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Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 28, 2001, 7:08pm
Blah, I think this has gone on long enough. Some people see a lack of
formal-ish english as a lack of respect, some people see seeing lack of
formal-ish as a lack of respect as disrespectfull to their disrespecting of
typing out full words (or wurdz, to be fair to both sides). So let us just
leave it at that before my sentances get ever more awkward.

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 30, 2001, 12:58am
Well if you killed the Canadian in the province of quebec with an american
gun that didn't have all the text on the gun in english and french, with
the french a certain percent bigger, then you'd be in even bigger trouble
than murder, you'd be committing a language crime. And in quebec it
doens't get more serious than that lol.

Frohes neues Jahr

Dec 31, 2001, 6:31pm
Wow, what an old picture of Avatar!

worlds and citizenships

Jan 2, 2002, 11:27pm
It's quite a mistake for them to charge as much an as rpg. Even if it was
$5-8 a month it would be in a price bracket below that of a profesional
game... and aw still feels "in progress" to most poeple. Not worth the 10+
price bracket.


Jan 2, 2002, 8:56pm
90% of the people I know that use aw feel just "ok" with the price now, and
I'm constantly hearing them mention leaving aw due to money (at 19.95).
Even if I managed to get the $240+ a year (not including worlds, which I
assume will also be skyrocketing) I'd have almost non of my friends left....

what they should have done is ADVERTISED aw, THEN done the 3d homepage. I
saw hardly any increase in aw's pop from the homepages. Why? Because only
people who alrdy were in aw knew about it. 3d homepages are a great idea IF
there is a large advertising blitz along with them. But with little or no
advertising it's just a money pit to get where we are now.

When aw went from free to 20 a month it lost about 80% of it's citizens. AW
is just now finaly starting to shape up into a healthy community.. and now
they are raising the price by about a hundred dollars... imagine what % it
will lose this time.

No offence to aw's staff.. since I know most of them and like them. But it
seems you guys really have a bloated staff. How about the community and you
meet half way. You guys take pay cuts and even lay offs, and we only go up
to 30-40 a year? I've heard some pretty rediculus figures on how much rick
and jp make a year. heh, how about we get rid of them, they seem to be
the biggest costs around here. Heck the only people that seem to matter are
Roland and Tom, and perhaps gand and stacy. Maybe you guys shouldn't have
hired so many more staff and such if you couldn't afford them.

Price Changes: Can we talk? :o)

Jan 3, 2002, 5:58am
Uhg, you want them to hire MORE people to their bloated staff? That's
where this problem comes from anyways. Too many costs, not enough income.
So rather than streamline their management, they thin out their income...
good plan.

Let me tell of a tale 'bout a man named George..

Jan 3, 2002, 6:40am
Although maybe if we knew the plan we could all rally around it and have
better morale. Right now the common attitude is "what a bunch of idiots!".
Since the plan really depends on us, the customers, maybe we should know
about it? I'm sure it would help many of us shoulder the burden of the rise
in the price if we knew it was all for a good cause and we could understand
how it will work.

Of course they don't OWE us an explanation. But we also don't OWE them to
remain customers...

Does anyone have any idea how universe prices will be affected?

Jan 3, 2002, 10:38pm
Also the way awcom sells land to universes it works out that it is ALWAYS
cheaper per square meter to buy in aw than another universe. Otherwise it
would be a pretty silly business move to sell their product to people who
can then sell for less and make a proffit.

Forced upgrade to 3.2

Jan 4, 2002, 11:05pm
I don't think I could scream amen loud enough!

I absolutly can't stand the whole microsoft philisophy that the more usless
resource sucking bells and whistles it adds to it's products the better they
are. I'm still using win 98, and I saw a friend who has me or something.
Takes about 0.5 seconds to load every window because there is fancy
gradients and a background image. I think you can disable stuff like that..
but why even have it in the first place? Something can be user friendly and
efficient at the same time. Programs should go more for brutal efficiency.
Save the bells and whistles for games. (heck even some games go too far in
the animated interface department)

[View Quote]

Clear your heads and wise up

Jan 6, 2002, 5:33pm
Jawoll heir jess! Right away.

New AW object set

Jan 8, 2002, 6:27pm
TWENTY a month to play the ruddy sims? And people cry about aw being greedy
and a rip off.. jeeze.

