the derek // User Search

the derek // User Search

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Aug 15, 2001, 1:50pm
for sequential file access: (since you were using
input in your code attempt)

open filename for input as filenumber
while not eof(filenumber)
input #filenumber, [list]
close filenumber

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Aug 15, 2001, 2:06pm
well they both do the same thing this is just how
i learned to do it i forgot that you wanted to put
the entire line into a message box :/ this code
was to use certain pieces in a line...oops

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cell_iterator attrib

Aug 15, 2001, 11:08pm
what exactly is cell iterator and what does it do?
i think its an attribute all i know is aw had it
on their site somewhere at some point and i just
wanna know what the heck it is ahhhhh

VB Module Question

Aug 18, 2001, 2:58am
nope but if uhave more you can organize your
project better... and use those modules in other
projects as well

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sdk stuffs

Aug 18, 2001, 3:23am
sdk.awinit(AW_BUILD) sdk does the rest itself

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sdk stuffs

Aug 18, 2001, 3:48am
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to enter world (reason " & rc & ")"
MsgBox sdk.AwWorldWelcomeMessage
End If
try that
you also had a "'" in front of end if

i dont think you can put the method on the same
line as if if you havean else
if that doesnt work check your code for another
else out somewhere

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sdk stuffs

Aug 18, 2001, 3:49am
you only need one sdk and one timer for each bot
instance regardless of forms
to use the sdk thats on a diferent form do it like
you would with any other object
replace formname with the name of the form and
action with what you wanna do

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sdk stuffs

Aug 18, 2001, 4:47am
if it cant talk or shows no avatar then you didnt
do aw_create right

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sdk stuffs

Aug 18, 2001, 5:46pm
port=0 (default)

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Dec 30, 2000, 5:04am
i add any objects that people send to me also

[View Quote] > Telegram me. I have one, but its avatars and most of its objects are
> passworded, so I need to set it up for you:)
> --
> - Tony56 (chandler56 at
> "Freedom: That's What The Government Wants You To Believe!"
> ____________________________________________________________
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Chat Event

Aug 22, 2001, 3:13am
it might help if you tell us the code you used? if thats it then you really dont know what your doing cause its basically just english

if you want the bot to say its owner and cit# if someone says "owner" then this would be the code (case INsensitive)

'if they say owner do the following stuff:
If UCase(sdk.AwChatMessage) = "OWNER" Then

'create a variable for the owners name
Dim OwnerCitName as string

'get the attributes of the owners cit# cause there is no direct function for owner name

'make owner name variable the citizenname from the last function
OwnerCitName = sdk.AwCitizeNname

'say it!
sdk.AwSay "my owner is: " & OwnerCitName & " (" & sdk.awloginowner & ")."
End If

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Chat Event

Aug 22, 2001, 3:20am
lol tell me how that works...and buy a book :P

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Chat Event

Aug 22, 2001, 3:41am
can you see the bot?

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Chat Event

Aug 22, 2001, 3:41am
more importantly did you install the event

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Chat Event

Aug 22, 2001, 3:51am
ok did you use the aw_wait timer?
can you use sdk.say "jggrjre" in any other sub and
have it work?

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Chat Event

Aug 22, 2001, 4:07am
menubar is the name of the form i suppose?

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Chat Event

Aug 22, 2001, 4:18am
wellthats weird you dont get any errors or nutin
heres a longshot but last resort:
change this line to this
sdk.AwSay "my owner is: " & OwnerCitName & " (" &
rc=sdk.AwSay "my owner is: " & OwnerCitName & " ("
if rc>0 then
msgbox rc
end if

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Public Speaker rights in Bots

Aug 22, 2001, 8:19pm
nope if ithas ps it can hear a little further but
other than that theres no other way except having
tons ofbots everywhere

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Public Speaker rights in Bots

Aug 22, 2001, 9:31pm
why do therehave to be 50 people in the area?

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A New Bot Idea

Jan 5, 2001, 1:29am
then what the hell is the idea? and what if we ask you for what it is and
later say we cant do it?

[View Quote] > Hi,
> I have an idea for a new bot. I'd like to know if someone is interested in
> making it?
> In return for my ideas, you would allow me to use the bot. I think this
> could be a profitable bot for someone who is trying to sell bots. I do
> modeling, I don't do bots. hehehe if you can do it right, I'd be willing
> to trade some of my models for usage rights.
> If anyone is interested, contact me in AW.
> Paul

VB Error

Aug 24, 2001, 1:11am
it means there are 2 subs with the samenamei

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VB Error

Aug 24, 2001, 1:30am
well search your code to makesurethere arent two
of them i get that error a lot when i dont know
why it added another sub when i was programming...
sometimes a copy/past goes bad or something i
dunno :P

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 9:32pm
well he came in seemingly with no intent except to
spam i mean he even said he wasnt gonna reply
which i take it as "im advertising and leaving so
dont bother" and html posts take a long time to
load its not something id bitch about just would
ask the person to stop

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 9:35pm
cross posting is when someone posts the same thing
in different ngs... basically making people read
the same thing over an dover in each ng and making
it look unread when it is actually not... i dont
complain but it does bug the heck out of me

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 3, 2001, 3:40am
well its twice as long try downloading 30 or 40 on
a 28k modem and each text message can take up to
10 seconds for me almost a minute if its html

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 9:30pm
umm its good youre apologizing but putting it in
the wrong newsgroup is gonna just make things
worse... u shoulda emailed him or posted in
general discussion i doubt he hasnt filtered you

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Wanted: 2.2 SDK

Sep 3, 2001, 3:41am
i have a VB copy

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Wanted: 2.2 SDK

Sep 3, 2001, 3:42am
lol no it costs 10 grand TO upgrade or at least it
did i think with the release of 3.2 all universes
can upgrade for free but none of it is mandatory

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Wanted: 2.2 SDK

Sep 3, 2001, 4:58pm
no those variables arent in the 2.2 sdk

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Wanted: 2.2 SDK

Sep 3, 2001, 4:59pm
yeah but i thought you could only get it when
youre on the root account hmmmm

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