
Can you post the release notes for builds 39 and 78 so I can add them to the AW Wiki?

And if you or anyone else has release notes for other missing versions (1-45,51,55,57-63,78,87,89,119,120,131,132,178,199-227),
please post them or add them to the wiki. Thanks!

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