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xelag // User Search"Bot Limit Exceeded" revistedMar 13, 2000, 3:41am
Hi, the only irregularity I have seen with bot limit exceeded occurs
after a universe disconnect. On reconnection, aw.dll seems to issue a hidden aw_login which triggers the callback. At that moment, if you hit the bot limit because there are ghost bots (not cleaned up during the disconnection), you get this error code, which I blissfully ignore and the bot logs back in ok. XelaG. [View Quote] >Below is an excerpt from an email exchange with AW tech support. Here's >what I think happens. I'm calling AwTerm and AwDestroy. At one point I got >an error msg that the engine couldn't terminate the bot. I think that not >successfully terminating leaves some data structure on the AW side dirty. >This is a serious bug on their part since a connection could be lost at any >time. > >I would recommend that everyone doing low level bot programming put in some >serious re-try logic for AwTerm. It may not be enough to completely fix the >problem but should help. If my theory is correct that is. It could be a >very different problem but I've satisfied myself that it's on the AW side. > >Norm > >______________ > >Well, they haven't been running. In fact I've booted my machine several >times since then. Larry is the first one that logs in so it's probably >killing the rest. Anyhow that loop only exists on your side. I just >re-booted again to make sure and got the same error. > >Norm > >For the account sagaman I do not see any "bot limit exceeded" errors in the >past 24 hours but it looks like the bots Larry and Moe are caught in a login >loop since 11pm PST on account i12. For some reason the bots are all trying >to login on the same socket. I suggest killing the bot program for a few >minutes and then restart them one at a time. >Please include previous dialog in all replies.. >Thanks >AW Tech Support > > > LaserTag Bot script for XelagotsMar 28, 2000, 3:45pm
The new LaserTag Bot script for xelagots is at Please read the instructions carefully to install the necessary props for the game. ejection bug in xelagotMar 31, 2000, 9:41am
It has been drawn to my attention that the latest xelagots (possibly
from 2.999974 to 2.999977) have a serious bug in the file eject code: all tourists get ejected for a maximum period of one week when the eject file is active :( Version 2.999978 has fixed this bug. SDK build 16 XelagotApr 4, 2000, 4:53pm
Xelagot 2.999981 is out, using the new 3.0 beta SDK build 16. New
vebal commands: for warping an avatar within one world avwarp <victim>, <coords> awp <victim>, <coords> for teleporting within one world avteleport <victim>, <coords> atp <victim>, <coords> for teleporting to another world, add the world name to the coordinates, for example: avteleport Abbot Pabisoko, nowhere 1000n 29000w 300a 180 where 'nowhere' is the name of the world:) For this to work, the bot must be Caretaker or have Eject rights, the world server must be 3.0 beta build 23 or higher, and the victim must be either a bot using this sdk function (this xelagot does) or a person using the 3.0 (beta) browser. This version of xelagot includes many changes in the Survey manager: 2 extra buffers for projects, moving objects from and to the different buffers or lists, to and from disk (Lists tab), and a vertical toolbar next to the map to select actions: track bot, use cache, auto survey, project/survey on top, hide survey, hide project.... Help pages have not been yet updated, but the bot has been uploaded (the number on the pages may still be the old one). Xelagot with new world attributesApr 5, 2000, 7:22pm
Xelagot version 2.999982 has all new world attributes. The Directional
Light source can be modified using Azimut (angle from the North towards the West) and Altitude above or below the horizon, in degrees, instead of the weird user killer notation AW chose to use. All attributes have their Action Script statement. I will update the help pages asap (I still have to write them) AllowAvatarCollision On AllowAvatarCollision Off DirectColor %red %green %blue DirectRed %red DirectGreen %green DirectBlue %blue DirectX %x DirectY %y DirectZ %z (or better) DirectPolarH %azimut %altitude AmbientColor %red %green %blue AmbientRed %red AmbientGreen %green AmbientBlue %blue FogEnable On FogEnable Off FogMinimum %n FogMaximum %n Check the corresponding Action Script section of the help files for how to set world attributes. Xelagot with ejection database accessApr 11, 2000, 11:31pm
