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the derek // User Search
the derek // User SearchWanted: 2.2 SDKSep 3, 2001, 5:00pm
then change youre freaking password already
[View Quote] > Ummm i wasn't One At the Time these Were Posted,I Did Not Post Them Someone > Must have My Password Cause recently I tried To log In And Someone Was In > My name im Sorry About This But Clearly Someone Must Know My password... -------------------------------- Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience U CAN HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GRAFITI LOGOJan 26, 2001, 10:16pm
ok... how many times are you gonna post this lol
[View Quote] > Ummm i wasn't One At the Time these Were Posted,I Did Not Post Them Someone > Must have My Password Cause recently I tried To log In And Someone Was In > My name im Sorry About This But Clearly Someone Must Know My password... -------------------------------- Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience build 354 3.0Jan 26, 2001, 10:09pm
why do you even care...? if you were on the beta program then you'd be
notified and if you're not on beta then you shouldn't be worrying about it [View Quote] > Is There A higher One Besides Build 354 3.0 BESIDES 3.1 Like A 3.0 Build > 355??? -------------------------------- Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience Old SDK buildsJan 26, 2001, 10:09pm
i have some past VB builds.. it has aw.dll and both C++ and VB dlls
should be the same right? [View Quote] > doesn't anyone have any of the past SDK builds? I only need the old > aw.dll... thanks... -------------------------------- Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience vb menusDec 8, 2001, 5:03am
is it possible to have the menus that are in office 2000 (the ones where it
hides stuff you dont use often until you click the double arrows) in VB? vb menusDec 9, 2001, 1:57am
ok let me rephrase that is there a FREE WAY lol this thing costs 200 bucks
[View Quote] vb menusDec 9, 2001, 5:12am
yup :D whether a program is goos or not if its ugly people wont like it
[View Quote] GOD DAMNET HELP KILL THE GUY IN MY NAMEJan 26, 2001, 9:58pm
why are you psoting this here? how can WE kick him off? contact aw.. and if you
CAN get in any time change your password , otherwise just wait [View Quote] > *sigh* okay. time to shut you the HELL up since filters don't seem to want > to do the job. CHANGE YOUR FUCKIN PASSWORD AND IF IT STILL HAPPENS, TOUGH > LUCK. [View Quote] GOD DAMNET HELP KILL THE GUY IN MY NAMEJan 26, 2001, 10:01pm
You Mean Capitalizing Every Word In A Sentence Like This?
i dont see a problem with it.. i do it every once in a while too (for different reasons though) and dont fill up the ng compaining about how someone types.. its bad enough when people complain about grammar [View Quote] > Ok This May Be Weird But The Reason I Use Capitals Is Because.....It All > Started In Awgateway Nobody Could Hear Each Other Cause To Many People Were > Talking So I Started Doing This.......And Cause I Hate It When Its All In > Capitals And When Its Not In Capitals,And This Does not Take Any Longer > > -- > --------------------------------------------------------------------Whats > Up??????And Dont Complain About My Capitals > [View Quote] About My CapitalsJan 26, 2001, 10:02pm
jeesus this is a 10 message long thread started just because you want everyone
to type JUST LIKE YOU? i have left the ng for a month HOPING it would get better... and all i see is crap [View Quote] > Ok,In The Past Few Month People Have Been Complaining About My Writing Style > Why Though,This May Be Weird But The Reason I Use Capitals Is Because.....It > All > Started In Awgateway Nobody Could Hear Each Other Cause To Many People Were > Talking So I Started Doing This.......And Cause I Hate It When Its All In > Capitals And When Its Not In Capitals,And This Does not Take Any Longer > So Please Ignore my Caps There Is Nothing Wrong With Them > > -- > --------------------------------------------------------------------Whats > Up??????And Dont Complain About My Capitals About My CapitalsJan 26, 2001, 10:59pm
uh... my bad?
