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The Mountain Project

Mar 13, 2003, 10:27am
Have you tried right clicking their name and see if they have a webpage with
an email link left on those accounts?

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Mar 19, 2003, 10:31pm

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Activeworlds Organization Meetings

Mar 29, 2003, 6:53pm

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Activeworlds Organization Meetings

Mar 29, 2003, 7:20pm
lol...okie doke:)

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Activeworlds Organization Meetings

Mar 29, 2003, 10:54pm
Knew what?

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Activeworlds Organization Meetings

Mar 30, 2003, 1:31am

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AWCC SW Corner cell.ini and cell.idx files

Mar 31, 2003, 12:40am
Dear Community,
Thanks to Ananas I have the program working to convert older world
files to present versions.
I have found that my old AW AWCC files only have the Cy Corner
Do any of you possibly have saved old versions of your AW that might
have AWCC on them and possibly have AWHS SW Corner cell.ini and cell.idx
We are desperately wanting to restore that area to it's original.

Thank you:)

World devoted to old gates

Apr 15, 2003, 4:38pm
FYI....Maki has created a
Maybe he would be interested in spearheading this idea?:)
Would be a great addition to his page also:)

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World devoted to old gates

Apr 15, 2003, 6:13pm
If you thought I was
I was thinking since Maki has developed a web page devoted to awgate that it
would meld quite nicely with the awgates world idea:)
Am I missing something here?:)

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World devoted to old gates

Apr 15, 2003, 7:18pm
Is ok:)

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Beta 3.4 [479] [BUG] Problem with create picture?

Apr 15, 2003, 11:39am
I think there was a thread a ways back mentioning that geocities didn't want
their servers used for stored pics for download in here or something?
Anyone remember that?

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Let's Plan a Coup

Apr 24, 2003, 11:43pm
If AWI were to meet all that what would the CommunitY offer in trade?:)

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Let's Plan a Coup

Apr 25, 2003, 12:20pm
Sorry to hear you had to deal with that at one time:(
Sometimes I wonder if harrassment of tourists is the same mentality of
college initiatons....:)

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( Whitestar) Yes Mr Bruce will probly shutdown A!!CT Agian go on have another tantrum

Apr 25, 2003, 12:24pm
Ummmm...this most certainly doesn't sound like MrBruce's way of

( Whitestar) Yes Mr Bruce will probly shutdown A!!CT Agian go on have another tantrum

Apr 25, 2003, 1:12pm
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( Whitestar) Yes Mr Bruce will probly shutdown A!!CT Agian go on have another tantrum

Apr 25, 2003, 1:13pm
nuther test

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( Whitestar) Yes Mr Bruce will probly shutdown A!!CT Agian go on have another tantrum

Apr 25, 2003, 1:14pm
Well heck...maybe your'e right...n/m:)

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Get Wells, Birthdays Problem

Apr 27, 2003, 11:56am
Hey Everyone:)

I have had many very important to my heart card sites made by very dear
A Birthday site.
A Wedding site, when My Darlin Alpha married'.
A Memorial site for my Darlin Alpha.
A Birthday site before he passed away.
A Memorial site for my Mother.
I go back and visit them on anniversaries, and yes, some links on pics
are dead.
However.....I had taken pictures!:)
They now live on my pc.
Btw...when Alpha passed, ran a guestbook sorta thing that
would expire unless I wanted to sponsor it.
Guess what?....I saved it to disk:)
What I'm trying to say is take pictures...take pictures...take
If you want to share an area that has had links go away, make a webpage
of it. But I suggest you keep copies of that also:)
Nothing is forever on the Net.

Hope this helps:)

AWCC Ideas

Apr 30, 2003, 10:40pm it is:)

What Citizens Want

May 2, 2003, 10:34am
Hey!...I haven't seen my gram reply! :)

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What Citizens Want

May 4, 2003, 12:36am
Cool..thanks for posting that The Lady:)

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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 4, 2003, 12:37pm
Any participating and awarded world must be suitable for all ages.
A person who owns or plays in higher rated worlds is NOT disqualified, but
their entry must be in a world rated for all ages.
For instance, if a person created an avater or object in an adult rated
world that was suitable for all ages, they could place that avatar in a
friends world or we could possibly see about getting a "display" world to
place it, or have a world owner out there donate some of thier area for
displaying avs or objects....(oooooo idea!....exposure for a world owner!).
If ya'll need some explanations as to why...please holler:)

