Can we be silent in our Community? (Community)

Can we be silent in our Community? // Community

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.sharon none

May 9, 2004, 1:28pm
"you'll have a nervous breakdown before long with
all the witches flying brooms outside your window."

Would you like to clarify this Just In?

Have you heard me in the NGs in the past 7 years bashing, attacking,
slandering, accusing, or otherwise harming anyone in the community?


[View Quote]


May 9, 2004, 7:31pm
Nah. I was smarter than to fall into the hands of sick men at 12, and I
am smarter than to fall into the hands of script kiddies now at 16.

[View Quote] > long long ago I saw the birth of internet. I was then in telecommunications.
> The PC became available to presidents, vicepresidents, assistants etc,
> predominantly male at that time. The Internet was a 'business tool'.
> Due to the male access to the Internet, and the demand (something so new and
> available) of pornography, the market of internet porn was born and grew in
> proportion to the males working 'overtime' LOL. Female access at that time
> was more in typing pools or secretarial so the porn industry was aimed
> mostly at men. And there was and still is a huge market out there. We cannot
> deny that or even change that until men no longer want to look (yeah right).
> The market expanded in time as women became interested and less shy about
> looking.
> At no time was the internet made for children. Over the years it became an
> information and teaching tool, supervised by trained professionals in school
> systems.
> Then children started creeping onto their parents at home PC, finding things
> adult, because the market was only adult then. The world panicked LOL
> I have never believed that internet is for children, in porn, or them even
> being online without supervision. Television now with 100 channels also
> carries porn, adult movies, and it is solely up to the parent to filter
> their machines. Filter the tv, filter the computer. Neither is a babysitter
> for children. You cannot blame the cable company for letting it into your
> home when it is properly marked as being adult content.
> If you ask, about 90 percent of those arguing for more children's rights,
> trying to make adults talk like children, in case children are around, will
> tell you that they would never let their children chat anyway...or go on
> internet unsupervised. LOL
> Aw now has a neat little filter built right in. Unfortunately at the Gate I
> have heard gatekeepers telling how to change the ratings (due to Alpha being
> pg13 they have to now it seems) which in fact give all minors the ability to
> change without parental knowlege to X rating. Do they ask the age before
> saying how to change it? no.....But Aw built a little filter at the ratings
> option. It includes a password to block changing the rating. So in this case
> should a world even have to ask age on entry, or demand proof, when the
> world is not only marked on world listing tab as R or X but is also usually
> marked on entry by Immigration Officer that is Adult.
> The Internet is an Adult tool, lent to children maybe with proper
> supervision and explanations. It is not and should never be considered a
> children's domaine. A child's playground or babysitter. Keep your kids off
> the Internet. Keep them safe
> sweets


May 9, 2004, 7:36pm
Please don't become an armchair psychologist. This is why we have so
many kids on ritalin.

[View Quote] > scientic study of the human brain, in its development which they
> have used teens for these studies, the last part of the human brain to
> actually develop and reach full strength is the part that controls though
> processing leading to decision making. This takes place in the average brain
> at approximates 19 yrs old. After that age the human brain is fully formed
> and functional and no other growth takes place.....Decison making thought
> process....and you want them on computers? ....You think without a properly
> formed brain for decisions that they can make a proper decision as to right
> and wrong? sometimes yes, mostly no, that is what parents are for, to guide
> and control until the brainis formed....sorry if not as romatic idea as
> children are little people, but in reality they are blank computers being
> programmed up to 19 yrs old....sorry folks ....
> Scientifically is a bad idea *grins
> sweets

just in

May 9, 2004, 8:30pm
Honestly I'm surprised you've been around so long. In which case - I really
don't understand why you are overreacting. I can only guess he has pressed
your buttons.

When Seiya led some guy on to the point of a cyber wedding, that was a
really low act. He apologised.

But ever since people have kept goading and provoking him, never letting him
live that down. And on it goes.

~ Justin

[View Quote]


May 9, 2004, 9:03pm
[View Quote] ..sharon=orb... correct?

In that case, LOL 'anyone' would be daphne. And it wasn't that long ago.
Weird that you have forgotten already.

.sharon none

May 9, 2004, 9:06pm
Clipped this from Count Dracula's post in the wishlist:

"I do not know if you do your best not to understand what I am saying or if
you simply do not understand; anyway it seems you get it wrong all the time.

