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rossyboy // User Search
rossyboy // User SearchWARNING: IMPORTANTMay 8, 2002, 4:55pm
If Outlook Express keeps messing up, why not get another newsreader?
[View Quote] >Sorry about including the list of PW's on my reply BTW. Outlook express >usualy kills the message its replying too if its like that. > >- Mark > > CHATZONE 3D SDKMay 8, 2002, 4:30pm
Yea this is the AW newsgroup. Nothing to do with ChatZone 3D.
[View Quote] >*thought this was the AW sdk* > [View Quote] AWtoolkit removal toolJul 25, 2003, 1:21pm
Well it's not impossible to imagine a situation where Calpantera's cit is
stolen and the thief manages to upload stuff to uh yea :¬/ But that's just paranoia speaking, if that'd happened we'd know by know heh "john" <john at> wrote this (news:3f200655 at in general.discussion on 24 Jul 2003: > Is darksville stupid? > > ~John > [View Quote] Trusted SourcesJul 25, 2003, 1:13pm
Exactly. Plus it was very easy to see this was a trojan... this was no AW
utility site - there wasn't even an SITE for you to look at. "kah" <kah at> wrote this (news:Xns93C319AEA3C40kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at in general.discussion on 25 Jul 2003: > "r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at> wrote in > news:3f2039a3$1 at > > > Ugh. That's rather paranoid if you ask me. The simple solution is > educating people not to open anything at all, as has happened here. > And while we're discussion trusted sources, that was just what our > friend M a t t exploited to distribute it, first take a few > citizenships, then abusing the trust others had in the stolen accounts > to further distribute it. > > Don't just accept a bot/application without even asking what it does > ("toolkit for AW" tells a *lot*, doesn't it...), or without getting a > demo. If you do accept something and it seems suspisious to you, > investigate it. Look in your process list (under Win9x/ME you won't > get access to all processes through CTRL+ALT+DEL unfortunately), in > your registry, etc. A packet sniffer can be usefull too. > > I doubt everyone is going to be willing to give out their sourcecode > to AWI, and what would it help to have it code signed and hosted by > them if it's really a trojan? > > KAH > Microsoft and Borland Join Forces to Protect CompilersDec 11, 2003, 8:15pm
Yea Ferr how could you not see this? I do it all the time on SW City's
forums... [View Quote] [View Quote] WARNING: IMPORTANTMay 8, 2002, 4:55pm
If Outlook Express keeps messing up, why not get another newsreader?
[View Quote] >Sorry about including the list of PW's on my reply BTW. Outlook express >usualy kills the message its replying too if its like that. > >- Mark > > AWtoolkit removal toolJul 25, 2003, 1:21pm
Well it's not impossible to imagine a situation where Calpantera's cit is
stolen and the thief manages to upload stuff to uh yea :¬/ But that's just paranoia speaking, if that'd happened we'd know by know heh "john" <john at> wrote this (news:3f200655 at in general.discussion on 24 Jul 2003: > Is darksville stupid? > > ~John > [View Quote] Differences between MagsBot and XelagotMar 31, 2004, 3:39pm
Does MagsBot use an older version of the SDK? It may have changed.
[View Quote] > Why does deleting duplicates take so long in MagsBot, and is very quick in > the Xelagot? I need to use the bot to delete some duplicated tourist > objects, and that's why I can't use the Xelagot > > WARNING: IMPORTANTMay 8, 2002, 4:55pm
If Outlook Express keeps messing up, why not get another newsreader?
[View Quote] >Sorry about including the list of PW's on my reply BTW. Outlook express >usualy kills the message its replying too if its like that. > >- Mark > > Simulation UtilitySep 17, 2002, 7:41pm
This is probably a local feature built into the 3D engine that
ChatZone 3D uses (it doesn't use RenderWare). [View Quote] >This has already been done in ChatZone3D whith out bogging down the server >or even having to talk to it. EMAIL TO AWOct 3, 2002, 9:07pm
In my experience AW is actually more likely to read this than to read
emails lol [View Quote] >As AW never read this I think we should include all the good ideas in a post >and email it to aw. > > what you see, others seeOct 3, 2002, 9:19pm
It could create problems though m0e... e.g you oculd be standing on a
trapdoor and someone else could trigger it... and if it was an optional tag on a command (e.g. "create move 10 0 5 allsee=on"), I don't really think enough people would use it. [View Quote] >I know that all graphics are not created equail, so the colors will not >always be the same, but is I click open a door, or cause something to >move, should not everyone else in the area see the same thing!?!??! > > >I cant tell you how often I have seen ppl walking through walls, that to >them, were not there :-( > > >SURE!!! you can have a bot watch over all the things one has moving >around in a world, but not everyone is into bots!!!! > > > > > > > AW's word?Oct 3, 2002, 9:02pm
I think they added it in sooner because they want it in New
AlphaWorld. [View Quote] >"hal9000" <hal9k3 at> wrote in >news:3d94d28c$1 at > > >I also remember that. Looks like they got bored and started coding it >straight away... Or maybe Rick & JP wanted to play with it sooner than 3.5 >heh. > >KAH terrainOct 3, 2002, 9:00pm
I've seen this bug on pictwlks as well :¬/
[View Quote] >I believe you're referring to the bug where a one pixel wide strip of the >terrain texture is rendered on the opposite side, which can create a seam. >This is a D3D bug I think, but it should be fixable. You'll just have to >wait for the dev guys to fix it. > >KAH Telgram SoundOct 3, 2002, 9:15pm
Yep this is a really simple wish hehe
A telegram sound. It could be a wav file you choose in the options (obviously it could also be turned off in options as some people would find it annoying) I get a sound from my IM program when someone IMs me, so why not telegrams in AW? A similar idea would be a join request sound. These woudl be useful when working in other windows :¬) I hate when I'm concentrating on another window and don't notice a join request, even when I can see the chat history in the AW window. Rossyboy ---------------------------------- Note to self: think up a signature closed worldsApr 23, 2003, 9:30pm
So you're basically talking about browser skins? That's a great idea!
