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cdm // User Searchwishlist a wish ??Oct 4, 1998, 4:23pm
if you are a world owner and can or know somebody who is willing to convert
and assemble avatars, check out the avs at this place: htt:// Joakim and Fredrik "CyberTwins" Stai <cyber2 at> wrote in article <36177f6d.0 at homer>... > Yea, for instance the VR-avatars in the world Patagonia (pata)! > They're the best in AW, no doubt! (c: > Hmm.. on second thought.. maybe the VR-avatars are only > made for Pata? > > > Import objects from other serversSep 5, 1998, 3:47am
I had an idea when I was brainstorming with a friend in a chat the other
day and came up with some interesting ideas. One of them was a second, world owner controlled (restricted to his access), options box which would be for object paths and their properties. The world owner could list who has permission to use which object paths. It could look something like this: Object Path 1: Builder Access: #######, #######, ##### Registry: Y Password: ******** Object Path 2: Builder Access: ######, ########, #####, #######, ###########, #########, ######### Registry: N Password: ******* etc, etc There could be more lists, as many as Roland would be willing to put in or it could be world owner configurable to display as many as x number of lists or as little as 1 list. in the build box, the builder could choose which object path he wishes to use (as long as his or her number is in the appropriate path options box) by putting a check in the corresponding check box. One of the major concens is that the object names would conflict if they were the same. The solution to this is that since Roland has begun to implement a security caching system where the file is not actually saved to the hard drive but actually saved into a file as code. He could program the caching system to encode a distinguishing digit or letter to keep similarly named files from conflicting with one another. Any suggestions for improvemnt on this system would be greatly appreciated. Please, be helpful and not destructive. Remember, this is only a idea and all the consequential problems would have to be worked out before it could be implemented. Thanks, Dean Scott D. Miller <scottydm at> wrote in article <35F065DC.8BF96642 at>... [View Quote] Import objects from other serversSep 5, 1998, 3:59am
"There is only one Prime: Optimus Prime."
Hey, you forgot about the "Prime Directive" citizens as touristsSep 4, 1998, 2:35pm
I have used it before when i have been showing the software to people and
they want to talk to chat. It is far less confusing talking to a person with a seperate identity than talking to someone using another person's established identity. Sexy Eyes <terri at> wrote in article <35efde24.0 at homer>... 1) Why do Citizens have the option of logging on as Tourists? Citizens abuse that all the time. If you pay for a citizenship, and you get a citizen number, then there shouln't be the option to turn into a tourist. All that really seems to be is a way for them to go into worlds and cause all sorts of problems, and then never be detected. I haven't seen any reason for the citizen to tourist option being of any use other than for those few citizens who want to cause trouble without having their identity be known. ---------- Clickable URL's & Teleports on ChatscreenSep 10, 1998, 2:05am
yes, of course, the agenda always seems to go where the money is. even
though the sdk is free, it is mainly the commercial worlds who are asking for it, so guess who's requests get put on the back shelf. Most of the enhancements that i have been seeing lately seem to favor those who want to push some product or service. I am not accusing Roland of anything except doing what his boss tells him to, but what do you expect? Money talks. Eep² <eep at> wrote in article <35F6FA7B.B321D164 at>... It's been on The List™ for at least a year now. Who knows what millenium it'll get implemented, if ever. Roland's working on bots <twirl finger> instead of working on more BASIC UI probs...<shrug> That's COF's agenda fer ya... [View Quote] > Mirc and other clients "capture" an URL so that it can be easily > accessed. > > Alot of times in high traffic areas when coords are typed on the > chatscreen (and URL's), they scroll up so fast you either have > to keep scrolling back to copy or teleport to an empty location > to keep the chatscreen from scrolling further while copying. > > Please, please, figure a way to either capture the url and teleport > or click on it to activate. ---------- Clickable URL's & Teleports on ChatscreenSep 17, 1998, 1:56pm
I agree completely. My post was meant to point out the flaw in COF's
