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Tropical Storm Frances

Sep 6, 2004, 6:12pm
To the communities of Florida...keep smiling :o) it has to end sometime
lol well then again, there is hurricane Ivan on it's heels :O and to our
Georgian friends... stay safe !

Suggestion: Turn the communities ala Enzo...snobbery works fine for him...
Storms aka tourists KEEP OUT! Let's see your elite card before you enter =D

CaseyAngel and QRV

Starby Solutions

May 5, 2004, 8:25pm
[View Quote] Grow the f*cking hell up.

Your attempt at being judgemental is unwanted.

You do realize nobody on this newsgroup gives a damn about your petty
comments except you, right? In fact, I bet they're getting pretty annoyed by
you. You're obviously one of those people that hold grudges and thinks
you're better than anyone else.

Seiya didn't direct anything at you, so if he is bothering you in AW, EMAIL
AWI WITH YOUR COMPLAINTS. Pretty sad considering you're 18 and have to cause
trouble. Must be from lack of attention, but then I can see why you're
lacking that.

For the record: I am not for or against Seiya, but all his original post was
offering was free help to anyone who would want it.

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 9, 2004, 9:03pm
[View Quote] ..sharon=orb... correct?

In that case, LOL 'anyone' would be daphne. And it wasn't that long ago.
Weird that you have forgotten already.

I would like to admit something shameful in public too.

May 13, 2004, 7:56pm
..sharon >
Cem is a young teen XelaG? Cool ! But *confused* if Cem feels his own post
is pointless then why did he send it? Boredom? Anyway, since he has not
replied to you on this, at Alex's 5000 age he shows quite a lot of wisdom
and patience NOT to respond to egotistical posts.

[View Quote]

They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 17, 2004, 9:06pm
That's what those two have been up to! ;o) congratulations !

CyAward Discussion

May 24, 2004, 1:52pm
I know for a fact that Midnite Blu sent you a happy birthday greeting gram
even though he doesn't know you, but he had heard it was your birthday and
wanted to be friendly towards you. You didn't even acknowledge the gram from

So it's hilarious that you feel slighted that only 2 people came to *cough*
your world .

So... you're too busy trying to build a beautiful world for people to enjoy
eh? Well, other people are busy trying to be friends with others at the GZ.

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CY Results?

May 24, 2004, 6:11pm
Pssst, Casey muted you, or are you talking to yourself... again. Talk about
being DUMB! Oh, yes, you are! You said so yourself, since you read Seiya's
posts everytime.

*mutes alaskanshadow*

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CY Results?

May 24, 2004, 6:59pm
I don't know Seiya, and neither does Casey...but if Seiya's as evil as
he/she is being accused of, then why is Seiya still with an AW account? I
have yet to see the account revoked.

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Re: CY Results?

May 26, 2004, 6:12pm
Well it's hell of a hard effort to believe anything AlaskanShadow has to
say...since she/he slams anyone that don't kiss her/his ass; that they are
stupid, immature, a prick, and needs to get a life. If she'd/he'd stop being
an egotisical bitch for 99.9% of the time, we might take her/him seriousily.
Casey and I muted her/him, because we're tired of the same old crap. It's
NOT because we're defending Seiya. She/he bashes Seiya repeatedly ... and
enjoys it. And maybe Seiya even enjoys it. We don't know Seiya, nor have
friends who know Seiya. So why should we go on someone's accusations
(especially someone who was buddies with M A T T until he got caught) ,
simply because we are 'told' to?
AlaskanShadow stuck her/his nose in where it didn't belong saying she/he was
just defending someone concerning the situation between Casey and Elyk
awhile back. That was between Casey and Elyk. Which was straightened out
later, and Casey and Elyk ARE AWfriends . AlaskanShadow accuses us randomly
flaming people. She/he doesn't even know what the f*ck she/he's talking
about to begin with.
As for Casey being dumb? hahaha She graduated from NotreDame University. I
won't go into much personal detail, but she volunteers her spare time to
being a big sister, and belongs to a group that picks up stray animals to
either hopefully return them to their owners or find a new home...and the
church she belongs to, her and five other ladies twice a month visit nursing
As for myself: i work 10 hours a day 5 days a week, am professionally
employed as a computer programmer. I also have the loving support of RL
family and friends. I have RL interests and hobbies. I am a homeowner and
actively involved in my RL community.
Being online for the both of us, is just another way to meet new friends and
to have fun. It ceases to be fun in AW when a person is attacked
by another constantly or over something that happened long ago...especially
when AWI doesn't give a damn.

