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bots and PHP

Nov 24, 2001, 3:44pm
some ppl have requested a PHP SDK, but that's not really necesary. I have
written an example of how you can make PHP interact with the SDK, in this
case a webform where the user puts in a chat string that a bot will say. you
can download it from http://home.no.net/kahbot/phps.zip. it consits of tree
files, the PHP script where the user submits a chat string and a VB project
(2 files) which contains the bot which the PHP script shells. I have only
tested this on Apache 1.3.22 with PHP 4.0.6.
Win32 webserver with PHP4 installed, PHP Safe Mode OFF. Disk access. VB
with AwSdkOcx4 registered.
Open PHPSayer.vbp in VB, change the cit# and PPW (and location settings if
you want to) then compile it as PHPSayer.exe
Open phpsayer.php in a text-editor and set the BotPath variable to the path
of PHPSayer.exe. example: if PHPSayer.exe is located in C:\AW\Bots\ then put
"C:\\AW\\Bots\\". Put the script in your webserver's document area
Ok, now you've set everything up, just remains to see if it works :-)) Open
the script in a webbrowser, go to the location where the bot is set to
appear, specify your nick and the desired chat string, click the "Say"
button and wait for the bot to appear :-))

PS. if anybody would like to translate the bot to C++ or Delphi, I'd
appreciate it a lot :-))

Animal Bot

Nov 25, 2001, 12:24pm
I assume it's either on commatron.com or athnex.com, just too bad the DNS
entry of commatron.com pointed to an unexisting IP and that athnex.com
displayed a DNS2Go status page... maybe you should upload it to a dedicated


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problems with C++ sample project

Nov 25, 2001, 12:34pm
hi, I'm playing around with C++, but when I compile the sample project the
..exe crashes with an "illegal operation" error when it gets to the SDK
commands... I use Bloodshed Dev-C++ 4 (Mingw compiler), SDK build 22,
AW_STATIC.LIB. any ideas to why this happens?


AwQuery5x5 in VB, how does it work?

Nov 25, 2001, 12:44pm
hi, I'm trying to use Query5x5 in VB with AwSdkOcx4, but I don't know what
to do from the first CallbackQuery and on. for starting the query I use the
sample code that came in the query5x5.txt file distributed with AwSdkOcx4,
this is my CallBackQuery code:

If Not sdk.AwQueryComplete Then
rc = sdk.AwQuery5x5(XSector, ZSector, m_seq)
Debug.Print "this is where I am: " & sdk.AwCellSequence
ConsoleMsg "all done! Found " & ObjCount & " objects."
End If

and this is my sdk_EventCellBegin code (adapted from AwQuery, I guess this
is where the problem is):
Private Sub sdk_EventCellBegin()
Dim X As Long, Z As Long
XCell = sdk.AwCellX
ZCell = sdk.AwCellZ
X = sdk.AwSectorFromCell(XCell) - XSector
Z = sdk.AwSectorFromCell(ZCell) - ZSector
If (X < -1 Or X > 1 Or Z < -1 Or Z > 1) Then
Exit Sub
End If
m_seq(Z + 1, X + 1) = sdk.AwCellSequence
End Sub

when I tryed doing sdk.AwQuery5x5 m_seq(1, 1) the SDK crashed with runtime
error 440.


AW.DLL needs versioning

Nov 27, 2001, 4:54pm
good idea, I tryed adventuring myself into the world of C++ SDK programming
this weekend, but with the (free) Mingw compiler all I got was a "Illegal
operation" error when the program tryed to execute SDK commands. and that
was the SDK sample...


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vb menus

Dec 11, 2001, 3:36pm
I hate those LOL... no point in them, just ineffective and silly


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Log Bot v1.0

Dec 17, 2001, 4:47pm
even better, write your own config file parser, OCXs tend to bloat the
app... I can provide anyone interested with code I've used


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dlephi..no sorry

Dec 17, 2001, 5:00pm
go to AWUniv, it's been added to the Marcusian language course ;-))


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LogBot v2.23 FINAL

Dec 23, 2001, 3:38pm
hehe, may I recommend RC4 next time, Gamer...


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VB INI Functions "Compile Error: Type Mismatch"

Dec 30, 2001, 3:29pm
put in the max value, when you get the string with a load of spaces, use
Trim() on it, will trim all leading and trailing spaces :-))


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VB Tutorials

Jan 2, 2002, 2:28pm
try http://planet-source-code.com/vb/ :-)) great source of code and tuts,
even some really awesome apps there... Open Source for Windows, with MS' own
programming language haha :-))


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VB Bone Sdk, anyone?

