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Show Menu

Aug 18, 2004, 2:51pm
And downloads window. "Show Status Bar" is redundant, too, considering it's under the "Show" menu (and no other commands IN that menu have "Show" in front).

This is all such basic GUI design it hurts to even have to mention it...especially since I mentioned it YEARS ago...

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Change terrain "truform"

Aug 19, 2004, 5:29pm
What does it matter at 100m? Not like you are there at that distance anyway. Give an example (world + coords) of where objects are adversely affected by terrain LOD at that range.

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Change terrain "truform"

Aug 19, 2004, 10:17pm
Um, maybe the builder DESIGNED the objects to intersect with the terrain. That area looks fine to me, except for the terrain holes far away, of course. <shrug>

If you're referring to the LOD distance threshold, that's another issue. The way AW handles LOD is that it just mindlessly blips the higher-res terrain cell instead of seamlessly transitioning from lower- to higher-poly terrain. The game Project: I'm Going In had continuous LOD but it was still annoying because it happened too close.

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Change terrain "truform"

Aug 20, 2004, 4:11am
Of course there is--but not available to end-users unless you want to attempt to find the hex address and change it (which would nullify upgrades).

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Change terrain "truform"

Aug 21, 2004, 7:42am
What is this "truform" you keep mentioning? It's called LOD (level of detail)...

Like most things, AWI implemented them half-assedly...

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Change terrain "truform"

Aug 22, 2004, 7:22pm
No, "truform" is ATI's propietary, non-standard term.

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Change terrain "truform"

Aug 23, 2004, 5:08pm
You would've gotten your point across more efficiently if you used the correct term. ;)

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Change terrain "truform"

Aug 24, 2004, 6:19am
I knew what you were talking about because I know what LOD is. Don't use propietary terms only used by a single company (ATI); use industry-standard terms.

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A screen capture button!

Aug 19, 2004, 10:08pm
Huh? What's so hard about hitting the "Print Screen" key, opening a graphics program, and pasting it? Couldn't be simpler...well, unless you make a macro to do all of that, but that's just being lazy...

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bot commads

Aug 26, 2004, 6:44pm
Supposedly in AW4...

Ever since bots were first introduced I said they should be part of the browser. Having to run them separate is just silly...

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bot commads

Aug 27, 2004, 5:16pm
[View Quote] Sure it would--if designed competently. At the very basic level, an integrated bot/plugin would automatically execute bump/activate commands for everyone within range. Anything more, really, can be front-end (GUI) coded by a 3rd-party, if need be.

> although having direct access to
> things such as movement, whats said, and the ability to read text (NB: Im
> currently playing with SendMessage to try and do this, someones already done
> it before i think...)
> But appart from that one of the best things about bots is they dont have to
> be where you are...

If a bot was integrated with the world server, this would still hold true.

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Avatar affected by move

Aug 31, 2004, 2:44am
That would require a MUCH better physics engine. I'll believe it when I see it!

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Avatar affected by move

Aug 31, 2004, 2:52am
You can actually do a decent slow-moving elevator with "bump warp" object that moves the av in small increments. I have a manhole cover in Hole (old) world with "activate move 0 10 0 wait=15 time=20;bump warp +0 +0 .003a" that works relatively well, but it does cause the av to bounce as it's going up. Unfortunately, any lower altitude increments will cause the av to eventually fall through the manhole cover (but sometimes the manhole cover will move up through the av and only consistently warp the av up by its head).

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Avatar affected by move

Sep 4, 2004, 12:39pm
Most of AW's features were implemented half-assedly (i.e. incompletely) so, really, it should be no surprise that avatars aren't affected by move/rotate commands anymore than it should be no surprise that the rotate command didn't even have a "wait" option when it was first introduced (yet the move command did). Still, it should be no surprise neither move/rotate commands have a loop amount option--or even an infinite loop option.

And this is just OBJECT animation...I haven't even begun on avatars yet.

Apparently, to do ANYTHING in AW requires a lot more effort than the current developers are willing to put into it...

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World Server: Able to load objects faster

Sep 26, 2004, 7:54pm
He seems to think there's a bandwidth limit on the world server, but what he fails to realize is that download speed is dependent not on the world server but his Net connection.

