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awgz customs aid problem.

Aug 14, 2001, 6:47pm
But the thing is, I dont run bots.

Kids will be kids!

Aug 16, 2001, 5:44pm
You guys might as well ask why people vandalise things.. commit crimes.. or
use aol. People in general just do stupid things, that's what jack boots
are for. Next time some kid comes into a gor world to cause trouble, just
take the boots to him.

I'm not into gor and I'm also not into pop music, but you don't see me going
into music stores and acting like an idiot.

And if some of you have problems with slavery, leave these poor willing roll
players alone and go bug our big corporate "slave masters".

e n z o

Aug 15, 2001, 5:07pm
I had an interesting conversation with enzo the other night. He came into
my world and we chatted about new features for aw to make it more "game
friendly". Eep was there as well. Enzo and eep both decided to visit my
world for the first time at the same time... kinda funny. Eep was actualy
quite polite.. and enzo was using a lot of slang and "casual talk" that put
my poor bot right off.

he also mentioned voting for features and asking the community more about
the future of aw. Seems he's making steps in the right directions, and from
what I hear it's mainly because of the work goober's done to bring it to his

Why rebuild Cell database after crash?

Aug 18, 2001, 2:25am
Put me down for not giving a crap about alphaworld. If you build in someone
else's world, don't complain if you don't like the way they run it.

[View Quote]

This Post s a JPEG Sign-Reserved for Expectant Mothers

Aug 22, 2001, 12:07am
That's the most bloated jpeg I've ever seen.

Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 12:30am

You're a very angry person Marcus. If you're not screeming about porn or
what not, it's scams you make up in your own little mind. Why must you
ALWAYS be crusading against something NON of us care about. Are you just
trying to look like an idiot kid who learned that if you stand on a soap box
shouting giberish you can get attention or do you actualy believe in these
absolutly silly assertions and "causes" you crusade for? I'm not sure which
is more sad... but either way, do us ALL a favor and just SHUT UP and get
off your high horse balanced upon a damned soap box for atleast a month.

Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 4:39pm
Guys, he's half kettled... just ignore him. Flagg, you, Goober, many have
made the point very clear. He doesn't care about the issue or the logic
surrounding it, he just wants to be up on his soap box getting attention.
The sane world has made their point and made it well, if he wants to keep
crying about this let him... but you're only feeding him by replying.
Marcus does this only for attention, and by giving him attention you just
fuel him.

Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 6:08pm
What? He thought you should be able to change the backdrop in OTHER
people's worlds? huh? p-10/5 and TS for only 100.... made awcom an
offer.... oowwwww my brain. I don't think I've read anything so stupid in
my life.

I think Marcus' main problem is that he has a very warped and selfish view
on how the world works, or should work. He has almost no understanding on
what is "fair" or "right". He's stuck with the two year old perspective of
the world where if he doesn't get what he wants, when he wants he, and how
he wants it, it isn't fair. But since he's no longer two years old (I'd
guess around the 13-15 range right now) he's managed to fool him self into
actualying thinking his self-centred view of the world is actualy what
should be. So instead of just sitting in the corner and crying when he
doesn't get his way, he'll demand a refund from awcom since they didn't
give him a load of free stuff for no reason. The most sad thing is, he
seriously thinks he is right. If this was all some not-so-smart way to try
and scam and scare awcom into getting free stuff it would just be funny...
but he seriously thinks he's in the right and on the moral high ground.

Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 5:04pm
Ah someone in the know said , you can't ban someone for being a fucking
idiot. Unless he gets really offencive... he can keep ranting on like this.
SO just ignore him. Or even better filter, since I've never seen him say
ANYTHING worth while.

Aw 3.2

Aug 30, 2001, 12:31am
And the 200 will be good for taking screen shots and the like. Although a
"render entire scene" button that processed for a min or two and took a shot
with say 1000-2000 vis would be really nice. Take a arial shot of your
entire world.

Aw 3.2

Aug 30, 2001, 6:14pm
I'm really worried about 3.2 as well. Other than skyboxes most everything
seems to be a "downgrade". ENZO even sent me a screet shot of my world in
3.2... the brightness was AWFULL and any building behind a mask had huge
holes in it... terrible.

Aw 3.2

Aug 30, 2001, 10:03pm
Roland says there is nothing he can do to fix it... so basicly my world will
have to say bye bye.