Jan 15, 2002, 7:18pm
Obviously MrGrimm did one some time ago, but I don't think it's up to date
or anything... You could try my bot network,
http://home.no.net/kahbot/vbubn.htm, it might be a bit easyer to set up
too... a new version is on it's way as well, even though I'm gonna have to
postpone encryption even longer, in lack of a good encryption procedure that
works well (the one I tryed to implement for this version would not allways
decrypt right on the other end), I'm planning to get a book on encryption so
I can write my own thing...


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About My Capitals

Feb 27, 2002, 4:17pm
he didn't need to post his rude comment anyway, though


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Jan 25, 2002, 7:23pm
BTW the base for my standard login code was written by Baron, and dates from
the VB sample project he posted that made me understand VB and SDK
programming :-)) Thanks Baron!


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Jan 25, 2002, 7:23pm
AwQuery5x5 works fine, if you know how to use it :-)) I contacted the person
who should know best (MrGrimm off course) when the 3.2 SDK was released and
your code should work fine, so if you used that I don't know why it failed
for you...


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Needed: webhost that can host online bot-forum

Jan 19, 2001, 7:10pm
for my bot-developper group, the MBE/KAHBOT (http://www.kahbot.com/), I
would like to have a bot forum. I made one with the wizard in FrontPage
2000, but that requires the webserver to have the server extensions
installed and the server I use doesn't, so nobody can post to the forum...
So could anyone host it for me (for free)? I would accept to display a
banner on the page.


vb tabs

Jan 27, 2002, 12:19pm
you can make SSTab look normal I think, there's a setting for it.


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A good Animal Bot

Jan 21, 2001, 10:45am
I think Andras have made a HunterBot thingy... http://www.andras.net

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A good Animal Bot

Jan 21, 2001, 4:23pm
and you also have animal bots from JKMT, but I dunno if they become "scared"
or "die"...


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A good Animal Bot

Jan 22, 2001, 2:58pm
check the site...and I know that those bots are good!

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ocx and lib

Jan 28, 2002, 4:50pm
the lib is required for the OCX to work, and I think the OCX is required for
the lib to have any function too... with ActiveX controls, other things
apply to ActiveX DLLs


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ocx and lib

Jan 29, 2002, 4:10pm
are you sure MS got that right? lol


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VB-SDK: Getting an Object Number / Co-ords

Feb 1, 2002, 9:57pm
after trying some methods I found this method, that works very well:
create a custom type for objects, example:
Private Type AwObject
Model As String
Number As Long
Action As String
Owner As Long
End Type
this example only contains a few properties, I recommend putting all of
them, since not re-specifying all properties of an object in a world where
you have ED can result in objects changing owner, position, model, action,
description etc. At least this has happened to me many times. Declare it as
an array ( Dim Obj(50000) As AwObject ), an array scope of 0 - 50000 should
be largely enough I'd say, then declare a long that will contain the last
array index ( Dim ObjIndex As Long ) so we put the objects at the right
place. then on _EventCellObject increment the array index and set the
values, like this:
ObjIndex = ObjIndex + 1
Obj(ObjIndex).Model = sdk.AwObjectModel
Obj(ObjIndex).Number = sdk.AwObjectNumber 'and so on...

and when the query is done search through your array like this (declare a
long called i in the declarations first):
For i = 0 to ObjIndex
If Obj(i).Action Like "*name object1*" Then
NumberOfObjectOne = Obj(i).Number
End If
Next i

I hope this helps :-))


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Roadsweeper bot

Feb 12, 2002, 3:59pm
you need to know the size of the road object to calculate if objects are in
the way... first you just query the area in question, then you have it
calculate the area the road would take up (a rectangle if you're doing a
straight road), and then go through the query result and check for any
objects that would be inside the area where the road should be, get their X
and Z location, their number and use aw_object_delete() (look in the SDK
help for info on how to set this up) to remove the offending objects. If my
vague explanation doesn't take you very far, I can try to write you a bit of
code :-))


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VB SDK : Multiple instances stealing trigger events .. Please help

Feb 15, 2002, 12:07pm
not sure how instancing works in VB, my way is just to set up an array of
SDK objects and use the Index var supplyed by the events to know which bot
it was (works perfectly fine for me)


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[VB] Hearing Impared?! Gah..

Feb 16, 2002, 4:35pm
remember to ALLWAYS call .AwEventSet() for all events you want to receive
and to call .AwWait 0 at least once every second.


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Multiple Login

Mar 4, 2002, 8:07pm
Dim x As Integer
x = 0
Do While x < 3
'login stuff
x = x +1
Loop 'or was it Wend?

that should do that in VB
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Multiple Login

Mar 5, 2002, 3:35pm
I think the most used version is

Do Until x = 1

and I also think it's easyest to read anyway.


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Mar 9, 2002, 1:38pm
you should allways make installers for your VB projects because of just
ActiveX controls and DLLs :-))


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need help with saving/loading ini and chat box...

Mar 19, 2002, 3:00pm
look in the MSDN library (got reference of all MS controls:


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