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World Server: Able to load objects faster

Sep 30, 2004, 5:12pm
Um, yes, you ARE if you're talking about UPLOADING objects (to the object server). Duh. Just because your upload CAPACITY is 30Kbps (KiloBYTE, not k: kiloBIT) doesn't mean you'll get that all the time--or even most of the time. And if you think your upload rate will be as fast as the supposed 100Mbit object server, you don't know squat about how data communication works. You're also not even talking about the world server but are instead actually referring TO the object server. The world server doesn't handle any object uploading at all.

In the future, learn how to write correctly. You didn't specify uploading or downloading--simply "load" which implies downloading/rendering.

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World Server: Able to load objects faster

Oct 1, 2004, 7:17am
I'm getting're turning out to not be worth the effort...

Learn to say what you mean INITIALLY and perhaps you'll have better luck at getting answers to your "problems" sooner...

If you truly knew about how data transfers worked, you would understand that Net congestion, among MANY other factors, influence transfer rate. Do some tests and stop acting so helpless.

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Jun 23, 2001, 7:24am
Bahahaha, you actually think you'll get any WORTHWHILE discussion here?? Why the FUCK do you think this newsgoup was created in the FIRST place, hmm? To get all the idiots out of the REAL AW newsgroups!

Have "fun", twits. <smirk>

[View Quote] > I agree with Birdmike. It's not a "general.pointless-crap" group, it's a
> general.discussion group. If you have anything to discuss/tell that deals
> with something other than AW, post it here.
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Jun 23, 2001, 10:26pm
Simply to have you idiots prove my point. Carry on, morons...<smirk>

[View Quote] > Then um... why are YOU posting here? Hmm??? :) Up till now I was hoping
> this would be an eep free zone.
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Jun 23, 2001, 10:27pm
Wrong. These newsgroups were created exactly for you and the other idiots who mucked up the REAL AW newsgroups. Getting a clue yet, dingo? Didn't think through...

[View Quote] > Here here! :) There are some people that would have you believe that this
> is a dumping ground for useless posts. It's fast becoming that. So let's
> try to turn that around huh? This newsgroup was created to supplement the
> community newsgroup so the rest of us who have been torn down in the
> community group can actually have a voice and participate in discussions and
> debates.
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Expireyed cit renewal?

Aug 3, 2001, 8:01pm
But not a CONSTANT unique user as AWC fradulently reports.

[View Quote] > I was thinking man , I merely stated an opinion that such inflation was not
> the sole reason , and probably not the biggest reason .
> Some people , in the pas, heve been tallked into returning , but wanted
> thier old accounts back .
> Think man, there's more info on the subject than you appear to have.
> Yes , I know there is more to this than stated , But I've been in aw since
> '97 , and heard/seen alot said about this .
> If they just deleted the expired accounts alot of gz would have been
> emptied.
> There were MANY semi-organized objections to the loss of so much history.
> Yes I know that 1 or 2 thousand ID's actually are used for Corporate
> events/vips/ etc ( ie the Pepsi id's ).
> So they're including temporary visitor's who use the extra ,reserved id's ,
> big deal, a user is still a user at some point in time.


Jul 3, 2001, 3:52am
[View Quote] > Anyone know when there will be a new version of the rwmodeler? I am not
> setting my date back to use it.

> Just wish the creator would have the new version ready before the current
> version runs out. :-(
> He wont respond to emails ether.

Yea, but he's quick to threaten with legal action if I don't remove the cracked version. Heh heh...this oughta be fun!


Jul 3, 2001, 1:34pm
You mean the site that's down? Wee...