New AW object set

Jan 8, 2002, 8:25pm
You should read the couple posts on "Awtowns". Me and goober are working on
that. Will have a totaly new basic building set as well as a few
specialised set (ie gand's townhouse set, medival set, future set) that
can all also fit together.

Although the interesting thing about awtowns is not the new objects, but
rather how the world is run. Focuses more on community building than solo
building (although of couse you can still solo build). The world will have
a dynamic transport system that grows and changes as towns pop up, and
towns will be able to apoint reps that will have a say in how the world is
run, what new objects would be added and so on.

Actualy with Andras' help we would have probably had the world up in a month
or so, but it's on hold for obvious reasons right now.

New AW object set

Jan 9, 2002, 12:51am
No website. Just a poorly spelt design doc that's been floating around.

How big is the world? I'll have to talk to tombone about that. Goober says
we should shoot for a mars sized place.

I can't officialy say anything about awc or tomy-cakes being involved at
this point.

NO! no basic aw build objects. Totaly new set. Actualy major Tom said
he'll disown me if I use any aw objects in this project or something to that
extent hehe. Although the shapes and sizes will almost exactly match,
except the entire world will be on base 10, rather than a mix of 8 and 10
like AW. This is going to be a new world, not yet another re-hash of
alpha world. But don't worry, it will have a very flexible basic generic
path with simple walls that could fit in a castle underground factory on the
planet Putget. Basicly if you want to build with aw objects there are alrdy
more than enough worlds to do that in. We want to move on from that.

Also may use some of the new objects added to aw, but I'd have to scale
them so the curbs don't come up to one's knees, and couches arn't big
enough for one to live in. Perfectly lovely objects but I'm not sure what
Gand was thinking with the scale. Maybe the curbs are half a meter tall in
the Toronto area hehe.

Actualy I was going to speak to Thomas about awtowns but he's been sick and
not in the office. Then again I don't blame awcom staff for being "sick"
this week hehe.

New AW object set

Jan 9, 2002, 6:22pm
I always try to keep to scale in AW, but to look "right" things tend to be
about 15% bigger than they should. As long as EVERYTHING is 15% bigger is
looks fine. It's when you get some things like walls being 15% bigger, but
cars being to exact scale that things start to look.. well.. like aw.

About adding objects. One of the main features of the world is every month
or so a vote for additional modulas of objects, and maybe yearly or
bi-yearly add a pack.

A modual would be like "extended modern furniture" or "additional medival
roofs and walls" while a set would be "compleate sci-fy building set" or
"victorian house set".

All sets and moduals will be to the same scale, and all objects to the same
base dimensions so everything will fit together (unlike aw and its new

New AW object set

Jan 9, 2002, 8:20pm
Other than Goober helping with the higher level orginisation, I have zero
actual "grunt work" help on this project. And it's on hold till aw sorts
its self out more. So don't hold your breath.

pass protected objects

Jan 12, 2002, 12:22am
These are gand's objects. Every modeler at awcom has a dif opinion on what
to do with their models. Stacy is cool with giving things away for free,
while gand likes to keep things a little more secure. In the end awcom has
the final say since they are technicly their models, not the modeler's.
Gand was the one who uploaded the objects personaly, so it's posible he just
forgot to take off the password. People there are human you know? I find
when ever awcom makes a little mistake or change everyone jumps on them as
if it's some evil conspiracy to violate your "rights" or the community.
Rather than freaking out why not just ask gand or awcom about the objects
and why they are passworded? Might be something as simple as a mistake.

pass protected objects

Jan 12, 2002, 6:05pm
Here's another newsflash. I talked to gand last night and he was surprised
at this whole thing, since the objects arn't passworded.

Managing information in AW culture

Jan 17, 2002, 2:15am
Now that Tom is incharge of who gets the heave ho things are quite a bit
more tidy, or authoritarian depending on your views. But Tom is a good guy
and he only boots people when they truly deserve it.

Managing information in AW culture

Jan 17, 2002, 5:45pm
Well.... yeah he's ok, but when it comes to slacking off and building and
hanging out with friends while at work he really needs to apply him self

> Yeah, Toms fukn cool :)
> F.

