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maki // User Search
maki // User SearchContact list bugJun 22, 2002, 2:44am
It probably has something to do with the fact that your contacts are stored
on the uniserver and you lose access to them somehow when you log into someone else's ppw...I've noticed this also. -- maki [] Promote Jtech! ;) create picture [View Quote] *ominous silence*Jun 22, 2002, 3:35pm
-- maki [] Promote Jtech! ;) create picture eureka! a wake up callJun 28, 2002, 9:29pm
All of this lately has been really annoying, I truly don't know how the
posters of these newsgroups can continue to post over and over, hundreds of messages, I came in here and there was 116 messages, mostly the huge argument, it's so pointless, and just aggravates people, and leaves people stressed out, is this what activeworlds is supposed to be about? I choose not to even post in any of it, or in any of the huge topics that seem to last forever, because once it gets so carried away, people are posting every 5 minutes back and forth, and it's not even worth it, I hope it could stop, and we could actually be a community, go signup for a spot in AWDebate world or something, or maybe there should be a newsgroup for that ;) oh well -- maki [] [View Quote] TechTalk?Jul 13, 2002, 1:39am
hmm I usually log it but I'm too lazy, I did notice techtalk get higher on
the list, but I dought anyone from awc attended it..I didn't notice enzo on or anything, 9 9 9 seemed to be the only one on, but he has his world hidden...oh well...what happened to last week's too? -- maki [View Quote] Racists!Jul 13, 2002, 10:55pm
*stabs a largestick.rwx down your throat* you're evil! the hubi av rocks!
I've even made it multiple colors in my world :) so burn in hell :P -- maki [View Quote] Let tourists back in Alphaworld!!Jul 24, 2002, 1:46am
The entire point of banning tourists to begin with was to make money, they
had tons of registers then, rick said it himself at a techtalk, they made more money when they didn't allow the wild animals at all ;) If they go allowing them in the more *popular* worlds then there's a less chance of them purchasing citizenship, which is the whole idea, why should there be a bunch of nutcases roaming free we've paid to use the service like it should be... -- maki [View Quote] Please submit all ideas for celebration by 12:00 midnight VRTJul 27, 2002, 2:25am
Killing my ProcessorJul 27, 2002, 9:18pm
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they're very similar, and you have the option to set the graphics back to
regular windows style, you can also disable the fading, swiping etc effects. >I want a OS that works, and has been proven to work it works fine, have you tried it? maybe it's your shitty computer... > Not something that has > Microsoft spyware, a clear interface and you can only install five times. what do you have to worry about? you wouldn't need to unless you had something on your system you *shouldn't* if you don't like it...go back to your old system, why would you need to install it so many times? > Anyway, there's a lot of good apps for linux. I guess I wouldn't know this one :) but I've never run into a time when I needed linux to run a program I wanted... > Linux/unix/solaris are much better than windows. They are more stable, have much more opensource > projects going for them, and best of all... are free. winxp pro is very stable for me, and it's much easier to get things under control if a program *becomes* unstable...though again, guess I wouldn't many average computer users need that? if you need linux for programming go ahead and get it, don't rip on xp because it's not made for extreme programming use and such.. > In the world of windows, you have to pay for everything. that's cause microsoft is a very greedy company, they have lots of money thanks to it. > Hell, someone's trying to sell a > crappy VB application for $150 that if you look in their HTML sourcecode, > you can download for free and crack with little or no trouble. That's how > crappy windows, that sums it up. It was their choice to use windows to do it, and their choice to sell it for that much, if no one wants it it's their own problem... maybe they could have found a better way to fix it so that it couldnt be hacked like it was... > Everything's for sale with windows, you must buy this, license that, purchase upgrades for this, run around and > spend spend spend! Everyone's out to make a buck. most people are...(you sure are cheap, all you complain about is money) > But linux/unix/bleh on the other hand, its all free. You can get great applications that are equal > or better to the windows equivalents for free, and sometimes even opensouce. who says things that are free are better? look at all the lame freeware out many programs ('normal' ones that 'normal' people would use) that say Linux only do you see, opensource opensource, opensource > All the smaller projects are opensource. List one good opensouce project > for windows that hasn't been ported or originally started off on a > linux/unix system. blah blah blah > I need to sleep... and get a life. k...I wouldn't do this because I'm not very fluent in your little opensource crap and programming needs, but I think people think badly of windows xp because of the rumors, it seems to work fine, it works smoother and faster, it's very stable on my system...most software (except for all your programming junk) is made for windows, it's your choice what os you want, windows xp is fine for the person who is an average computer user (I do more than just "average" things plenty of times on it) and uses normal programs, there's settings that can be changed, so switch those before you call it fruity...and don't complain about it, you don't have to use it...just my opinion...and everyone has their own..feel free to flame me back...I won't be stupid like bowen, eep, and you, and continue to do this until there's about 10 arrows in front of the quotes... > -Joe O_O Killing my ProcessorJul 27, 2002, 11:31pm
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thanks, I like a good laugh :) lol .. not as though you *or* eep, or many
people on aw mean any significance to me whatsoever .. eep's just a disgruntled nutcase that's had a hard virtual life :) maki (newbie: quote eep) universe host..Aug 1, 2002, 6:56pm
Just wondering, I was looking through stuff in the aw directory and I opened
