aim features (General Discussion)

aim features // General Discussion

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zeo toxion

Nov 26, 2002, 7:59pm
Gah there's this new fangled feature in AIM where they integrate your buddy list into your OE contacts...

I think it's kind of stupid because AIM has to be running for the list to show and will run itself when you run
OE (option in OE) so why do I need my list there when AIM is already open? The only good it does is if your
reading a lot of messages and you have your buddy list closed you can see who's online and open an IM without
opening the list first. I really don't even think its an option anyway.

And I've been getting this nag screen to sign up for Netscape network which makes me want to uninstall it even
more though luckily it stopped showing after about 5 times canceling it.

Oh well I guess I can live with long as AOL *vomit* doesn't start taking over my computer every new
version. It already added links in 10 different places for me to delete (again).


johnny b

Nov 26, 2002, 10:02pm
use yahoo's IM....... none of that crap sucky aol thinks 'they' should be doing FOR you......

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Nov 26, 2002, 11:23pm
yahoo is just as bad.

Brock - 308723
AW 3.4 Build: 445
Brock at

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zeo toxion

Nov 26, 2002, 11:36pm
I'm sure yahoo has just as much self-advertising as aim has...i've used it a long time ago too. Everyone i know
uses aim anyway so the only way ill switch is if i move to something like trillian.


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Nov 27, 2002, 12:27am
and this has what to do with AW?


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Nov 27, 2002, 1:34am
Nothing. But this is the general.discussion newsgroup, so it doesn't have
to :)

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Nov 27, 2002, 2:04am
Trillian rules! ( for those of you that want to know -- btw
the free version is almost completely the same as the full version but you
don't get the plugins which are stupid anyway)

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the derek

Nov 27, 2002, 2:10am
nuff said
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ncc 71854

Nov 27, 2002, 6:38am
Trillian should remove their bugs 1st, it's giving kernel32.dll errors all
the time, it's worse than beta software.

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johnny b

Nov 27, 2002, 10:09am
Hardly just as bad........I've been using it for the last 2 years now....... one popup screen when it starts and that's it......
plus you can voice and webcam now too..... works fine for me........

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Nov 27, 2002, 2:09pm
Yes, Trillian is integrated with aol, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo and IRC. The only
thing I wish could be better is to go in chatrooms, and not be so crashy all
the time

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Nov 27, 2002, 2:44pm
What OS are you using? I'm running Trillian 0.74b on Windows 2000, and so far I've never seen it crash. I didn't have problems with any previous versions, either.

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zeo toxion

Nov 27, 2002, 3:07pm
Ok thats it, i turned off the setting and it still starts up when OE does. And since i have my AIM check my
e-mail every once in a while they both start up and try to check my email at the same time which results in OE
erroring and when i start recieving again i get duplicated messages...ugh...ill just have to turn off mail
checking in AIM..

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zeo toxion

Nov 27, 2002, 3:11pm
AIM doesn't have any ads accept a little button in the buddy list that goes to

and plus if i wanted video i can download the video software that you can use with it. Theres a lot more people
on aim then yahoo, at least people i know.


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tony m

Nov 27, 2002, 6:24pm
[View Quote] >and this has what to do with AW?

This is general.discussion, anything posted in here doesn't have to relate to AW at all.

tony m

Nov 27, 2002, 6:25pm
[View Quote] >Trillian should remove their bugs 1st, it's giving kernel32.dll errors all the time, it's worse than beta software.

Perhaps you should try to actually identify the problem instead of just generalizing and flaming.

ncc 71854

Nov 27, 2002, 7:32pm

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Nov 27, 2002, 7:51pm
oh so that's what it doing. My computer has a hard enough time not crashing
when loading OE by itself much less AIM and Windows Messenger >_<

OS: Windows XP Prof. Build 2600
Processor: AMD Athlon, 1.2GHz
Memory: 256MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 8.1 (
Card: ATI Radeon 7000/VE 32MB (Driver Recent As of 10-14-02)
Video Mode: DX7 (w/o T&L)
Version: 3.4 Beta Build 445
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Nov 27, 2002, 9:10pm
[View Quote] Must be just you, works fine on my WinME. The Yahoo portion does cause problems with



Nov 27, 2002, 9:11pm ... last I heard they were developing a windows version
so check it out.


johnny b

Nov 27, 2002, 9:17pm
So what's the problem then ? god bless AOL *hack.... cough...... barf !* :Op

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johnny b

Nov 27, 2002, 9:19pm
Win ME ? <gags> Bleah ! :Op I got that disease too........ My sympathies to ya.....

