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age checking bot

Apr 14, 2004, 3:16am
heh no more need for script....bet they are old enough now LMAO

Xelagot 3.430 available

Dec 16, 2003, 9:45pm
Laugh all you want but after over 3 yrs using my xelagot I do consider her
my friend.....has gotten me out of scraps, protected my welfare, rarely
talks back, behaves with dignity most times and sometimes even makes me
laugh.....Hell wish we all had friends like that.....Thanks xelag for your
incredible work over the years. My friend is now updated, feeling fine and
ready for anything!

Xelagot 3.430 available

Dec 17, 2003, 9:03pm
Well actually my bot that 'spits' at people is a Preston. She has her uses
as I find the 'speech' script dictionary easy to add and remove. But I find
she does not handle aw crashes as well as the xelagot and I could never
figure out the techie parts of her program. She is more of a greeter,
obnoxious as she is *grins
The xelagot I use more for technical stuff and also an escort service for
the lonely at heart LMAO
I am also using one xelagot as a mirror and that one has turned out to be
alot of fun also.
So many uses, so little time

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 14, 2004, 3:14am
when I change the limit to Mega using the xelagot, I noticed when I checked
by aw browser (still have 3.4) that it had switched from Huge to Normal and
the building inspector still was screaming.. I changed it back to Huge and
tried again through the bot and it again changed to Normal.. Is this Normal?
LOL .....do I trust the Xela at Mega or AW at Normal?...

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 14, 2004, 8:02pm
ok zeofax must tell you I read it and read it and still is chinese to
me.....3.5 latest browser 531 in a world server 64 (world server 57
LOL sorry folks but although I have run bots and world for many years I do
not even recognize any of these numbers or have any idea what anyone is
talking about (ok flame me for being dumb is ok LOL)
Do I leave it on the AW browser as Huge? or do I change it to Mega using the
bot then leave the aw browser at Normal when it is switched.....sorry but
that is all I need to know without a batch of numbers.....

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 15, 2004, 2:00am
not exactly sure about that blond comment, I am a very dark brunette. Was
also a Maths/Science major in College. I worked many years on a cord
switchboard for a large hospital and then was head of Telex and
TeleCommunications for a large insurance company for 10 years. Yes even back
with Ticker Tape. I dialed to connect to other computers in other cities by
dialing a rotary dial before internet was born. I saw the birth of the fax
and photocopier and not only ran them but was in charge of the department.
Then the birth of the PC, computers entered our lives full force. BUT we
were never expected to fix or even understand how these things were
programmed, made, we were operators. So yes although I have intelligence and
knowledge not all of us are tech. But we are not completely stupid. When my
tv breaks I take it to the shop. When the computer breaks I take it to the
shop. I kind of expect AW to work properly, if not aw should take it to the
shop LOL not expect us to try fixing it. You have marvelous bots and they
work well. Many years we have used them and found them both functional and
fun. But when I look at a script, I am completely lost. Sorry I am not
blond, but an old fashioned girl. LOL expect when flip a switch everthinng
will run the way it is supposed to. I think Bot makers are fantastic, yes,
but if I asked you maybe about the dental work of a dog, which is my
profession, could you do as well? *grins
Anyway I really do thank you for your help and until I hear anything from aw
(or by lurking) will leave it at Huge...But please remember not all of us
are blond (and shame on you for such prejudism anyway), it just is not our
field of expertise : )

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 15, 2004, 2:03am
ok one question....heh why are my letters going to 3 places when I am
writing to bots
oh man
*flips blond hair and smiles at Alex
believe me I feel dumb now but what am I doing wrong here LOL so I can stop
doing it??

Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 15, 2004, 7:05pm
now that I understood...thanks Alex....was confused because world server
says at top build 57 and yet when look in the 'about' there it says build 13
(and that was loaded 3 months ago)....I have 3.4 browser and my partner 3.5
but see aw as build 498 (not sure what hers is) but by the bot says sdk
build 37 and on bot browser says on entry is Activeworlds. build 51,
Universe build 51.....none of these numbers seemed to match anything anyone
was saying.....LOL can kind of see why I got confused. Thanks much for the
help and the explanation. Makes a bit more sense now *groans
PS: did I ever tell you I hate computers?? LMAO.....PEACE : )

