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Jul 25, 2003, 5:26pm
You mean there not???? Oh I'm ill now hehehehe

AW-Gatekeepers Team TruBluXers

Reply to TrueToMe2 at

"Quote of the day"

Why do people "think the Grass is always greener on the other side of the
fence"? Any gardener can tell you. The answer is "fertilizer".
And we all know where the best "fertilizer" comes from don't we? So, for
those who DO jump over the fence, don't be surprised if you land up to your
knees in manure.

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Public Humiliation

Jul 30, 2002, 5:15pm
I agree, you have to be really careful who you trust and who you think are
your friends. It's sad to think that someone you have put so much trust in
can and will flame you just to make themselves look good. Although anytime I
hear someone flaming another I know that person is only out for themselve.
The best way to handle this problem is only tell what you want known...
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Tourist access iCandy & iCandy4U

Nov 18, 2002, 2:35am
Hey that is great news but I have one question....Is this a G rated
world???? Some of us can only promote G Ratings...
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New World for Tourist *AWTours**

Dec 15, 2002, 2:35am
Tours Opening Day, December 15th 6pm VRT. Tourists and Citizens are welcome
to come and join in the celebrations!

AW Guides - do you want to go on a Tour of some of the exciting places in
and around AW? Then contact an AW Guide in the world Tours for your own
Guided Tour.

Look for it on your world list and stop over for a tour of some great places
throughout AW.

This will be for Tourist as well as citizens, and all worlds are rated G.

Hope to see you there


New World for Tourist *AWTours**

Dec 15, 2002, 3:23am
Yes carL you are correct, thank you it is in the World "Tours"


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New World for Tourist *AWTours**

Dec 15, 2002, 8:28pm
If you have not been by "Tours" yet you don't know what you are missing.
It's a blast and I think this project will be a great addition to AW. If
anyone has a world they would like to add to the tours list contact any of
the follow through AW or check out the web site.
Founders: Xyzzz & color
Cheri Luv
CabLeCar gaL
Plus many more great folks who have become part of this new project, so feel
free to check out the web site and the world. Have fun and Thank you and
Good Luck to the Tours Community


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New World for Tourist *AWTours**

Dec 15, 2002, 8:35pm
My mistake wrong web site here is the correct one

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Leaving beta

Dec 27, 2002, 6:22pm
I wanted to thank Bill for allowing me the chance to work with all you great
folks on beta, but I regretfully asked to be taken off. I have been having
too many computer problems and with my other duties in AW I find I am not
able to give beta a fair shot.... So I wanted to say Keep up the great work
that you all do, if it were not for you we would not have the Great AW we
now have and will have in the future. You guys are truly the heart of AW!!!!

I will keep an eye out for all the great things to come.


Leaving beta

Dec 28, 2002, 4:45pm
hehe no "She" here KAH, and thanks for the observation of posting in the
wrong NG....Duh if I was still part of beta I could have posted to the right
Hugzzz Lioness it's okay dear, I'm still me hehehe


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Leaving beta

Dec 28, 2002, 11:10pm
Awww so your right there Bowen, I am sorry KAH, I was not quite awake this
morning. My Apologies KAH
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Leaving beta

Dec 29, 2002, 2:21am
LMAO at Lioness no way Darling you would be the first to know....oh wait
maybe the second hehehe
{ô¿~} winks

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e-mail virus going around

Mar 29, 2003, 6:18pm
Please check your computers and forward this on to your contacts.
Good luck,

Subject: virus

A virus has been passed on to me by a contact.

Since you are in my address book, there is a good chance you will find it in
your computer too. The virus (called jdbgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton
or McAfee antivirus systems. The virus sits quietly for 14 days before
the system. It is sent automatically by messenger and by the address book,
whether or not you sent e-mail to your contacts.

Here's how to check for the virus and how to get rid of it:


1. Go to start, Find or search option.

2. In the file folder option, type the name jdbgmgr.exe

3. Be sure you search your C:drive and all sub-folders and any other drives
you may have.

4. Click "find now"

5. The Virus has a Teddy Bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe DO NOT OPEN IT
! ! ! !

6. Go to Edit (on the menu bar) and choose "select all" to highlight the
file without opening it.

7. Now go to File (on the menu bar) and select delete. It will then go to
the Recycle Bin.


To Do This:

a) Open a new e-mail message

b) Click the icon of the address book next to the "TO"

c) Highlight every name and add to "BCC"

d) Copy this message and enter subject paste to e-mail

Deb Wellborn

e-mail virus going around

Mar 29, 2003, 6:38pm
Thank you Lady seems the e-mails are rolling in now...hehe some people have
nothing better to do than sit around and think up this stuff...Your right

So sorry for the alarm
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Missing Telegrams?

Apr 6, 2003, 2:50am
Ok maybe this has been brought up before and I missed it, but does anyone
else have this problem?
You sign into AW and you are greeted by the IO:
Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld! :) - The largest building world
in Cyberspace
Operator: You have a telegram.

