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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 21, 2002, 2:40pm
uh, he said about a day's downtime for AW...


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new LaserTag script!

Jan 29, 2001, 4:02pm
at the MBE/KAHBOT we've just improved the standard Xelagot LaserTag script!
it now dumps "skulls" where someone has been shot! I'm making a page for it
on our site, http://www.kahbot.com/, right now. it can be downloaded here:
it has been tested in BotMania of Vectorscape.

also see our new online bot-forum! http://kah.vectorscape.org (thank you,
Lord Vector!)


new LaserTag script!

Jan 30, 2001, 12:33pm
well, it makes it more realistic...one could for example dump a
"skull"-object that looks like a dead avatar.

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[VB] Searching for objects.

Apr 2, 2002, 10:13am
no problem... I must make a new one soon heh (old one doesn't have
awquery5x5, but it's just changing a few numbers around to get it)


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[VB] Searching for objects.

Apr 3, 2002, 9:45am
new one underway, with some cool sorta unrelated features too :-))


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VB querying example

Apr 5, 2002, 1:00pm
Hi, I just put up an example project illustrating how to query property in
AW, and how to effectively manage the data from the query. It's well
commented (at least for me being me, but I think the commenting is rather
good), and illustrates both awquery (the old one) and awquery5x5. You can
download it at http://kahnews.cjb.net/bots/ :-))


project (best I could do heh)

Apr 6, 2002, 2:21pm
Hi, I'm thinking of starting a project relating to bots and bot programming:
in short, the Planet Source Code concept, for AW bots/utilities. If you
don't know Planet Source Code, the concept is that users submit source code
to a source code library where other programmers can get the code freely.
Many find it very usefull for learning, and I think it would be nice to do
something similar for AW. What do you all think? and are some of you
interested in helping out creating it? please reply to this post or emial me
[kah at kahnews.cjb.net] :-))

PS. please don't flame me for crossposting, this seems relevant to both
groups ;-))

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 5, 2002, 9:22am
Look, before you continue posting, learn how to post correctly! this is NOT
related to the sdk and community groups, only the bots group. And this is an
issue you should contact Brant himself about, we don't really care about
your rants about bots. And obviously you aren't very familiar with how AW
works it seems, neither about some general things about bots and software in
general (don't expect a beta to work like a release). Please don't crosspost
if it isn't REALLY necessary, and if you REALLY want to post a rant, do so
in general.discussion.


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Making a bot move in a circle.

May 20, 2002, 12:09pm
"brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org> wrote in
news:3ce8eb97$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> To do this, you'd need to think of the movement as a math equation.
> The parametric (or one variable) system of equations for a
> two-dimensional circle are:
> x = R*cos(t)
> y = R*sin(t),
> where t is in radians between 0 and 2 times pi, and R is the radius of
> the circle.
> Since AW uses the Z-axis instead of Y for depth, replace Z for Y in
> these equations. The speed at which the bot moves around the circle
> can be changed according to how fast the parameter (t) changes - so to
> make the bot move faster, use a for loop (in C++) or a timer (in VB)
> to increment the value t from zero to 2 times pi faster or slower
> depending on the speed you want. Replace R with the radius of the
> circle, and you should be all set.
> I would explain it more specifically, but I don't know which language
> you're using.
> Hope this helps,
> -Brant

Z is meant to be depth, so it's quite normal (X: width, Y: height and Z:
depth). But it would be Y in your equation if you do a 2D circle on a
picture, since pictures don't have any depth.


what's different with the way of building from Hambot 29 versus Hambot 31/32?

Feb 10, 2001, 11:45am
I'm making a HamBot script called AdBot, that rotates ads. It works fine
with Hambot build 29, wich I used to test it (in Vectorscape) at first. But
after the first release, I tested it in Norge of AW, and when it was
supposed to restart the rotate process, it suddently got
RC_CANT_FIND_OLD_ELEMENT (Reason Code 204). What's the difference that makes
this happen in build 32, but not in build 29?