I just uploaded a new version of Xelagot, with the ability to query and modify the world ejection database. World server must be 23 or higher, bot must be caretaker. This ability is hidden in the Ejections tab of the "World | World attributes" menu. Comments and suggestions to xelag at :) Web pages will be updated to-morrow (it's 3:15 am here LOL). Help with Xelagot DJ ProgramMay 3, 2000, 2:03pm
Hmm, I just re-tested it again here, it still works fine. If you have the midis
on your Object Path and are using relative urls, you need to add the pathname and checkmark the corresponding checkbox. Otherwise, the program accepts urls starting with http:// or, if this is absent, it assumes the protocol is HTTP. If the url does not include any slash at all, the program assumes it is on the path you entered for unqualified midis. Another cause of failure could be that you don't have the Windows Media Player properly installed, which is used by the program to check and time the midis. The error log should tell you the cause of the failure, by the way. XelaG [View Quote] > I am trying to run the XElagot Dj program. I loaded my list etc. When I go > to check URL, they all come back negative. The URLs work fine. If someone > can help me with this i would be much oblidged, Xelagot 2.9999907 with Verbal commands for world rightsMay 3, 2000, 1:48pm
The last uploads of Xelagot have quite a few additions. The latest
version includes Verbal Commands for changing the individual entries in the world rights lists. These can now also be manged from the user interface (by right clicking on an avatar on the Presence list), and in Action Script statements. An example of verbal commands: Enter Caretakermode Give PS to 345678 Take ED from 123456, 23987 Give Build to 2345, 678908 Take Enter from * (closes the world) Exit Caretakermode The bot might answer something like this: I am now in Caretakermode. To make me leave this mode, say: 'exit Caretakermode' Giving PS to 345678 Taking ED from 123456, 23987 Giving Build to 2345. The list is full (bad luck for 678908) Taking enter from * I have exited Caretakermode. To put me in this mode, say: 'enter Caretakermode' Check What's New at for more details. XelaG. Xelagot: chat scrolling and hot-linksMay 5, 2000, 11:32am
Scrolling now works quite well, and I added undelined text in the chat
screen for urls and email addys, can be double-clicked to execute the link. Check for details :) Xelagot news...May 8, 2000, 9:02am
Xelagot news.... version 2.9999912
I fixed the scrolling of chat text again, and a few bugs (like one which affected the Mirror bot script). Please report asap any bugs to xelag at, I am nearing the codecomplete stage for Xelagot version 3.0, which should be out as soon as the aw sdk for bots gets out of beta. Check for details :) Xelagot script/variable helpMay 17, 2000, 1:54pm
If you go to the Survey Manager (menu Uni | Survey), you have an option to track the bots position while querying... This is not available in scripting (not a bad idea tho, to add this possibility) but can be combined with scripting. Try starting a survey in the survey manager, menu Survey | Start Query, with the following options enabled: auto survey map, use cache, map tracks bot. If the bot is following you, it will start a new query when necessary. I admit this is a bit clumsy, and there are possibilities to do that without the survey manager on. Have you had a look at the script which comes with the bot called avatar_object_click.txt? It has all the elements for detecting objects when the bot is querying in the right zone, maybe you can use some of the code there. Be careful, tho: if you click on an object the bot cannot find (in this particular script) the bot teleports to gz :) Another option is to ask the bot verbally to start a query at its own position when you have an object you wish to record. Wait until the bot says it is ready, and use the code in the script I mentioned to make a script to record the object and its position... that is, if you don't mind talking or whispering to bots :) That's much faster that using the survey manager option, because in the survey manager, the bot queries 25 sectors instead of 9, to cover the edges