[Event] The Great AWTeen Show Info (Bots)
[Event] The Great AWTeen Show Info // Bots
Aug 29, 2002, 9:23pm
Hello Everyone,
First of all sorry for the long read but I had to put allot into this post to get all the information across. Id like to inform you all about the upcoming Great AWTeen Show. For those of you who are interested in similar things in real life it is based on the Great Yorkshire Show, which is held in Yorkshire, England every year. Its a festival where everyone from all over the country gets together and exchange ideas, show their abilities, demonstraight technology or items and to sell products etc. The Great AWTeen show is highly similar to this event as it is in real life.
For 1 weekend myself and the show organisation team would like to invite everyone in Active Worlds to come together and share an experience. We would like to give everyone the chance to display their achievements, organisations, communities and towns to the whole Active Worlds community in 1 large area that's well presented and laid out and allows easy traversal between the different areas. To do this we will be utilising a large area in AWTeen to stage this event, the world AWTeen was chosen because of its thousands of specialist objects and a good possibility of all world features and the world immigration officer.
We are creating several areas for people to display their achievements etc, these categories are:
- Towns: Things such as SWCity, Horizon and smaller towns from around the Universe.
- Communities: World communities such as AWTeen, AWSome, AW etc
- Organisations: Peacekeepers, Gatekeepers and such
- Standalone Builds: Any builds you are proud of, if you think its suitable, and its G rated display it!
- Worlds: Any worlds that you wish to display information / teleports from.
- Programming & SDK: New bot technology for example FireStorm Fireworks, Demeter, Peacebot, Xelagot etc.
If you have any other categories you think are suitable please e-mail me at strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk and explain them, if they are indeed suitable I will add them if there are sufficient users in that category.
Display Areas:
People who wish to have a display area will be given a 4x4 area within the main show site in which to build their display area. You are free to use a reasonable amount of media in your displays (see below) however out of respect for viewers, and other display holders we must ask that you keep your total media usage to below 2mb. You can design your area however you feel as long as it does not break the rules set out below, for example picture displays on poles or walk in areas are all fine, AWTeen has a very large collection of custom and advanced objects that can be used to great effect, you have several weeks in which to get your builds done so take your time with them and make them good.
Rules for display areas are as below:
1. All areas will be given a 4x4 area of walk029.rwx objects in which to create their displays. This is only increasable on request to myself and with a true need (for example requiring objects spread out in which to create a bot generated effect).
2. All content is to remain strictly G-Rated. Any content not within the G rating is subject to deletion by the vandalism teams in AWTeen. Also, for this reason I have taken the decision to refuse all requests for displays for Gor related items. I have done this to prevent the worrying of some of the younger users who will be attending, also due to the 18 / 21+ only nature of the Gor worlds it would not be suitable for display in an teen based world. If any Gorean user was considering a display for this event I apologise completely but feel it is for the best.
3. There is to be no vandalisement of property at the event, this includes posting offensive signs and pictures, or use of move encroachment etc.
4. By requesting and receiving a display area you automatically agree to rules 1, 2, 3 and 5 and agree that if you break any of these rules then you put yourself up for action including ejection and your build being deleted by vandalism teams.
5. The maximum amount of media usage per area is 2mb, this is none extendable without special request to the event organisers, the absolute maximum limit is 4 Mb in total. This is to make the experience more enjoyable for everyone.
If you wish to apply for an area please copy, paste and fill in the following section of this e-mail and e-mail it to strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk with the subject line 'Great AWTeen Show Display Application'
-----------------------------Begin E-Mail----------------------------------
Citizen Name:
Citizen Number:
Citizen E-Mail:
Registered Owner: (This is the owner of the organisation if you are e-mailing on behalf of 1 or a town citizenship etc)
Description: (Add a short description of what you will be wanting to display)
-----------------------------End E-Mail-----------------------------------
Onto More Fun:
In addition to the display areas we will also be holding a first ever event in AWTeen. The event organisers would like to take the opportunity to let the community entertain itself. We will therefore be holding a event on the second evening of the event where you the community take control.
In groups of up to 10 people the task is to create a themed show similar to a staged show like Keenan and Kel where the audience watches the show being performed as well as it being recorded. Your shows can be about anything G / PG rated, but nothing more higher level than that. For this we will be using the large outdoor floodlit dome and stage for groups to stage their shows. Shows should last between 5 and 10 minutes each and should be within the following limitations.
- A maximum of 10 main people can be in a group, you can use up to 10 extras or bring people up from the crowd if you forewarn the event organisers.
- No part of the show should exceed the PG rating, however we will not tolerate swearing with the intent to cause offence etc.
