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xelag // User Search
xelag // User SearchAWTeen Property Search BetaJun 25, 2004, 1:11am
I mean no disrespect. The point is that giving your privs requires: 1) trusting the person you give them to. 2) making sure you are not evesdropped (SSL) 3) and, since any bot can query an area and find property belonging to anyone, requiring someone's privs to find property is like asking for a passport to enter an area that everybody can enter anyway :) As suggested by AWI, I do not give my privs to anyone unless I trust them, less alone to an anonymous web page that can be evesdropped. And even so, if the page was secure, who garantees the privacy, the owner of the page? With Xelagot, I have had various acusations of backdoors and viruses spread by my bot, all false but nevertheless very annoying. I still get them once every few months by email. Do you need that hassle too? If revealing privs is not needed (and it is not, it does not garantee anything as far as protection against vandalism goes) then why bother? Just my opinion, and keep the good work on a helpfull bot :) Alex [View Quote] >umm, yea... It's your own priv pass. > >I realize the pages are not all in SSL and everything. Right now, that's >just not possible for several reasons. > >1) Money.. It takes some money to buy an SSL certificate from >Verisign/Network Solutions (my preferred provider registar). That's >money I don't really have. The people of AWTeen should feel special >enough that I'm paying for the server, maintaining the server, and >writing all (or most) of the pages. I'm a poor broke college student, >what do you expect? > >2) Configuration.... SSL requires the site to have it's own IP address, >you can't use the apache VirtualHosts. It just so happens that >VirtualHosts are what I use in my config file. Yes, this can be changed. >But, until I have another IP address (just a mattter of requesting one), >and a SSL certificate, there's no reason to change this and complicate >the configuration any more than it already is. > >3) It's just a priv pass, not your credit card number. > >So, if you're that paranoid then I guess don't use it. I don't know what >else I can tell you. > >-Jeremy > >P.S. A one year 40-bit SSL certificate for would be $349 USD. >If anyone is feeling generous enough, I'd be more than happy to take a >donation for this ammount and use it to setup SSL for > > >Like I said earlier though, I definitly don't have that much money to >contribute (on top of what I already am with the server). And I don't >really see SSL as being that necessary. > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster >JTech Web Systems > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about >itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 > > > > [View Quote] To much power in the hands of pervertsJun 27, 2004, 1:38am
So what are YOU doing here in this pervert universe?
On 26 Jun 2004 21:54:33 -0400, "hurdy gurdy man" [View Quote] >I have posted here against bdsm and gor nicknames in g rated areas and >someone took it of the boards! >The reason for that is the fact that 60% of the paying worlds are owned by >pricks freaks and perverts! >Congratulations enzo for building the 21st century Sodom and Gomorra! To much power in the hands of pervertsJun 28, 2004, 9:24pm
Is hurdy gurdy man same as .shinny linny woman?
On 28 Jun 2004 17:48:16 -0400, "ferruccio" <startrek3 at> [View Quote] >hurdy gurdy man is getting his panties in a bunch ^,^ > To much power in the hands of pervertsJun 28, 2004, 10:45pm
Well, for one, I would not use credit card verification as a valid
means to test age. If a child is not trained to or will not follow his/her parents' advice (i.e. the parents have not been able to create a trusting relationship with their child), there is no credit card that will supplant this. Moreover: a large part of the world has no access to credit cards. I have, but most of my friends in Europe don't. And I refuse to use my credit card for ID purposes. The Netherlands has now introduced a special coin to buy cigarrets from a machine in clubs, hotels and bars. You request the coin from the bartender. You place the coin in the slot, then the money. You get your cigarrets. An adult has to request this coin. So... kid goes to adult, adult requests coin, kid buys cigs. Easy! So be it with credit cards. The point is: if parents can not teach their kids not to cheat, there is