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New Feature: Rainbow Feature!

Jan 20, 2003, 12:52am
i wish you would go die somewhere.

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Telegram "Responded" Icon

Jan 21, 2003, 1:37am
how can you possibly have so much to say about everything? do they pay you
to post in here?

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Object box size

Jan 31, 2003, 1:32am
i think it would be really really annoying having to select which thing you
want to adjust like that...personally..i don't use activeworlds full screen,
so i drag the properties box a little off the screen, and i'm fine with
that, doesn't obstruct much of my video view.

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Drag Avatar

Feb 2, 2003, 2:52pm

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[re-post] Command Enhancements

Mar 27, 2003, 10:40pm
technozeus <TechnoZeus at>:
> Estimate all you like. I choose to do something about it, rather than
leave it to chance. Many of my ideas do in fact get implemented, not just in
Active Worlds, much more than that. Think of it this way. If you were
trying to find your way in a previously uncharted land which you knew
nothing about, and durring your journey many people each offered you a map
they had made. Which maps would you be more likely to use? Would you use
the maps with a lot of work put into them which supplied you with detailed
and accurate information that consistantly proved useful or would you use
the maps that were scribbled in haste onto a napkin or a piece of toilet

translation: Maybe if I type more - they'll consider it. Which would you
like - a detailed map or a TP map?


Auto-Hide online status

Apr 30, 2003, 5:47pm
THANK YOU! i completely agree that the whole hide status is used far too
much. half of my contacts list is like this and when i'm going down the
list to see who's online - i've trained myself to completely skip over any
'?''s, along with afk's, so the people who are always on that mode, but are
online often, i never even talk to! so pointless. it's just a huge chat
room - unless you're being stalked or harassed(in which case you could just
use block, or just block them individually), there's really no reason to be
hiding from everyone, who cares?

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General.Discussion & Community

Jan 3, 2004, 5:34am
Sanity and strength in the community is mine. Something needs to be done to
bring some sort of maturity to these newsgroups before they can do anything
positive for the community.

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test, ignore

Apr 30, 2002, 7:22pm
maki [sonystyle]

test, ignore

Apr 30, 2002, 10:55pm
heya scoob...guess it's beyond you what ignore means
;-) ;-)

maki [sonystyle]

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test, ignore

May 1, 2002, 6:00pm

maki [sonystyle]
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Does anyone have an xelagot grading bot script

May 2, 2002, 7:36pm
o0oo I think the question is stupid all together....if you can't get your
avatar at $$ up and move around to look at the builds then what is the world
coming too O_O

maki [sonystyle]

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Huggiing Sequences@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2

May 2, 2002, 7:34pm
lol, zeo :-

maki [sonystyle]

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24 7 Posts

May 6, 2002, 6:31pm
Ptolemy who does world mapping does small towns and cities, but he does it
all by flying over, taking pics, and smushing them together in psp :-)

maki [sonystyle]
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May 4, 2002, 3:48pm

maki [sonystyle]
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Free yourselfs

May 15, 2002, 11:10pm
lol at dion....whatever , so I'll be doomed to this 'hell' called the internet
that everyone uses :-)

maki [sonystyle]
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May 23, 2002, 7:23pm
I must keep up with the newsgroups, haven't been checking them for awhile
now....100-123 messages in community and general lol :)

maki [sonystyle]

what the hell....?

Jun 2, 2002, 4:31am
Oooook, is it just me or is anyone else having *odd* problems with their
contacts list, maybe just me but just recently I've noticed names
disappearing and I have to re add them, which someone else I know had to re
add me too, and later, I tried to add another contact and it was greyed out,
of course, I do not have 500 contacts already, and I removed a few, still
didnt work, what's up with that? :O. maybe it's all in my mind O_O

maki []

Re: AW 3.3 is here!

Jun 3, 2002, 6:14pm
AWTeen is going to be coming out with something that allows you to edit your
own terrain without it being edited by others :O

maki []
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World Maps

Jun 4, 2002, 6:18pm
! :) every world soon to be mapped by pt

maki []
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World Maps

Jun 4, 2002, 10:59pm
evil people be they O_O hehe, hopefully they will let you in, shouldnt be
too much to ask :-O

maki []

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World Maps

Jun 5, 2002, 6:20pm
hah! lol

maki []

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Re: AW 3.3 is here!

Jun 4, 2002, 6:18pm
Yeah alphaworld never seems to do much :) awteen was basically started by
awc and is hosted by them, but even enzo came in the other day and asked who
the caretaker was :O can you tell how much they dont deal with it? lol

maki []

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Text Problems?

Jun 8, 2002, 6:34pm
I've seen that where my text changes sizes and goes crazy, maybe lack of
computer memory or something, random aw problem :)) I havent seen it since.

maki [ ... almost]

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Re: AW 3.3 is here!

Jun 11, 2002, 7:41pm
AWTeen = terrain editor bot ^_^ you place a walk and raise it = raising
terrain :) hence, terrain editing without caretaker rights, lol

maki []

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Down with slide detection!

Jun 12, 2002, 3:09pm
lol, but it's oh so fun :) especially going up steep custom stairs, and
going up steep mountains/hills..hmm ^_^

maki - []

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My Wishes and Ideas for AW + Interesting Things

Jun 13, 2002, 8:36pm
Wow! That's lots of good stuff :) Many interesting things I've thought about
too, and the bottom things are just funny :)) I'd comment on them all since
I was doing so while going through everything but I wont torture everyone

maki []

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It's the mens turn to struggle!!!

Jun 16, 2002, 3:15am
lolololol what a laugh :) *changes the first av in my world avs list to a
woman* hah! lol...and you have crappy avs? maybe...but how about the male
avs in most worlds...bent up queer legs, ugly shirts...ugly hick like
clothes....everyone's summoned to using Rick in aw and Xelag in awteen, lol

maki []

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Jun 18, 2002, 2:25am

maki []

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The apoligie to all citezens

Jun 19, 2002, 7:45pm
one: you cannot spell

two: nice place to post your appology ;)

three: your excessive posting in every newsgroup is horrifically annoying

maki []

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<<<<<A1CT Bingo>>>>>

Jun 20, 2002, 7:23pm
why do you have so many addresses and websites for every single little
thing? quite useless..

maki []
Promote Jtech! ;)
create picture

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