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Re:Georgia Fest

Jun 16, 2004, 8:09pm
It was a blast ! Thanks to everyone involved : ) I'm game for another
fest anytime SOON... Are you listening Casey ? *L*

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Re:Georgia Fest

Jun 16, 2004, 8:12pm
dum thing? enzo?

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For the community...

May 28, 2004, 5:25pm
Midnite Blu sent me this today and I asked him if I could share it with the
community because of the flames, bickering and such...and he said sure ! so
here it is. hope it makes you laugh... like it did me

Upon arriving home, a husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife.
Tearfully, she explained, "It's the druggist. He insulted me terribly
this morning on the phone." Immediately the husband drove downtown to
confront the druggist, and demand an apology.

Before he could say more than a word or two, the druggist said, "Now just a
minute! Listen to my side of it"................

This morning the alarm failed to go off, so I was late getting up. I went
without breakfast and hurried out to the car, only to realize that I had
locked the house and car keys were inside. I had to break a window to get my

Then, driving a little too fast, I got a speeding ticket. Later, when I was
about three blocks from the store, I had a flat tire.

When I finally got to the store there were a bunch of people waiting for me
to open up. I got the store opened, and started waiting on these people.

All the time the darn phone was ringing off the hook. I had to break open a
roll of nickels against the cash register drawer to make change, and they
spilled all over the floor. I got down on my hands and knees to pick up the
nickels. The phone was still ringing.

When I came up, I cracked my head on the open cash drawer. That made me
stagger back against a showcase with a bunch of perfume bottles on it, and
half of them hit the floor and broke. Meanwhile, the phone is still ringing
with no let up.

When I finally got to answer it, it was your wife. She wanted to know how to
use a RECTAL thermometer. And believe me Mister, as God is my
witness.......all I did was tell her!


Jun 17, 2004, 7:26pm
Casey, maybe she's just burnt out on AW.

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Jun 18, 2004, 5:35pm
No, our loss because she is not online with us... Sharing her wit and good
natured fun. I seriousily wonder, do pks do anything besides nag nag nag and
feel they are 'super heros' . Casey, it's ok... I don't think SS will feel
you maliciously disclosed her health situation... Surely she will understand
you care.

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Jun 18, 2004, 8:13pm
DARN IT ! Casey & I should have asked everyone who attended our fest to
donate to us for giving them a good time. Well Casey, we mi$$ed out on

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Jun 23, 2004, 5:49pm
After waiting to see where this thread was going, and I'm not sure if that's
where Linn intended it to go , with citizens having a paypal donation button
on their web sites... but for those who do, and they really need it to keep
afloat, hey good luck to them! But I do have a problem with the ones
,especially ones who try to make a family business out of it, that even hint
that anyone should support them because they are so important to AW. No.
It's because they are addicted to AW and can't lose the thrill of seemingly
being important to AW. I work long hours for my money...and if they are
able to work, then i'd suggest they get a real job ! I donate.

What sucks is when a cit account or world is donated to someone, that person
treats you like crap until it's time for renewal. then they come to
you,slapping you on the back saying, hey good buddy !
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Jun 23, 2004, 5:59pm
[View Quote] who defines good? you? what makes you that superior?


Jun 23, 2004, 6:18pm
What's your point? That addiction should be encouraged at other's people

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Jun 23, 2004, 6:46pm
Legitmate work ISN'T what i was referring to. Talk about being callous.

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Re: ENZO please delete this thread.

Jun 18, 2004, 6:19pm
HUH? Well, whaddya know !!!! Gawrsh !!! at at !!! Let's all act mature towards
one another then like Wilbur ! oh I mean rossyboy !! A-hyuck !! A-hyuck !!