thinking, but your post made the point more precisely. infinity <imm at thepoka.inn> wrote in article <36007305.B72DEFB7 at thepoka.inn>... > you see, what CoF doesn't understand is that Active Worlds is not yet big > enough to start thinking about money... if it wasn't for the people, there > wouldn't be any company using AW... If CoF keeps on trying to please the > companies, the people will leave, and in return, there will be no more new > companies, and the existing ones will become bankrupt, and AW will be no > more... CoF should wait until you can talk about AW online to almost anyone, > and have them know what you are talking about.... for instance, most of you AW > people know what quake is, but when you go into a quake game, and ask someone > about AW, they would have no idea what you are talking about... AW has the > potential to gain that much popularity, but CoF has to listen to the people > before anything like that could happen.... > also, CoF concentrates on what the people want, the people will help bring in > more companies..... I would suggest that once that average amount of AW users > on at the same time is at about 5000, CoF can start thinking about what the > companies want.... but for right now, the should LISTEN TO US! > > - that's just my thought on the subject > [View Quote] Offline buildingSep 19, 1998, 8:11am
Viscape lets you build offline. (or is that suprescape, or are they both
the same, anybody?) klassi <klassi at> wrote in article <36030D47.23E207E2 at>... > I have only been using AW for a few weeks and have often built stuff offline to > see what it looks like and just to practice, obviously it vanishes... <sulk>. > > Just wondered if you had your own world and objects if building offline would be > possible as you wouldn't be drawing the images from the AW servers. > > Oh well maybe one day.. > [View Quote] Offline buildingSep 22, 1998, 3:46pm
Joakim and Fredrik "CyberTwins" Stai <cyber2 at> wrote in article
<3607ce6b.0 at homer>... > A friend of mine use to build offline sometimes. > He press the skip button on the splash screen and start > building. Then, without closing AW, he connects and the > building stands right where they were (c: > > I've never tried this myself, but it may work just fine (c: > > > CyberTwins > > > Offline buildingSep 22, 1998, 3:48pm
oops, sorry, pressed the wrong button to cancel and hit the ok key when it
asked if I was sure i wanted to post it. I think I was enjoying my tuna fish sandwich too much and was distracted. hehehehe Joakim and Fredrik "CyberTwins" Stai <cyber2 at> wrote in article <3607ce6b.0 at homer>... > A friend of mine use to build offline sometimes. > He press the skip button on the splash screen and start > building. Then, without closing AW, he connects and the > building stands right where they were (c: > > I've never tried this myself, but it may work just fine (c: > > > CyberTwins > > > Re: Birthday greeting (stupid suggestion)Sep 22, 1998, 4:27pm
umm, I think that would be the renewal notice.
"Happy Birthday!!! Now, pay up or get out!!!!" Joakim and Fredrik "CyberTwins" Stai <cyber2 at> wrote in article <3607d6e6.0 at homer>... > Another suggestion.. > This is a bit un-neccecary, but it would be kinda like.. nice (c: > Active Worlds know when you registered your ID right? > Out of that information, could send > birthday greetings on your avatar's birthday (c: > > > CyberTwins > cyber2 at > > > Re: Building Restiction Box neededSep 25, 1998, 1:16am
One thing that I have learned is that making objects true to scale makes
them look smaller. I have always tried to make objects that are true to scale and only used larger than scale objects for effect, such as the huge inner room of my sky castle, the 20 by 20 meters chandelier, and the 10 by 10 meter pillars framing the exterior are enormous by even AW standards. Things that I usually try to make to scale are chairs and other furniture that looks cartoonish when you see an avatar standing next to one that comes up to his waist when they are done out of scale. If true to scale objects look small in the perspective of an avatar eye view then think how much smaller a pint sized chair would look. Unless you can change the perspective, you will wind up making a doll house, in my opinion. grover <steve at> wrote in article <360AB014.6B175761 at>... > Yes, but for most experienced builders, it's not too difficult to stay under 1000 bytes, so > keeping it under 4000 for 4x the area shouldn't be a problem. What might be more difficult is > navigating skinnier walkways. The walking/running speed will stay the same, which would make it > seem like you're running twice as fast. But on the plus side, you could now make objects up to > "20m" in size without any problems :-) > > grover > [View Quote] game piecesSep 26, 1998, 6:50pm
An idea I thought of just now is, as a world owner, to be able to add code
to a specific object to make it moveable by all, but not copyable or changeable by anyone but the world caretaker. This would make playing chess on a giant game board possible in real time. I have seen chess played in a world called Chess once, but the players could not play in real time. They had to make their move over a period of time. All kinds of possibilities could come from it. Another object would be one that can change ownership at the permission of the owner. This would be great for RPG games. However, there would be the need to work around encroachment procedures somehow. Perhaps the world would have to use no registry and be patrolled by trash collectors and referees to make sure the objects got put back on the assigned properties as directed. Both types of objects could be used in unison. Imagine playing Monopoly on a giant board in realtime 3d. Checkers anyone? :-) game piecesSep 26, 1998, 6:56pm
Correction, when i said both objects used in unison, I made a mistake.