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ncc 71854

Nov 27, 2002, 9:55pm
It's the ICQ portion i think.

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the derek

Nov 28, 2002, 12:24am
yeah and now outlook takes like 5 minutes to load :/
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tony m

Nov 28, 2002, 2:13am
[View Quote] > ... last I heard they were developing a windows version
>so check it out.

an Alpha release of the win32 version is available. the GUI takes some getting used to, but overall it looks like a fairly good client.

pc hamster

Nov 30, 2002, 2:14am
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] Plus with Yahoo!, your video is really little more than a dinky little
screen on a webpage stored ON GEOCITIES.

I have MSN Messenger Or Windows Messenger as some like to call it) and I
can't wait till MS finally GIVES UP THE GHOSTT on that STUPID NetMeeting
program and adds some REAL video software which DOES NOT depend on some
directory server.

But alas....Leave it to MS to find a way to make things more difficult than
they have to be (and create more and more security "loopholes" in the
process) :-(

PC Hamster

pc hamster

Nov 30, 2002, 2:23am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] WHY have it enabled in AIM if you (apparently!) don't even have it enabled
within OE itself??? That's most likely why you're getting error messages.

Plus, if you've got a broadband pipe like I do, you only need to enable it
within OE anyways.


PC Hamster

zeo toxion

Nov 30, 2002, 2:53am
Huh? AIM doesn't have the option in it only OE does (the option of whether or not I want AIM to start
automatically when I run OE). The reason I usually have AIM check my e-mail is because that's usually open
whenever I'm on the internet and OE isn't running unless I'm actually reading it.

I'm getting the error messages because both OE and AIM (because OE starts AIM when it starts) check my e-mail
at the same time. Get it? heh

I do have broadband but that doesn't have anything to do with this. I turned off AIM mail checking until I
figure out how to actually stop AIM starting automatically with OE even when I turned off the option in OE.


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johnny b

Nov 30, 2002, 10:17am
Ignore him Zeo...... It seems to me, that If you actually DO have the option turned off in OE to start AIM, yet it still turns on,
something is amiss..... Most likely you'll find it's a setting that's not been written to the registry correctly...... god bless
microsoft, how I love their quirky software.... You can use REGEDIT.EXE to go in and nose around in
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Identities\{xxx-some big encrypted #-xxx}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0 (or 4.0, whatever)\ ass't
folders..... and look at the various settings assigned to certain things.. I'm sure there's one in there that says something about
AIM startup...... for instance, here's one as an example " PlaySoundOnNewMail 0x00000001 (1) " obviously we can see what
that's for.... now if you notice that last number (1) that tells OE to play the sound as 1=on and 0=off when you get new mail. You
can change the value by right clicking and picking 'modify' and entering a 1 or a 0 respectively...... I'd bet that if you can find
the correct entry regarding AIM startup, you'll find it's still set to 1 (on) instead of 0 (off)

Now mind you, editing the registry is not something to take lightly.... not at all.... one little screw up and you're toast......
puter might not even startup again..... ALWAYS backup the registry BEFORE you do anything ! I can't stress this enough...... and If
you've never done any reg editing before, Don't.... get someone who has to give you a hand, as the results can pretty much suck, if
you make a mistake........ and not pleasant to fix at all

Good luck with it


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Nov 30, 2002, 7:01pm
hey, fun, sending newbies in to edit the registry, what a cute idea! (NOT)
when desperately trying to reboot a system with a fuxored registry one can
hold the f8 key during boot to bring up the boot menu and select "boot to
msdos" then type the command scanreg /restore to bring up the backup
registry to restore your system and correct things if you actually try the
advice below and screw it up. Write that down, scanreg /restore

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