The stage area is 3 x 5, this means you will be allowed to build sets which will then be transferred to the stage before or during your act.
Because of the entertainment this is going to be I would ask that every major organisation in AW considered putting a show together as it would be a great opportunity to show more than what the organisation in. As well as several others, I aim this at the Gatekeepers, Peacekeepers, AWSchool, AW Inc, AWHS, AWEC etc.
If you would like to participate in this section of the event please e-mail me at strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk and copy, paste and fill in the following to me.
-----------------------------Begin E-Mail----------------------------------
Citizen Name:
Citizen Number:
Citizen E-Mail:
Members: (All the members of your group who will be acting)
Description: (Add a short description of what you will be wanting to do a show about)
Comments: (Self explanatory)
-----------------------------End E-Mail-----------------------------------
You can also e-mail me any questions about any of the above at strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk
Games Time:
To keep you all happy we will also be providing other events such as NTT, Paintball and other activities over the weekend of the event. Hopefully we can ask the AWTeen Minor / Major Events Committee (Well, those who are not already involved in the project) to provide some other entertainment throughout as well.
Time and Date:
At this time we have no time or date set, this is because I wish to consult with every applicant to find which time is better for them and create a time and date that is best for all. Probability is that the event will be in November as advised by OneSummer, however chances are the event will be allot sooner than that dependant on what other events are taking place, build completion etc. I've deliberately left at least a month of building time so the display makers and show actors can have time to create their builds and create and practice their scripts.
I need not say we hope this will bring the community together in 1 place for the best fun and community spirit Active Worlds has ever had and hope that we get at least half of the entire regular visitors to either actively participate or look around the area and if possible get over 1 to 2 hundred + builders which I think is a realistic target with the strength of the community as it is now.
In Closing (For Now):
So I ask you, if you think you could do something for the event, be it put up a display, or do a show it will all be appreciated by the team and the community alike. Don't hold back, give me a e-mail if you have any questions. We want to make this great, and bring about a real-time boost in AW. Once again my e-mail is strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk and id be happy to answer any questions or queries about the event. Id like to see everyone at this event, past and present, AWTeen is open to tourists courtesy of E N Z O.
I will allocate areas as soon as humanly possible after I receive e-mail applications and accept them. This will let you all get on with your projects and create the best you possibly can.
I must also state for the record that this event is not part of the AWTeen Major Events Committee or AWTeen Minor Events Committee. Any members of these committees taking part in the organisation of this event is though personal choice.
My apologies for cross posting this thread, I have only posted it to those of which it concerns. But am not posting it to WorldBuilders by direct request. Also, this is included in SDK as it is included in the technology display section.
- Mark (Strike Rapier #334303)
- Event Coordinator
- Strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk
Sep 1, 2002, 6:04am
Read yer post several times and it sounds really nice hon, but when is this
being planned for??? What is the projected date and time?? ;-"D
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3d6eace7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 1, 2002, 10:43am
And you complained when I cross posted.
-CarLBanks, 335711
Virtual Forum: www.projectcforum.cjb.net
Active Worlds 3.3 Build 419
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3d6eace7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello Everyone,
> First of all sorry for the long read but I had to put allot into this
post to get all the information across. Id like to inform you all about the
upcoming Great AWTeen Show. For those of you who are interested in similar
things in real life it is based on the Great Yorkshire Show, which is held
in Yorkshire, England every year. Its a festival where everyone from all
over the country gets together and exchange ideas, show their abilities,
demonstraight technology or items and to sell products etc. The Great AWTeen
show is highly similar to this event as it is in real life.
> For 1 weekend myself and the show organisation team would like to invite
everyone in Active Worlds to come together and share an experience. We would
like to give everyone the chance to display their achievements,
organisations, communities and towns to the whole Active Worlds community in
1 large area that's well presented and laid out and allows easy traversal
between the different areas. To do this we will be utilising a large area in
AWTeen to stage this event, the world AWTeen was chosen because of its
thousands of specialist objects and a good possibility of all world features
and the world immigration officer.
> We are creating several areas for people to display their achievements
etc, these categories are:
> - Towns: Things such as SWCity, Horizon and smaller towns from around the
> - Communities: World communities such as AWTeen, AWSome, AW etc
> - Organisations: Peacekeepers, Gatekeepers and such
> - Standalone Builds: Any builds you are proud of, if you think its
suitable, and its G rated display it!
> - Worlds: Any worlds that you wish to display information / teleports
> - Programming & SDK: New bot technology for example FireStorm Fireworks,
Demeter, Peacebot, Xelagot etc.
