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Xelagot for 3.1 universe and build 28 worlds

Jan 23, 2001, 8:29pm
First version of xelagot with the new SDK 18 is out. Check what's new at my
bot page: http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/

Xelagot Paintball script

Feb 4, 2001, 1:57am
Join the red team :)

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xelagot language bot

Feb 3, 2001, 1:10pm
The reason why Xelagots do NOT eject when they hear bad words is that I am
absolutely against that sort of practice. Words have a context, and bots
(at present) can not correctly identify this context. A human being can
decide that a word, even if it is on the black list, does not deserve
ejection under certain circumstances: a bot can not.

Xelagots can warn you bad words are being said, but will not eject the
offender: that's up to you. You can of course overrule this behaviour by
writing a script, but I won't help you do it :)


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Xealgot FTP Transfering

Feb 13, 2001, 2:20am
Xelagots don't have the FTP protocol, so the answer is no :)

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Xealgot FTP Transfering

Feb 13, 2001, 6:25am
Thanks, but not at present. I can add it myself, I have the tools here to do
it, but the bot has a lot in it already, and I'm being carefull now what I
add. I want to release a final (haha, never been one in the 2 years of the
bot), the much expected 3.0 or 3.1 (getting tired of so many 99999s).

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Xealgot FTP Transfering

Feb 13, 2001, 5:21pm
No, not stop developing... There will be new features and bug fixes, but
every new feature of weight requires a lot of testing, so I'm being careful
of what I add and when. My priority now is to get the 3.1 functions working,
without breaking old code, so the bot keeps functioning in 2.x, 3.0
universes and worlds as well.


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Xelagot 3.3 dedicated to Roland Vilett

May 31, 2002, 12:10pm
While still in beta-testing, Xelagot 3.3 is healthy and doing well,.
It has decided to dedicate it's new version to the person who made it
possible for bots to exist and multiply: Roland Vilett.

Thank you, Roland, for providing us with such a wonderful tool! My
bots and I wish you a very happy and successfull future.

XelaG and his Xelagots

Technical Question

Jun 1, 2002, 11:34am
Wow, seems my new xelagot looks like the AW browser :)


On 31 May 2002 23:46:41 -0400, "brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org>
[View Quote] >Never mind. My question was answered when ENZO stumbled into the world,
>bringing about 30 people along with him :)
>http://shoemakervillage.org/xelagot50.jpg - notice that the bot shows 64
[View Quote]

scripting made easy

Feb 14, 2001, 3:58pm
On the xelagot scripts page, I now included a section (at the bottom) with
downloadable zipped examples (with html help) of how to tackle the xelagot
scripting. At present, I include only two examples for Chat: one is VERY
simple, good for beginners. The second one is complex... I will add some
intermediate steps too. These are not really full tutorials, one must learn
to use the online help files, but I hope this will help people to make their
own scripts.

See http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/xlgasexamplesidx.html

Beta testers needed for a xelagot bank bot script

Feb 14, 2001, 7:55pm
If you are interested in beta-testing a simple bank bot script, please send
an email (NO TELEGRAMS) to xelag at 3dee.nl


Storytelling bots?

Feb 16, 2001, 4:15pm
Try copy+paste a story (not too long, or just in chunks) into the xelagots
chat input, and hit enter. Instead of saying just one line of text, the bot
will recite the text at a certain pace. It also works using the scripting
language, see my latest examples (iLabBooth2.txt) at
http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/xlgasexamplesidx.html, look for how the the
keyword 'Laws' is treated.

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Help maybe?

Feb 20, 2001, 6:18am
No, the bot can be anywhere to survey, it does not even need to be visible,
but it needs to be in the world.

[View Quote]

Help maybe?

Feb 20, 2001, 11:59am
The biggest problem, which is not well shown in the AW examples, is how to
query outside GZ. If you follow the AW example, you get stuck in GZ.

I'll give my example in Delphi Pascal, read it as pseudo code. Supposing you
start querying at coords CentralSectorNS, CentralSectorWE (I use NS and WE
instead of z and x, I find them more convenient to use). These coordinates
are in sector units, use aw_sector_from_cell(...) to get them from the cell
coordinates of your starting point.

Suppose that in the event CellBegin you get cNS, cWE (in cell units). You
need to do a sanity check:
// chnage to sector units
sNS := aw_sector_from_cell(cNS);
sWE := aw_sector_from_cell(cWE);
// the next two lines are the clue: you subtract the original sector
coordinates from the one you get in CellBegin.
sapNS := sNS - CentralSectorNS;
sapWE := sWE - CentralSectorWE;
// and you set your boolean CellOverflow
CellOverflow := (sapNS < -1) or (sapNS > 1) or (sapWE < -1) or (sapWE >
then, if CellOverflow = False, everything is ok and you can proceed further.