[View Quote]

Re: money

Jun 23, 2004, 5:54pm
xelag wrote to Sharon: You and Linn brought in a subject of very annoying
conduct by a cit, magnified it to perversion and criminal conduct, used all
oportunities you could get hold of to denigrate whomever questioned your
logic. Excuse me... but that subject was started by " uncool wanna be know-
it- all and if you don't kiss my ass for my bravery of *cough*defending the
little people of AW,fuck off immature ignorant" AlaskanShadow.

Re: money

Jun 23, 2004, 6:06pm
xelag wrote to Sharon: "You and Linn brought in a subject of very annoying
conduct by a cit, magnified it to perversion and criminal conduct, used all
oportunities you could get hold of to denigrate whomever questioned your

Excuse me... but that subject was started by: " uncool wanna be know- it-
all and if you don't kiss my ass for my bravery of *cough*defending the
little people of AW,fuck off immature ignorant" AlaskanShadow.


Jun 27, 2004, 10:10am

And what's funny is that for someone who thought they were so important to
AW, they didn't think so, since his cit wasn't renewed by them.


Don't e-mail me again.

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Jun 27, 2004, 10:23am
Yeah, I meant Mark Randall.

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*Waves Good Bye to the NG's* (NB)

Jun 27, 2004, 12:49pm
AWI does not give a rat's ass what goes on in this NG.

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Please say a prayer.

Jul 9, 2004, 1:36pm
Thanks Lioness ! I'm doing much better after that scary episode *L* And
doing much better now that my loving caring angel Casey is nursing me back
to good health ; ) *has her here and won't let her return to the states!*
LOL And thanks everyone for all the good wishes !

[View Quote]

Please say a prayer.

Jul 9, 2004, 1:43pm
Get well soon bro !

from CaseyAngel and QRV

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BRO is in ICU

Jul 12, 2004, 6:14pm
Ahhhhh, love is in the air ! *sings* Love makes the world go around. Love
love love, love is all we need ;o)

QRV & CaseyAngel

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Home Again (for a bit)

Jul 16, 2004, 1:18pm
Welcome back from your vacation, Bit!

Now that you have almost covered the States, when you going to come over
here to Holland to visit? We have sooo much to offer !
My 'AW friend' is visiting me ... CaseyAngel is here right now with me :o)
I've hidden her passport so she can't return to the states ;o) *sings* I'm
in love with the most beautiful girl in the world !!!

I'm still recovering so I'm limited on the amount of activites I do, but
Casey has been enjoying herself and playing on my computer. *L* She loves
the ADSL because hers is on dailup hehe. They don't have cable in their
area, yet. And although she does have satelite TV, even that disconnects way
too many times to think about a satelite internet connection. So she's
content to be on mine : )

Bit and Tex, You should check the trout fishing out in the Chattahoochee
River in Georgia ! When I visited Casey we had trout grilled on the BBQ
with some lemon. Pretty tasty !

Bit, since DMC had so much fun teasing you about the boat, perhaps you
should ask him about a certain yellow ball with lipstick on it. I'm sure it
will trigger memories to a certain AW reunion in Seattle. ;o)

Dmc, do you still have your yellows balls with lipstick on them? LOL

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Home Again (for a bit)

Jul 16, 2004, 8:02pm
Flying isn't that bad...and once you conquer that fear, I bet you'll even
enjoy it. Casey says to be sure to tell your sister to make sure she wears
gloves on her first flight with you, otherwise you might leave grip marks on
her hand. hehe

You hear wedding bells? :o) Tomorrow wouldn't be too soon for me! I'm in
my early 30's and know what I want in my life, and I want to spend the rest
of my life with the woman I totally adore. CASEY !!! (Casey honey, even
though you're in your early 20's, I think we make a great couple! and I'll
spend each waking moment proving that to you! *kiss* !!! )

I'm on my way to being well 100%. Thanks Bit ! and having the love of my
life, Casey, here with me IS wonderful ! Right now she's happily decorating
my um maybe I should say "our" place. ;o) She's adding a woman's touch. And
making it feel like a home.

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