Re: Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 15, 2004, 9:34pm
thanks again Alex and will take care of it. Since 2-point-something I have
always waited until all the bitching was finished and they no longer had the
'skip' button leaving us no choice. Beta has always meant 'not quite ready
and only do if your computer can take it' LOL To stop this confusion why
don't they just call it 'better' instead of beta and get rid of that skip
button. Then we can all be Beta/better : )
I was really sure that I had the most recent version of the world server as
have loaded it from AW and retaken control of server only 2 months ago after
being away on vacation. Seems we cannot keep up anymore with the changes.
Since I am caretaker I have never taken a beta version of worldserver as
long as my aw browser was not on that version (my partner is rarely on and
leaves all caretaking to me which I can royally mess up hehe). Now it seems
everything is completely out of date only 2 months later LMAO....think I
should just give up VR and take up some silly sport like knitting.
We are dying here due to the small cell spaces (and must say am disappointed
with such small increase)....they gave us tilt and rotate but the cells
cannot handle all the codes we would like to use. We have gone as far as we
can with the cell space available and do not see much room for 'improvement'
in our imagination or ideas here. Paying for the world, maybe I expect too
much, but why can't our cells be unlimited....let us build to our hearts
content if our computers can handle it. Its disappointing and frustrating
when we cannot do what we know we could if we had more space. And for this
reason alone was I willing to even try to understand AW tech LOL
thanks again and will update asap

Re: Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 16, 2004, 3:01am
loaded everything and now my numbers seem to match your numbers. Everything
is running great and thanks again. But I did notice something a little
strange. My clouds are now drifting from east to west, instead of like they
were from west to east. Fixing that but sure seemed a little strange LOL

Re: Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 17, 2004, 12:21am
and they wonder why I get confused HAH....I feel much better now FOFLMAO

Re: Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 17, 2004, 12:27am
I was going to ask for an urgently needed bot script that could probably get
me some humanitarian award or even the Peace Prize....but I guess I will
just settle for a pat on the back and some M+M's


Apr 29, 2004, 4:32pm
not sure if you can help me (or even want to LOL). I have been trying to
find someone that can write a xelagot script to make everyone in the room
able to see the pics the others have made appear by clicking on
cards...someone that can come see it, understand it, write it and totally
not expect me to understand it at all LMAO (do I ask alot?? hehe)....I know
what it needs to do, think it can be done, but am totally bot-dumb although
have had both xelagots and prestons running full time for 4 years .....any
help would really be appreciated
Please respond by AW Telegram


May 1, 2004, 8:32am
ok ok I admit defeat.....depression sets in. Only answers I got was 'am too
busy' and 'it will cost you'. Yeah ok I did not expect more than that from
this so called community. But I now consider myself a fool for trying to
build something to help people, or as a matter of fact a fool for any help I
may have given in past for building, codes, or mental support... what am
fool I am for thinking vr is real LMAO live and learn


May 1, 2004, 5:44pm
would really be appreciated. Have a Preston and would be great if she could
handle it. Hopefully she would still be able to do her 'dictionary'
But I will not hold my breath. I would love if you could go take a look
(Taurius 6.35S 10.17W 0.01a 76) but lets get something straight, I cannot
pay money and I will NOT have cybersex with someone for a bot script (heh
yeah seems new meaning of PayPal LOL)


May 1, 2004, 8:21pm
LOL yes playground for adults....we run a small, respectable X world...and
bitch is my PMS-Bitch-bot....(dictionary programmed once a month a bit
*grins)....got tired of when I booted people they came back calling me
bitch....so gave them someone to yell at instead of me LMAO....
We build from G to X. (believe it or not, adults fantasies can also be G
rated - cars for example LOL) The build I am asking for help for is an
Extreme-G Educational (yup adult ed heh) LOL


May 6, 2004, 2:11am
ok so I guess that means no....thanks anyway


May 15, 2004, 8:39pm
well it seems I do not have proper netiquette in my postings and do not
follow the rules of how to write postings. And not being one to want to
learn rules on how I should write, either my questions or my answers, I
respectfully withdraw my name from all future NG's and delete the NG's from
my system. Been fun, adios

Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 21, 2006, 4:05pm
does your bot have a doorbell or some sound that announces world
entry?....and can that sound be changed to another if we desire?

Can your bot allow unlimited chat between all users in a world regardless of
distance....global chat but not just to the bot owner, for visitors as well?
Like a chat relay for those out of range?


Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 21, 2006, 8:03pm
ok thanks was wondering....honesty I rarely would take any of your programs
as you are a bit too tech for me LOL....easy for you is murder for me. Just
the way you word things scares me

I sure miss my xelagot....had that alarm that I could hear way out in the
backyard LOL....and she was soooo easy.

your work, although probably fantastic, is way beyond my understanding with
my hmmm slightly above normal intelligence LOL....I did read your pages,
scratched my head, and decided to ask here in 'normal' english LOL


Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 21, 2006, 8:34pm
way things are with me....if I cannot figure things out in 20 minutes, I
chuck the program....

