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Pornography and public worlds

Jun 4, 2001, 8:56pm
(ps, this isn't in reply to marcus, but the whole porn issue in general.
And any other over the top complainers in this NG for that matter.)

Pornography and public worlds

Jun 5, 2001, 5:34pm
Ok everyone, the point has been made, awcom knows your feelings. Any
further complaining is just anoying. Like I said before, if you don't like
aw, you're more than welcome to leave.

Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 5, 2001, 11:39pm
I'm wondering, why are you on this anti-porn crusade? Sure it's an issue,
but there are many other issues to crusade on. Porn is hardly a issue in
aw. You're making it seem like there is some sort of out of control porn
epidemic, children can't walk past GZ without seeing some sort of brutal
rape scene, vast tracts of building space taken up by giant exposed tits.
Are you just bored and need some great crusade to embark on? Does this
crusade help you feel moraly superior to others? There is little or no porn
problems in aw, and even at its worst not enough to warrent such a
passionate responce from you.

Also, we all know about your crusade, what you believe in, and what you
want done about it. You've made that VERY clear. Now WHY do you continue
to argue and post on the NG for all to read? You've informed the community,
and now please leave us out of your crusade and deal with it in private. If
you keep on going on like you are, you're going to make me want to spread
porn through out AW.

Am I the only one here that's heard enough of this? It's moved past the
issue, and is now nothing than marcus trying to prove how moral he is and
how big his soap box is. I'm begining to think he cares less about the
"issue" and simply wants to shoot his mouth out and look like the
porn-savior of aw.

The porn issue has been delt with as far as it can on the NG's, PLEASE MOVE

Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 9:27pm
One person's filth is another's art. If you don't like it, don't look at
it. If you don't want your kids looking at it, don't let them use aw.

What makes your opinions any more valid than others marcus? Everyone has
the right to believe in what they believe in. awcom isn't forcing children
to see porn (and I personaly don't believe that a naked drawing of a woman
is going to destroy a child), its set very clear rules, very clear
warnings. You want awcom to follow YOUR morals and handle it the way YOU
want to. You must have led a very sheltered life marcus, to be making such
a fuss about some soft core "porn" and expecting everything to be so clean a
tidy. This is not how the world works, and is definatly not how AW works.
Actualy, AW has many more rules and is much "cleaner" than real life. If
you read the disclaimer when you downloaded this product, it pretty much
voided you're right to bitch about this topic. In fact, you're lucky awcom
cares as much about this silly prudish issue as they do. Be happy they
actualy do clean up your evil porn, and let this issue rest.

If you don't like awcom, don't give them business. Please, please marcus,
we've heard enough. All you've done these past few days it get the majority
of the readers of this NG to think you're a clueless prude with nothing
better to do than rant and rave on your soap box.

Your point is understood. Leave it, it's over. please, I'm begging you.
Please, let us have our peace.....

A simple solution??

Jun 7, 2001, 10:59pm
The decent people arn't going to get worse due to idiots. In fact, we NEED
those idiots. I always look at all of them as cash cows. Yeah they mess up
the NG's with pointless posts, fill AW with awfull worlds and terrible
content, but they give quite a large percentage of awcom's income. They are
just there to buy cits and worlds to give the company money to make the
program better for us. Sure they build like shit, their worlds are lapping
wastes of space, but you should't put them down too too much, because they
are financialy very important to aw. Well you can put them down, just don't
chase their business off. Welcome idiots with open arms, let them give
awcom their money, then just ignore em. I used to always recomend against
newbies buying big worlds, sick of seeing the terrible content they put up.
But now I encourage them, let them waste money to "much up" their own
worlds. It's not like they can affect our content, or put in charge of the
development of aw. As long as there is an inteligent core group of citizens
aw will be fine, money talks, but talking idiots can be muted or filtered.
Imagine if aw had a deal for cits with AOL. Sure the idiot factor would go
through the roof, but imagine what advances could be made in aw from the
money generated. There are enough decent cits in aw to help "guid" aw,
what we need now is money, and idiot aol kids and the like are the perfect

An interesting question

Jun 23, 2001, 10:12pm
I have to agree with mike and all the other right thinking PK and AWCOM
haters that have been around long enough to know how terrible you guys are
facter. Those PK's have got to go. Once I was just chatting at awgz and a
PK said 'hello Moff Piett' to me, what a jerk! I mean really. Then all I
did was disagree with the PK on swearing and started swearing at him. Then
what does he do? He wispers "please don't swear at gz" to me. My god!
Where is my freedom of speech??? So I tell him what I think of him, laden
with as much swearing and rudeness I can muster, and what does he do?? He
EJECTS me!! What a nazi!!