the aworld.ini to try and find something, I noticed it said [universe] is this their default host? seems kind of odd, and when I connect and it says "communications are being established.." it takes didn't before, wondering if this got changed somehow or if that's the host that should be there, thanks ;) -- maki ejection bugAug 1, 2002, 8:33pm
ok interesting thing happened (a couple times) in the world
"objects" earlier, wondering if it's a bug or just an odd coincidence (or maybe we're losing our minds) but we were in the world, and the owner ejected someone, a few seconds later I was ejected...he said he didn't do it, and later he said that it ejects everyone, even the caretaker, so we tried it, he had someone on his privs, and he was on someone else's so that he didn't have caretaker rights, the person on the caretaker privs ejected him .. a few seconds later he was ejected, then after that, I was ejected, like a small chain reaction, wondering what this could be, he said his host is dreamcjb, on aw server 3.3 windows 2000...o_O -- maki ejection bugAug 1, 2002, 9:01pm
hmm maybe I didnt explain that right, no one was on his privs when it first
happened...we all got ejected after he ejected someone. <--period lol - then LATER to TEST it...he gave a friend his privs, and he used his friends privs (to reverse it so the friend could eject him) his friend ejected him, then both me and his friend were ejected after....stop replying to my posts .... or at least read them till you understand them ;) -- maki [View Quote] ejection bugAug 1, 2002, 10:48pm
they're also a waste of time, and I never said I wanted you to understand
it, it was your choice to read and reply -- maki [View Quote] ejection bugAug 2, 2002, 3:04am
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I dont like them, no they're not fun ;) no other comment, lol
> What's your problem, Maki? Are you *trying* to start a fight > or something? no, believe it or not, I hate these newsgroups because of it, someone always finds a way to flame your posts and turn your words around, and just make you angry, then you struggle to find some ingenious way to get back at them, and I'm sick of it..I guess I'll just stop posting (as if I was posting a whole lot to begin with, if you try, you'll end up in a hospital of some sort) > Bowen was just calling it like he saw it. Granted, he didn't > quite understand it all, but that's no reason to mock him >over it. maybe I didn't put it quite clearly, and if so, I wouldn't respond to something I don't understand completely, I had no intention to "mock" him... I'm not trying to start anything... whenever I attempt to talk to him it's an arguement, I'm also told that maki is a female japanese name, oh well then, and asked if I like older women because of who I chat with on aw? hah...ok then...don't come flaming me ... you think it's all me being an ass and trying to start things...think what you want...and what not, and I wasn't trying to flame you, just reply...I'm done with these horrible newsgroups and the awful people that dwell within them, I at the least wont be starting any topics (aka arguements) from now's waste of my time (yes I don't have the time to sit here and explain everything...and on every other post...) What is Vaporware?Aug 3, 2002, 4:31pm
Alpha world?Aug 11, 2002, 6:37pm
they never update that anyway...even when the whole universe goes
down...nobody's sure about what's going might not be on for awhile..careful about asking at the gate though, you'll get a virtual punch in the -- maki [View Quote] awgzAug 11, 2002, 10:30pm
why is there a world awgz if the aw gz hasn't ever changed? :-)
-- maki bot hostAug 12, 2002, 12:33am
hi, does anyone or anyone know anyone who hosts bots? maybe for free? :\ I'd
do it myself, I have broadband and a good new computer and such..but my computer is just a *tiny* bit loud, and right in my room, annoying, will bots/internet connection keep going if the hd is shutdown? I know standby doesn't work, it disconnects everything...stops all, suggestions, flames, whatever :-) -- maki bot hostAug 12, 2002, 3:22am
well, that's great and all, but I tested it, the cpu fan is only a small
bit, and it's more muffled when encased, so it's a very small sound, along with the power supply fan, that's nothing - I unplugged the cpu fan and it is my hd, it emits a high pitched sound, kind of hard to explain, but it's very annoying, I don't know why it does it...sound of it spinning, oh well :\ Bug in World Server build 43Aug 16, 2002, 12:10am
> Another Bug is anything built around -324.0 meters is deleted.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't it always done that? Since you're not supposed to build any lower... JavascriptAug 21, 2002, 10:45pm
who knows...but would
<body onLoad="goforit()"> <script> var dayarray=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday" ) var montharray=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","Sep tember","October","November","December") function getthedate(){ var mydate=new Date() var year=mydate.getYear() if (year < 1000) year+=1900 var day=mydate.getDay() var month=mydate.getMonth() var daym=mydate.getDate() if (daym<10) daym="0"+daym var hours=mydate.getHours() var minutes=mydate.getMinutes() var seconds=mydate.getSeconds() var dn="AM" if (hours>=12) dn="PM" if (hours>12){ hours=hours-12 } if (hours==0) hours=12 if (minutes<=9) minutes="0"+minutes if (seconds<=9) seconds="0"+seconds //change font size here var cdate="<small><font color='000000' face='Arial'><b>"+dayarray[day]+", "+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+" "+hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds+" "+dn +"</b></font></small>" if (document.all) document.all.clock.innerHTML=cdate else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML=cdate else document.write(cdate) } if (!document.all&&!document.getElementById) getthedate() function goforit(){ if (document.all||document.getElementById) setInterval("getthedate()",1000) } </script> <span id="clock"></span> work for you? ;-) lol maki All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone!Aug 24, 2002, 2:58am
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> Oh, the suspense is killing me! ;P
> > -- > Goober King > This rude comment brought to you by the letters H and K. > robrod at lmao All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone!Aug 24, 2002, 3:32am
mp3 blurted:
> seriously dont make rude comments give it a rest, it was funny :-) maki |