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okay this has to be me being stupid I guess:)

May 27, 2001, 12:50pm
I sayd it was QuickStart/QuickStop (this is AwSdkOcx specific)! I'm sure
it'll work if you do it the complete way (login with sdk.AwCreate,
sdk.AwEnter, etc, and logout with sdk.AwDestroy), because I had the exact
same problem when I was new to SDK programming and tryed to use
QuickStart/QuickStop. it should work after using the full process, at least
it did for me.


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okay this has to be me being stupid I guess:)

May 27, 2001, 12:51pm
and for the record: Moria wasn't stupid at all, MS are the stupid ones cuzz
they've made some kind of weird error in the OCX stuff (and yes I know that
it's MrGrimm that makes the VB wrapper, but he gave the QuickStart code once
because of a similar problem) ;-))


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okay this has to be me being stupid I guess:)

May 28, 2001, 7:03pm
if you'd like to read the rest of the thread containing why your philisophy
won't work before posting...and there should be more than 3 messages there


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Re: bot-AW integration (was Re: Proposal: Being able to stand on moving objects (bandwidth-miserly algorithm))

Jun 7, 2001, 6:40pm
also, commands like tporting ppl and URL sending should be accesible trough
the right-click menu


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ActiveX in MMF

Jul 3, 2001, 11:44am
part 7???? what are you talking about?


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ActiveX in MMF

Jul 4, 2001, 11:57am
I used to use Games Factory, the stuff before MMF... could you explain a bit
more in-detail how it functions? feel free to send e-mail to kah at kahbot.com


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Rich Text Box's in Visual Basic

Jul 14, 2001, 11:02am
for MS ActiveX controls, you've got a great tool: the MSDN (Microsoft
Developer Network) Library. http://msdn.microsoft.com

PS. look in the AW.Programming NG on news://andras.net where Baron gave me
some source code to define the selected text, wich allows you to edit the
Sel[something] params, like SelColor, SelBold, etc

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Database link bot

Dec 27, 2000, 10:37am
Well, I would guess you could make one that used CGI. Or maybe just use a
librarye that makes it compatible with SQL...

KAH (same as in VS)
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A nice simple INI Module!!!

Jul 14, 2001, 11:13am
forget about INIs in VB, use the registry instead... even if it SHOULDN'T be
that way, it is: MS have done editing registry entries for your app
supereasy, use the SaveSetting, GetSetting and DeleteSetting statements to
use it (alltought the entries are layed in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and
VBA Program Settings\[AppName param]\[Categoryorwhateveritis param])



Jul 31, 2001, 9:39pm
no, he's just moody...


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Aug 2, 2001, 12:21pm
uh... I think I posted that before I asked you LOL, and you're just playing
hard to get anyway... and it's not illegal, but I guess there's no point in
trying to tell you that...


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SDK and Dev-C++

Jul 21, 2001, 9:03am
I tryed to compile a slightly modified HamBot sourcecode with it (first I
had to get all kinds of MFC libraries, etc) and when it was nearly done it
sayd that it had found an unknown bug, and that I was to e-mail the

PS. maybe it's better to get Borland stuff?

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weird stuff...

Jul 22, 2001, 7:02pm
I'm currently working on a bot that searches an area for music objects
(objects with trigger + "sound" in the action field). But I have a weird
problem: it reports an object as a music object (i.e. it had a trigger and
"sound" in it's action field, but when it's supposed to post the actual
action field, it returns a blank... here's the result of a query in my town:

(22:47:20) Starting to query area...
Found music object! (location: -2217.713N/S -2145.348W/E -.02a.) action
field: (owner of object: KAH)
Found music object! (location: -2217.713N/S -2145.348W/E -.02a.) action
field: (owner of object: KAH)
Found music object! (location: -2213.104N/S -2143.331W/E -.02a.) action
field: create sound http://real-virtuality.com/midi/pa12.mid (owner of
object: Neo15)

and here is my code (triggered by AW_EVENT_CELL_OBJECT):