Feb 10, 2001, 5:05pm
I'm trying to get one...but the creator hasn't responded yet...

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Feb 11, 2001, 10:11am
so, I'm female now? You better investigate a little before saying stuff on
ppl's gender, Lanezeri, cuzz I'm MALE

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Feb 11, 2001, 10:13am
actually, I've tryed to contact the owner of OW at War (I dunno if it still
exists). He has made a VERY good script set for Xelagot. Maybe you should
start reading in the MBE/KAHBOT bot-forum:

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Very Puzzling Function

Jun 3, 2002, 1:51pm
"datedman" <russell at synergycorp.com> wrote in
news:3CFA8162.F824DCCC at synergycorp.com:

> I'm not sure how VN works, I detest it--however I love to optimize
> code. :) One thing I can suggest is that you use > instead of >=
> since I don't know if VB figures that out for itself and I suspect it
> does not.
> Another thing I see happening is that you're comparing to awobj.x
> several times and it's possible that VB will be faster if you assign
> this to a variable.
> Also, you could put more parentheses in some expressions to make
> things more clear to VB for instance in:
> You also have several places where you're subtracting tempx from
> awobj.x, assign to a variable. Hmmm in fact, lemme see...oh Geez, how
> the hell does this thing work? Hehe, either I am missing something
> drastic or "Xcounter" and "Zcounter" are never used within the loops.

First, > is different from >= because if you have X = 1 and Y = 1 and you
do If X > Y it will be false, but it will often be desireable to have it
evalute to true in this case. What's the point of assigning awobj.x to
another variable? It's already a variable, you'll be wasting time and
memory assigning it to another var :-)). Parantheses don't make much of a
difference, really (actually, I don't think they matter at all). Xcounter
and Zcounter are just a shortcut to have a loop, because the For var = X
to Y needs a var.


Very Puzzling Function

Jun 5, 2002, 2:29pm
"datedman" <russell at synergycorp.com> wrote in
news:3CFD7ED2.7FFF5DDD at synergycorp.com:

> As I say, I know very little about VB. :)
> However, read my message again and THINK before you reply. All my
> points are actually valid to some extent, or may be. :) I'd hazard a
> guess that I was optimizing code before you reached puberty. This is
> not a put-down, just a simple statement of the fact that I've been
> doing this a loooong time and I am actually quite good at it.

I know you had a very good point about those For loops, I was just trying
to explain why Brant had done it, I would probably have used a Do loop
myself. You might've optimized code for a while, but it doesn't really
matter, does it? :-)) Anyway, I have no problems with your post, it had
quite a few valid points, even though I don't see the interest in gaining
a few milliseconds in such an app lol, but I guess it's like me and valid
HTML, it doesn't make any difference really to not have quotes, etc, but
it still should conform with HTML standards, we all need our little
quircks ;-))


Very Puzzling Function

Jun 7, 2002, 1:05pm
"chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at msn.com> wrote in news:3cfe7c14
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> second this

But who's sniping who? I guess datedman meant I was "sniping" him, but
that's a misunderstanding, I was absolutely not trying to be rude or put
down datedman! If anybody was "sniping" someone in this thread, it was
Grimble who "sniped" me! Sometimes I wonder why I bother to read and post
to these NGs...


yab (yet another bot)

May 26, 2002, 9:43am
"chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at msn.com> wrote in news:3cf09459$1
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> tnx, just put it in bots, huge? that's relative. But the reason: the
> database drivers,(4mb) the internetsupport (botemail, browsing) (2.5mb)
> the GUI drivers (6mb) the actual programsize is 100 kb :)
> so updates usually take that much, the 16 mb is a one time only.