of the map Hmm, looking at my help files, I see I omitted the verbal commands for querying a zone (they exist for longer than a year LOL)... I will be adding them to-day to the Build-Seed commands. The verbal command to query at the bot's position is: query here query there to query at a given coordinate query at <coords> you may have to stop an ongoing query for this: end query this is to make sure verbal commands don't accidentally interfere with scripts and the survey manager I hope this helps. For a faster reply, send me an e-mail to xelag at Alex (XelaG) [View Quote] > Hello fellow Citizens:-))) > > I'm new to bots. Just downloaded my Xelagot about a week ago. And I'm > impressed about the posibilities with the Xelagots. This is very, very kewl > programming:-))))) > > But I have a problem scripting my Xelagot. And I know it's me and not the > bot:-)) Perhaps I'll explain it with a scenario: > > I found that the Xelagot is very usefull for my historical > surveys/expeditions/research so here goes: > > I want my xelagot - Snoopy - to tack along when I'm on expedition and if I > find something interresting I will click on an object and have Snoopy report > to me verbal: Model, Description, Citizen, Action, and write it to a file > PLUS the objects position. > > Well getting the information written to a file is fairly easy(!) But I can't > find a script command/variable which isolates Model, Decription etc. I > thought that all this was in the GetTargetObject script command. But it > seems to me that the data GetTargetObject returns is pos, hight and > direction of the object. > > I know about querying the database, eventhandler, filter etc. > > Your help will be apreciated:-)) > > Shekwan WorldSchedule xelagot scriptMay 17, 2000, 1:56pm
For caretakers: the WorldSchedule xelagot script will change your world
attributes (including 3.0 and rights) according to a daily schedule, without editing the script file. You may at will include line-breaks and tabs in your WelcomeMessage specification. You can run it permanently, or once and stop it: it will always check the right time for changing things. See for details. It requires the latest version of Xelagot. Question about XelagotMay 27, 2000, 12:40am
it is possible, if you learn how to script, that does require some programming skills :( Prestons (bless them) have a scheduler for this, my bots can do this and a lot more with scripts. All depends on what you call a season, and how often your seasons change.... if it is only 4 times a year, LOL, then just do it manually :) I am now working on a world attributes daily scheduler, this will alleviate the pain of making and using a script. A daily scheduler script is already available at, and the next version of xelagot will include a way to make and save the necessary attributes files needed by the scheduler script. Alex. [View Quote] > If my ISP didn't go down on me some time ago and delete all of my files, > I may be able to find the answer to this and not feel rushed to meet a > deadline I set in January.......aaarrrrggghhh. Anyway, as I am far from > being a programmer, I just wanted to know if it is possible to configure > the Xelagot to change the backdrop and ground according to seasons? This > may be answered on your help pages, and if it is I'm sorry for sounding > dense and asking here. Any help is appreciated. Thank you so much. Xelagot from a serverMay 27, 2000, 12:43pm
Hi anpetu,
The freeware Xelagot program could be run from an NT server, but due to the overhead it has, that is not very practical. There are two other experimental versions of the xelagot, which run more than 3 bots (only limited by the available memory and the SDK), but they are not at present available for general use. One has a 'reduced' user interface showing login, logout and error messages (no chat, no presence lists etc): the Av99bot; it allows multiple instances of the program to run. The other runs as an NT service totally in the background: the SrvcXlgBot; only one instance of this program can be installed on a computer. I am not planning to make these versions available for the time being, the main reason being they are meant to run unattended, and I need a 100% garantee that they work flawlessly. I run my own bots on my PC, so they are not always online. [View Quote] > For some time I've been running my world server from my own pc as well > as the bots, but as I keep getting disconnected have found someone to > host my world for me. The question I have, however, is this: Is there a > way to run Xelagot from the server which will be hosted by someone else, > or will the bot/s have to be run off of my own pc? If it can be run from > the server, how? Thanks again. NaughtsAndCrosses script (TicTacToe)May 30, 2000, 12:22am