I see PK's abusing their power like this all the time. Ejecting people for
flooding, swearing, and making asses of them selves. They usualy give
people warnings, but sometimes if they know someone is a trouble maker they
DON'T GIVE AS MANY WARNINGS!!!!!! My god! They can't even be consistant

And don't get me started on awcom facter. You guys are all the same,
sitting there in your cushy offices "running" OUR community and trying to
make money from it. Yeah you guys claim it costs money to run aw, but 20
bucks a year??! You guys are so greedy it makes me sick. For $20 a year I
expect every single one of my ideas for aw's growth implemented, I want to
be able to do what ever I want in any world, I want everything to be exactly
how I want it and perfect. Oh sure awcom claims it's "improving" the
software but they are going too slow and not implementing the ideas _I_
want. At $20 bucks a year they should be able to make this the most
advanced program ever. Just shows you how little they know about business
and running this place.

awcom and their gustapo like PK's have got to go! I remember way back when
before awcom or COF was around..... yeah it was one world and the software
was terrible, but we didn't have GREEDY NAZI's trying to take our money and
treat us like 1930's russian disadents when we only try to swear or act rude
in a public area.

I've used AW for a long time so I know how to run a business better than
awcom! ME ME ME!! I payed 20 bucks for this so I want everything my way! I
was in aw before COF so I know everything about how to run a community and
business and if anyone tells me otherwise, well, I've got a lower cit
number than you so my opinions are more valid you stupid NEWBIE. By the
way, ME ME ME.

Down with awcom and the PK's !!

An interesting question

Jun 23, 2001, 10:16pm
Doesn't every ISP give 5-10 megs of webspace to every new customers? I've
never seen one that doesn't.

Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 23, 2001, 9:50pm
Hey everyone, here are some shots of the new awcom build world. It will
start off small with enough objects to build basic homes and such, but as
time goes on there will be votes for what booster set to make next, and as
such the path will grow and grow.

Not sure when exactly it's opening, but it looks good so far ! Enjoy.

Also due to a lack of money and my computer slowy dieing, I may vanish from
aw for a while in the months ahead. When I'm able to get a job to raise
funds for a new (or fixed) comp I'll be right back. anyone who knows me can
email me at malay_trip at if they need me.

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Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 24, 2001, 4:51pm
Nope, it's going to be an all new world. No ugly alpha world stuff to ruin
the world.

Although about the scaling thing.. yeah, that always does piss me off.
Door nobs being at eye level, sofa's so big your feet wouldn't even hang
over the end, bedrooms so large and cavernous they could easily venue a 30
person party. I admit every now and then I'll have a room a little bigger
than it should be, but I always try to get furniture and other such things
to scale (in relation to an avatar). Sometimes I load it up and say "hmm..
no.. that looks too small", but then the avatar test proves it all. Gand
did a lot of this world.. I'm surprised he got the scale so wrong. Who
knows... he just follows orders. Maybe some awcom exe told him "no no!
Make the sofa bigger..yeah.. half way up the wall... yeah that's the
stuff... it's easier for newbies!"

First person view can be very deceptive, always have a normal sized av to
test in 3rd person all your objects and creations....

Oh.. and don't overlap glass in your giant pp16 box house!

Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 25, 2001, 3:55am
What are you talking about? You must come from crazy land, because where I
live the world looks pretty much like aw. I live in a large brick house,
it's brick inside and out and it's pretty much box shaped. From the outside
it looks like it's 2 storied but really it's just a big square cavern with
some furniture scattered about. The heating bill is a pain because the
walls are paper thin and we can't afford any glass for the windows. My rich
neighbour has a house very similar to mine, but it's made totaly out of
glass. Ha, the poor guy's property wasn't quite the right shape for his
house and he had to do this wierd thing with some of his glass so his house
could fit... I'm not sure how to describe it.. but if you look at it you
get a headache and throw up. He's so rich he can even afford novelty sized
furniture. Sometimes it's way too big, sometimes all cute and small.

I don't know what crazy world you live in sw comit... sheesh what next
you'll tell me those floating signs some kids down the street placed in the
little space between my house and the road saying "U R A FAG!!!!!!!!" are

Low vs High cit numbers

Jul 3, 2001, 12:37am
This is wierd, my cit num that is 140000 something says I immigrated in
1999, and my 270000 that I use mainly now says in 1998. I think I was a NAC
for a month or so when they started charging.. maybe that has something to
do with it?