I was not refering to the Seiya case. If he has done something criminal then
report him to the authorities. I was refering to the in general negative
attitude against x-rated worlds and to the fact that some people seem to
excigerate (sp) the danger of internet.
I still belive most rapes and killings are done in the so called real life
not in virtual reality. Broken hearts and disapointment surely on internet
but seldom any physical damage.
I even challange you or anyone else to kill or rape me over the internet,
could even offer 100$ to anyone who can do it, but in case of death that has
to be collected from my family.

Yes I have criticise religions, not the people who are tricked into beliving
in gods.

I guess it is no use continuing this much since talking to some people is
like pooring water on a goose.


I have no trouble understanding the English language.


.sharon none

May 9, 2004, 9:08pm
The trouble is you don't know the half of it.

[View Quote]

.sharon none

May 9, 2004, 9:13pm
What I said to Daphne was the truth. Not rehashing. There was no slander
in the truth. The End

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count dracula

May 9, 2004, 9:49pm
> ----------------------------------------------------
> I have no trouble understanding the English language.
> Sharon
Great :)



May 10, 2004, 12:24am
no that is because of video games....the need for ritalin...and don't get me
started on them LOL


May 10, 2004, 12:37am
btw my chair has no arms.....but this was not was
connecting periodically the brains of teens to computers....testing and
watching cellular growth....comparing notes...taking cell samples....years
of years of study that gives us this new brain information......same
subjects were used from 12 yrs old to the age of 20....this is not
psychology, this is fact of scientific cell formation.....they know how much
we grow as a fetus ....and now they know how much we grow up to 20 yrs old
and which parts of the brain develop at which age, according to computer
data and electrodes....LOL should watch the medical and science channels on
tv instead of being on internet *grins...


May 10, 2004, 1:44am
You guys seriously need to give it up, I mean honestly your making such a
big deal about this whole thing, the internet is a place to imagine and play
make believe, if you cant handle it, then move on, or simply block me? They
didn't add that option for nothing you know.

I was hoping by now you guys would pick up on it, but Just In nailed it in
saying if you want it i'll give it to you, you guys seem to get off on my
escapades so if it entertains you like so, then sure I'll give you something
to petty about lol. The funny thing is all you guys namely sharon and
alaskanshadow and, you guys dont even know me but feel some right to tear me
down. Newsflash~! If you wanna screw with me, I'll screw with you back, its
people that actually take the time to know me that will see how cool of a
person I can be, but the rest of you, I am just an entertainer to keep AW
talking about something lol so "humour" me lol your words are just shallow
petty comments as that of a critic over a comedy show, because thats what it
is, why waste my time with trying to explain myself to people who actually
backstabbed me in the first place, and people who have problems that they
can only pick on internet ppl to appease them lol, I have REAL FRIENDS in AW
who know me as I am, not as how I play to entertain AW and fankly wouldn't
care lol.

So go ahead and give your two cents and stand your ground, but heres
something you cant "stand on" its called "people dont care" notice its
basically people putting in their petty words, nobody else cept Just In who
is such a good friend he would stand up for me, I mean seriously..


If you want to make your comments about me, be my guest, but if you want to
know me, and if you want to know what the real Seiya is like, then get to
know me and you can then form your own opinion

a1ct command

May 10, 2004, 3:38am
i suggest you fuck off and kill yourself in r/l and rott in hell...that
would do the world a good favor and everybody could be happy, you rotten
fucked up scumbag

[View Quote]


May 10, 2004, 4:04am
Okay, this has gone on long enough...


count dracula

May 10, 2004, 10:35am
"sweets" <stylecanin at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:409eeb05 at
> btw my chair has no arms.....but this was not was
> connecting periodically the brains of teens to computers....testing and
> watching cellular growth....comparing notes...taking cell samples....years
> of years of study that gives us this new brain information......same
> subjects were used from 12 yrs old to the age of 20....this is not
> psychology, this is fact of scientific cell formation.....they know how
> we grow as a fetus ....and now they know how much we grow up to 20 yrs old
> and which parts of the brain develop at which age, according to computer
> data and electrodes....LOL should watch the medical and science channels
> tv instead of being on internet *grins...
> sweets

Much possible brain develops until 20, nevertheless, one cannot talk to a
5-6 years old person in the same matter as a 15-16 years old.
I do not how you expect someone on his 20th birthday to suddenly be fully
adult and know all if he has not been given a chance to learn while growing
There is no adult/ mature switch in the brain that suddenly get activated on
20th birthday.