My original intention was that the first suggestion dealt with a code applied to any object, whereas the second was a code inherent to the object itself--another aspect in the category of lightsampling and color. CDM <challagar at> wrote in article <01bde987$09558be0$277efc96 at>... > An idea I thought of just now is, as a world owner, to be able to add code > to a specific object to make it moveable by all, but not copyable or > changeable by anyone but the world caretaker. > > This would make playing chess on a giant game board possible in real time. > I have seen chess played in a world called Chess once, but the players > could not play in real time. They had to make their move over a period of > time. All kinds of possibilities could come from it. > > Another object would be one that can change ownership at the permission of > the owner. This would be great for RPG games. However, there would be > the need to work around encroachment procedures somehow. Perhaps the > world would have to use no registry and be patrolled by trash collectors > and referees to make sure the objects got put back on the assigned > properties as directed. > > Both types of objects could be used in unison. Imagine playing Monopoly > on a giant board in realtime 3d. > > Checkers anyone? :-) > Multi-Duplicate!!! And AW-WAROct 2, 1998, 8:23pm
Yes, there should be multi-duplicate, but ONLY for world OWNERS and ONLY
those approved by him or her. This way, the citizen must get the world owner to move the property for him. Perhaps, there could be a way to not have to be so inflexible. Roland could make it possible for citizens to be able to use it, but with certain limits. It would be practical to add a limitation such as multi-duplicating ONLY ones own property and limited to only a set number of objects at once. This second idea would make a good compromise between citizen and world owner. Kuno <g at g.g> wrote in article <361533A2.4A24D356 at g.g>... > Good ideas...I suppose once SDK has been out for awhile, someone could > make a really advanced SDK bot that would transform a certain world into > a "war world". > > Weather is a cool idea, I guess that also could be done with an SDK bot, > or it could be done manually. (ie, the bot could create a "tornado" > object with bump warps on it that would make a person spin around, kind > of like FishinHook's "Tornado" ride). > > I don't think there should be multi-duplicate. If there was, some guy > could just duplicate some poor sap's house, move it halfway across > AWPrime, and claim it as his own. This would help with historical > things, though. AWHS could make a replica of Grover's house, or some > other historical monument in AW, and place the replica in the AWHS > museum. I dunno..... > > -Kuno > [View Quote] I Wish I May, I Wish I Might...Oct 6, 1998, 7:46am
I have said it before, and I will say it again: money talks. Why do you
think they are investing so much time in it? They are probably hoping to attract world owners. But, they aren't just trying to attract any old world owner. They want the commercial world owners who are willing and able to shell out what COF is asking for the servers. You don't think Roland is doing this for a hobby do you? But, even if I do see the motives behind it, I still agree with you, Eep. If they spent more on advertising, developing attractive new features, etc, etc. they wouldn't have to be busting their butts to come out with the spiffy all purpose SDK which will only really be beneficial to programmers and >commercial< world owners who can afford to hire the programmers (or world owners who have programmer friends). I don't blame Roland, either, he doesn't call the shots (which is another thing that I mourn, COF is no longer a team, but a business) On the other hand, since the source code will not be kept secret, maybe some bright talented programmer (hint, hint Magine) might make a GUI interface that will carefuly conceal all the confusing techno-babble under the disguise of a simple program that anybody can use with a little help Eep² <eep at> wrote in article <3619D3B8.13D8179C at>... > ...wish that AW would return to REAL development and forget this lame SDK crap that 95% of the AW population won't be able to use... > I Wish I May, I Wish I Might...Oct 14, 1998, 11:04pm
I sure haven't. I wish Roland would publish it some where.
-- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eep² <eep at> wrote in article <36250E60.83B0F20C at>... > Wanna bet? If anything it's getting longer. Have you seen it recently? > [View Quote] I Wish I May, I Wish I Might...Oct 15, 1998, 1:42am
I got his point. It seems that everybody else in this newsgroup caught
his point. Or, at least no one has disagreed with him on the matter, or they just don't care. Why is it that if YOU don't get something, it is, by default, the writer's fault?? -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eep² <eep at> wrote in article <36254CB7.B4899A34 at>... > Sorry, that copout ain't gonna work. Try again. > [View Quote] Virtual MoneyOct 8, 1998, 3:47pm
well, a web page form could work around the problem of not having a
qualified witness available. And, no, we would not have to pay for building material, at least not in the OuterWorlds plan, only lots. There would be no practical way to keep track of how many objects are used by each individual and where. At least not with out extensive programming by Roland. Gusto <stsss at> wrote in article <361ce835.0 at homer>... > Good question... Also, what if you help someone and there are no > peacekeeper or AW personnel around?? What would you do if you ran out of > money? Would citizens get an allowance or something? Would we have to pay > for our building material? > Just some points to ponder, I'm not trying to put down the idea, because it > could be something cool if/when it is figured out and set in motion. > Gusto > [View Quote] the rest of 3DOct 9, 1998, 2:02pm
I spoke to Roland about it Many Moons Ago (I forget how lond ago) and he
said that it wouls take quite a bit more than just a simple rewrite. He said it would take a major overhaul of the basic framework of the whole code. He said that Worlds Inc. never foresaw the need for such a function, so didn't make the code flexible enough to incorporate it. Scott D. Miller <scottydm at> wrote in article <361DDB79.BF2C94B0 at>... [View Quote] Virtual VirusOct 19, 1998, 10:11pm
Come on, both of you. This is no reason to call each other an idiot over
a wish in a wishlist. So what if we have differences of opinions? There is no need for name calling. There are worse things than having a questionable idea about a virtual environment. One such thing is name calling because of a questionable idea. BOTH of you are behaving like children in a sand box fighting over a shovel. If you can't debate something without letting personal feelings get into it or calling names, then just drop the whole debate before it even starts. Your dropping it now is a little bit too late for that. The damage is done. -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pandemonium <penny at> wrote in article <362ba8d6.0 at homer>... > Yes I insulted you!! And it wasn't merely about your grammer (which is > pretty annoying but not a sin in and of itself) but also about your > ILLOGICAL responses and your inability to debate without twisting the other > person's words. I did not break, I simply responded to the fact that > language counts in this debate, since you are the one who started your > points by twisting words and taking them out of context. > > What you must remember is that before I ever got nasty with you over all > these posts, you made some very contrivercial statements...In your third > post, when people had thus far only politely disagreed with your idea,you > stated > > "The way forward is super-realism anf if AWdoesn't go with this flow it will > be left behind inhabitted by narrow minded folk like yourself." > > This statement effectively implied that anyone who dares to disagree with > you is "narrow minded". That is a pretty extreem statement to make just > because people didn't agree with you. So why are you so suprised that I > should vehemently argue with you, when you called me narrow minded just > because I didn't like your idea? > > If you look at my last post where I note your poor writing, it is because it > is hard to have a clear debate with someone who can't express themselves > clearly and with logic. How can I not resort to picking over language when > in almost every one of your replies to me, you twisted my words to make a > point you couldn't have made without doing so? But anyways I'm glad you are > delighted...I have found debating with you very delightful, you make it so > easy with your FUZZY LOGIC and garbled writng. > > But in the long run this is getting us nowhere, so why don't we just agree > to disagree? This has been most enjoyable, but it is starting to get boring > for me, and for you also I'm sure. I can no more get you to see my point of > view than you can get me to agree with you.... > I still think you are an idiot, and I'm sure you feel the same about me so > why don't we just agree that we have no great affection for each other and > leave it at that ok? > > [View Quote] ENTRY LIST to private worldsOct 13, 1998, 1:51pm
You can add a few numbers by leaving out the commas. The program ignores
them anyways. Just thought I would mention it. -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Green Eyes <terri at> wrote in article <36234982.0 at homer>... > Very Good points Princess... > I had considered making my world private also, but my addition to this wish > would be that more than 250 characters be associated with the list of > citizen numbers one can add to a private world. As it is now with the > citizen numbers at 6 each, and take into account the comma between them, you > can get between 40 and 42 users only as allowable into the world. I realize > it was designed for smaller worlds but even a larger world would be able to > be a private one with just citizens being allowed into it. I guess my gripe > in owning a larger world is that the tourists are the hassle because they > don't care about anything because they haven't invested in anything, and > those would be the ones I would like to keep out. Making the world private > would be the only way to do it, but it would be impossible for me to go > private because of the amount of citizens who are building in my world. Oh > well, a wish is a wish. > Green Eyes > [View Quote] ENTRY LIST to private worldsOct 14, 1998, 8:51am
I have been requesting this feature for two years. Still nothing.
-- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > Ok, here is an idea: > > You now have an INclusion list were you have to place citizen numbers for those > you want IN the world. How about an EXclusion list for citizen numbers of those > you want to keep OUT of the world. Of course you would only be able to use one > list at time. > > Examples: > Inclusion list Exclusion list > 1234 (Princess Tia) 0 (tourist) > 2345 (ScottyDM) 9876 (rude to PT) > 3456 (another PT friend) 8765 (cheated PT out of $) > 4567 (PT friend #3) 7654 (telegram bombs PT) > 5678 (etc, etc) 6543 (etc, etc) > > This way you could MOSTLY open up your world. Perhaps the "immigration officer" > could send a special message to someone on the exclusion list as "IO" shows them > the way out. > > ScottyDM > Holographic StorageOct 13, 1998, 9:54pm
Think about it Eep. If the source of the downloads is using this
technology, then the transfer rate will not be dependent upon sequential two way data transmission, but with one transmission for data retrieval and all the information necessary will come as fast as the lines will carry it. No more long download waits. Also, better performance because AW will be able to retrieve information all at once, rather than sequentially, from the hard drive. I may be wrong, but that is my interpretation of his somewhat cryptic message. -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eep² <eep at> wrote in article <36239C32.97034E8A at>... > Uh, what does this have to do with AW? And I heard about this like 5 years ago... > [View Quote] Holographic StorageOct 14, 1998, 1:53am
Much of the things that were not even IN personal computers 10 years ago
are now common place. It is the evolution of technology. From the buggy to the automobile, from the broadcast transmitters to cable to sattelite TV; from huge mega computers to palm pilots. From still photography to film to TV to WebTV. Things change. You can't say it is irrelevent just because it is not now. -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eep² <eep at> wrote in article <3623E0C3.43B19A6C at>... > My point is it's not even IN personal computers, let alone accessible to AW, so it's futile to discuss it here and waste space. Go to comp.hardware.future or something. > [View Quote] Holographic StorageOct 14, 1998, 1:59am
But, the downloads will be faster because, somewhere in the world, high
density ethernet cables are being installed in people's homes, schools, and businesses even as I type. Besides, I learned from a person who works for an ISP that most of what accounts for the slowness of the transfer is that for each packet of information that the computer recieves, it has to send out a packet of information. If we were able to receive all of the information while sending only one packet, the download time would be drastically decreased. -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul <pbarrow at> wrote in article <3623dfc6.0 at homer>... > Of course there will be long downloads because you still have to send it > over serial communication lines at speeds slower than a floppy disk. Even a > satellite link is slower than all but the oldest hard drives and that's > assuming no competing traffic. > > Paul > [View Quote] Holographic StorageOct 17, 1998, 5:03am
Sure, call me a dreamer, but that is what they said when I was in high
school a little over 10 years ago about the internet (it was considered something that only a few would ever have access to). Also what they said about other things before they existed such as the telephone, automobiles, televison, manned space flights to the moon, etc, etc, etc. The more people, corporations, and the governments (federal, state and local) see the potential for the use of computers, the more they will spend to see that better means of data transmission is made available. I WILL keep dreaming and you keep doubting, and let us just see what happens. When Colombus sailed across the sea, he was told a similar shpeel by people who were convinced of the limitations. He was convinced of what was possible. -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul <pbarrow at> wrote in article <3627c6cc.0 at homer>... > Keep dreaming. > > Paul > [View Quote] Virtual? =POct 16, 1998, 6:54am
Mike, the virtual money that is used in OuterWorlds, another AW technology
type universe, is earned simply by being online in any approved world, so why worry about a job? It is more like welfare for hanging out. B-) check out OuterWorlds at -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R. Mike Smith <rmikesmith at> wrote in article <362694cb.0 at homer>... > I dont like all this virtual money and diseases stuff. I am appalled at > rune's comment of AW gangs being fun. I belonged to an organization to > conquer these gangs, and i know from experience that the gangs did not do it > as a game! Have you ever heard a tourist that has had his property > vandalized? It is very sad, and some gangs still exist today, contrary from > what you have been told, and in vast numbers. The difference is they have > learned from the mistakes of the old King Punisher and the have gotten > sneakier in their ways. Just think if these "fun" AW Gangs vandalized you, > then you caught that stupid disease, then you realized you were out of money > and couldnt get a job! You would feel really bad. AW is not supposed to be > real, thats why its called a virtual world. If we are going to have famine > and wars and viruses, why not turn AW into a 3D shooter game where you are > banned if you are shot? I just dont understand why anyone would want this, > and i know i sure dont! > > Raptor > REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!! > > > Tourists/World OwnersOct 16, 1998, 2:37pm
Why not have the bot monitor the server for number and location of the
intruder or potential vandal? I suppose (hope) this could be done with the sdk. -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scott D. Miller <scottydm at> wrote in article <36272DF6.67E47908 at>... [View Quote] Protect our objects directories with passwordOct 22, 1998, 11:23pm
One problem with the directory protection idea is that it is easily
bypassed. If you know the file name, then you can just append it to the end of the directory and bingo, you have accessed the file. The AW cache structure is designed to keep people from extracting objects and images from their hard drive and stealing them, but it does not keep people from finding out the names of at least some of the objects and images. -- REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alex <alex at> wrote in article <362fbc9a.0 at homer>... > True, but the people who really need to have their work protected, because > it is their day job, will be on a "real" server...... > > > > |