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Bots get boring...

Dec 17, 2000, 3:24am
hmmm i started something like that a whle ago.. never finished it thats a hard
bot to make

[View Quote] > Hey howabout some one starts to get to work on a bot that can learn, chat
> and move around by its self. like a artifical intelegence bot. it world be
> cool.
[View Quote]

MrGrimm's MSVB SDK Wrapper

Nov 12, 2000, 6:12am
....thats the wierdest p[robem yet lol try reinstalling sdk make sure you
have right dll file

[View Quote] > Hmmm when I use AwCreate why do I get compiler error: Argument not
> optional?
> Pike
[View Quote]

AWSDKOCX: Multiple Asynchronous Object Changes

Nov 12, 2000, 6:10am
seems like an odd problem why dont you post your code in cell_object and the
code you use to do the change?

[View Quote] > Hi,
> I'm writing a bot (in VB - thanks MrGrimm) that controls a number of picture
> objects and often "blasts" 14-16 asynchronous object change calls in quick
> succession through AWSDKOCX. This works like a dream for a while but after a
> seemingly arbitrary period of time, I "lose" some updates. I get a new
> object number back from the object change call, but no update and no
> callback. This has two nasty effects on the bot activity:
> (a) The pictures don't get updated - which is the whole point.
> (b) I now have an object number which doesn't actually relate to the object
> (since the original call gave me a new one but didn't make the change).
> I can get around (b) programatically if I need to, but that's not the point.
> I need the pictures to change at about the same time, not wait for a few
> seconds and reset the object number and repost the call.
> Anyone else have this kind on problem? I have had VB dropping important
> events on me before (especially with a busy winsock control), but I don't
> think this is related to that.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Grimble

AWSDKOCX: Multiple Asynchronous Object Changes

Nov 12, 2000, 6:55pm
i would contact mrgrimm i dont use the callbacks often because they dont relly
work well for me for example if i use the login callback the bot gets a "no
connection" error

[View Quote] > No matter which way I tried it, it still happened - even if I totally
> ignored the callbacks to ensure I wasn't tying up the processor.
> Its all pretty arbitrary when it happens, but I've found that if I restrict
> the number of outstanding updates to about 5 ( :O( ) by queuing them, then
> it only disconnects about once every 100 updates or so. I just do an
> incremental requery if that happens to reset all the objects. Its all a bit
> aritrary really when it happens.
> This was the same as a post called "Bots Disappearing" (the thread in the
> bots NG) - seems to be an accepted problem. I was in AlphaWorld when I had
> the problem. I'm going to see if its still a problem in a private, locally
> hosted world at some point and also try it in C++.
> Anything significant that I learn, I'll feedback into the NG.
> Thanks.
> Grims.
[View Quote]

Getting Bots Name

Nov 12, 2000, 6:10am
to get the name of bot use
sdk.awloginanme or
[View Quote] > What do I call in the sdk to get the name of the bot, once the bot has been
> started.
> I need this for a chat call so that I can compare what the user has said to
> the bot's name. I also don't want to use the field that name is typed in to
> start the bot.
> I'm also using Grimm's VB Wrapper to code my bot.
> Thanks.

Need a Programmer

Nov 12, 2000, 6:11am
id help too tgram a description how it would be set up

[View Quote] > I'd gladly do it
> -Twisted Horizon
[View Quote]

new bot? good idea? or not?

Nov 18, 2000, 6:29am
ok im working on a new bot its a "plugin bot"
the bot will just be a standalone app
then you download extra apps that have idfferent features on them like
i will also probably make an sdk so other people can ake plugins for my
good idea?
bad idea?

new bot? good idea? or not?

Nov 18, 2000, 9:06pm
ok... 2 noos the reasons... well its an easier way for me to add festures nad it means the peoledont
have to download the WHOLE bot over and over whenever there is a new feature..

[View Quote] > Like Twist said, its more the AW browser that needs the plugins, and besides, if most people knew
> how to use the SDK which would let their program plug into your bot, they would be more likely to
> write their own bots, and the Xelagot and HamBot users probably would rather stick to scripting.
> Bad idea in my opinion.
> _________________________
> John Viper
> "Java is a machine. You put Java code in one end, and money comes out the other." - Anonymous
[View Quote]

new bot? good idea? or not?