Xelagots have a new script: NaughtsAndCrosses (TicTacToe). See for more details. It requires version 2.9999916 or greater. xelagot with proxy server accessJun 1, 2000, 5:43pm
xelagot 2.9999921 can access a proxy server to download files,
overriding the windows internet settings. Actually, it can do one of three things: use the windows settings, force a direct download or use a proxy server. The same applies now to DJ.EXE 2.06. See 'What's New' for details Need help figuring out how to finish a botJun 11, 2000, 2:59pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Jeiden, The scripting language is meant for people who have some programming background. Have a look at the working examples I posted, for instance, the DoubleWarps script: it intercepts the chatlines using an OnChatEvent handler. That is probably what you need to figure out if your bot is to act on commands sent thruogh chatlines. The main script part of this DoubleWarps example: [Main] var at bot, %alpha, %beta, %ns1, %we1, %ns2, %we2 var $ns1, $we1, $ns2, $we2, $ac1, $ac2 var ~w1, ~w2 var %dist, %ds, %repeat, %re, %done var $panel, %faces # distance between 2 warps in meters # 2 meters will be added to the warp %dist = 10 # panel must be a one sided panel $panel = "sign4.rwx" # repeat times %repeat = 1 %faces = 0 Add %ds %dist 2 Div %ds %ds 10 Stop Gosub SayState Gosub SayHelp Label Wait OnChatEvent Chat Label WaitLoop Goto WaitLoop Label Build OnChatEvent %re = %repeat %done = 0 Add %ds %dist 2 Div %ds %ds 10 # %ds has the distance of the warp in aw units Label BuildNow Gosub Pos GetLocation at bot LocMove3d at bot %dist 0 0 WarpLocal at bot Dec %re Inc %done Concat $a "Warp " %done Say $a IfInt %re > 0 Goto BuildNow Say Done Goto Wait End Notice the two lines: OnChatEvent Chat and OnChatEvent. The first one activates an event handler, the second one de-activates it. The event handler is: Event Chat GetChatPerson &p IfPerson &p IsNotBoss EndEvent GetChatLine $a IfString "model" IsIn $a Gosub SetModel Else IfString "faces you" IsIn $a Gosub SetFacesYou Else IfString "faces away" IsIn $a Gosub SetFacesAway Else IfString "distance" IsIn $a Gosub SetDistance Else IfString "repeat" IsIn $a Gosub SetRepeat Else IfString "state" IsIn $a Gosub SayState Else IfString "action" IsIn $a Gosub SayAction Else IfString "help" IsIn $a Gosub SayHelp Else IfString "menu" IsIn $a Gosub SayHelp Else IfString "build" IsIn $a Gosub SetBuild EndEvent It is quite straightforward. Each line with IfString tests if a certain word or group of words appears in the chatline, and if so calls a Sub to handle the case. Hope this helps. Alex. [View Quote] > Hey all again, basically I am writing because of Xelag's bankingbot > script (the one missing the chat commands). well this is my problem > after reading all the files on programming the xelagots (printing the > whole thing too) I still cannot make heads nor tails of it (the only > thing I can make of any bot script is where to put the id and pass). I > have no clue on how to add the chat lines (the parts Xelag left out > due to limited time and space I guess) or any of the command lines for > that matter. if someone would be kind and help me learn to read what > looks to me a like gobbly-gook (no offense meant just have no clue on > how to read let alone write in the language) it would be greatly > appreciated. A totally clueless, Jeiden --------------465F87F28297B58FCE32E269 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> Hi Jeiden, <p>The scripting language is meant for people who have some programming background. Have a look at the working examples I posted, for instance, the DoubleWarps script: it intercepts the chatlines using an OnChatEvent handler. That is probably what you need to figure out if your bot is to act on commands sent thruogh chatlines. <p>The main script part of this DoubleWarps example: <p>[Main] <br>var at bot, %alpha, %beta, %ns1, %we1, %ns2, %we2 <br>var $ns1, $we1, $ns2, $we2, $ac1, $ac2 <br>var ~w1, ~w2 <br>var %dist, %ds, %repeat, %re, %done <br>var $panel, %faces <br> # distance between 2 warps in meters <br> # 2 meters will be added to the warp <br> %dist = 10 <br> # panel must be a one sided panel <br> $panel = "sign4.rwx" <br> # repeat times <br> %repeat = 1 <br> %faces = 0 <br> Add %ds %dist 2 <br> Div %ds %ds 10 <br> Stop <br> Gosub SayState <br> Gosub SayHelp <br>Label Wait <br> <font color="#3333FF">OnChatEvent Chat</font> <br>Label WaitLoop <br> Goto WaitLoop <br>Label Build <br> <font color="#3333FF">OnChatEvent</font> <br> %re = %repeat <br> %done = 0 <br> Add %ds %dist 2 <br> Div %ds %ds 10 <br> # %ds has the distance of the warp in aw units <br>Label BuildNow <br> Gosub Pos <br> GetLocation at bot <br> LocMove3d at bot %dist 0 0 <br> WarpLocal at bot <br> Dec %re <br> Inc %done <br> Concat $a "Warp " %done <br> Say $a <br> IfInt %re > 0 Goto BuildNow <br> Say Done <br> Goto Wait <br>End <p>Notice the two lines: <b>OnChatEvent Chat</b> and <b>OnChatEvent</b>. <br>The first one activates an event handler, the second one de-activates it. The event handler is: <p>Event Chat <br> GetChatPerson &p <br> IfPerson &p IsNotBoss EndEvent <br> GetChatLine $a <br> IfString "model" IsIn $a Gosub SetModel <br> Else IfString "faces you" IsIn $a Gosub SetFacesYou <br> Else IfString "faces away" IsIn $a Gosub SetFacesAway <br> Else IfString "distance" IsIn $a Gosub SetDistance <br> Else IfString "repeat" IsIn $a Gosub SetRepeat <br> Else IfString "state" IsIn $a Gosub SayState <br> Else IfString "action" IsIn $a Gosub SayAction <br> Else IfString "help" IsIn $a Gosub SayHelp <br> Else IfString "menu" IsIn $a Gosub SayHelp <br> Else IfString "build" IsIn $a Gosub SetBuild <br>EndEvent <p>It is quite straightforward. Each line with <b>IfString</b> tests if a certain word or group of words appears in the chatline, and if so calls a Sub to handle the case. <p>Hope this helps. Alex. <br> [View Quote] </body> </html> --------------465F87F28297B58FCE32E269-- Bot responsesJun 13, 2000, 2:33pm
[View Quote]
> I just upgraded my Xelag bot and noticed that in the middle of a
> conversation with someone my bot starts responding. > > For instance, "I notice that all the time" my bot starts to respond with > time. This can get quite annoying. Bug? > Nope, feature :) Go to the bot menu and enable 'listening impaired' to cut the crap with non-owners. And make sure the bot is not in direct listening mode for owners (you can turn that off by saying 'ok <botname>' > > Fyrene Preston mls - Xelagot midi filesJul 3, 2000, 3:45pm
DJ.EXE 2.07, companion program to Xelagot 2.9999929, now reads and
converts Preston mls midi lists to and from the xelagot format, as well as reading plain URL lists. You can now make Preston and Xelagot midi lists at the same time. This program is shipped together with x1.exe in the xelagot file, and can be downloaded separately. Andras' program PBScore.exeJul 7, 2000, 1:45pm
Andras has kindly made a program to extract the skulls made by my
Xelagot PaintBall script and counted by the SkullCounter script. His program reads the file produced by the SkullCounter script (latest version), organises and sorts the scores in two windows, one for 'number of times ejected' and one for 'number of players ejected by'. This information can be saved to file. Check the SkullCounter script at for info and a link to Andras' program. RichEdit bug in XelagotJul 7, 2000, 3:14pm
Xelagot 2.9999931 fixes a bug related to the RichEdit windows (chat
windows). This error occurs on some xelagots when the chat window has reached full capacity, and produces an error message containing "Rich Edit insertion error". After this error occurs, the xelagot program must be killed in order to exit. Most old users of xelagot will not experience this error. To find out if your xelagot is likely to show this bug, stop all xelagot programs and examine their x1.ini file. Look for a line, which occurs 3 times in the ini file, starting with: ChatLines= If the value is lager than 1000, like ChatLines=2000 the bot may encounter this bug. Change the value to ChatlLines=500 or Chatlines=1000 This will fix the problem. Newer versions of xelagot fix this automatically. RichEdit bug in XelagotJul 7, 2000, 3:19pm
