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3d homepages web page

Nov 21, 2001, 11:43pm
Disable pop ups? Heck I'd just be happy to find a way to delete porn spam
before it launches 5 full screen hard core pop ups demanding my credit card
and sanity. I get tons of emails all the time that if I'm lucky I can quick
select and delete before they load, but many times I'm not fast enough and
the email spawns a zillion porn or pyramid scam pop ups! Any ideas?

>PC inspector :
> You may not encroach into other peoples windows
> arrangement.

Unfair ejection...

Dec 2, 2001, 8:10pm
Maybe because you were yelling and screaming like some 13 year old with
idiotic ideas to boot? Xelnaga even tried to tell you that they were no
longer talking about builds and services but you kept screaming about
strippers and fetish buildings. If someone came into my world and started
screaming about how it would be so cool to build a strip club and after
telling them no kept screaming I'd cetainly say goodbye to them.

Seems so many people don't understand that there is a time and place for
things and call people unfair and even nazi's violating their right to free
speech if they are ejected or muted or banned from the NG's. There are some
pretty simple basic rules about being civilized, and for people socialy
mal-adjusted that don't know these rules, they are usualy posted so there is
no excuse. From the chat log it seems to me to be a sort of meeting about
the creation of a town or town related contructions, and in a public
meeting yelling and screeming about strip clubs after the topic has moved on
is terribly anoying and perfectly ejectable. Stop screaming about strippers
and lesbians like some hormone ravaged 13 year old crazy person and maybe,
perhaps, people will stop treating you how they do.

Just a wacky idea... don't have to pay any attention to me.

Unfair ejection...

Dec 5, 2001, 3:55am
This whole issue brings me back to my most stressed point when aruing about
"fairness" in aw. If you don't like the way someone is running a world, go
some where else. Don't like the chat rules or way PK's enforce them in aw?
Don't go there. Don't like the the content in a world? Don't go there. And
of course, if you think awteen people arn't being fair in their
ejections.... you got it, DON'T GO THERE.

Unfair ejection...

Dec 5, 2001, 6:02pm
You're paying to use aw. If you arn't happy with it, don't pay for it.
Pretty easy. Yes a customer has some basic rights, but being warned before
being ejected and other little things like that are not promised anywhere
when paying.

Unfair ejection...

Dec 6, 2001, 1:12am
awteen is an awcom sponsored world, not owned. So it doesn't have to
follow awcom's rules. If they wanted to eject every 5th tourist on that
landed at their gz they have every right.

Unfair Voting Procedure for Avatars 2001

Dec 3, 2001, 2:32am
Avatars 2001? I have a vauge memory of entering a mediocre world and
crashing then not coming back. Oh well.

Christmas Time

Dec 14, 2001, 5:17pm
Goober's keepin it real and layin down the law. awwwwww yeahhh.

Christmas Time

Dec 15, 2001, 7:56pm
I love how debates about wasting space in the NGs and what should be here or
not usualy end up taking up more space than the initial argument.

Future of 3d design

Dec 17, 2001, 5:34pm
Well you'd need a 3d picture of some sort....

Future of 3d design

Dec 18, 2001, 10:10pm
A picture that would be able to tell your magic program depth and such.
Unless of course your program is magical and doesn't need anything like

Future of 3d design

Dec 18, 2001, 10:52pm
I think he means you'd say scan a picture of a house, and the program would
somehow make a 3d model of that house, using amazing magical powers to
somehow know what the back and sides of the house look like. Basicly stupid

AWTA is taking new members again

Dec 17, 2001, 5:47pm
Still maintaining that to join a world has to be an aw object based world?
I know a couple worlds that would probably like to join (including my own)
but unfortunaly we don't have any aw objects to build your little office
(but could easy provide something similar).

I can see wanting a standardised office, but having an aw travel angency
that will only link to worlds with alpha world objects is like a real life
travel angency that will only arrange trips to countries that use wood
timber and drywall countruction on their buildings. What about exciting
locals that people live in mud huts, or bamboo, or some space aged super
material far in advanced of primitive earth-man materials. That travel
angency would go out of business.

A travel agency in aw really needs to be able to service a world with any
kind of objects (with in obvious limits). All the most interesting worlds
in aw are free of alpha world objects (avatar, jade, Varna ect) , yet you
can't link to them simply because of your refusal to build an office that
isn't totaly standardised. Heck maybe you could do a much better job with
some of the other objects out there.