[View Quote] > the new version is now on modelers web site - refer my post in
> "worldbuilders" ng
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Jul 3, 2001, 1:42pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] Yea, he says he has "multiple lawyers on retainer, and that this will be a minor issue for them". I hope it's also a minor issue to know that their "client" is a major putz who is acting like a dork by not simply releasing a final, non-expiring version of Modeler since he hasn't continued development on it for, oh, YEARS NOW. <roll eyes>

> What would he care, he doesn't do
> anything with that program anymore anyway. :-\
> I would think they would just take that stupid expiry off of it and make it
> freeware since he abandoned it a long while ago...who knows.. :-|

One would think that, yes...but apparently Neil is 2 curly braces short of a completed C program, so...

resizing the browser

Jul 13, 2001, 8:04pm

[View Quote] > Please stop posting in HTML.
[View Quote]

off-topic posts in here! (was Re: I'm back :-) - Disregard this if you

Jul 16, 2001, 11:05am
Stop crossposting this off-topic shit to the on-topic newsgroups. Keep it in general.discussion.

[View Quote] > eh, i dunno, i intentionally forgot all about my problem except how to fix
> it: that way it'll take a couple months before i can fix it next time it
> breaks :-) actually, its the standard kind but i don't remember it's name
> -RD
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Improvement Poll

Jul 19, 2001, 7:01pm
Um, first of all, learn how to quote correctly, newbie. Just reply to the already quoted text instead of copy-pasting it between quote marks.

Second, all you have to do is ask to have your citizenship merged with your world--that's what I did with mine. <shrug>

[View Quote] > "Umm... that's what trial worlds are for, Marcus.", 30 days, not enough
> time. Either you are done trying it out or you aren't, what if you aren't?
> Well, I am proposing a plan to pay as you go. Active Worlds will more
> likely make sales because people will be paying less each month, and over
> time they'll just finish it off if they really want it.
> Those are free... (define "those" - worlds being used for a month)
> "And people can come in as tourists to "test" AW before they decide they
> want to buy a citizenship..."
> EXACTLY!!! They test it out to get a citizenship, not a world. That is the
> point. If they were financed to get a world, then they might be giving
> Active Worlds more money, and have a citizenship with the world. Right now,
> you go to see a teacher as a tourist and then the next thing you know you
> have a citizenship. Then you find out about a world, and now you pay them
> $100 instead of the $80 if financed more properly.
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Improvement Poll

Jul 20, 2001, 7:13am
I have enough facts to know you're a moron. :) It's not AWC's fault you bought multiple citizenships ("things", I assume) and didn't look at world pricing and what comes with it. Sure, AWC could mention that in the tourist chat window spam messages but it's not that big of a deal since most people won't be getting a world anyway--or even a citizenship. Stop acting so helpless (and clueless) and pay attention and explore more and perhaps you won't have so many problems with things, sport. Drive through...

[View Quote] > Eep, unless you are AW and know what money I sent them, you have no idea of
> the details. There are facts you aren't addressing, and that is between me
> and AW, not you. I would have given them more let's say if I had prior
> knowledge. I know what you say is true, but in practice people are not
> going to know upfront to do this merging. I bought multiple things, that now
> I wouldn't have if I had known upfront and just got a world.
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Improvement Poll

Jul 20, 2001, 10:58am
Uh, English isn't your native language, huh champ? Manners isn't the issue here; your understanding of how AWC works is. Since you haven't been in AW long (and nowhere NEAR as long as I have: 4 years), I'll cut you some slack. However, I'd advise you to get a clue before posting and making yourself look like a fool yet again, kid...

[View Quote] > It's not AW's fault, and it's not going to be more money for them then.
> It's their choice, offer the product as a whole, GET MORE MONEY, don't tell
> the customer upfront, get less.
> This is not a quest to find right or wrong, but to address manner. You
> don't have manners, so you wouldn't understand.
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Improvement Poll

Jul 20, 2001, 3:20pm
You don't seem to pay attention to what is told you very well. I already AGREED with you about AWC making more of an effort to get tourists to buy a citizenship AND a world together through the chat window spam messages, and I even told you how to simply MERGE your citzenship with your world so you don't have to pay $20/year extra, but you STILL don't get it. Good god you're fucking incompetent. Well, into the filter you go in THIS newsgroup too.

[View Quote] > lol, my suggestion still stands regardless how many years people have been
> here. I have talked to programmers and some use my suggestions and some
> don't. It's totally up to them, but I can say those that did benefited and
> thanked me in the end. Also, others enjoyed the improvements. So, I'll cut
> you some slack too since you don't seem like the "champ" who would take
> suggestions but rather attack without thinking things out.
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