no law, credit card or whatever that will stop them. Not even a xelagot with SQL abilities. The burden has to lie on the parents and how they build up their relationship to their children. After all, when children get of age, if they are used to cheating, they will carry on cheating lustfully, measures or no measures, parents or none. I think that one has to be realistic and practical. The use of credit cards for entering porn sites, for example, was imposed by USA regulations. It has only helped the porn sites to get richer. It has not stopped porn advertising, that can reach all of our kids. I'm not comparing GOR to this, simply stating the inadecuacy of credit card control for this sort of purpose. ActiveWorlds has implemented a rating system. If kids want to cheat, they will. That GOR worlds, besides setting an adult rating to their worlds, add a warning system is all to their credit. This should not even be required. Educate your children not to cheat on you. If you cant, don't blame others. Alex [View Quote] >"Promoting physical harm or injury against any group or invidvidual, or >promoting any act of cruelty to animals." > >Based upon the strong feelings I've seen about them and the 'idea' of Gor I >doubt they take it as virtual reality. Gor is a way of life from what I've >seen and you should not be promoting slavery, rape, abuse, or sex in a >public area. Whether or not your world is rated R or X and ages are asked >there must be better ways of protecting the children. If you want to partake >in Gor than by all means -- if you're an adult whip out your credit card and >prove it (no need to even pay money). It would seem to me the point of Gor >is not very clear and if in fact it is just role playing than you are still >subjecting children to the ideas of Gor and the Gorean 'Culture'. > >Listen I'm not hear to bitch about the Gor's but there must be better >protection for the children's sake. I can't tell you how many times when I >first got into AW I hit the Gor worlds and just went around the age 18 >questions from the bot. I was young and wanted to know what I was missing >but WOAH way TMI. You cannot blame it on my parents for not monitoring me it >is easy enough to get around any blocks put up client side. Server side >blocks however are nearly impossible to get around. With Xelag's new MYSQL >addition to the xelagot you can put up one database for the Gor's with age >verification via credit card in which all of the bots from each Gor world >can access to see whether or not a user has been validated or not. You don't >need to pay anything to get validated, make it free or a dollar or whatever. >It'll help support your world and will keep a majority of the kids out. > [View Quote] To much power in the hands of pervertsJun 29, 2004, 1:58am
There is no substitute to trust. If a parent can not build up a relationship of trust with his/her own child, who will? I'm not advocating unequivocal trust to everything that comes by you. I'm just stating something that seems to me inherent in the human race: take care of your children. Do not rely on external means to control them, the best is that you, as a parent, become aware of possible dangers and teach your children to avoid them. But also, that you realise your own limitations in seeing the world, and accept when your own make a different decision than what you would have liked them to do. False securities are the worse securities. Alex [View Quote] >Credit cards may not be the best solution, I agree. But still, one >can't just throw their hands up in the air and do nothing. Why does it >have to be one or the other, either the parents or the website or world? > That seems pretty black and white, why can't there be a middle ground? > Why can't it be both, both trying to do whatever they can do, as best >they can. Of course nothing is going to be 100% effective, nothing ever >is. But that is no reason to throw your hands up in the air and do >nothing, simply because you can't control everything. It's like, if >someone reallllly wants to get into my car, they can find a way. But >just because I can't protect it 100% doesnt mean Im going to park it by >the side of the road with the doors open and motor running and keys in >the ignition either. Each doing as best they can, helping one another. > That's what a community is all about. > [View Quote] To much power in the hands of pervertsJun 29, 2004, 11:13am
Of course I understand, Kathryn.