You look up to the telegram tab and click, but what's this??? Nothing there,
natta, just an empty white box, with either old grams or nothing at all. So
what is happening to the telegrams? I have been online and gramming someone
and I see "Operator: You have a telegram." and look up and nothing, then
the strangest thing happened tonight...I signed in and poof I had tons of
grams that dated back as far as Dec 2002 and as new as today.... I signed
out again and they were gone when I signed back in, so now I am confused.
Look at these screen shots and check all times, one minute I have them the
next I don't.... Anyone have any ideas??? Please I miss my grams :o( =>with all the
missing grams => without the grams => with missing grams

It's really strange and if anyone else is having this problem or knows how
to fix it let me know, or I'll throw a huge madcow fit and set fire to this
blazen puter...lmao


Missing Telegrams?

Apr 6, 2003, 6:18pm
Hey everyone, thanks for the help, but I must say this is not someone
playing tricks. Also my computers date is correct, this happens to both
myself and my wife who shares the computer. The way we found the lost grams
was due to switching back and forth between accounts, we never had this
problem before and it seems that ever since we dropped from beta and
reinstalled 3.3 we have had this problem. I will however try deleting all
grams and deleting our cache again and see what happens. Thanks Mauz for the
link for Andras's Telegram Reader, if all else fails I will try that.

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GK Apps

Apr 22, 2003, 5:14pm
Ok I have read many of the replies here and as Lady said her question
had nothing to do with how GK's or PKs do their jobs, she was only asking
about the procedure for applicants. I would like to say that GK's are not
responsible for who is accepted or not, that is up to the higher powers that
be. As for attacking GK's or PK's I must say I am surprised at a few of you
who replied with negative remarks.
First off the use of Quickword is a tool, to help aide the GK on duty
when a newcomer arrives, with so many people coming in daily it would be
ludicrous to continually type the same things over and over again and would
be hard to help everyone . If you have never had PS rights then you have no
clue about the fact that you see everyone and you are constantly under fire
with questions, both from newbies and old-timers. I have seen every name who
posted here come to gate and ask a GK some form of question. If you are not
happy with what you call "GK Spamming" then don't make gate your visiting
spot....It's not like your not all citizens and can't go somewhere else.
"YOU CAN" so if you find yourself unhappy somewhere then go, but to post
that GK's are not needed or are a Virtual pain in your backside is just
crazy. I have been in the GK program for almost 4 years and yes I have seen
some GK's who should not have been accepted but again at that time they were
given the chance just like everyone else. Now you all complain, so the
selection process has been changed to be sure that who is accepted will make
a good GK....NOT a POWER HUNGRY EJECTOR. (Give it time)
I am very disappointed in the way that this attack has come about, I am
friends with many people and all of them know that I have never been a power
hungry ejector, hell I hate the paper work. I and most GK's work very hard
to keep Gateway a fun place for everyone, but above making it fun we are
there to teach newbies. So I will not apologize for any GK spamming, we were
picked by AWI to volunteer and teach newbies, not hold your hand and listen
to your everyday complaints. I will tell you now that the ones who
constantly complain about GKs and ejections are those who will not uphold
the G rating in gate. Listen up folks "we did not make the rules" We just
uphold them!!! If you have forgotten them I say read them again!!!!
As for PK's, well we work with them just as we do with any AWI
volunteer, but they have their duties and we have ours. If anyone knows of a
GK going to a PK for a problem that's because we are citizens just as you
are and any problems outside of gate are handled by the PK's.

My suggestion here is "Think about what your saying and your reasons, and if
you fill you have a real complaint on a GK then take it to the complaint
dept. Do not air gossip or things you are not completely sure of, you cannot
hold an entire group responsible for the actions of a few.
gatekeepers at <<--for GK complaints or Compliments.

Sincerely but disappointed,

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Trigger-Happy GK Tv

Jul 25, 2003, 5:32pm
[Customs Aide]: Cute Mauz
[Customs Aide]: Very Cute

Immigration Officer: TrueToMe2 has now been ejected from AW Newsgroups for
attempting to steal cute post idea.

[View Quote]


Dec 23, 2003, 7:12pm
Hey now where will I hear all the latest crying about how nobody knows what
they are doing? Arrrrhhhggg Awww Happy Holidays everyone!!! :o)

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Happy Holidays

Dec 26, 2003, 12:43am
Ya"ll have yer selves a Knee Slappin good Christmas
<And remember them thar trees make good bass condo's>
Merry Christmas from The Ozarks


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sweets & The CYs

Jun 25, 2006, 4:26pm
This is directed right at sweets and her comments:

Sweets as long as I have been around you have been posting "this is my last
post" and jezz yrs later and I see another famous "this is my last post". I
guess some things never change; you have the Multi-tasker and the
Multi-askers and then the just plain pain in the assers.