Aw 3.2

Aug 31, 2001, 1:11am
You're lucky your world is built OUT of masks. About 60-70 of the "mass" of
my world are just big masks in front of other big masks.. all with various

Aw 3.2

Aug 31, 2001, 5:08am
Roland thinks so too... that's why he came in and spent about 30 min with me
working things out. We've worked it down to only 1 problem, my light
coronas. I can solve this by "cutting up" my single object super low poly
buildings in smaller polys. This will also give me the chance to have an
excuse to go back and make some of my buildings even better, and maybe make
things less laggy. I also didn't notice any lighting problems like eep has,
guess I just lucked out there.

And all this trouble for skyboxes and non-d3d hardware support.... would be
much less painfull if they added some more goodies like powerfull
object/movement scripting and more sound options (volume, fade or no fade,
radius, global background music).

But I guess this is important as it will let many more users enjoy aw with
hardware, and all the cheap cave-men computer owners without 3d cards to
use terrible horror kill you software mode.

[View Quote]

Aw 3.2

Aug 31, 2001, 9:13pm
Shadows would either need super computers, or have worlds fully or semi
pre-rendered like any decent 3d game. That would be a nice feature. A
program that would take a world, then render on shadows, lighting, and
other such cpu intensive effects. Of course this would only be usefull for
normal sized worlds that are designed to look good, and not huge public
building worlds like alpha world.

About - AWGATE

Sep 1, 2001, 6:38am
I think there is a new awgate on the way, probably by the time 3.2 comes

thank you AWLD !

Sep 1, 2001, 11:49pm
Um.. you're welcome? Not sure what we did but if you want to thank the
community forum that's a-ok.

[View Quote]


Sep 10, 2001, 7:10pm
yeah, you kept alluding to "the events".. but what happend?

Poll Time!

Sep 21, 2001, 4:24pm
Sadly all of those have been done before, and any involving bots have
terribly failed. I've noticed the only decent games (specialy rpgs) are
human GMed games as oposed to bots. Bots are so rigid, turns into a game
of numbers.

But if anyone was to put together a more pen and paper style rpg, I'm sure
there would be a large "market" for that. People are sick of these simple
super generic combat oriented "rpgs" that you play the role of some numbers,
and you can tell those numbers to do damage to other things (depending on
their lvl, another number) so that you can get exp to get higher numbers..
again and again and again.

A true rpg needs some good players, a good GM, and maybe some dice.
Otherwise what you have is an adventure game.

The "Oldies" (was RE: Plagiarism) from the worldbuilders ng)

Sep 25, 2001, 7:02pm
Never heard of binarybud? Oh my... I still chat with him from time to

did Roland rush out 3.2?

Sep 26, 2001, 11:13pm
And it really isn't roland that would do the rushing, it's the people above
him. He just does the work.

did Roland rush out 3.2?

Sep 27, 2001, 5:03pm
Maybe.. but I'm just glad some of us got a head start re-doing out stuff due
to the TERRIBLE transparency problems. Although they did ask for specs.

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Please stop

Oct 2, 2001, 4:42am
I've got an old PII 300 and an ancient matrox card and have had zero
problems. I've never had a single big issue with aw for literaly years..
not sure what other people have done to their computers, but since 2.0 I've
heard nothing but complaining when a new version comes out.

3D homepages/Trial Worlds

Oct 2, 2001, 10:38pm
Midi is the devil's music. When people say "wah wah boo hoo in 3.2 I can't
hear my midi!" I'm usualy like "good! midi should be banned!" ha.. then
again I've got an mp3 so big in my world that even eep bitched about its
size (I don't think 5megs is too big for a mp3.. not some 2meg american pop
song). With mp3 support.. midi should be gone.

[View Quote]

Alpha World Ground Zero Incident

Oct 5, 2001, 1:39am
Not to eep out on you but...

What in the name of wholy jumping fuck made you guys keep the entire bloat
of that msg in your reply? 26k of quote with a few bytes of reply... Four
simple posts about a "who cares" level pk incident should not be over
200k.... uuhhg

Microsoft & Madonna Go! Go! Go! Go!!!!!!!

Oct 16, 2001, 8:25pm
Tom has taken over "watching" this NG, and he isn't as soft handed as Factor
was... so idiots beware. No more voting people off.. no more side stepping
issues and 50 post lost flame wars because Tom is in town and laying down
the law.

Microsoft & Madonna Go! Go! Go! Go!!!!!!!

Oct 17, 2001, 4:20pm
Well.. I can dream can't I? :p

[View Quote]

AW takes a dive (?)

Oct 25, 2001, 5:02am
Aw can be very seasonal.


Oct 27, 2001, 5:23pm
Why is it that every other week awteen is vandalised or there is some other
kid related "crime" ?


Oct 27, 2001, 6:15pm
Sounds like the perfect idiot kid sting operation, keep up the bannings!

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