Nov 19, 2000, 3:14am
the auto updater wasnt really thatn popular on my bots... people who didnt want
to upgrade were fprced to read a message over and over

[View Quote] > I see that, but there are plenty of other bots already like that, and
> downloading a whole *gasp* 1 megabyte top program that installs quickly
> isn't too much of a problem. As I said, you really can't get much in with a
> bot plug-in, we need an AW plug-in capability. If you really want easability
> in your updates, somewhere back a few months ago source code was posted for
> an auto-updater, similar to as is used in Ima Genius' Chatbot. Very nice.
> Give it a try.
> -Twist
[View Quote]

new bot? good idea? or not?

Nov 19, 2000, 3:16am
well i was planning on doing it anyway i just
wanted input so i dunno why im arguing with you
lol i guess i just like to argue :P

new bot? good idea? or not?

Nov 20, 2000, 12:19am
i dont SELL my bots have you even seen the site....? if i have somehting that
makes it look like im selling them tell me what it is so i dont look like a guy
whos just making bots for $$$

[View Quote] > I think a lot of people who write their own bots use this method anyway once
> they've worked out the basics - applying some form of function library or
> class structure (depending on the type of language you use) and expanding
> that to their needs. Since you seem to sell your bots, why not keep your
> infrastructure to yourself (I don't mean that how it might sound lol) to
> enahance the capabilities of the your bots, give you a perceived advantage
> and make just your life easier?
> Grims
[View Quote]

new bot? good idea? or not?

Nov 20, 2000, 12:20am
its not limited once you use api c++ makes it easier to do the stuff you have to make twice as many
lines of code and time to use api functions but i use vb...faster if i was SELLING my applications
however i wuld use c++

[View Quote] > A while back I tried VB and hated it. There was no power and EVERYTHING was limited. Except the UI
> designer thingie was incredibly cool!!! Tried Visual C++. It had all the power but a weak UI
> designer. That really turned me off from it.
> Then, I found Borland C++Builder. It has all the power of C++ AND a VERY STRONG (maybe even better)
> UI thing than VB. Try it -- you can get the trial at
> What I am saying is that yes, using C++ you CAN make a UI in 5 minutes (noteI didn't say seconds --
> in VB you cant do it in 5 seconds)
> Plus VB just overall suxks (and thats my proferssional fact)
> _________________________
> John Viper
> "Java is a machine. You put Java code in one end, and money comes out the other." - Anonymous
[View Quote]

bot telegrams?

Nov 20, 2000, 12:38am
why dont bots send telegrams? i know that could be
abused but what if you could have an option to
ignore people permanantly that would make you not
hear them talk or get thier telegrams?

bot telegrams?

Nov 20, 2000, 11:03pm
ok so what about 3.2? then you could only accept tgrams from people on your CT?
that way it would be harder for a bot to abuse telegrams... what if bot could
only telegram its owner?

[View Quote] > As i quote ROLAND in this one "It would be a race to see the first person to
> telegram everyone in the univerce"
> Also the telegram banning hasnt been implimented in the browser yet... Look
> for that in 3.2.......
> Thanx
> Joeman
[View Quote]

bot telegrams?

Nov 21, 2000, 12:58am
not really i mean they made bots so they can only get citname and citnumber
unless logged in with privs of cit#1 and there are other ristrictions too. lol
i dont wanna argue i just want input form people and so ffar youve been the

[View Quote] > What i mean by that issss.... You can denie telegrams from ppl... I think
> it would be hard to put the feture of a bot only telegraming its owner in
> the sdk, anyways, people can find out a way to make it so it can telegram
> whoever it wants...
> Thanx
> Joeman
[View Quote]

bot telegrams?

Nov 22, 2000, 1:09am
ohhh ok. well maybe he should post his opinions about this here?

[View Quote] > Roland has said that once there is a telegram mute feature, it might be possible to allow bots to send telegrams. One option would be to have an "Allow bot telegrams?" switch or something.
> -Agent1
[View Quote]

bot telegrams?

Nov 22, 2000, 3:47pm
well i didnt ask for any negativity in this i am tired of people always
trying to put something in and then ruining the few posts that are on topic
to your standards

[View Quote] > Doubt he'd want to post with all this negativity about.
> --
> - Tony56 (chandler56 at
> "Freedom: That's What The Government Wants You To Believe!"
> ____________________________________________________________
[View Quote]


Nov 20, 2000, 11:04pm
use instr() left() and right() functions (thats vb
code there)

[View Quote] > Can anyone give me a sample of how to turn a
> textbox input of e.g.: 10S 12E 0.5A 30 Into
> numbers a bot can use for teleportation,
> like North = -10000West = -12000Alt = 5000Rot =
> 3000 Thanks, BamBam btw I am using VBsdk but if
> you give me the answer in C++ I think I can
> convert for myself