Sure we shall protect our children, but as they gain more age a bit more and
more responsibilty should be given them. You cannot tell a 19 years old he
cannot use the internet, seriously..
Parents should be the safe harbour also the authority to set the outer
limits, but at some age it is normal and good that children wants to test
their "wings", they sometimes succeed sometimes fail, and hopefully learn
from their mistakes.



May 10, 2004, 1:40pm
Studies can be twisted to say whatever a company or organization wants
the outcome to be. How many times on the news do you hear that it is
healthy to eat so and so, and then a week or a month later they say,
"Oh, we goofed. Some new study says so and so is now cancerous" or

I'm not disagreeing with what you said, as I watch the Discovery channel
and other health shows and documentaries, etc. But I believe it is also
a known fact that if you tell a child NOT to do something, they may want
to do it even MORE. And there is also reverse psychology. You can't
ignore that.

If you tell a child "don't do drugs," but don't fully explain it to them
or show them what can happen, they don't understand the danger may take
them anyway due to peer pressure or some other reason.


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.sharon none

May 10, 2004, 3:24pm

Have you not seen several citizens stating their legitimate concern over the
subject of abuse especially in regards to what you've done to people in the
Active Worlds community? Have you been cowering while you wait for what
appeared to be a discrepancy for you to suddenly spring your entrance? You
clung to Just In most likely thinking in your own psychotic way "well now
everyone sees I'm innocent"? No Seiya. That's just a figment of your

You say you are playing make believe eh? I think if others know you are
role playing that it's one thing thus giving them fair warning. Yet, as
with all your victims, you never gave them that respect. You just went
about the community deliberately setting up schemes and plots to devastate
people leaving them very hurt to say the least. The people you claim never
took the time to "get to know you". What do you think people were doing
back then playing make believe with you?

You say the internet is a place to "imagine and play make believe" in one
instance then in another you say you have "REAL FRIENDS". Do these real
friends realize you are only playing make believe with them also? Have you
given these people fair warning?

Thinking that we are 'getting off 'on your escapades would be another
thought you are alone in. You are destructive and abusive to others and to
yourself. You referred to yourself as a "comedy show". Seiya your victims
are not laughing as you are. Your accusation that we're humored by your
abuse is appalling. You claim to be of a higher intelligence so you ought
to grasp the fact that we think you need to get some long term psychological
care. It is the way to go.


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May 10, 2004, 8:52pm
That comment was completely uncalled for.

Citizen #323279

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May 10, 2004, 11:37pm
In *AWI*? I surely hope not...

[View Quote] > If there are pedophiles in AWI


May 11, 2004, 1:10am
Look around you Sharon... Notice those further posts? People are laughing,
they are making jokes of this, people are laughing. Look around you
Sharon... Notice few people believe your accusations or even care. And look
around you once more Sharon... Notice my original post, notice who aroused
the crowds, notice who you took my simple post the first one I made here for
a LONG time and turned it into this? Notice it is you...

Notice I say few things in light of this fire your kind keeps blowing it...

And notice and don't forget Sharon what you did to me after the first time I
met you and BRO... and tell me with the God honest truth who threw the first


May 11, 2004, 1:31am
Grow up, even when people point out things you've done wrong in the past,
you still try to justify it. You claim "oh, they're laughing at you" like as
if you're superior once more. Quite funny how it's just the opposite. Wake
up and look around at what I call "reality". Stop trying to make others seem
less than you for telling people the truth and accept the fact that you were
a jerk to people and still are. Hell just today someone showed me vandalism
by you made yesterday, now go ahead and tell me you've changed. It's
laughable. Sharon has spoken the truth, which you don't want to hear for
obvious reasons. I laugh at you seiya, because you can't accept it. And I
respect Sharon for puting her reputation on the line for a cause she
believes so strongly in. You're posts like this are out of ignorance, and
you're too blinded by your silly little ego to accept that. It's pathetic.

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