But don't you think that an adult rating should be enough to stop a child? How many barriers does one have to build, and at what cost? Where do you stop building barriers? If a child does not stop at the clearly visible first barrier, the world rating, what garantee do you have it will not go into your drawer, pick up your credit card, and punch the number? After all, it's not spending money... What would the next barrier then look like? Adult worlds usually, besides the adult world rating which can be blocked by parents, have a welcome message stating that children are not allowed in. Often they have a bot asking for the age. Three barriers. Add more if you want... I don't think that will help. If a child is already prepared to jump these barriers, then there is probably something wrong with the child's behaviour, not with the barrier. Adding more barriers could simply mean new challenges for that child. That's my opinion, anyway. I don't think it's black and white :) Alex [View Quote] >Of course there's no substitute, Im not talking about substituting, Im >talking about there being things *in addition to*. You're still >thinking of terms of it having to be all one or the other, black and >white. Just because a parent is concerned about things in society that >their child is exposed to does NOT automatically mean that they are lazy >parents who expect the internet or tv be their babysitter and don't >give a damn about what they do or don't know what they do, or that they >must not being doing a very good job at home with the child, or that >they are expecting others to raise their child for them. Im NOT talking >about replacing the parents role in caring for their child. Im talking >about 150% concern for your child at home, and 150% concern for your >child's environment out of the home, or online. Children first, always. > Society can't turn a blind eye to children and trample over them >treating them any way they feel like, not caring, because the child is >'someone else's problem' so why care to treat them with respect. Im >talking about the parent building up trust in the home and doing all >they can to teach their child right at home AND about there being >concern for a child's environment and the roles that others play as well >in their child's life. There needs to be both. > [View Quote] Corrupt PK's & AW the CompanyJun 29, 2004, 2:06am
oooooohhhhhhh cant i flame....? whats an ng for then? :)```````` *
[View Quote] >I'm just going to say this now before we have dozens of flames... >Please, don't reply to this thread. Please? Pretty please with sugar on >top? If everyone wants to moan at this or bitch at that, please start >your own forum or newsgroup and do it there, okay? *hopes there aren't >six flames when he reads the newsgroups again* > >Builderz > A good 4th of July!Jul 3, 2004, 6:37pm
To all US citizens, and people living in the USA, Xelagots and me wish
you all a good 4th of July :) Alex A good 4th of July!Jul 3, 2004, 11:23pm
Will try to bar b q in stormy and rainy time LOL! We haven't had a
decent day of summer this week :) We have anyway the euro 2004 football finals here to watch, Portugal vs Greece... may the best one win! Alex PS: I prepared a good meal for the event! [View Quote] >Thank you Xela :) > >And just so you don't have to miss out. >Loading up the bottle rocket........ >Lighting the fuse...... >Bang........... >Shooting a fire work Xela's way > >Oh pretty. Red, green, blue, yellow. It's so pretty. Hope you can see it ok >:) > >Just cause you don't celebrate the 4th as independants day, doesn't mean you >can't bar b que and light a sparkler just for the heck of it, anyway, you >know :) > >You have a good 4th too :) > >Imagine > [View Quote] Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 8, 2004, 12:36pm
Bug reports can be sent to beta at, even if AWI calls
this release final. For AWI to be able to replicate the bug, computer and graphic card specs ought to be included, Also, details like where can they observe the bug, etc, should also be sent. Alex On 7 Jul 2004 21:18:01 -0400, "lady nighthawk" [View Quote] >I have some problems with it.... > >1) I'm continually loading the world that I've already loaded. Load n load n >load? Is their a problem with caching? > >2) Seqs stop all of a sudden and for no apparent reason, the only way I can >correct it is to reboot browser, and then after awhile it happens again. > >3) MP3 and other songs are intermittent at best, they no longer play >smoothly like they use to. Choopy music is no fun to listen to. > >4) Can you please open beta group to further discuss these issues and allow >some time for the general community to comment? Personally I asked a few of >you AWI owners to add me to beta, you didn't ... I don't understand why 3.6 >is considered final release when only a handful have tested it. I could >access beta group for one day (yesterday) but now I'm off again? > >I'm back on 3.5 (532) until I get some answers... > >LNH Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 8, 2004, 12:44pm
On 7 Jul 2004 21:18:01 -0400, "lady nighthawk"