> If you have any other categories you think are suitable please e-mail me
at strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk and explain them, if they are indeed
suitable I will add them if there are sufficient users in that category.
> Display Areas:
> ---------------
> People who wish to have a display area will be given a 4x4 area within the
main show site in which to build their display area. You are free to use a
reasonable amount of media in your displays (see below) however out of
respect for viewers, and other display holders we must ask that you keep
your total media usage to below 2mb. You can design your area however you
feel as long as it does not break the rules set out below, for example
picture displays on poles or walk in areas are all fine, AWTeen has a very
large collection of custom and advanced objects that can be used to great
effect, you have several weeks in which to get your builds done so take your
time with them and make them good.
> Rules for display areas are as below:
> 1. All areas will be given a 4x4 area of walk029.rwx objects in
which to create their displays. This is only increasable on request to
myself and with a true need (for example requiring objects spread out in
which to create a bot generated effect).
> 2. All content is to remain strictly G-Rated. Any content not
within the G rating is subject to deletion by the vandalism teams in AWTeen.
Also, for this reason I have taken the decision to refuse all requests for
displays for Gor related items. I have done this to prevent the worrying of
some of the younger users who will be attending, also due to the 18 / 21+
only nature of the Gor worlds it would not be suitable for display in an
teen based world. If any Gorean user was considering a display for this
event I apologise completely but feel it is for the best.
> 3. There is to be no vandalisement of property at the event, this
includes posting offensive signs and pictures, or use of move encroachment e
> 4. By requesting and receiving a display area you automatically
agree to rules 1, 2, 3 and 5 and agree that if you break any of these rules
then you put yourself up for action including ejection and your build being
deleted by vandalism teams.
> 5. The maximum amount of media usage per area is 2mb, this is none
extendable without special request to the event organisers, the absolute
maximum limit is 4 Mb in total. This is to make the experience more
enjoyable for everyone.
> If you wish to apply for an area please copy, paste and fill in the
following section of this e-mail and e-mail it to
strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk with the subject line 'Great AWTeen Show
Display Application'
> -----------------------------Begin
> MsgRule{great_awteen_show|display_app}
> Citizen Name:
> Citizen Number:
> Citizen E-Mail:
> Category:
> Registered Owner: (This is the owner of the organisation if you are
e-mailing on behalf of 1 or a town citizenship etc)
> Description: (Add a short description of what you will be wanting to
> -----------------------------End E-Mail-----------------------------------
> Onto More Fun:
> -----------------
> In addition to the display areas we will also be holding a first ever
event in AWTeen. The event organisers would like to take the opportunity to
let the community entertain itself. We will therefore be holding a event on
the second evening of the event where you the community take control.
> In groups of up to 10 people the task is to create a themed show similar
to a staged show like Keenan and Kel where the audience watches the show
being performed as well as it being recorded. Your shows can be about
anything G / PG rated, but nothing more higher level than that. For this we
will be using the large outdoor floodlit dome and stage for groups to stage
their shows. Shows should last between 5 and 10 minutes each and should be
within the following limitations.
> - A maximum of 10 main people can be in a group, you can use up to 10
extras or bring people up from the crowd if you forewarn the event
> - No part of the show should exceed the PG rating, however we will not
tolerate swearing with the intent to cause offence etc.
> The stage area is 3 x 5, this means you will be allowed to build sets
which will then be transferred to the stage before or during your act.
> Because of the entertainment this is going to be I would ask that every
major organisation in AW considered putting a show together as it would be a
great opportunity to show more than what the organisation in. As well as
several others, I aim this at the Gatekeepers, Peacekeepers, AWSchool, AW
Inc, AWHS, AWEC etc.
> If you would like to participate in this section of the event please
e-mail me at strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk and copy, paste and fill in
the following to me.
> -----------------------------Begin
> MsgRule{great_awteen_show|showtime_app}
> Citizen Name:
> Citizen Number:
> Citizen E-Mail:
> Members: (All the members of your group who will be acting)
> Description: (Add a short description of what you will be wanting to do a
show about)
> Comments: (Self explanatory)
> -----------------------------End E-Mail-----------------------------------
> You can also e-mail me any questions about any of the above at
strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk
> Games Time:
> -------------
> To keep you all happy we will also be providing other events such as NTT,
Paintball and other activities over the weekend of the event. Hopefully we
can ask the AWTeen Minor / Major Events Committee (Well, those who are not
already involved in the project) to provide some other entertainment
throughout as well.
> Time and Date:
> ---------------
> At this time we have no time or date set, this is because I wish to
consult with every applicant to find which time is better for them and
create a time and date that is best for all. Probability is that the event
will be in November as advised by OneSummer, however chances are the event
will be allot sooner than that dependant on what other events are taking
place, build completion etc. I've deliberately left at least a month of
building time so the display makers and show actors can have time to create
their builds and create and practice their scripts.