i havent been here for a month so everythings new to me :o) [View Quote] > uhh derek why reply to lond dead threads? [View Quote] -------------------------------- Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience About My CapitalsJan 26, 2001, 11:05pm
sorry came in after not reading for a while... and didnt bother to read the
dates.. ohh hope people keep thier mouths shut on this thread [View Quote] > heheh yeh but dang man read the dates we dont want to get thing stired back > up ehehe [View Quote] -------------------------------- Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience Contacts online - Using a bot ?Jan 28, 2001, 1:40am
no, currently that is not a function in the sdk
[View Quote] > G"day all, > > Can any bot be used to see if a regular set of contacts are online or not ?. > I'm using Xelagot and it can see what worlds are online and how many people > are in it but not contacts. > > Soul Shadow > > -- > 6828 at > Remove the .fish after .com to reply > --= This is a fish anti-spam device =-- > > `·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º> -------------------------------- Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience xelagot language botFeb 5, 2001, 2:55am
tip for resolving the issue.. use words like ass and hell as whole words ONLY
(they have to say the exact word to be ejected) and words like bitch whore crap shit and fuck the bot can eject if they detect that string at all... but its up to you [View Quote] > The reason why Xelagots do NOT eject when they hear bad words is that I am > absolutely against that sort of practice. Words have a context, and bots > (at present) can not correctly identify this context. A human being can > decide that a word, even if it is on the black list, does not deserve > ejection under certain circumstances: a bot can not. > > Xelagots can warn you bad words are being said, but will not eject the > offender: that's up to you. You can of course overrule this behaviour by > writing a script, but I won't help you do it :) > > XelaG > [View Quote] Trivia Liscensing availableFeb 8, 2001, 3:06am
well... some of you have seen the trivia bot i
have made and some people wont stop asking me fr it... so here is the deal-if any of you have seen it and want it be one of the first people to send me an email and ill give you rights to use it. im not giving out rights for it to be used in any universe EXCEPT aw. ill also tell you how to set up the objects for it. if any of you haven't seen it go to VSgames in vectorscape in about 2 weeks :o) (its not up in any other world anymore) email imthederek at if you haven't seen it and don't want to see it keep your mouth shut i don't want a freaking long post because you think this is "off topic" Trivia Liscensing availableFeb 10, 2001, 12:15am
.... i just said im letting people use it in aw...
[View Quote] > make me one like the one in VS.. i like the one derek made.. but he's not > gonna let ppl use it in aw.. > > -- > J B E L L > > G O I N G P L A T I N U M [View Quote] Trivia Liscensing availableFeb 10, 2001, 12:15am
it is free you idiot i asked people who didnt know what it was
to keep thier mouth shut.. it just makes you look like a dumbass to the people who DO know what it is [View Quote] > Free Custom Trivia Bot to anyone who wants it :-) E-mail > joshua_trask at > > -Twisted Horizon [View Quote] Trivia Liscensing availableFeb 10, 2001, 12:45am
DIDNT SEE IT TO KEEP YOUR MAOUTH SHUT!!! DO YOU? NOOOOOO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE FUCKING DUMBASSES ALL YOU DO IS TRY TO PISS EACH OTHER OFF ALL THE TIME [View Quote] > well... some of you have seen the trivia bot i > have made and some people wont stop asking me fr > it... so here is the deal-if any of you have seen > it and want it be one of the first people to send > me an email and ill give you rights to use it. im > not giving out rights for it to be used in any > universe EXCEPT aw. ill also tell you how to set > up the objects for it. if any of you haven't seen > it go to VSgames in vectorscape in about 2 weeks > :o) (its not up in any other world anymore) > email imthederek at > if you haven't seen it and don't want to see it > keep your mouth shut i don't want a freaking long > post because you think this is "off topic" Trivia Liscensing availableFeb 10, 2001, 1:34am
that was from my mind... ever since i've been on this thing its
been in my mind lol not i let it out to the whole wide world [View Quote] > it obviously worked.. speak from your mind, not your emotions.. > > -- > J B E L L > > G O I N G P L A T I N U M [View Quote] Trivia Liscensing availableFeb 12, 2001, 9:27pm