[View Quote] >I have some problems with it.... > >1) I'm continually loading the world that I've already loaded. Load n load n >load? Is their a problem with caching? This happens to me too and is very annoying, because (and that has been since I have the ATI Radeon card) every time the browser re-downloads the objects, it also messes up the rendering permanently, and I get flying triangles and need to reboot the computer. The browser is not respecting the object refresh value. >2) Seqs stop all of a sudden and for no apparent reason, the only way I can >correct it is to reboot browser, and then after awhile it happens again. I haven't noticed this one, at least not more often than before. >3) MP3 and other songs are intermittent at best, they no longer play >smoothly like they use to. Choopy music is no fun to listen to. Also not noticed, but I have noticed, and reported, that long media files are not working smoothly (they interrupt and start recaching), this may very well be related. >4) Can you please open beta group to further discuss these issues and allow >some time for the general community to comment? Personally I asked a few of >you AWI owners to add me to beta, you didn't ... I don't understand why 3.6 >is considered final release when only a handful have tested it. I could >access beta group for one day (yesterday) but now I'm off again? > >I'm back on 3.5 (532) until I get some answers... > >LNH Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 11, 2004, 8:46pm
Lady Nighthawk,
The "masses" can still test it, and will. Whether it is called open beta or not does not make much difference, it's all in a name: in both cases, the way is to send a full report to beta at Alex On 11 Jul 2004 13:51:18 -0400, "lady nighthawk" [View Quote] >Is there a difference in between the upgrade and the download version? I've >not heard? Yes I have T&L checked. I still think this version should be >tested by the masses, I'm not the only one having issues. > >LNH Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 13, 2004, 7:12pm
I find the disrespectful attitude towards the beta testers disgusting, and I am very annoyed. I expect that from Eep (he has always done that, I don't understand why he is allowed back in to do the same all over again), not from you. We have done our best and spent a lot of our time to help AWI enable a new feature. There will always be bugs, and these can only be solved by proper bug reports. AWI does not have to reply to the bug reports (even if that annoys us, and it does annoy me too), it is their product, being a beta tester is no fun, and certainly no acquired right of yours or of mine. I was banned by Bill Hoover from the 3.5 alpha/beta testing until the last week before it became public. His prerrogative. Please stop accusing us, we were asked to solve many technical problems. Take your frustrations elsewhere, as I try to do too. From Eep I do not expect him to stop throwing crap, he has always been attacking others, including the existance of bots (my xelagot would not exist if I had followed his attacks). I did not expect that from you. Alex On 12 Jul 2004 17:40:43 -0400, "lady nighthawk" [View Quote] >Exactly Eep ... what is the point of a beta NG if only the *choice users* >can access it??? Since I get no replies to my email to beta at then I have no >idea if they got it or not. Also, why should we email if we have a beta NG? >It's nice to be able to see that others are having the same issues as you, >and now and then AWI does answer posts. If their policy on using the beta NG >has changed it would be nice to know that!? If I'm not allowed to use it >(beta NG) then I might as well remove it right? > >LNH Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 13, 2004, 7:34pm
On 13 Jul 2004 17:20:10 -0400, "lady nighthawk"
[View Quote] >*Mutes self* > >LNH No need to mute self LOL. Criticism is necessary, but also realisation that there are limits to what we can do. We don't own the company. I think all beta testers that participated to this new feature have done an extraordinary job, which could not have been done otherwise. I sent theoretical code to translate volume to internal code (and had a big fight about this), others have done a heck of a lot of testing to allow less powerful computers to use this new feature. It is not perfect, and will need more testing and tuning. This testing will be done by all users, feedback to AWI is needed. They will not necessarily respond (they don't even seem to answer most of my emails, foo), but in time things might progress. Alex Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 14, 2004, 10:42am
[View Quote]
>This actually made sense because the 3.6 version ONLY introduced the