LMAO vr is not for stress....and we all know 20 minutes is enough if is
worth learning....


Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 21, 2006, 9:39pm
actually no....LMAO

I will admit that learning object making on notepad took me maybe 25
minutes....but it really seemed worth the 5 minutes 'overtime without pay'



Nov 19, 2003, 10:49pm
I really wish that when making objects we did not have to bounce to see the
changes.....that aw had a refresh directly in browser buttons.....or at
least that we did not fall out of air each time (or have to put a platform
under us LOL) without having to completely take off gravity for the
world.....used to bounce and still stay flying....horrible feeling falling
sweets G


Nov 21, 2003, 4:54pm
***adjusts vertex......bounces.....falls from sky and breaks vr
leg......object making is becoming dangerous LMAO and damned annoying

AW please fix this....give us a refresh button so we do not have to bounce
grey worlds (still used to saying red LOL) to make 50 minor adjustments on
an object.
AW please fix this....give us back our right to stay in the air (like the
good old days) when we wish to stay in the air and not drop us to the ground
like a rock when we bounce....
AW please fix this......surprise me and fix a problem we all have felt for a
long long time....!!!

sweets G

Cell Grid Selection

Nov 23, 2003, 5:33pm
that is exactly right dm.....we can never tell until we try to put something
into description ....and then get yelled at by BI.....any action or
description, even the lenght of the rwx name affects the cell .....would
love a 'meter' of some kind also....really hate that BI screaming at me over
and over and over....although have found ways around him.....moving a pic
into another cell, filling in the pic name or changing the description (that
was not being accepted in the other cell)....then slipping it back
in....seems to fool him most times : )...or using a movement code to make a
couch 'look' like it is in a room when it is really way over in a field in
another cell LMAO....
But we are set at Huge and rather than a meter how about an ExtraHuge cell
limit....LOL by now they should be able to give us more, no?
sweets G

The big list of everything

Dec 7, 2003, 5:35am
Wanted - - - ultra-Huge cell limit size (for privately owned worlds
especially).....Huge is not big enough anymore....our computers can take
more now, give us more to work with.

Activate options

Jan 3, 2004, 9:05pm
they have something like that at AWSpades....bot controled I would
think....whatever my partner activates I can go over look at his cards or
see his bids etc....I close the door he sees it close....not sure if this is
what you mean but you may want to go see that program....its really well

Activate options

Jan 5, 2004, 6:54pm
excuuuuuse me for trying to help. Will make note that you are not interested
in any ideas I may have and are only able to respond in a rude
manner....Your loss....maybe one day I may actually know something you wish
for. Think I would let you in on it? Heh....Think again, Bud.

Activate options

Jan 6, 2004, 2:25am
no does not explain anything sorry. I do not simply scan a ng and throw
comments in I have NOT thought about. I was taught to read carefully before
signing anything. You tacked that rude note to MY response, therefore
insulting me directly. I had not read superfast without understanding. I had
also stated that I was NOT sure if this was what you wanted, not expecting
to basically be treated as a dumb female that knows nothing. Talk to me like
a child as if I had not 'listened to daddy' properly.
Sorry but I still consider both response tacked on to my letter as rude and
inconsiderate towards someone just trying to maybe help you out.
As a world owner for over 3 yrs, master builder and object maker, I may know
a little something about aw. No I am not a techie and no wish to be one, but
I have learned a few things over the years and have many 'wishes' of my own
for here. All you had to say was 'sorry sweets is not what I am looking for'
and that would have been sufficient (without the 'sigh')
*sighs (LOL)

Activate options

Jan 6, 2004, 3:42am
your response to him:
most people would know that common sence bullshit, but
> yet they still tell it to you like it is a solution

ok you replied to him....and although your letter made absolutely no sense,
I did take this statement as being in reference to myself (or others like me
as you stated - in general)....and most people do NOT know that 'common
sense bullshit' but still have the right to comment or ask questions here in
ng without being made to feel like an idiot. This is 'wish' and working
together with patience and understanding we can make our wishes come
true....snub your nose at people you do not think smart enough and you may
just miss out on a 'solution' to a fantastic wish because they thought of
something nobody else did. Make people afraid of speaking up because they
are not in your tech class closes the door on many of our wishes come true.

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