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alphabit phalpha // User Search
alphabit phalpha // User Search*-Tourists-*May 10, 2003, 9:49am
Ok....we have a statistic from cits, now how about a survey from
tourists? Maybe ask them which worlds they are interested in accessing and building in? Also asking them if they could access and build in requested soon do they anticipate before becoming a citizen? I dearly love tourists, but I for one would not be able to afford a price increase to cover their usage. Be careful what you wish for:) *-Tourists-*May 10, 2003, 12:19pm
What if AWI could reverse it and instead of world owners paying to have
tourists allowed...having them pay to be able to control them not entering a world owners world? Or better yet, charge each tourist $5.00 more per year to have open access to all worlds? Just a thought:) [View Quote] *-Tourists-*May 11, 2003, 9:36pm
No idea is a bad idea:)
In fact many great ideas have been spurred by bad ideas cause it plants another idea in the inventors mind:) And some ideas COULD appear to be bad for it's time only later to become a great idea :) *-Tourists-*May 11, 2003, 9:37pm
You can ban cit #0 from your world?
If your world isn't set to accept tourists anyways , why is that feature there? [View Quote] *-Tourists-*May 11, 2003, 9:38pm
E N Z O, why was my Bingo Bot removed?Jun 7, 2003, 4:44pm
Ya know.....
It's possible that if AWI as a company makes any statements about a user publicly, they could be liable for a lawsuit. I'm not sure of that, but I certainly wouldn't be doing it:) E N Z O, why was my Bingo Bot removed?Jun 8, 2003, 1:20pm
Ya know......
In Oregon they have a (no cause) eviction of tenants and a (no cause) 30 day notice for tenants to vacate a dwelling. It's to protect against lawsuits should a person make a comment about the tenant or landlord. Probably a good thing since we have way too many lawsuits in courts anyways. Personally speaking, seeing all the negative stuff you have posted in THEIR newsgroups, I'm surprised you haven't been banned from here:) What is your intent by bringing this information to the newsgroup? Wouldn't a private handling of the situation been more advantagous for you possibly? Just some food for thought and I hope you can get things resolved:) E N Z O, why was my Bingo Bot removed?Jun 9, 2003, 5:52pm
Cool and I hope that last emoticon is a smile:)
Good luck in your ventures:) Hugggs:) Bit;) -- Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:) [View Quote] HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!May 11, 2003, 9:41pm's never too late!
Something as simple as a kiss on the cheek...a huge hug...and a thank you for being my Mother comment is worth far more than any monetary gifts:) Sorry about the crosspostMay 11, 2003, 11:43pm
LOL...last night it was me seeing 3d where 3d didn't exist and now tonight
I'm seeing crossposts that aren't Next avatars will appear from nowhere...yikes! [View Quote] the end of xealgot botsMay 30, 2003, 6:02pm
Thanks AWI!
Ya'll once again have shown your love for the CommunitY usual:) Bit:) New Alpha WorldJun 6, 2003, 11:23pm
Ok...I will give you my version of what NewAW will be.
I can stand to be corrected though:) It is a world where you can own a virtual business, where you would collect "credits" for services and sales etc. It's a world where you will need to pay tokens for services and items etc. Ya'll might be thinking about how you would earn tokens once it's released. For instance, dreamer2 might want to open a fashion boutique and sell her gowns etc for tokens. Mauz may want to open a historical museum and charge tokens for admission. Gooberking might consider selling issues of AWNews for tokens. MrBruce might want to open a housing project and get paid in tokens for residence. Strike Rapier might want to open a grocery store and charge tokens for food. Brock might want to grab one of Strike's shopping carts, cause he's gonna need it when he's! It will definately be great fun!....I think:) New Alpha WorldJun 7, 2003, 10:20am
Well...right now you land there and can take out a "mortage" and grab a
lot ans start building from taking out loans, for furnishings etc. You earn tokens for the time you are in NewAW world. I have heard that there will be "special" things like famous paintings, statues etc, that you can find then if you want you could sell those for tokens. We as citizens could probably come up with some ideas to earn tokens, like maybe games in NewAW where you could win tokens? A lottery perhaps? You can trade tokens to folks or objects for tokens. It's really unlimited what we can do for tokens, our imaginations are great tools it:) From what I can tell NewAW is games and simulated society and public building. And who knows what else as time goes by:) New Alpha WorldJun 7, 2003, 3:58pm
Ya know...Alpha had once dreamed of having a boneless chicken farm?:) -- Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:) New Alpha WorldJun 7, 2003, 4:00pm
Oh...if you do that make sure you not only make money from the meat, but
chicken feet are in high demand in some restaurants and chicken feathers I'm sure have some use?:) New Alpha WorldJun 8, 2003, 1:14pm
Well would think I would have known
Thanks! -- Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:) [View Quote] New Alpha WorldJun 8, 2003, 2:55pm
Wellll...I heard a rumor that if your avatar sits idle after a certain
amount of time you would automatically go into afk mode and credits would stop. I'm not sure if that's true though. [View Quote] New Alpha WorldJun 8, 2003, 4:23pm
[View Quote] seems more like a simulated society thingy to me. Who
knows?....maybe building your character up and it's property folks could eBay them like What if ur not that good in playing that > game? I don't know if a person has to be good at game playing? Maybe just good at finances and personal management? u get kicked out? How could you get kicked out? Seems worse scenario would be ending up in the jail in which if you made a good friend with lots of tokens, they could bail you out:) AWEC Spring Into Summer PartyJun 8, 2003, 8:46pm
Actually...AWCC stood for Activeworlds Community Council.
The original Core of it were; Chloe (AWHS), Bille (Pink Village then AWComReg), Jdal (AWEC), Aule (Chair), Lucrezia Borgia (AWU) and myself (Vice Chair). :) [View Quote] AWEC Spring Into Summer PartyJun 9, 2003, 7:48pm
Well the world is the center but the group if ever re-established would be
the council. Why appologize?:) Hugggs;) Bit:) they crossed the line.Jun 30, 2003, 8:24pm
Activeworlds Community Council Hmmmmm...maybe it's time it were re-instated:) What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?Jul 3, 2003, 1:43pm
Has anyone given any thought to maybe taking him under their wing and
guiding him into a more productive existance? It might just be that he needs attention and is getting that attention through negative actions? I have seen many folks in here as they grow and are nurtured, become VERY upstanding citizens in AW:) Heck, if he's that smart to get citizenships etc, then possibly that intelligence can be redirected? Just my 2 cents worth:) [View Quote] Okay you can kill me now...Jul 5, 2003, 10:44am
As long as Circuit City doesn't "accidently" charge their customers for an
aol I play games at and they have had UO, Sims, etc as a banner on thier games pages. It seems that would be a good form of advertising. On occassion I ask in the rooms if anyone actually clicks on those banners and have gotten a positive response from many. I wonder what the cost is to run a banner for say a month in a site like that? BI Message - Try Building Somewhere Else Because This Space Is Too Full - WHAT IS UP????Jul 5, 2003, 10:36am
Yeah and with a name like AlphaBit Phalpha I get VERY few items in a
cell...should have named me "a"....:) -- Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:) [View Quote] I'm BackJul 5, 2003, 3:28pm
Apparently YOU and I have two completely different meanings for CommunitY eh?:) [View Quote] |