> I need not say we hope this will bring the community together in 1 place
for the best fun and community spirit Active Worlds has ever had and hope
that we get at least half of the entire regular visitors to either actively
participate or look around the area and if possible get over 1 to 2 hundred
+ builders which I think is a realistic target with the strength of the
community as it is now.
> In Closing (For Now):
> ----------------------
> So I ask you, if you think you could do something for the event, be it put
up a display, or do a show it will all be appreciated by the team and the
community alike. Don't hold back, give me a e-mail if you have any
questions. We want to make this great, and bring about a real-time boost in
AW. Once again my e-mail is strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk and id be happy
to answer any questions or queries about the event. Id like to see everyone
at this event, past and present, AWTeen is open to tourists courtesy of E N
Z O.
> I will allocate areas as soon as humanly possible after I receive e-mail
applications and accept them. This will let you all get on with your
projects and create the best you possibly can.
> I must also state for the record that this event is not part of the AWTeen
Major Events Committee or AWTeen Minor Events Committee. Any members of
these committees taking part in the organisation of this event is though
personal choice.
> My apologies for cross posting this thread, I have only posted it to those
of which it concerns. But am not posting it to WorldBuilders by direct
request. Also, this is included in SDK as it is included in the technology
display section.
> - Mark (Strike Rapier #334303)
> - Event Coordinator
> - Strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk
Sep 1, 2002, 2:03pm
Now you've gone and wasted bandwidth..
maki awmaki.com
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <CarLBanks at insight.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3d720b6c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And you complained when I cross posted.
> --
> -CarLBanks, 335711
> Virtual Forum: www.projectcforum.cjb.net
> Active Worlds 3.3 Build 419
Sep 1, 2002, 6:00pm
How does october 5th sound for you all?
- Mark
[View Quote]"lioness." <nobody at nowhere.net> wrote in message news:3d71ca22 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Read yer post several times and it sounds really nice hon, but when is this
> being planned for??? What is the projected date and time?? ;-"D
> "strike rapier" <strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3d6eace7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 1, 2002, 8:27pm
That'd be great, except that's when the CY Awards are going to take
place! No offense, but I doubt even the Great AWTeen Show can compete
with that. :P
[View Quote]strike rapier wrote:
> How does october 5th sound for you all?
> - Mark
> "lioness." <nobody at nowhere.net> wrote in message news:3d71ca22 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Goober King
Bow to the power of the CYs...
robrod at prism.net
Sep 2, 2002, 5:57am
well you did too, AND you didn't even need to put in that complain tag, i
mean come on, can you write any more absolute crap to just take up
space..........................................................!? and carl,
its because we dont like you as much as we like strike, hehe.
thats all i'll waste for now
[View Quote]"maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
news:3d723a39 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> <complain>
> Now you've gone and wasted bandwidth..
> </comaplin>
> maki awmaki.com
> "carlbanks" <CarLBanks at insight.rr.com> wrote in message
> news:3d720b6c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 3, 2002, 9:28am
Why was this posted in the bots newsgroup aswell?
D a n
[View Quote]"syko" <sykoaw at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3d731a01 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> well you did too, AND you didn't even need to put in that complain tag, i
> mean come on, can you write any more absolute crap to just take up
> space..........................................................!? and
> its because we dont like you as much as we like strike, hehe.
> thats all i'll waste for now
> "maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
> news:3d723a39 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 3, 2002, 1:23pm
Strike thinks it's so *popular*
-CarLBanks, 335711
Virtual Forum: www.projectcforum.cjb.net
Active Worlds 3.3 Build 419
[View Quote]"d a n" <awdan at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d749ccb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Why was this posted in the bots newsgroup aswell?
> ---
> D a n
> "syko" <sykoaw at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3d731a01 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> carl,
Sep 3, 2002, 3:39pm
in that case scrap that idea :) The show is flexible, the CY's come first
- Mark
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message news:3d72944b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> That'd be great, except that's when the CY Awards are going to take
> place! No offense, but I doubt even the Great AWTeen Show can compete
> with that. :P
> strike rapier wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Bow to the power of the CYs...
> robrod at prism.net
Sep 28, 2002, 5:10am
Because we WERE displaying abuot 20 bots there?
[View Quote]"d a n" <awdan at aol.com> wrote in message news:3d749ccb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Why was this posted in the bots newsgroup aswell?
> ---
> D a n
Sep 28, 2002, 5:14am
Sorry about that, I meant to send it private.