For example if linking to a world like jade, make a similar office with all
the exact same function and layout, but using japanes themed objects.
Would do the exact same job but also match the theme of the world.

So what do you say, you going to let those of us who have cast aside the
chains of alpha world objects to join the AWTA ?

AWTA is taking new members again

Dec 17, 2001, 6:26pm
Cool! Then sign me up! Oh wait.. I can do that part my self... *runs off
to awta website*

*sigh* The good ol' days....

Dec 17, 2001, 11:43pm
Me too, every year seems better for. Better versions of AW, more practise
modeling and making textures. I think a lot of people get bored of
building, but are too lazy to go on to the next stage, modeling. Sitting
in the middle of a public building world might be fun for some, but for
most people they have to move "up" to something else, be that becomming
active in the community, going onto modeling and texture creation, bot
programming and so on. Heck, even awcom gets better every year. Rick
replies to tele's in a friendly way, Tom whips the NG's and other worlds
into shape and has been supporting citizen projects more than ever, and
Garry and Stacy and the modeling team have been churning out some of their
best work yet.

*sigh* The good ol' days....

Dec 18, 2001, 1:16am
I've actualy sort of talked to tom a little bit about that. Actualy when
wildaw was first in it's planning stages me and Tom talked about making it
have a bit of 'democratic object path". ie every month or so there would be
a vote or something, and new objects would be created and uploaded. People
could submit objects and the like, so long as they meet basic quality
guidelines. Unfortunatly some people attached to the project thought that
having someone "incharge" of making such the objects met basic quality
requirements would go against the spirit of wildaw and be terrible and
facist... so wildaw was stuck with ugly alpha world objects and one of the
worst GZ's I've seen. (mmm.. wood.. and.. uh.. more wood.. and... hey..
more of the same wood).

What I was talking to Tom about the last couple days was creating a world
along the lines of me and Tom's origional vision for Wildaw, with some
elements of the new build world that got canceled and turned into the
objects for some of the 3d homepages.

Basicly picture a pretty medium sized building world, out to about 10km.
It would have a very basic premade transport system. eg just roads every
250 map points or something. As towns and communities show up the
management would actualy be hands on enough to connect them up to the
transport system. There would be some basic building rules like not taking
a million square meters of land on both sides of the road and not building
on it. It would be a very healthy environment for the creation of towns and

Although the main thing would be it's objects. EVery month on the world's
webpage there would be a survey asking what kind of new objects people want.
And every month or so the previous month's winning request would try to be

Another little idea would be a bit of democracy injected into the world. If
there is a town that really wants a connecting road, but some idiot with an
alternating caps name has taken all the land around the town just to be an
ass the town could petition to get a road put through. Perhaps every town
mayor could meet once a month to discuss the running of the world.

My main thing with building worlds is they are all more or less the same.
Sure they sometimes have dif themes or dif objects. But they more or less
all follow the same basic formula. So ok, we have our totaly anarchy world
(wild aw) a bunch of standard worlds (mars, aw, awteen). But how about
one with a little more structure and planning?

*sigh* The good ol' days....

Dec 18, 2001, 1:27am
Basicly the world would be more about towns than individual builders.
That's the basic premise. And they would be very well supported. So if a
town wants to be an rpg town and needs bot rights and some special obejcts,
they'd get them. Or if two towns want to build a railway between eachother
but there are a few other builds in the way, the world, the towns, and the
indivudual builders could work something out.

heck, maybe make the whole thing a big town building "game". Have prizes
every couple months for best town gz or most active community or highest
population in the form of new objects or special rights or what not.

*sigh* The good ol' days....

Dec 18, 2001, 5:39pm
Well tell you guys what, if anyone is interested in helping with AWtowns
let me know. I could use someone with some basic rwx abilities (ie able to
change texture callouts and lighting, just basic stuff like that) and
someone who's had some experiance making registries. Maybe a builder or two
and SOMEONE with some connection to existing town-based communities

*sigh* The good ol' days....

Dec 18, 2001, 5:56pm
Ah, lovely. I've never seen a registry or even built in a world that used
one so I'm a total registry virgin. I even had the idea to make awtowns a
world with no registry because you know, people are good natured and
wouldn't vandalise other people's property. Then I went to awgz to remind
my self what kind of people populate aw lol.