Just one more remark: we work here actually with 3 different systems of
units, but they are all interrelated. The units used for positions of
objects and avatars are in centimetres (negative values for east and south).
To pass to cell units, which are in integer decametres, one divides by 1000
and converts the result to integer. Delphi does not have an adecuate
function, but Basic does: Int, or in some Basic dialects, Trunc. The
important thing is that the rounding off is done 'downwards' and not towards
zero. For positive numbers, there is no difference: down is always towards
zero. For negative numbers, towards zero changes -3.2 to -3, downwards
changes it to -4 (and this is what you need). So test your function first
(I think it is Int in VB, but I might be wrong). To pass from cell units to
sector units, use the function provided by AW: aw_sector_from_cell.

Example of a normal coord in cm:
NS := 54321
WE := -9276
these represent actually 54.321N 9.276E

The cell coordinates of these are
cNS := 54
cWE := -10


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Worldserver(?) bug with global mode + invisible bots

Jun 15, 2002, 12:58pm
On 9 Jun 2002 03:43:39 -0400, "percipient"
[View Quote] >Stupid thing put the messages in the wrong order, opposite of what I sent
>them. Heh.

The stupid thing queues up the actions per category, it never sends
directly. As from next version 3.303, the sending order will be:

1) Console messages
2) Whispers
2) Chat Aloud
3) Text

Within each category, messages are sent in the order they were


VB: Converting Unix Times to get VRT.

Jun 24, 2002, 5:42pm
[View Quote] >Does anyone still have the function posted on here a long time ago to conver
>the long returned by the SDK into VRT? I really need it and I can seem to
>find the post anywhere.
In my delphi bot I use this:

function UnixToVRTime(UnixTime: Integer): TDateTime;
{Unix time is GMT in seconds, VRT is 2 hrs earlier}
Result := UnixToDelphiTime(UnixTime - 7200);

function UnixToDelphiTime(UnixTime: Integer): TDateTime;
{UnixTime is GMT in seconds. 86400 secs in day,
25569 days from Unix standard 1 jan 1970 to Delphi2 30 dec 1899 }
Result := (UnixTime / 86400) + 25569;

Sorry, I dont know how to convert it to DOS units or so...


Hey Lanezeri...I got a bot for you to make....

Feb 23, 2001, 7:44am
or a Xelagot?

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Bank bot xelagot scripts available

Feb 28, 2001, 10:05pm
Two xelagot scripts, one allowing all to open accounts, and one more secure
for citizens only, are available at:



Bank bot xelagot scripts

Mar 1, 2001, 4:24am
Reposting, the first one seems not to have reached the newsgroup...

Two xelagot scripts, one allowing all to open accounts, and one more secure
for citizens only, are available at:



Bank bot xelagot scripts

Mar 1, 2001, 7:45pm
yeah but not on mine, it must have gone 100000000 times around the globe
before reaching my crappy Outlook Turtle :)

[View Quote]

message to troop2

Mar 5, 2001, 10:41am
Hi, troop2, I got your message, but your isp rejects mail from my isp, with
the message "Die stupid spammer!" Since you did not sign your email with
your aw nickname, I reply here. Here is my:

Thats not easy, because only 3.1 browsers are 'recognised' by the sdk, 3.0
are not 'seen'. But I suppose all 3.0 browsers are now 3.1, that should be
ok then. There is a new statement, GetVersion %v &p, which tells you the
version of the browser for people, and of the sdk for bots. It only works
in 3.1 worlds.. If the version is 3.1, it will give you the nuber, otherwise
you get 0 or maybe -1 (I don't remember), just try it.

[View Quote] Hey, in xelagot how can yyou tell if a person has 3.1, 3.0, or a 2.2
browser??? Cuz in my pball script iim making it so when you have a 2.2
browser it ejects you, and when you have a 3.0 or higer it avwarps you
How would you do that???