Be careful not to upgrade all your old versions... hope someone still has them somewhere or you won't be able to make a retro skin... "ananas" <vha at> wrote this (news:3EA04ABA.7449A375 at in wishlist on 18 Apr 2003: > The idea was to put this kind of patching on a legal base > with an external ressource DLL that you are allowed to alter. > > > [View Quote] world user listApr 23, 2003, 10:18pm
Perhaps this hiding could be easy to ativate/deactivate... what I mean
is, there could be an on/off button that can be used to temporarily hide/show yourself. Every time you open close AW, that button could change back to what is set in the options, hidden/not hidden. "chiana" <stonkingv8 at> wrote this (news:3ea08765$1 at in wishlist on 19 Apr 2003: > in my first post " this could be a tied into the privacy setting for > each user > so they could dissable this feature. > " > > > so they would be able to set it in their own privacy settings kinda > like disblaying what world you are in you can choose to or not to. > > > Browser Within Activeworlds AbilityApr 23, 2003, 8:53pm
I think she is talking about HTML support on a 3D object :¬)
They did it in WorldsPlayer but its code is different from AW and I don't think it uses RenderWare... "technozeus" <TechnoZeus at> wrote this (news:3ea65704 at in wishlist on 23 Apr 2003: > Ah, so you're not talking about actual HTML support on a 3D object, > but rather the equivilent of displaying the thumbnail image of the web > page as a picture or texture? > > TechnoZeus Proposal: AW2Apr 22, 2003, 3:30pm
They can add support for new technology without rewriting the browser...
by the way, it's not likely that I'm ever going to upgrade my comp, except perhaps the graphics card. There are probably a lot of users on AW who aren't planning to upgrade either. One of the main reasons I like AW is that it works great on my old slow computer. It works with old versions of Windows (if you were planning to make AW use only the latest DirectX, and Microsoft, as they most likely will, suddenly decides to make all future versions of DirectX available to only XP users, you've got a real problem) and it doesn't need anything really special to run. Would it be a sound business decision? I haven't seen many users complaining about AW not using the latest hardware. I certainly haven't seen anyone LEAVING AW over it. But requiring that you upgrade your computer to stay in AW... I think you would lose a considerable percentage of AW citizens. "talisan" <wardaor at !> wrote this (news:3ea2dfe5$1 at in wishlist on 20 Apr 2003: > I am proposing that a new project to develope AW2 be explored which > would require a complete rewrite of the browser from ground zero using > the latest in technology and lack of backward compatibility. Requiring > the most recent DirectX, CPU(P3 or better processor), > video(Geforce2+/Radeon 9000+) and OS(Windows XP/2000) > > I am proposing that AW2 run along side AW1 and that AW1 not be dropped > or abandoned until such time as AW people migrate from one system to > the other in suffient numbers as to warrant abandoning it > > I would also propose that Contact lists be mutual between AW1 and AW2 > as to not abandon communication between users in either system. > > I would further propose that if this topic is at all debated in this > forum that a respected reader of these newsgroups be elected as > secretary to keep track of the debate and list the proposals and ideas > for AW2 in an up to date features/requirements list to be reposted and > updated twice monthly or as required. > > I nominate Technozeus for that position. > > Respectfully > -Talisan > > command line shortcutsApr 23, 2003, 8:50pm
"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote this
(news:3ea70c2f at in wishlist on 23 Apr 2003: > Exactly, but would need to maintain current 1s for it to work :) > > - Mark > [View Quote] same with the colo[u]r commands and stuff you would end up with something more along the lines of "c c red,t av_skin9" > completely > be > the > > > Suggestion: eject by browser id (install id)Apr 24, 2003, 2:00pm
What about AWNewbie? It HAS to be tourist enabled, and moderated...