*sigh* The good ol' days....

Dec 18, 2001, 7:37pm
Ah yes, can't pollute the NG's with talk on upcoming community projects,
we have to save room for the bickering and in fighting :)

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Dec 18, 2001, 8:14pm
Hello, I made a similar post in worldbuilders (much longer) but since this
project overlaps in the areas of world building and community I thought I'd
also post a short bit here.

I want to hear from town mayors to what their
biggest stinks with running a town is. I want to hear from community
network people on what their biggest hurdles for getting the word out is, I
want to hear from citizens as to what types of objects they'd love to build
with. Community planning and support isn't going to be an afterthought in
the form of a webpage or couple teleports tacked on near GZ like in most
worlds, but rather the central aspect that all others revolve around.

Be careful with Nate007

Dec 20, 2001, 2:06am
In my travels in cyberland, I've met many nates. All of them have been
trouble makers. Strange that.

What happened to eep?

Dec 21, 2001, 5:42pm
That matches my opinions fairly closely. A lot of people bitch about if the
rules are fair or not, that totaly doesn't matter. It is someone else's
rules, and if they say, "you must end your post with a 10x10 jpeg of a
bannana or you will be banned from the NG" then it's their right to ban you
if you don't post said bannana.

Sadly it isn't about training. People like Eep and "generic GZ tourist
flooding at gz" don't do anything out of ignorance, they do it for fun. To
use your example, they are like the child that is fully potty trained, but
has a social disorder that makes him like to smear his shit all over the
walls. And even if you're like Eep and sometimes have something interesting
to say, there's no excuse writing it by hand painting with your own fecies
on clean walls of our NG's.

That seems to be another big excuse by people. They'll say "well I was just
saying XXXXX about XXXX nothing wrong about that, what you can't handle an
opinion?" Well yes we can handle an opinion, just don't use poo to write

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 26, 2001, 9:56pm
It really depends who you ask. All my european and Canadian friends would
say no, even most of my american friends. But I notice people over 40
years old who comes from the bible belt/midwest area of the united states
can get very huffy over such a word.

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 26, 2001, 10:45pm
It's really context context context, and a little in the setting
department. Although I think a G rated world is fine in the setting
department. Hardly chatting with the queen.

Although words that tend to offend me are "thanx" "asl" "wurld" "luv" ,
"cuz" "u r" and replacing a perfectly good "s" with a "z". Liable to get
ejected, or atleast have my bot roll his eyes at you in disgust. I'm fine
with spelling mistakes and shortening of words in chat, but misspelling on
purpose? I'd give you a punch to face but you'd be gone like the sun, when
it's not sunny.

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 26, 2001, 11:08pm
It's not really hacker talk. hacker talk is replacing as many letters as
posible with stupid other characters in a showy way. This is more
teen-internet-slang talk. Hmm that doesn't flow.

Well folks, looks like we have some work to do. We need to come up for a
good name for the words, or the people that use them. how about "chatturz"

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 27, 2001, 5:26pm
Ha, then better not visit Avatar anytime soon. Because "cuz, thanx, and
ur" are probably the most offensive words one can you in our culture. It's
the verbal equivalent of breaking off someone's legs and putting them in a
suitcase, taking their mother on a date and ordering 5 steaks then telling
her she's paying, or steeling all of someone's ladies and making them pay
late fees as super stacies and still they don't hate you. And it's liable
to get you a punch to the face.

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 27, 2001, 6:33pm
Shortening is ok. Like dif in place of diffent, it's the adding of z's
that boils my blood. Although I seriously don't hate it, it's just my
hobby for it to boil my blood. Sometimes it's pretty silly, like thanks
and thanx, ONE less letter. And cuz isn't so much shortening of a world,
but slang. People IRL use cuz, and it makes me punch just as much.

And I notice people who use "words" like ur and cuz, always give me other
reasons to dislike them due to their personality. So they go hand in hand
now. Or hand in face! PUNCH!

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 27, 2001, 7:19pm
Being crazy used to be my hobby, now it's my job.

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 28, 2001, 5:24pm
I always thought your name was "Builder Z" as in said "Builder Zee" and not

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Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 28, 2001, 6:57pm
So.. it's like two names in one. Woah.. I can't take that.

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