Managing information in AW culture

Jan 17, 2002, 5:53pm
Yeah just like all those teens and students that can't play terrible games
like EQ and UO for 10+ a month. I mean look at online RPGs. They are
dominated only by the rich and adults, there are almost no kids on that
because as we know, kids can't get access to credit cards, and can't afford
10 bucks a month. Many people might play games like EQ, but there is no
"tourist" mode, you need a credit card to even TRY it. What a stupid
business move, that's why EQ gets no new players. Also 10 bucks a month is
insane, so games like EQ only have a small handful of players. Heck you
can't even build or freely explore in those games, it's just endless
tedious level gaining. In aw what you build is yours, but in EQ when you
die some of your items and EXP is taken from you by the company! What a rip
off!! That's why EQ has hardly any people, no new people, and only rich

So as we see from this example, 10 a month charges for programs on the
Internet is a terrible idea because no one will pay.

> Of course that all is just me, but I think many students or teens will
have to leave (or decide, if you prefer).

Managing information in AW culture

Jan 18, 2002, 12:08am
heh actualy the entire thing was very sarcastic. It's in responce to so
many people saying that because it needs a credit card to try, and costs 10
bucks a month students and young people won't be able to use AW. Well just
look at online rpgs. Totaly dominated by students and kids, and it costs 10
bucks a month and needs a credit card.

Managing information in AW culture

Jan 18, 2002, 12:10am
Well when ever I invite Tom over, he's always "working" or something.
Jeesh. He treats this whole aw thing like it's his job or something.

Virus alert

Jan 29, 2002, 5:42pm
Is there actualy anyone on the planet earth that doesn't delete on sight
emails with titles like "check this out!" with an attachment or "look at
these sexy pictures" or "100% real amature" ? If they don't, they deserve
what they get.

Virus alert

Jan 30, 2002, 8:29pm
If it was up to me there would be a well trained government group that finds
out where the spam is coming from, goes to that location, and beats the
living shit out of them. Doesn't matter if it's new mortgage rates or a
pill to increase ejaculation, they get a shit kicking. I think that's
fair don't you?

Same with big companies that install spyware and other such things.

Oh and companies that install other junk on your computer without really
asking and it's hard to find/remove.

Oh and any company that has a program that changes your bookmarks or other

And short/chubby women who wear capri pants.

Pink Village 5 years old today!

Jan 31, 2002, 6:46am
Pink, one of my favorite colours in every way.

Bad Taste - Joker CY

Feb 2, 2002, 9:01pm
It looks cute. What are the other cards? other AW avs?

Bad Taste - Joker CY

Feb 2, 2002, 11:01pm
I don't get it either. The only thing I can think of is some sort of very
very sad over reaction stemming from being way too serious and anal about AW
and associating CY as an embodyment of those feelings. Much in the same way
some christians became upset and said it was "in very poor taste" over
someone painting jesus with cow shit or something, but having that type of a
reaction over an old 3d model from some little 3d chat and building program
getting a funny hat put on it for a themed card set would make me so so sad
for that person's life who's priorities are that fouled up I'd cry for days.

I've seen some pretty amazingly silly over reactions from people taking aw
too serious (and seriously in the wrong way, as in rather than putting an
ounce of energy into not overlapping and building horrible stuff they spend
their days complaining about community this and awcom that, but that's a
whole other issue I could rant about for .. well.. minutes.) but if I'm
right this would top them all (well most).

I really REALLY hope I'm wrong and sinew was simply referring to the colour
scheme or layout being in poor taste. If not I'm just going to stay crying
my eyes out in the corner and shaking my head back and forth for days (not
unlike my reaction to most of Marcus' topics).

Bad Taste - Joker CY

Feb 3, 2002, 5:45pm
Exactly my point, it's just an av. It's old, a little nostalgic, but
that's about it. Don't make it out to be a holy symbol that needs
religiously sensitive tippy-toeing around when dealing with it. It's quite
fitting as the joker. It's such an ugly terrible excuse for an av, yet so
revered by some people. Seems like a joke to me.

Heck why are we even talking about this? It's a ruddy playing card, who
cares. That's my last thought.

This conversation really sums up the aw community to me. Tiny stupid little
issues getting argued eventualy turning into a giant 60+ flame war. (honest
hosting thread anyone?)

So, we've made our points, no minds are being changed. Let's toss out
this topic since most card games I play don't even use the joker. Done,
over. Moving on now.


Feb 4, 2002, 6:30pm
What's with the signs and welcome msg in alpha world? And more to the
point, what are the "patriots" ? Some sort of aw contest or something? I
never heard of it.


Feb 5, 2002, 10:36pm
At least it would be a little more classy.

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