>media command and was not supposed (and did not) include any other >feature or option. Exactly. This beta was focused on the introduction of the media command only, not on solving other bugs. That is what Chrispeg was asked to do, and he asked us to concentrate on that task. "En passant" some bugs were also fixed by him, but that was not the main objective. As you may have noticed, this beta was very short compared to 3.4 and 3.5, weeks instead of many months. Chrispeg worked days, nights and weekends on this, practically non-stop. The code was re-written twice. There was very good feedback between Chrispeg and beta testers, the best I've ever seen. This produced the streaming media functionality in record time. >Whether is it wise to introduce a new feature before all fixes for old >ones were being made is another issue and discussion. That is a very good point and is argueable, but you can not blame Chrispeg or the beta testers for having done a good job on the media command :) It is now up to the community to test it, send bug reports, etc. If the media command had not been made, you would not have its benefits... and would not need to report bugs on it either! Alex > > > [View Quote] Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 14, 2004, 10:52am
In general, I agree with you. But in this particular case, the
technical side was overwhelming and needed to have priority, so I agree whith the chosen approach, which was to have it working and have it fast. We can now, having the basic tool, look at wider implications. Whether this is done in a beta testing structure or not is a different matter. Alex [View Quote] >I do see, though, a valid point of critics here, even when it was not >outspoken but more induced. > >I noticed, too, that most of the beta testers seem to have been chosen >from a technical point of view, which might be questionable. The design >of the client includes not only technical issues, but also questions of >useability and appeareance, and it would make perfect sense when you >also have representatives of the wow-all-the-colors-and-sounds and the >where-are-my-glasses user groups, as well as from groups who use the >program in a less-technical sense (who walk around in the landscape to >experience details rather than fly to reach a target, who use it only >for talking face to face and not for building or messaging, etc.). > >Although the main perspective of the developers lie, naturally, on the >technical side, I have on numerous occasions tried to intervene and to >bring non-technical also into the discussion. > >In my humble opinion, a beta test should test the complete end product >with all its appearences and impressions, including "feels" and >triggered emotions, and not just or mainly the technical aspects (hint >word: acceptance), and this is especially true for a product that is >made up almost only from its "look" (only that is, what a user sees in >the end and while using it). > >I have seen over the years here in the newsgroups many reactions to new >versions, and most of the negative reactions were a result from outer >and inner design changes - while complaints about technical >insufficiencies were more rare. > >Therefore, I think the discussion taking place here now, is not a >negative thing per se and testers and non-testers and developers try to >understand why one groups thinks this and the other group that. :-) > > > > [View Quote] Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 14, 2004, 9:52pm
No I did not quote from it, neither did the oponents, or oponents
citing beta testers :) It is always annoying when you are not admitted to a group. I beta tested a few here, and suddenly, for 3.5, I was not admitted. I understand perfectly well that sort of feeling, it was very annoying for me and impaired my work with bots a lot. But the nature of beta testing, which is done now ALWAYS by a chosen group that can read and post to the beta ng, is such that this sort of things happen. The beta ng is not meant for users, it is meant to give direct feedback to AWI programmers. Feedback they can read without having to weed out discussions, flames, etc. The beta ng is reserved exclusively for this use, according to what AWI decides they need at a certain moment. It is not meant for our satisfaction. Open beta is actually just a name for what we can always do: send bug reports directly to AWI. No feedback though for the sender, but my experience in the beta ng is that mostly, no feedback comes from the AWI team unless THEY need feedback (this time, Chrispeg DID send a lot of feedback, a notable exception). When AWI declares an open beta, it actually only means, in my opinion, that they are not quite sure their product is up to standard yet.... but it never is :) It is usefull, though, when lots of changes have been made, people feel motivated to report. So this time, I think they were cleverer: no 'fake' open beta, since the procedures are the same anyway. They could have been clearer in the sense that anyone can post to this ng (community) as has always been the case and send good bug reports to the AWI team anyhow. This is how open beta has always worked. The first beta ng, if I remember rightly years ago, was a total chaos. It was open to anyone applying. Worse than the community, general.discussion and add what you will ng combined. No use at all for a programming team. I am glad this has changed! Alex [View Quote] >I do not read about any new features or options being included. :-) > >But apart from that, you did not quote from the invitation letter to the >testers which stated without any doubt that the 3.6 revision only deals >with media, though some obvious fixes of problems would be possible when >they were along the way and would not take too long. >I quote here: > >(...) >It is to test the embedded media player, to improve features and >capabilities of it. The first phase of this beta cycle will only be >about the new multimedia capabilities. All other concerns can be >discussed later. >The plan is, to have 3.6 out as soon as any possible >(...) ><<< > >This makes hopefully the intentions of the 3.6 beta test more clear. :-) > > > > > [View Quote] Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 15, 2004, 11:48pm