ChatlLines=500 should be ChatLines=500 [View Quote] > Xelagot 2.9999931 fixes a bug related to the RichEdit windows (chat > windows). This error occurs on some xelagots when the chat window has > reached full capacity, and produces an error message containing "Rich > Edit insertion error". After this error occurs, the xelagot program > must be killed in order to exit. > > Most old users of xelagot will not experience this error. To find out > if your xelagot is likely to show this bug, stop all xelagot programs > and examine their x1.ini file. Look for a line, which occurs 3 times in > the ini file, starting with: > ChatLines= > > If the value is lager than 1000, like > ChatLines=2000 > > the bot may encounter this bug. Change the value to > ChatlLines=500 > or > Chatlines=1000 > > This will fix the problem. Newer versions of xelagot fix this > automatically. "Bot Limit Exceeded" revistedMar 13, 2000, 3:41am
Hi, the only irregularity I have seen with bot limit exceeded occurs
after a universe disconnect. On reconnection, aw.dll seems to issue a hidden aw_login which triggers the callback. At that moment, if you hit the bot limit because there are ghost bots (not cleaned up during the disconnection), you get this error code, which I blissfully ignore and the bot logs back in ok. XelaG. [View Quote] >Below is an excerpt from an email exchange with AW tech support. Here's >what I think happens. I'm calling AwTerm and AwDestroy. At one point I got >an error msg that the engine couldn't terminate the bot. I think that not >successfully terminating leaves some data structure on the AW side dirty. >This is a serious bug on their part since a connection could be lost at any >time. > >I would recommend that everyone doing low level bot programming put in some >serious re-try logic for AwTerm. It may not be enough to completely fix the >problem but should help. If my theory is correct that is. It could be a >very different problem but I've satisfied myself that it's on the AW side. > >Norm > >______________ > >Well, they haven't been running. In fact I've booted my machine several >times since then. Larry is the first one that logs in so it's probably >killing the rest. Anyhow that loop only exists on your side. I just >re-booted again to make sure and got the same error. > >Norm > >For the account sagaman I do not see any "bot limit exceeded" errors in the >past 24 hours but it looks like the bots Larry and Moe are caught in a login >loop since 11pm PST on account i12. For some reason the bots are all trying >to login on the same socket. I suggest killing the bot program for a few >minutes and then restart them one at a time. >Please include previous dialog in all replies.. >Thanks >AW Tech Support > > > Prestons aren't computer friendlyJul 15, 2000, 11:42am
Xelagots do the same: they load the language files in memory (once for all 3
bots, not 3 times). This seems necessary to speed up the process. Dialog0.txt is 63 thousand bytes large. Also script files are loaded fully, but they can be split: a lot of the info can be kept in separate string lists and loaded as needed on the fly, that is the technique my bot Whisper uses to tell random jokes (in my world xelagon). Or you can have one main script that calls a new script: in this way, scripts can be made shorter. Property cache is kept on disk and loaded when necessary, one zone at a time, but Projects (for building/deleting) are kept fully in memory. XelaG [View Quote] > Agent is right, Preston keeps the dictionary in memory at all times. And > preston keeps a lot of other stuff there too, such as the current property > cache, the list of present (and if activated also the recent) users. > > And all the settings you see on the dialogs, including the lists are > actually kept twice.. one is the current working set for the bot, and the > other is the working set for the user. the latter is copied over to the > current whenever "apply" is clicked. > > As the current preston has some ini file limits i am replacing the ini > loader code as we speak, which, as the current plan goes, carries the whole > ini file in memory too, at least while loading and saving. > > I agree, that is alot of memory, but i cannot see a way to reduce it right > now. > > The current preston plans also include a remote admin mode, and that will > allow preston to run without offering a local admin gui, which will cut down > its memory use alot. One preston will run in "server, no gui" mode, and the > other one, on the admin end, will run in "admin mode, full GUI, no bot"... > and both use a bone connection to syncronize. > > Anyway.. > > Faber > > "agent1" <Agent1 at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag > news:396e8ebb$1 at > general answer. > that it can check them against the events it is recieving > entries can still be read from the file every time, but > than I did :) > news:396e6454 at > effect Re: VB Wrapper - Callback Functions & AWCitizenAttributesBYNumberSep 22, 2000, 3:20pm