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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 9, 2003, 12:05pm
Well...seeing's how AW AND myself are in the USA, we need to follow USA laws
and regulations.
Working on the new cy pages now and I'll have more info on the rules page.
They should be up by then end of the weekend:)
BTW....they will be rated "F" for Fun!.....idea gratis Binary Bud:)

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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 10, 2003, 9:34am
Ummm...they have here in Austin during Mardi Gras:)
And...they won:)
It's a tradition that gals bare there top part of their bodies in exchange
for colorful plastic bead necklaces.
Sheesh...and all this time I have been getting gratis from restaurants:)

Advanced Mode

May 4, 2003, 1:47am
The advanced mode was developed when Juno dome existed.
Greeters and Tech Support was seeing too many folks having a hard time
with soooo much to absorb, so AWI created a "beginners version"
I think the reason GK's suggest folks click on the advanced mode is
because the newbies ask questions about things that can only be implimented
or seen in the advanced mode.
You might be able to see the whole process if you download AW and come
in as a tourist.
I'm not positive but I think if you redownload AW you get the basic mode
back again.

Hope this answers your questions:)

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Complaining - a random thought from J

May 4, 2003, 10:59pm
Hi The Lady:)

I'm maybe going to open a can of worms here, but I would like to share
something with you and the CommunitY:)
In the beginning when I started opening up the Cys to teams, one of the
criteria I looked at when a person wanted to join, was their reputation with
AWI Corp. and the CommunitY.
Because AWI Corp is the main Sponsor of the Cys, and just like IRL, how
would it look to have an organization with members who boycott or protest
against the main Sponsor?
Yes I truly believe in freedom of speech, but I also realize reality
when it comes to professionalism.

I hope this will be food for thought for anyone who looks into joining any
of the Community support groups.


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Complaining - a random thought from J

May 5, 2003, 12:39pm
lol....we're getting closer to that actually:)

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Complaining - a random thought from J

May 5, 2003, 3:13pm
More like can open...worms everywhere...and Bass are bitin!

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Complaining - a random thought from J

May 5, 2003, 4:02pm
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Complaining - a random thought from J

May 5, 2003, 11:21pm
First of all...the can of worms had nothing to do with had to do
with the Cys and Adult themed worlds.

> I'm quite aware of and am reminded frequently at AWGate of what my
> reputation is in AW. I know it is not considered to be pure, decent,
> or good.

How the heck can you say you are not any of the above?????

As far as your behavior at the gate....I have never been privy to your
conversations, but if you attempt to do anything that could possible cause
folks not to want to stay in AW, then it is not hurting the is
hurting the CommunitY and the possible new Customer.

> I am genuinely interested in being a part of an organization in AW. At
> gate or in AWHS or somewhere. I try to do the best work I can, I try to
> along with everyone, I try to do as I am told to the best of my ability.
> professionalism counts, so be it. But keep in mind nobody is perfect.
> Things happen online and in real life that affect the way each person acts
> and performs in the community.

Oh I definately know how IRL can effect me...or ask the

Sometimes those inflictions are not voiced,
> sometimes they are, depending upon the individual. But to treat that
> differently through the application process in any AW organization because
> they are not what most consider the "norm" is unfair and is a practice
> needs to be reviewed with open minds and changed.

I don't know about other organizations, but norm or not...all are treated
equally and considered equally in the Cy process.

The first thing
> leadership should look at regarding an individual wanting to contribute to
> an AW organization is what gifts and/or strengths does that individual
> to AW and what team of people would he/she best work with.

I will have to disagree with you on the above. I'll refer you to my previous
post regarding what is considered for Cy volunteers.

Each individual
> can contribute here in some way, regardless of their background or
> and they needn't be given the master controls in order to do that.

I can agree with you on the above.

> that wants to take part in an organization should be able to do so, even
> it's keeping a log record..

I have to disagree with you there.

> I have been molded by some very different experiences. It's had its
> advantages and disadvantages.
> I bought a new bible two weeks ago and it had this quote in the margin of
> one of the pages and I hold it dear to my heart because of instances such
> the one I am responding to now. It is as follows:
> Let us look at our own shortcomings and leave other people's alone;
> those who live carefully ordered lives are apt to be shocked at everything
> and we might well learn very important lessons from the persons who shock
> us. Our outward comportment and behavior may be better than theirs, but
> this, though good, is not the most important thing; there is no reason why
> we should expect everyone else to travel by our own road.

The Lady......please reread that chapter and give good thought to what you
have posted in here in the past.

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