Eep has a notorious history, not only in AW newsgroups, but in quite a
few others related to 3D (just try a Google). On the one side, he does a lot to help others understand how 3D works - and not always correctly, but who does - on the other side he is extremely obnoxious. Unprovoked autistically obnoxious. Although I do respect his good aspects - and he has quite a few - due to the compulsive tendency he has to insult others and consider that all what others do even for free is his own property, I have banned him from my email and newsreader, so I only see replies to his posts. A grain of salt is an understatement, a bucket or two would be more accurate :) Alex [View Quote] >Ha... Here's a wee bit of history and I don't need some old Web Page... > >You'r back... (assuming it's really you...) and you apparently haven't >grown up any... > >You were booted out of the News Group(s)a few years back... I'v no >problem with them giving you another chance... Obviously some people >never learn tho'... > >For those new to the News Group and Alpha and haven't the benefit of >memory... Take everything (b)Eep says with a grain of salt... > >(I haven't read the 'History' Page for years... was a nice walk (if >childishly one sided) down memory lane... thanx... ) > >Again, for those new to the NG or Alpha... (b)Eep has a (how shall I put >this) uniquely one sided take on events... If he spent 1/2 the time >creating a balanced review as he does trying to prove to anyone who'l >listen that he's either right, he was wronged, he knows best, etc Alpha >(and it's Citizens) would have something of value... As it stands, >however, this 'history' is just one persons 'blog'... Worth only as much >as the options of the person writing it... > >And for those who are wondering who I am... and how I know these >things... (fair questions...) I'v been a Citizen of Alpha since Nov >'95... I was 'actually' around when some of the 'history' that (b)Eep >only write about 2nd hand was happening... > >Those new to the NG or Alpha who wish to know the history should be sure >to check credentials of the one writing it... If(s)he wasn't there then >odds are it's based on hearsay... (or worse...) Xelagot 3.601 (AW 3.6) availableJul 8, 2004, 7:03pm
The first 3.6 xelagots are now available (3.600 was still 3.5). Please
see Alex How to amuse yourself...Jul 10, 2004, 11:18am
I don't know how to do step 1 :(
On 10 Jul 2004 08:22:51 -0400, "strike rapier" [View Quote] >Id like to share a little tip on how to amuse yourself.... > >Note this only really works after you've been up for 24 hours straight and >or otherwise nackered. > >Step 1) When you are aware - Turn off the 'shortcut to' miniarrow that >appears on shortcuts >Step 2) create a new folder called 'whats in here'... >Step 3) Inside the above new folder create a shortcut to the same folder >called 'whats in here' > >You will now have endless hours of fun trying to work out how many folders >are within the folders completly forgetting the fact that you have 'show >full path in the address bar' turned on and it is infact just staying the >same. > >Enjoy, > >- Mark R > Xelagot 3.602 (AW 3.6 SDK build 39) availableJul 11, 2004, 6:08pm
A week after SDK build 38 appeared, build 39 was made available today.
Xelagot 3.602 uses this new SDK. Please see details at: Alex Xelagot 3.602 (AW 3.6 SDK build 39) availableJul 11, 2004, 6:20pm
Not a week, just 3 days after!
[View Quote] >A week after SDK build 38 appeared, build 39 was made available today. >Xelagot 3.602 uses this new SDK. > >Please see details at: > > >Alex Re: Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???Jul 15, 2004, 1:07am
That might be a solution in an honest world.
The problem is not unhappiness, but security and stability. Often alpha/beta versions contain code which can compromise security settings for all of us. Even if security is far from perfect in user versions, in apha/beta versions the problem can be much more serious, simply because code is being tested. Such a tester is held by an explicit or implicit non disclosure agreement. Until the product is found fit for a larger audience, I don't think that any sane enterprise would release it just like that (even AWI, in all their madness :) In the case in question, I think that the issue was much more focused on the need to find a viable way to integrate media streaming code into the AW browser. This was a very technical question, as it had never been attempted and was unexplored terrain. Moreover, the browser code is made up in layers, by different programmers. Some layers are old, dating from the begin times. It is very difficult to integrate modern methods in old