More flaming idiots

Jul 9, 2001, 4:28am
I find in our society this is a growing trend, not just in aw. In active
worlds it's something amazingly obvious like "don't give out your password",
on plastic model kits "do not eat the contents of this bag", and on
television warnings not to emulate the scenes shown. It's quite sad that
our society is catering and dumbing down to these idiots, instead of letting
them learn from their mistakes and becomming better people. Not only that
but people can sue and win for their own idiocy these days. Break into a
power substation with the intent to vandalise, become injured, and then
sue the company.. and win. What next? We better put warnings on every
single inch of road stating "Do not jump into traffic"... because if we
don't you know someone one day will sue a car manufacturer after being hit
by a car.

I'm all for warnings that are called for, but if we keep dumbing things
down people will rely more and more on these warnings and instructions and
we will only have to dumb things down more.

More flaming idiots

Jul 9, 2001, 11:38pm
Basicly have a warning once when they first immigrate and pick their
password. If you make them rely on warnings instead of common sense they
will only become more reliant on that. Soon you will have to have a huge 10
meg welcome msg telling them not to put their hands in blenders, not to
jump in front of traffic and so on. There is a fine line between an
important warnings and holding hands with idiocy. awcom has done more than
they should for these fools. If someone is stupid enough to give our their
password, a warning isn't going to help. Actualy the warning is scaring
some tourists, not wanting to pay for citizenship because obviously there
is some huge passworld security problem. Let them lose their citizenship
for a while, I'm sure after that they will be a little more suspicious next
time someone asks for their password. And if not.. well it's hardly awcom's
burden to raise the collective global inteligence... but please no more
welcome msg, that only serves to lower it.

New backdrops

Jul 11, 2001, 12:05am
unfortunatly those sorts of backdrops will be out-dated when 3.2 comes
out... oh well.

New backdrops

Jul 11, 2001, 4:33am
basicly a skybox is a background that doesn't look like #$$%#. ie not just
a strange band of background that rotates dif than you and sometimes doesn't
even verticaly cover the screen.

Help Save a Piece of AW History

Jul 17, 2001, 6:05pm
To be historic in my opinion something has to be GOOD and old. That is
neither. If it was god awfull but really old, or built by someone "famous"
then perhaps some people would be up in arms about it being cleaned up..
but unfortunatly it's just garbage, not old garbage.

To Whom It May Concern... [long!]

Jul 18, 2001, 2:00am
You tell em Goober, specialy about the e-commerce stuff. The way they lure
companies into buying into aw is borderline scamming. There is ZERO
potential or current demand for retail or e-commerce in aw. It COULD be
usefull for education, but only when orginised with many educational groups
and programs. Simply creating an open area and calling it an educational
universe is good for nothing.

There is a reason why they do all this though.. because their scam is
working more or less. Big companies like siemens and nettaxi are suckered
into investing tens of thousands on their own series of worlds or universe,
lied to that it will attract people that might buy their product. I'd
actualy like to know the numbers of purchases made due to e-commerce in aw,
I'd be surprised if it was above even 10 over the course of aw's entire
e-commerce obsession. Unfortunatly this can't last, they will run out of
companies to sucker. Then what? They will have to fall back on the
community once again for income, but they will have wasted all that time
and money implmenting "corporate hooking" features. Then they will have to
"re-tool" their entire company to focus on what matters, probably when it's
too late.

Actualy knowing rick and jp when the corporate suckers dry up, they won't
know what the heck to do. Probably just raise world and cit prices and
squander their valuable community even more.

I really wish people like Tom ,Roland, and even Gand where running the show.
AW would be a much brighter place. There are some truely inteligent people
that run aw, unfortunatly they are strictly told what to do, their hands

Actualy awcom isn't the problem. The staff is really friendly, smart, and
talented. awcom is a fair ship on a course to success. Unfortunatly its
captain and navigator are drunken idiots, and if it wasn't for the hard
working crew the ship would have run aground or sunk by now. I think a
blind "I hate awcom" isn't the right attitude, we have to focus on the
source of the idiocy.... the captain of the ship. Untill then I guess the
best we can hope for is a mutiny....


Jul 25, 2001, 7:14pm
atlease he doesn't rely on the shamefull crutch that are alpha world objects
in his world. There's nothing I respect more than a world with zero aw
objects. Even if it is a wierd trippy place I don't like. I don't like
it.. but I can respect it far more than any place with alpha world yuck. If
I see a 2d wall edge or pp16... I usualy just leave the world in disgust.

Textures need for project!