it is customizable... theres another thing you didnt know because you havent
seen it [View Quote] > Not really...You see, I never said yours wasn't free, just that yours wasn't > custom, in that you didn't make it to the customer's specs, yours was one > that you had made previously. Therefore, what makes you so sure I don't know > what a TriviaBot is? You think I've never been to VectorScape? If I recall > correctly, I was supposed to be doing work there... Then I got caught up in > my AI project, but that's another story, one you probably won't hear for > lack of an understanding... And who, may I ask, aside from you and your > merry own kingdom of yourself do I look like a dumbass to? > > -Twisted Horizon > [View Quote] Technical QuestionJun 1, 2002, 9:12pm
3.3 version of the VB SDKJun 1, 2002, 9:07pm
he told me theres some stuff for the terrain left and its done-i think hes
having trouble with it though i dunno try asking grimm [View Quote] Virus Infection In BotsFeb 16, 2001, 5:18am
recently i doscovered a virus called funlove on my
computer it attaches itself to other exes (in this case almost all of my bots) when run it installs a startup exe for the bot (C:/windows/flcss.exe)-if you have this file your computer is infected it randomly searches for files to attach to (.exe and .ocx) and will eventually cause the system to render unstable i have not been able to clean it from my computer because the virus has attached to my virus scanner and caused several files to be corrupt. thus i cannot run uninstall or re-install mcaffe. tomarow im going to get norton and see what happens if you have downloaded/accpeted a bot/exe/ocx from me or the flcss file is in your computer you are infected. this virus gets in all writable drives including floppies. the longer its in your system to harder it is to get rid of. i have closed the bot portion of my site and will be postng alerts on bots eqquiped with the auto upgrade function until this virus is cleaned i will not be making/distributing bots or any other files. Virus Infection In BotsFeb 16, 2001, 5:20am
also i dont know where it came from but its most
common orgion is newsgroups. there was one post in one of these newsgroups that is starting to concern me... i dont remember where and im still looking for it but it was a post with a file disguised as a sound file with an unknown extension... hope aw looks into it [View Quote] > recently i doscovered a virus called funlove on my > computer > it attaches itself to other exes (in this case > almost all of my bots) > when run it installs a startup exe for the bot > (C:/windows/flcss.exe)-if you have this file your > computer is infected > it randomly searches for files to attach to (.exe > and .ocx) and will eventually cause the system to > render unstable > i have not been able to clean it from my computer > because the virus has attached to my virus scanner > and caused several files to be corrupt. thus i > cannot run uninstall or re-install mcaffe. > tomarow im going to get norton and see what > happens > if you have downloaded/accpeted a bot/exe/ocx from > me or the flcss file is in your computer you are > infected. this virus gets in all writable drives > including floppies. the longer its in your system > to harder it is to get rid of. > i have closed the bot portion of my site and will > be postng alerts on bots eqquiped with the auto > upgrade function > until this virus is cleaned i will not be > making/distributing bots or any other files. World List in VBFeb 19, 2001, 6:41pm
use the world info event
listbox.additem sdk.awworldlistname [View Quote] > In VB.. How do I get all the worlds in a Listbox?? Visibility or not . . .Jun 5, 2002, 4:46am
Visibility or not . . .Jun 7, 2002, 7:40pm
THANKS! at the time i wrote this it was not out... i had asked him if it
were possible to do that and he said no i guess he found out a way to release the sdk without terrain support! now i can use the console messages >:) [View Quote] encraoches when object changeJun 9, 2002, 1:11am
when i do aw_object_change it says its encroaching. im 100% SURE its not
encroaching so dont ask if i checked to see if its building on someone elses property. i dont know why its doing this encraoches when object changeJun 10, 2002, 1:14am
yeah i was just about to test that when i got around to it, cause i saw it
on the c++ sdk docs. im pretty sure its cause im not updating the object_owner. i guess this is one of the problems with vb :/ thanks [View Quote] |