Listen up and don't bother with spell check or worrying over typo's I don't
give a rats behind, what I do care about is the fact that you make these
post and rant and rave about how every1 has done you wrong, said things to
you but all we hear are words and truthfully no one cares. Sure you manage
to get under peoples skin after awhile but that is only because people are
human. Hey have you ever heard that concept? PEOPLE ARE HUMAN!!!!!! GIVE

Lady TeaL and a lot of other folks have worked that asses off to make this
years awards the best it could be, you act like "shit doesn't happen in
life" well guess what it does and it happens everyday. So there were some
issues with the servers, how do you think that has anything to do with the
CY coordinators? If you must point fingers point in the right direction. AWI
But again "shit happens" and that is why we work through problems and try to
fix them so NEXT time it might not happen.

Now I understand you were upset about your world not being allowed but come
on Rules are Rules and they were set in place for a reason. If you disagree
with the reason you work in the proper way to try and come to an agreement,
you do not continually attempt to insult or criticize just because things
didn't go your way. GROW UP


if anyone noticed I did start this thread...laughing over a typo....I did
NOT at that time mention any of my past problems with them...or anything to
do with them....just the typo..MY REPLY: Look at what happens next then.

I was called shameful by Andras if I remember right....I was told to shut
the hell up by Strike....over a typo....before I opened my mouth about all
the rest of the stupidity.

When I did put in relation to you people running the show, I was accused of
kicking you when you were down. When all I had said was you had said NO to
any form of extension...and yet had to have one....I found that very
ironic...and yes funny

MY REPLY: Below each of your own words accuse someone in CYs or atleast it
appears that way to me. As for anyone telling you to SHUT UP I only saw
Strike and my hats off to him..


"One of my worlds, a masterpiece, was barred from competition because it is

world. I received very nasty telegrams from people because of my wanting a

fair competition and my letters to this newsgroup. ALL worlds eligible, not

just what some consider worthy, that's all I wanted. I was told to shut I shut up" MY REPLY: Sounds like your accusing CY personal to me!


"I and others had trouble coming over to 4.1, I made it on time but I asked

for a possible extension for myself and others to 'prepare' and have time to

look at builds to have time to vote and the Linux people to get

connected..... I was told is NOT POSSIBLE....NO WAY....I received

insults, telegrams, some quite nasty....again I was told to shut up....again

I shut up" MY REPLY: Sounds like your accusing CY personal again!


"I was nominated for Leader, but the nomination was rejected, without

explanation, or so I have heard and he was blocked when demanded the reason.

I have 2 other nominations in there, and appreciate the nice thoughts. But I

did not go to that party, expect any chance of winning a popularity contest

(LMAO), or did I participate in anything further from that time I asked

extension. I was told to shut I shut up." MY REPLY: Not sure what
your implying here. Do you think you were BLOCKED by someone in CY's? Then
told to shut up?


I did not think this years CY was fair....honest....or caring of almost a

quarter of our citizens that were lost (or confused) in a 'natural disaster'

called extension would not have been so difficult, or would have showed they cared for the 'community'


I would like to say that I am sorry to anyone this upsets other than sweets.
It is not intended to do anything other than try and open her eyes to the
fact that this years CY Awards was not held for just one person.. It was put
together for the community and you are all the community, so when I read
flames and insults it makes no sense how adults can turn into such children.
I am very sad for all who witness these actions, but I hope that you won't
let things like this stop you from continuing your support for your
community and all the work that many great people have done. The CY Awards
are for every person who has been a part of AW. I for one am VERY PROUD to
know a few of them and I THANK them for everything they do everyday.

Lady TeaL keep your beautiful chin up and be very proud of what you have
done, this year broke records and we haven't even got started with the
awards.. I can't wait!!!!

Hurry up Chris or whoever and fix that server, we have a party to go to!!!!!


TrueToMe2 <<ß-lost but not forgotten

sweets & The CYs

Jun 26, 2006, 10:29am
There is nothing wrong with having an opinion, thank God we all have them
But.....Like you said "If some, even just one, hears what I am honestly
trying to say....and this place gets better, then I feel I did 'my best' to
improve my life and hopefully others. Instead of judging me for what I am,
maybe listen and find ONE spark of truth that will help others. I do not
deserve insults for having an opinion ...even if it is not your own."

Notice the ONE spark comment, that's where a problem arises.... People don't
look for ONE thing to be right, instead they look for the 10 things that are


You never mentioned ONE thing RIGHT about the CY AWARDS therefore this
opinion because of the nature opened you up to insults and angry comments.
This is all I was trying to express to you so Thank You for "in your own
words" helping me to make my Point!

For the record: Freedom of Speech is one of our last great human rights and
I would never ask that a person hold their comments, but I would hope that
when making a comment about something that affects many people. That a
person would not take their own selfish feelings and make everyone else
suffer with hurtful outburst.

Also on the Record..... The typo by IO was hilarious I wish I had noticed at
the time I would have had fun with it then. But I would have never made it
out to have been a means to express any anger I might have had towards the
Awards or coordinators.

sweets hon keep posting we are all human :o)


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Question for sweets

Jun 26, 2006, 10:40am
Well said Talisan I agree 100% with you!!!

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New CY Date Set

Jun 26, 2006, 10:42am
someone say Parrrrrtttttyyyyy??

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