"scuz" <webmaster at> wrote this (news:3ea723ea at in wishlist on 24 Apr 2003: > but basicly, thats a risk you take if you tourist enable your world Forward telegrams to E-mailApr 25, 2003, 10:51pm
Even better, a stand-alone contacts site, like webmail. More appropriate
for an Internet cafe. "dion" <Dion at> wrote this (news:3ea8d534 at in wishlist on 25 Apr 2003: > Better yet, a stand-alone contacts program! :-) AWtoolkit removal toolJul 25, 2003, 1:21pm
Well it's not impossible to imagine a situation where Calpantera's cit is
stolen and the thief manages to upload stuff to uh yea :¬/ But that's just paranoia speaking, if that'd happened we'd know by know heh "john" <john at> wrote this (news:3f200655 at in general.discussion on 24 Jul 2003: > Is darksville stupid? > > ~John > [View Quote] implicit names for special modelsNov 28, 2003, 6:38pm
One problem... what if there's a build out there now with _ground or
_skybox in it? [View Quote] > Many of the commands can affect a named model. > > It would be useful if the skybox and ground model had > implicit names. > > This would allow many of the existing commands and triggers > to work with those objects. > > 'create rotate 1 name=_skybox' > > Could let you rotate the skybox for example. > > 'activate sign name=_ground' > > would allow portions of your ground object to have signs > or picture objects mapped onto them. > > I would not be upset at all if all commands did not work > with those special objects, but there doesn't seem to be > much reason for most of the commands not to. > > Set commands so they can be done in sequenceNov 28, 2003, 6:33pm
e.g. "activate sequence move 10 0 0 time=5,teleport a!!ct"
This would only teleport once the move command has finished. This would work well with Codewarrior's FX command. Like, maybe, a teleport with a pic inside, when you walked into it there would be a zoon in effect and the teleport would happen only after that was finished. This would also be good with a wait command. Simply wait 5 or something. Please add users rating level to referrer stringDec 31, 2003, 7:53pm
Great idea!
[View Quote] > If the referrer string contained the users rating level, > OP path servers could provide content appropriate to > the rating level the user has selected. > > This would allow for example a museum world with > a G rating, but which could display nudes by a given > artist if the users level were PG or higher, and a more > mundane work by that artist if the visitors rating level > was G > > Although this can be done using cookies, using cookies > or sessions precludes *all* content coming from your > OP path from being cached. > > Anything of this nature (i.e. the users language settings, > the users prefferred gender, the users cit #) that can be > placed in the referrer string allows an OP path to deliver > content dynamically that can still be cached. > > Please add users rating level to referrer stringJan 1, 2004, 1:57pm
[View Quote]
oh come on... it's not like they're going to add 100 new lines. I think
it's a great idea. Does that Referer line actually exist right now? O_O Seeker bots doom!Dec 31, 2003, 7:46pm
They're good for finding lost tourist friends.
[View Quote] > certain people,rossyboy in particular, use seekerbots to annoy people, > there's no reason to have them, people say no to join, and a person uses a > seekrbot to find them, then people like rossyboy bypasses join altogether > just to annoy people, he follows particular people with it invites allot of > his friends, so if you don't have groundcover on ur build yet, he will > vandalize it. another thing people do is they find property, it may be > helpful to finds your own but when you use it to find others it sucks, it > gets rid of all privacy you could want in aw. > > If I want to be alone and make like an ocean or something just to stare at > and reflect, 5 minutes later people with a seekrbot come by and throw a > party. > > I think they need to be banned! > > Seeker bots doom!Dec 31, 2003, 7:48pm
Plus, I SAW THAT PLACE. It wasn't new. It'd been built a while ago. And
what I built wasn't permenant anyway.. [View Quote] > certain people,rossyboy in particular, use seekerbots to annoy people, > there's no reason to have them, people say no to join, and a person uses a > seekrbot to find them, then people like rossyboy bypasses join altogether > just to annoy people, he follows particular people with it invites allot of > his friends, so if you don't have groundcover on ur build yet, he will > vandalize it. another thing people do is they find property, it may be > helpful to finds your own but when you use it to find others it sucks, it > gets rid of all privacy you could want in aw. > > If I want to be alone and make like an ocean or something just to stare at > and reflect, 5 minutes later people with a seekrbot come by and throw a > party. > > I think they need to be banned! > > Seeker bots doom!Dec 31, 2003, 7:53pm
Actually how about this:
I'll never use a seekerbot to find you again CP. [View Quote] > certain people,rossyboy in particular, use seekerbots to annoy people, > there's no reason to have them, people say no to join, and a person uses a > seekrbot to find them, then people like rossyboy bypasses join altogether > just to annoy people, he follows particular people with it invites allot of > his friends, so if you don't have groundcover on ur build yet, he will > vandalize it. another thing people do is they find property, it may be > helpful to finds your own but when you use it to find others it sucks, it > gets rid of all privacy you could want in aw. > > If I want to be alone and make like an ocean or something just to stare at > and reflect, 5 minutes later people with a seekrbot come by and throw a > party. > > I think they need to be banned! > > |