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maki // User Search

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FWD: AASwamp

May 5, 2002, 1:30am
heh, i know, last night I was there and downloaded a few, all of them were
pw protected O_O liars

maki [sonystyle]
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FWD: AASwamp

May 5, 2002, 3:53pm
mtnman grammed me saying objects availible may 6th :)

maki [sonystyle]
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FWD: AASwamp

May 5, 2002, 3:54pm
oops didn't notice the next message was about that :-)

maki [sonystyle]
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Only Bot World For Public

Jun 16, 2002, 2:57am
fyi: botTech is re-opening, I went in there the other day..they were setting
it up..all that was there was the gz, and they said they needed a new object
path :-))

maki []

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Zelagot 3.3

Jun 29, 2002, 3:46am

maki []

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Zelagot 3.3

Jun 29, 2002, 4:50am

maki []

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Xelagot 3.305 now available

Jul 2, 2002, 8:52pm ^_^

maki []

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Xelagot 3.305 now available

Jul 2, 2002, 9:10pm

maki []

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Xelagot 3.305 now available

Jul 2, 2002, 11:01pm
For carl's sanity, and bowen's understanding, xelag has asked me before not
to post a direct link to his wonderful xelagot bot, I defied this once more
due to my sick sense of humor ;) I meant no harm and have sorted it out with
xelag, there is no need to further this, thanks :P

maki []

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New nifty terrain tool: BMP2TER

Aug 14, 2002, 1:21am
I'm pretty sure awi will be seeing your post alone on their bill...

Got VB Now!

Aug 16, 2002, 12:12am
*sigh* very mature...

I need help getting my preston to do something awesome I saw in aw.

Aug 17, 2002, 1:09am's pretty simple...but stop trying to steal things from my world >_<

I need help getting my preston to do something awesome I saw in aw.

Aug 24, 2002, 2:46am
[View Quote] whoa...what the hell was that for, I didn't even direct it toward you, should learn some grammar, because I had a hard time
understanding you. Like I've never spelled everything perfectly...hmm

Lister Version 1

Aug 22, 2002, 2:03am

*stares at the hundreds and hundreds of kb's that you and chiklit have just
let loose upon the newsgroups*... o.O and I thought awi would be seeing that
130kb post on their bill...pfft

Lister Version 1

Aug 22, 2002, 7:48pm
[View Quote] I also have fast dsl, doesn't affect me, but it's still not good because:
there was no warning, and aw does have to pay for the bandwidth that goes
through here, ya know.

<no subject>

Aug 30, 2002, 2:32am
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[Event] The Great AWTeen Show Info

Sep 1, 2002, 2:03pm
Now you've gone and wasted bandwidth..


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2 new bots

Sep 9, 2002, 1:23am


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2 new bots

Sep 9, 2002, 2:07am
lol, Tools>Options>Send>Click Plain Text Settings under news sending format
and set automatically wrap text at: to the max number of characters, 136, or
maybe 132, just click the up arrow and hold ;)


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Bot Hosting Services

Sep 15, 2002, 3:47pm
ohhh no I'm going to slowly die horribly-

-Isn't "piece of mind" actually supposed to be peace of mind?
-This is some sort of template..yet there's missing images and some are
unaligned :o
-Where's the american dollar translation? I'm stupid.
-whoa, you smile a lot.
-What's the difference between our services and purchasing services? Seem as
though you just explained more about your services in purchasing services.
-Ahhhh privalidge password is spelled privilege password!

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Bot Hosting Services

Sep 15, 2002, 10:20pm
[View Quote] I can understand that ;) It's spelled privaledge on the website.


Bot Hosting Services

Sep 20, 2002, 8:28pm
reserve your domain as you please...but get your website and services going
before you tell the public about it.

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Bot Hosting Services

Sep 22, 2002, 4:46pm
[View Quote] lol


Bot Hosting Services

Sep 23, 2002, 7:00pm
haha, yeah, it's awmaki, I always type my signature *manually* since I place
it in different spots for different messages.

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Bot development for Magik

Sep 28, 2002, 1:40am
yes, terribly expensive, what is it? I'm too lazy to read.

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Bot request

Oct 29, 2002, 7:42pm
Could do it with a xelagot, little more complicated kinda hard to explain,
maybe you could try it if you have any experience with em ..survey manager.

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Bot request

Oct 29, 2002, 11:41pm
format>plain text

[View Quote] Preston only scands an airea about 20 meaters, I want it to be able to skan
the intire world at one time. can it do that? and how

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How to use AwCLBot

Oct 30, 2002, 8:29pm
> Doesn't need to be plain text, plain nothing works as well :)
> Maybe I should remove the error message when the file isn't
> there, the program doesn't really need it.

lol I think he's referring to pineriver still posting in html ..grr! ah



May 1, 2002, 6:31pm
hmm because the other univerese have about 1-30 people on them, hmm, don't
always have people ready to help, aw always has small updates, fixes, great
interface, wonderful worlds, tons of them, hmm what else.....

maki [sonystyle]

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