6MB of GUI drivers??? Get VB and make GUIs that take up a few kbs... (in
your face, you annoying VB discriminator)... heck, even the huge VB RTL is
smaller than that!


yab (yet another bot)

May 27, 2002, 4:57pm
"chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at msn.com> wrote in news:3cf0dfa8
at server1.Activeworlds.com:


Well, maybe you didn't intend to put down VB systematically, but it sure
was that way it seemed. This has annoyed me and lots of other VB
programmers around here. I'm adventuring into the realms of C and C++, but
it's taking a while ;-)) I don't recommend posting "you should do that in
C, not in VB" in VB related threads, we see it as an attack on our


yab (yet another bot)

May 27, 2002, 5:02pm
"young phalpha" <RhaneC at msn.com> wrote in
news:3cf18fe3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> include me in it, I'm hoping you'll add scripting or something of the
> sort?

And me please :-)) (send any mail to the address in my From header, it's my
real address)


yab (yet another bot)

May 29, 2002, 3:38pm
"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in
news:3cf40734 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> all database interfaces - Explain please
> the delete/rebuild - Not hard
> the storage/rebuild (with edit) - Not Hard
> world build allowance - Not Hard (with allot of auto updates)
> wav/name sound producing - Dont ya love WindowMediaPlayer.ocx ?
> object browsing - Ohh, intersting, but do you mean in 3D or just
> displayed? integrated email/homepage browser - Easy, just a lil mailer
> OCX visitor logging - Yup.. as easy a a sdk function
> avatar popupmenu - Easy peasy
> What was the other 16 Mb for again? Ive got most of this incorporated
> into my bot im making in VB and its a whole 300K, so whats the rest
> for?

WMP.OCX? that's a crappy thingy lol ;-)) Mailer OCX? You mean those
horrid MAPI things from MS? I recommend just using a winsock (the SMTP
protocol is easyer than saying "moo"). Now you're putting him down,
please don't :-))


yab (yet another bot)

May 30, 2002, 2:43pm
Note that VB *does* have typing, but it also has a type called Variant,
which does not have typing, and it is considerably slower than a variable
declared as a specific type, all serious VB programmers keep well at
distance from it.


yab (yet another bot)

May 31, 2002, 2:54pm
"chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at msn.com> wrote in news:3cf69e61
at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> you mean to say: you 'can' type in vb, but you also can not.
> to 'dim as' is optional

Yes, but any sane person will use it, and there is an option to force it
(Option Explicit). I program 3D in VB, so speed is important to me :-))


yab (yet another bot)

Oct 11, 2002, 3:30pm
"o0oiiijoshiiio0o" <joshua_trask at capecod.com> wrote in
news:3da60740$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:

> Hey hey hey. Don't oversimplify. C/++ can be made as huge or small as
> the owner has in power. VB is a set size. I guarantee you my C version
> of that would be far smaller...

Don't reply to 5 month old threads, please :-)) And yes, I know one could
do a C version of that in no space, but that wasn't the point.


My New bot place...

Feb 12, 2001, 3:14pm
if it isn't up yet, don't post the URL!

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My New bot place...

Feb 13, 2001, 3:09pm
so what, I commented that it's STUPID to post URLs before the files are
uploaded! I didn't say that I couldn't find the site!!

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Xealgot FTP Transfering

Feb 13, 2001, 3:08pm
you mean stop developping it???? that means that pretty soon after you stop
it'll be pretty much outdated, just like the HamBot! Please don't let the #1
bot end up like the #2!

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Xealgot FTP Transfering

Feb 13, 2001, 5:25pm
ok :-))

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The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 2:32pm
I agree, Roland will be sorely missed by us all! I hope he'll have as much
success with his future projects as he has with AW! Bye Roland, I hope
you'll drop by AW sometimes :-))


Storytelling bots?

Feb 15, 2001, 10:41am
you could make a simple HamBot script to do that

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Storytelling bots?

Feb 15, 2001, 10:54am
you have to make them come in outside 30 coords from GZ, bots that don't
have any safeguard mechanisms are ejected for like 5 minutes ( I got that
prob once, with my own VB bot...)

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