"Hearing" radius

Nov 12, 2000, 5:14am
i believ its 20-30 coords in a circle not sure though
[View Quote] > Hello!
> This seems the best place to ask this question -- does anyone know what the "hearing radius" is for
> AW? (In other words, how far away do you have to be from a person not to hear em anymore?) Also is
> it a circle or a square in the way its measured?
> Thanks a load :-)
> _________________________
> John Viper
> "Voting for Al Gore is like shooting yourself in the butt -- it will hurt" - Unknown


Nov 22, 2000, 1:09am
that is vb code

[View Quote] > he asked for it in VB...
> --
> -=Hal9000=- world:Discover
> --==~~out~~==--
[View Quote]


Nov 22, 2000, 1:31am
if you want the EXACT codeon how to do it send me an

[View Quote] > that is vb code
[View Quote]


Nov 22, 2000, 3:48pm
i dont look at attachments and i read the message and i saw
under it what looked like to be the quoted message my mistake oh

[View Quote] > Uh, I believe Hal9000 already posted the code earlier.
> --
> - Tony56 (chandler56 at
> "Freedom: That's What The Government Wants You To Believe!"
> ____________________________________________________________
[View Quote]

More AW Newsgroups !

Dec 17, 2000, 11:27pm
i doubt aw will ever add any more newsgroups in
the near future, at least until some of the people
on here act at least a liitle more maturere

[View Quote] > J e s u s i s G o d . c o m
> [Image]
> S a i n t l y M i c . c o m
> [Image]
> Greetings, Where are the Active
> Worlds Newsgroup Rules ?
> Is AW going to add more descriptive Newsgroups ?
> Also, can a world owner have their own AW
> Newsgroup ?
> To whom do I talk about starting my own AW
> Newsgroup ? Sincerely,
> SaintlyMic

> ================================================
> Under U. S. Bill - S.1618 TITLE III - passed by
> the 105th U.S. Congress ;
> this Email can not be considered SPAM when the
> following are included :
> - Contact Information AND An Email Removal Link
> -
> This Paragraph Contains The Email Removal Link
> Contact Information.
> saintmic at
> ================================================

More AW Newsgroups !

Dec 22, 2000, 1:15am
wwas i talking to you? NO and you know half the people on here
act like little babies

[View Quote] > You're one to talk.
> -Twist
[View Quote]

vbsdk problem

Dec 22, 2000, 1:25am
i use the vb sdk
for some reason the bot is querying the wrong
place and is going from cell to cell incorrectly.
anyone else have this problem?

vbsdk problem

Dec 30, 2000, 5:03am
it doesnt query the cell the bots in and it will
query a cell randomly within an
area of the bot... i used code off the site...

[View Quote] > Ummmm nope ... but then you don't exactly explain the problem.
> Firstly, have you made sure that you're setting the centre sector correctly
> for the aw_query?
> Secondly, what does "going from cell to cell incorrectly" mean?
> Have you read and understood ??
> Grims
[View Quote]

vbsdk problem

Jan 5, 2001, 1:26am
i know that.. but it isnt getting all the property around the bot..i take it
mrgrimm aint on these ngs

[View Quote] > ok, well the position of the bot is irrelevant to the query. When you query,
> the first two parms are the centre sector of the 9 that are queried. This is
> described in the link provided in the previous post. The cells are then
> returned in ascending sequence number order (also described in the linked
> page). Its not random - its to allow bots to requery an area quicky based on
> the most recent updates using the 3x3 sequence number matrix.
> Grims
[View Quote]

vbsdk problem

Jan 7, 2001, 11:36pm
i took it right off the site.. and fixed some of the typos you got on there
either a typo is causing it, or i have the code in the wrong place

[View Quote] > I read these newgroups all the time, I just don't bother replying.
> I haven't had any problems with querying, it's most likely something in your
> code.
> -MrGrimm
[View Quote]

vbsdk problem

Jan 7, 2001, 11:36pm
woops maybe i shouldve told you this- im using the older sdk cause the new one
doesnt log in in the right place (if at all)

[View Quote] > I read these newgroups all the time, I just don't bother replying.
> I haven't had any problems with querying, it's most likely something in your
> code.
> -MrGrimm
[View Quote]

vbsdk problem

Jan 8, 2001, 11:08pm
there has to be an easy way to upgrade-i get all kinds of version conflicts and
once i get everything straightened out-the bot doesnt log in- it keeps logging
into gz no matter what i do

[View Quote] > Why don't you use the latest version and get that to work correctly instead
> of trying to use an old version and having different problems with that?
> What was the problem you used to get with v2?
[View Quote]

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