fossils. Slowly, these old layers are being peeled off, as it were, and converted to code that can be used for more up to date functionalities. Sound and visuals existed for a long time in AW, but conflicting methods were used, each responding to a specific need. For the introduction of streaming media, a lot had to be re-written and unified... and the task is not finished yet. I think Chrispeg made the right decision in limiting participation to this project. Now its up to the users to carry on testing, give ideas and bug reports. The closed beta testing period was very short, compared to previous ones, and meant to make this functionality viable, so I think no one can complain seriously that they are excluded: it has been made available to all to test in a record time. Alex [View Quote] >I think anyone should be allowed to download a beta version (no closed >beta) but only a select few be admitted to the beta NG ..the rest could >submit bugs via e-mail..and AWI could relieve themselves of having to >give support/help for the beta version... > >That way nobody is unhappy that they didn't get to use the beta version >and the sanity of the beta NGs is preserved... > >Ryan Home Again (for a bit)Jul 22, 2004, 3:44am
[View Quote]
>i want porn O_O
> > -SWE me too, but I am of age to have it LOL! (55) 0_0 > [View Quote] Windows Media Feature (Patrick Cook)Jul 17, 2004, 10:15am
Posted in andras' newsgroup, with request to post here, so here goes:
Hi everyone: Just downloaded ActiveWorlds 3.6 and noticed it now has a Windows Media feature built-in. ('bout time they started to support streaming media within AW). I've got a Drive-In theater build in Hamsterville which would benefit IMMENSELY from this. Add this to my GROWING collection of classic movies which I downloaded from the Internet Archive, and people will be able to watch these movies (which are ROYALTY FREE I might add) at the Drive-In. My only question is this. If someone doesn't have a web server or have the videos hosted somewhere, HOW will they be played? I can encode them into 100K Windows Media videos and store them in a directory. That's not the problem. What gets me is HOW will the Windows Media plugin at the end users' end be able to FIND the video if it's NOT stored on some web server someplace? If ActiveWorlds were to support the new NSV format (that's streaming video for Winamp), this really wouldn't be much of a problem as I could just simply run another instance of the SHOUTcast server by not publishing the stream in the Winamp TV Directory. I could use the city's website to publicize the stream and direct people to the theater in order to watch. :-) Hopefully someone from ActiveWorlds is reading this (ATTENTION Mountain Myst :-)). But since my cit is currently expired, I'll post the info on NSV here (someone else PLEASE FEEL FREE to pass this onto the AW Community newsgroup :-)). OFFICIAL NSV WEBSITE: NSV RESOURCES & INFO: NSV stands for Nullsoft Streaming Video. There's also an NSV forum on the Winamp website. Anyhow...I believe I've covered all the bases on what I was gonna say. :-) Thoughts anyone? Cheers for now :-) PC Hamster Mayor - City Of Hamsterville pchamster at Denver, Colorado (my REAL city :-)) Re: Max Payne mod (was Re: Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???)Jul 20, 2004, 11:50pm
Oh check this page, E N Z O right at the bottom you will see my approximation of unreadable text at the Fang Club Comments, dating 1999 :) Alex On 20 Jul 2004 15:58:08 -0400, "e n z o" <enzo at> [View Quote] >wow! the easy to read dark gray on black template! > >:P > > > > [View Quote] dead link at ActiveWorlds.comJul 21, 2004, 10:09pm
And what do you think of this one:
go to Mars. The home page advertises AW 3.4 as NEW, and the link provided to download the browser gets you awb34.exe. No broken link, but rather absurd :) Alex [View Quote] >At some page at it is few dead links, so to help, I post >the new URL of it, if it exists. And also one dead link in the aw help file >default.awh. > >Page: >--- > AlphaWorld Object Gallery > > New url: > >Page: >---- > Tengel's AW Website > New url: >---- > Mundo Hispano: does not exist anymore >--- > Patagonia: > New url: >--- > Active Worlds Building Help Files : > > Should be: >---- > HenrikG's Texture Tutorial : > Deleted by HenrikG as his own wish. > >And one dead link in ActiveWorlds default.awh file: > The Newsgroups "How to read and post" > >Does not exist PLEASE VOTE AND SAVE THE WORLD FROM BUSH...Jul 23, 2004, 11:40pm
Maybe yo added a comma too many to your reply ? :)
On 23 Jul 2004 21:12:54 -0400, "strike rapier" [View Quote] >Im English, Moron. Xelagot 3.603 available - user listJul 23, 2004, 7:44pm
This version includes two bug fixes, and a new feature for universe
caretakers (3.5 ot higher): User List, both in X1's user interface as in the Action Script. See What's New at Alex One of the Best Movies I've seen...Jul 24, 2004, 8:08pm
:)~~~~~ *
On 24 Jul 2004 17:24:38 -0400, "strike rapier" [View Quote] >Its true... Spy Kids 3 may be utter shite... and The Matrix Reloaded may be >not as good as everyone expected... but this is bloody hillarious... oh.. >and stolen off the SW Forum :O > > > >- Mark > |