Jul 26, 2001, 9:50pm
Telling us what sort of textures would greatly increase your chances of
getting help.

[View Quote]

Textures need for project!

Jul 27, 2001, 5:14pm
So you need modern city and country related textures? Some people
specialize in realistic textures, some people like more fantasy textures,
while some like factor like... orange textures.


Jul 29, 2001, 7:24pm
Why are the NG's always so unstable. They seem to go down an inordinate
amount of time. Do the servers run on a WIN/ME machine that's constanty
playing black and white ?

[CU] First Citizen Union Meeting

Aug 4, 2001, 5:08pm
I'm not sure what the "objects" catagory means. Community is obvious, worlds
would do what...try to get better worlds packages and the like. Features
would be new features in the rwx and maybe browser, but wouldn't objects
fall into the features catagory?

[CU] First Citizen Union Meeting

Aug 4, 2001, 10:04pm
Oh like alpha world and those.. places?

So that person would focus on public building areas? Maybe call that
position "public building world" rather than "objects".

first "citizen union" objective: telegram muting!

Aug 5, 2001, 7:40pm
I'm going to have to agree with eep on this one. An "ignore list" similar
to the contact list where you can simply add citizens is very much needed.

first "citizen union" objective: telegram muting!

Aug 5, 2001, 10:19pm
Modes like on icq would be great. So you could set your self away, free
for chat, or in "privacy" mode, and it would be reflected with an icon (or
lack there of) on your contact list.

It's Poll Time

Aug 7, 2001, 4:45pm
In all my years watching the cy awards I'd say about 70% of the winners were
NOT the best in their catagory. What was it last time? Some terrible world
full of poorly made facers of dinosours with plants and vegitation floating
off the ground?

For all the silly little catagories like building in aw and community this
and that they can vote all they want, but untill the judges for world
design (world design is not a bunch of aw objects, it's objects and textures
and their use) are experianced modelers I have zero respect for thier
results. Heck, if it isn't a modeler better than all the participants I
probably won't respect their results... and I don't think gand has time to

The cys are just like the academy awards... just a bunch of fun. An excuse
to dress up and go to a big event and chear your friends on to "win". I can
respect that and understand how fun it can be. BUT saying the winners are
concidered the best in aw with the tasteless masses of aw calling the shots?
These are the same people who build a zillion paintball worlds, the same
people who join the awa and other kids clubs, the same people who make
"houses" that are nothing more than a box of pp16s and get defencive when
you tell them it's of negotiable quality. As long as we settle that it's
nothing more than a bit of fun, and the results arn't serious, the CYs are
fine. And I know a ton of you cy people are going to freak out about what I
said and give lists to examples of winners that deserve it, but I only care
about the world/object/texture catagory, and as such it's what I'm basing
this on.

I like the old rating system of asking your friends "in the know". I'd
certainly value the opinion of one person with taste and understanding of
the subject than a million votes 'from the people', because with presidents
like George Bush and "best picture" awards going to Gladiator, I think it's
been proven that "the people" arn't very competent.

I feel I need to say SOMETHING positive about the cys... so I'll say that
although I don't respect it's results, I have very high respect for the
orginization, planning, and all the work that goes into pulling off the
awards. The vote counting, the webpage mantainance, and the whole
conducting of the awards ceremony shows a lot of dedication from the "staff"
running the show. And it isn't really the cy awards fault that the people
have very little taste or technical understanding... heck most of them
don't even vote objectivly, just for their friends.

It's Poll Time

Aug 7, 2001, 9:18pm
Actualy I'm not even an American.. just an objective outside observer. I
don't care how many people voted for him, just the fact that they didn't
vote for the super space communist galactic empire party shows they have no
"taste" when it comes to voting.

It's Poll Time

Aug 7, 2001, 10:30pm
heh, I couldn't think of a popular american party to advise you all to vote
for, so I had to make one up in its absence.

Best advise would be to wait for the economy to collaps and Jerry to invade.

Ah Jerry.. what will he do next?

Custom Avatars (wrong NG, i know, but I think it's a good idea)

Aug 10, 2001, 10:38pm
Av maker program? Custom Avatars?

How about people who want to use their own av in a world just send the owner
the av? Will save us months if not years of development time rather than
make an "av maker" part of the aw browser and all the other things that go
along with it.

awgz customs aid problem.

Aug 13, 2001, 7:18pm
[Customs Aide]: You have been ejected because bots are not allowed.

Aparently the customs Aide thinks I'm a bot now, and ejects me on sight.
Not a big deal.. just wondering what's going on.

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