If sdk.AwObjectAction Like "*create sound*" Then
sdk.AwCitizenAttributesByNumber sdk.AwObjectOwner
QueryConsole "Found music object! (location: " & Str((sdk.AwObjectZ /
1000)) & "N/S " & Str((sdk.AwObjectX / 1000)) & "W/E " & Str((sdk.AwObjectY
/ 1000)) & "a.) action field: " & sdk.AwObjectAction & " (owner of object: "
& sdk.AwCitizenName & ")"
ElseIf sdk.AwObjectAction Like "*activate sound*" Then
sdk.AwCitizenAttributesByNumber sdk.AwObjectOwner
QueryConsole "Found music object! (location: " & Str((sdk.AwObjectZ /
1000)) & "N/S " & Str((sdk.AwObjectX / 1000)) & "W/E " & Str((sdk.AwObjectY
/ 1000)) & "a.) action field: " & sdk.AwObjectAction & " (owner of object: "
& sdk.AwCitizenName & ")"
ElseIf sdk.AwObjectAction Like "*bump sound*" Then
sdk.AwCitizenAttributesByNumber sdk.AwObjectOwner
QueryConsole "Found music object! (location: " & Str((sdk.AwObjectZ /
1000)) & "N/S " & Str((sdk.AwObjectX / 1000)) & "W/E " & Str((sdk.AwObjectY
/ 1000)) & "a.) action field: " & sdk.AwObjectAction & " (owner of object: "
& sdk.AwCitizenName & ")"
ElseIf sdk.AwObjectAction Like "*adone sound*" Then
sdk.AwCitizenAttributesByNumber sdk.AwObjectOwner
QueryConsole "Found music object! (location: " & Str((sdk.AwObjectZ /
1000)) & "N/S " & Str((sdk.AwObjectX / 1000)) & "W/E " & Str((sdk.AwObjectY
/ 1000)) & "a.) action field: " & sdk.AwObjectAction & " (owner of object: "
& sdk.AwCitizenName & ")"
End If

sorry, this looks a bit messy in the post, but if you know VB you'll
understand how it's supposed to be... does anyone know why the
sdk.AwObjectAction value suddently disapeares?

PS. don't ask me why I'm making such a bot :-))

weird stuff...

Jul 22, 2001, 8:16pm
like is for comparing stuff, roughly, it enables to use wildcards, so the
action can have anything before create sound (including nothing) and
anything after it. anyways, I'm kinda comfused, because the objects it
reported just didn't exist... and also, the sector it selects to query
varies, and it only queries that sector, doesn't query the others... this
seems weird, as I used the example code provided on the VB SDK help pages to


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weird stuff...

Jul 22, 2001, 8:30pm
I think this has to do with VB's poor ability to handle great quantities of
data, as it also confuses citnums, etc


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Jul 30, 2001, 7:19pm
no, I think you misunderstood... he HAS a good newsreader... I see you use
OE 5.5, but you should know that it's OE that's a bad newsreader (ok, so I
use OE, but that's cuzz I'm too lazy to download anything else... I never
upgraded my IE stuff, I allways used what crap Windows preinstalled for
me...). It makes you think that news is compatible with HTML and everything,
but actually, NNTP was never meant to transport HTML content. There's a
reason OE allways prints the ID stuff at the beginning of the HTML, you


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Delphi SDK

Jul 23, 2001, 4:22pm
you can get it from http://www.canopus.org


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Aug 28, 2001, 10:04am
Stuff-X is a good company, they offer quality services...


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Aug 28, 2001, 8:00pm
I must say that they certainly don't act as if they're better than everyone
else! Builderz is very nice and polite, and his company provides high
quality services, even though I've got nothing to do with Stuff-X I must say
that you are being plain rude and wrong now!


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Aug 28, 2001, 8:06pm
? I didn't critisize you...


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Scriptable SDK ?

Aug 11, 2001, 6:46pm
if you want to use JS scripts, download the JKMT Bot Tool (source and
compiled version available from a URL I can't remember, look in the VB SDK
forum on grimmsoft.com, in a post by Sado). anyway, I'd recommend
programming with a compiler instead of some dodgy MS crap.