I'm not a VB person, but am I wrong in assuming that, having installed a
callback function, you should get the result of your citizen query inside the callback, and not in the calling function? It seems to me that what you call your callback is the calling function.... And, do you sent the bot instance before calling sdk2.AwCitizenAttributesByNumber(i) ? AwCitizenAttributesByNumber, in the calling function, should not block or give you a valid answer if you installed a callback, the answer comes in the callback itself. In sdk2.AwCallbackSet AW_CALLBACK_CITIZEN_ATTRIBUTES where is the pointer to callback function ? AwCallbackSet has, in C, two parameters: the type of callback, in this case AW_CALLBACK_CITIZEN_ATTRIBUTES, and a pointer to an entry point for the callback function itself. I don't know how to do this in VB, but it seems to be missing here. Calling for a series of citizen numbers in a row (1 to 10 in this case) can overload the universe server and is frowened upon, you should only use this call when absolutely necessary. I never send 2 calls in a row, but I wait for the callback to trigger (or for a timeout) before sending a second request: play it safe :) XelaG [View Quote] Cloner 1.0 Public releaseMar 25, 2000, 11:39am
Looks great, but although i can open the clones ok, i get "Runtime
error '6' Overflow" when i hit CC HQ. I'm on NT4, i don't know if that may be the reason. Got 128 MB ram. [View Quote] >As with the above posts, the beta tests are completed and I am now >releasing the cloner for public use. The link is > Be advised there is no >real documentation, save a thrown togther Advanced users instructions. >It's self explanitory however, load the program and press auto-clone, >and you will figure it out. Please tell me how it goes. If you dont know >what this does, It's basically running 6 AW's at the same time. These >"clones" are controlled by a GUI. > >Here's some things you can do: > >1. Make your unpopular world look much more popular by adding 5 more >users. >2. Be in multiple worlds and not look like a bot. >3. Fill up a world so others cant join >4. Make them all talk at the same time >5. Have a little "gang" of tourists to "back you up" > >Please post how this goes, as i have not realeased this on my site yet, >only this newsgroup. Thanks. > >-Concept > LaserTag Bot script for XelagotsMar 28, 2000, 3:46pm
The new LaserTag Bot script for xelagots is at Please read the instructions carefully to install the necessary props for the game. SDK build 16 Xelagot is outApr 4, 2000, 4:56pm
Xelagot 2.999981 is out, using the new 3.0 beta SDK build 16. New
vebal commands: for warping an avatar within one world avwarp <victim>, <coords> awp <victim>, <coords> for teleporting within one world avteleport <victim>, <coords> atp <victim>, <coords> for teleporting to another world, add the world name to the coordinates, for example: avteleport Abbot Pabisoko, nowhere 1000n 29000w 300a 180 where 'nowhere' is the name of the world:) For this to work, the bot must be Caretaker or have Eject rights, the world server must be 3.0 beta build 23 or higher, and the victim must be either a bot using this sdk function (this xelagot does) or a person using the 3.0 (beta) browser. This version of xelagot includes many changes in the Survey manager: 2 extra buffers for projects, moving objects from and to the different buffers or lists, to and from disk (Lists tab), and a vertical toolbar next to the map to select actions: track bot, use cache, auto survey, project/survey on top, hide survey, hide project.... Help pages have not been yet updated, but the bot has been uploaded (the number on the pages may still be the old one). Re: NPC'sSep 29, 2000, 1:46pm
How would this be done, Canopus? At present, logging into (aw_enter) a
world (aw_enter) requires a universe login and validation.... is this already being implemented? [View Quote] |