Bug in Xelagot Paintball script

Mar 9, 2001, 8:00am
The xelagot paintball script has a bug in the event handler for the avatar
click event. To correct it, copy paste the code below to replace the
*whole* event handler in the script. The bug is not really in the script
but in the scripting engine, the code below will fix it through the script.
I'm still tracking the bug itself :(

Event Click1
# get ejector data
GetSourcePerson &Hunter
# get target (= victim) data
GetTargetPerson &Victim
# check source is in own area
IfLoc &Hunter IsInSquare at LimitA at LimitB # carry on LOL
Else EndEvent
# Victim's session to check eject timeout
GetSession %Session &Victim
# if target <> bot, gosub...
IfPerson &Victim IsNotBot Gosub CheckEject

The old code that produces the error is:

Event Click1
# remove click detection
# get ejector data
GetSourcePerson &Hunter
# get target (= victim) data
GetTargetPerson &Victim
# check source is in own area
IfLoc &Hunter IsInSquare at LimitA at LimitB # carry on LOL
Else Goto Click1End
# Victim's session to check eject timeout
GetSession %Session &Victim
# if target <> bot, gosub...
IfPerson &Victim IsNotBot Gosub CheckEject
Label Click1End
# enable click detection
OnAvatarClickEvent Click1

and the error is here:
# remove click detection


Bug in Xelagot script engine fixed

Mar 9, 2001, 11:49am
A bug in event handlers, causing GOTO's to fail on certain occasions, has
been fixed. This bug caused problems in the Paintball and a few other
standard scripts.

The new X1 2.9999976, Av99bot 2.976 and SrvcXlgBot 2.976 have this fix. It
is recommended to upgrade if you use or make scripts.


Xelagot server.....av99bot

Mar 12, 2001, 8:37am
Hi Brandon,

to run more than 3 bots in an Av99bot application, you don't need the
server. Just follow the instructions on how to set up the ini file. As j b e
l l says, if your PRIVILEGE password in AW is banana, put ?banana in the ini
file, and leave the ClientXXX fields unfilled. If you want to set up a
xelagot server, you can try that once you are familiar with your bot.

A simple example:

Location=1.932n 2.982w 22.90a 240.0

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Xelagot server.....av99bot

Mar 12, 2001, 8:43am
and if the universe is not AW, for example, if it is Vectorscape, use the
data of the Vectorscape browser:


[View Quote]

[beta] sdk?

Nov 10, 2002, 11:29pm
I must have missed it too.. where is the updated SDK I wonder, drowned
in 3D waters? I hope at least this post gets answered, there has been
more than one about this without ANY answer from devteam... or maybe
the answer got purged? :(

Alex G = XelaG

On 10 Nov 2002 12:00:05 -0500, "bowen"
[View Quote] >Is there an updated one... I don't see much about many of the new features. Maybe I
>missed something.

[beta] sdk?

Nov 11, 2002, 12:38am
I must have missed it too.. where is the updated SDK I wonder, drowned
in 3D waters? I hope at least this post gets answered, there has been
more than one about this without ANY answer from devteam... or maybe
the answer got purged? :(

Alex G = XelaG

On 10 Nov 2002 12:00:05 -0500, "bowen"
[View Quote] >Is there an updated one... I don't see much about many of the new features. Maybe I
>missed something.

K my script, all fixed with readme!

Mar 17, 2001, 7:30pm
That's the spirit :)


[View Quote]


Dec 6, 2003, 9:28am
My experience has been very hazardous too, and I've crashed world
servers a few times. It seems that the safest way is to delete all
terrain first, and then start uploading full pages, one at a time, on
an empty database. You can not just create a node, it must be done
according to certain rules when you make a page. It's a bit

A node must have EITHER all same textures and heights, OR be the
smallest node (which is 8x8 cells)

The largest node you can have is the size of a page, 128x128 cells. if
this size has either different heights or textures, it must be chopped
into 4 equal nodes of 64x64 cells. If any of these have different
altitudes or textures, chop it again into 4 equal parts (32x32 cells).
carry on doing this until you get to an 8x8 size: this is the smallest
size allowed.

Once you have all the nodes of a page, you can start sending them to
the server, in the correct order, which is from east-to-west (X), send
each 'column' of nodes south-to-north (Z) (east-to-west is the outer
i.e. slower loop).

To modify the terrain partially, you should not use the load_node


On 5 Dec 2002 17:44:39 -0500, "chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at msn.com>
[View Quote] >has anyone any experience with load_node? it's seems to crash the
>worldserver at times

Any one know how to make the av99bot play midis?

Mar 17, 2001, 7:31pm
Even I don't :)

I haven't had time yet to play around with the new sound effects, so I
haven't a clue yet. Good ideas about sound are welcome at xelag at 3dee.nl.


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Cy Award winning paintball bot to be released as freeware

Mar 18, 2001, 8:28pm
At long last, a welcome addition to the publicly available bots :)


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