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sdk stuffs

Aug 18, 2001, 10:19am
this is how you do it for diff. forms: if your main form is called mainFrm
and your SDK is put on that form, you'll do this to acces the SDK from
another form (if the sdk object is called sdk): mainFrm.sdk.AwSay "hi"


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sdk stuffs

Aug 18, 2001, 10:29am
I suggest you read some code first... I'll post the stuff I allways use for

Dim rc As Integer, world As String
Dim unihost As String
Dim uniport As String
On Error Resume Next

unihost = txtUniHost.Text 'these two settings allow for login to other
uniport = txtUniPort.Text

rc = sdk.AwCreate(unihost, uniport)
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to create a bot (reason " & rc & ")"
Exit Sub
End If

sdk.AwLoginOwner = txtOwner.Text
sdk.AwLoginPrivilegePassword = txtPassword.Text
sdk.AwLoginName = txtBotName.Text
sdk.AwLoginApplication = "MBE/KAHBOT MusicSearcher Bot" 'change this to
whatever your bot is called
rc = sdk.AwLogin
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to login (reason " & rc & ")"
Exit Sub
End If
world = txtWorld.Text
rc = sdk.AwEnter(world)
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to enter " & world & " (reason " & rc & ")"
Exit Sub
End If

sdk.AwMyX = Val(txtMyX.Text) * 1000 'this might've been your error... if you
enter 10 for the west/east coords 'without multiplying by 1000 the bot will
enter at 0.01w same applicies to all position values
sdk.AwMyZ = Val(txtMyZ.Text) * 1000 'this is north/south, *NOT* west/east
sdk.AwMyY = Val(txtMyY.Text) * 1000
sdk.AwMyYaw = 0 'makes the av face north
sdk.AwMyType = txtMyType.Text 'av number

rc = sdk.AwStateChange 'this *MUST* be called
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to change state (reason " & rc & ")"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Login succesfull! Yay!" 'have something like
'this to see if the bot did everything it was told to do
'note that if you gave it wrong params this won't show
End If

to use that code you need to have all the textboxes with those names present
on the same form as the SDK... hope it will help...


sdk stuffs

Aug 18, 2001, 2:03pm
yes, but you obviously didn't log them in correctly in the first place... to
teleport, or change stuff like avs, set the new value of something like
sdk.AwMyX then call sdk.AwStateChange.


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First Bot, help please

Aug 20, 2001, 10:24am
start by using others' bots so you get a clue of how bots work at all... or
I doubt you'll ever make much of a bot...


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First Bot, help please

Aug 20, 2001, 6:36pm
it is help to give advices... I adviced him to actually *USE* bots before he
started programming them, so that he gets an understanding of how they


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First Bot, help please

Aug 20, 2001, 8:12pm
all about aw_query, zones, sectors, cells, anything about property is in the
property section of the SDK website :-)) a cell is 1 coord x 1 coord (1
coord = 10m), and all coords are given in cm (you simply multiply the values
by 1000 to get the AW coord)

PS. also, you might want to check out the Xelagot
(http://www.imatowns.com/xelagot/), it's a rather powerfull bot, use it a
bit and you'll understand much of how bots work in general, and you'll find
it easier to program it.

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A Lost-N-Found bot for citizens/tourists???

Dec 29, 2000, 1:03pm
well, there's Brant's AW utility, I've never tryed it, but it has a
Seekerbot that searches for ppl in a world. Maybe it will work on names too
and maybe a bot that recognizes names too.
http://www.shoemakervillage.com (in the software section)

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A Lost-N-Found bot for citizens/tourists???

Dec 29, 2000, 6:17pm
DOH! did I? well it's http://www.shoemakervillage.org, sorry. LOL, 2 hours
for 2 ppl!

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Chat Event

Aug 22, 2001, 9:13am
you post too many posts, try to combine them into fewer, it's really
confusing... just try this code (note that it's case-sensitive, I think The
Derek's code isn't).

Private Sub sdk_EventChat()
'place the textbox txtIC on the SAME form as the SDK
txtIC.Text = txtIC.Text & vbNewLine & sdk.AwChatMessage
'that code was to see if any chat is received at all, so if nothing
'appears in the textbox when there's chat, your bot ain't receiving
'anything. oh, and set the textbox's multiline property to true.

'this if block will check for any special words and handle them
If sdk.AwChatMessage = sdk.AwLoginName & " owner" Then
> sdk.AwWhisper sdk.AwChatSession, "My owner's " &
sdk.AwLoginPrivilegeName & " (cit# " & sdk.AwLoginOwner & ")." 'this will
give the name and cit# of the owner, note that the privilegename property IS
ElseIf sdk.AwChatMessage = sdk.AwLoginName & " version" Then
> sdk.AwWhisper sdk.AwChatSession, "I'm [nameofbotapp] version
[botversion]. Copyright © yyyy [author]" 'fill in the blanks...
End If
End Sub


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