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Sonofsolaris leaving?

Mar 2, 2002, 11:30pm
Hey Sun.....
First I'll post your newest grams then I'll comment:)

Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent 31 minutes ago:
hope this makes you happy, m quitting, i've met some morons in my time but
this place takes the biscuit, m destroying sunland as we speak, i've asked 2
pk's now to terminate my cit and redund my cash, post will be on the NG soon

Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent 31 minutes ago:
m sure you n the rest of AW will be ohhhhh so pleased, building Lego sets on
my own would be more fun than this moron fulled virtual reality

Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent 28 minutes ago:
go take a look, and read the ng in a bout 20 mins

First of all...NO...that does NOT make me happy!
I would have preferred you learned to live and share with others that love
AW and nurture it to see it grow.
And I can't speak for the Community, but I can say that they have wonderful
hearts and would maybe have preferred to see anyone enjoy thier time in here
as opposed to creating havoc on others.

I personally would love to see you stay and create...if that is what you
But you will need some lessons about "the golden rule"...I'm willing to take
you under my guidance if your willing to appologize to BinaryBud and the AW
Community, and seriously "mean" it:)
If not, then good luck on your ventures!:)

FYI...this is NOT a moron filled virtual reality...these are REAL people
with REAL feelings:)


Sonofsolaris leaving?

Mar 3, 2002, 2:50pm
Ya just don't get it do you?

IF you knew anything about me then you would know that I give anyone the
benefit of the doubt and then some.
IF you knew anything about my psyche you would know that I see positives to
any negatives.
I saw a negative accusation and I gave you the benefit of the doubt and came
to meet you.
Upon meeting you I felt you were a nice person...UNTIL you came in and got
rude upon entry in a meeting. And then followed it with silly grams.
You say this is just a chat room?
It's time for you to be educated sweetie:)
Maybe it would enlighten you to be party to some things that have happened
here in AW that have helped folks through hard times emotionally.
Maybe it would be beneficial to you to visit some of the companies who are
introducing the concept of virtual healing and coping via chat rooms.
Do a search on the Net never know what you might learn about
chat rooms just NOT being chat rooms.
The only thing virtual about AW is the medium we use as real people.
Maybe a telephone being used for a person to cry about a lost loved one or
world concerns can be considered "just a telephone"? Not real people using
Think OUTSIDE the box please:)
Visit some card sites Sun. See how people express their "real" emotions via
"just a chat room".
If you are planning to make a site for folks to chat...I STRONGLY suggest
you learn about people. Hmmmm......are you intending on your customers being
"real" people or just "virtual" people?
As far as you referring to me thinking I am "special" Sir need to
know me better before making that accusation:)
I am just Bit....just a reflection of my friends:)
I belong to no "click", unless you consider the AW Community and all my real
life friends a "click".
Aren't "clicks" a small secluded group of people?
I am NOT a leader.
I prefer to share through nurturing:)
Once again, I treated you with kindness when I first met you.
You supplied the catalyst that made this into something I preferred would
not have occured.

Sonofsolaris leaving?

Mar 3, 2002, 3:36pm
> You Bit, need to get out a lil more.

I do get a rodeo and stage show to do this week.
Just got home from a trip to Oregon.
King Tex and I are in the process of building a fountain and heavily working
in our yard.
During the week I work at different companies as an Admin Asst.
We take nice relaxing drives in the country.

> I agree with all your points tho. But the only people i have a problem
> with are the ppl who are sitting in this newsgroup slurring and judging,
> with absolutley NO evidence accept for some sore loser's word.

My judging comes from hard fact experiance with you. With witnesses present
as evidence.

Being as
> the ppl who are posting hear appear to be the long serving citizens of AW
> would appear to me that the marjority of AW are now being biased against

IMHO the bias is being created by your behavior in here.

> Wake up on this one, some one actually said in the newsgroup that
> has been around an awful long time and would accept his word over sun's
> time.

BinaryBud has aquired a reputation in AW after many years of "giving" to
others. They are probably trusting him based on experiance.

> You see Bit, it only takes for a few well known, for what ever reason, ppl
> in AW, such as yourself and Bud, to go makeing claims to cause a huge
> problem for another citizen with in AW. You think i am wrong huh ??

Yes you are wrong. You can attribute people's feelings towards you based
again upon your behavior in here.

> Please explain to me then why i already have one other person explaining
> that a situation much similar to this happened to them and now they are
> almost reclused, spending much of their time in their own private world,
> becos if they were to come out ppl such as those involved in this newgroup
> would hammer the crap out of them ?

At one time I also avoided this newsgroup (for a very short period of time).
My late husband Alpha Phalpha insisted on it as he didn't want to see me get
flamed. I chose instead to participate and take the flaming as just
expression of folks opinions, and respect thier opinions:)

is what what you call virtual healing
> Bit ???

Nope and I never mentioned flaming as being virtual healing now did I?:)

Is that the brilliant AW Community that you talk about ? And
> while we are on the subject of Communities, who exactly was who voted you
> as government ?

No one voted me in as Govt. I am NOT Govt.
Now if'n ya wants to know some history of how I became to coordinate the Cy
Awards....just ask:)

> You see this time Bit, Bud and all of you can say what you like, until you
> support any of it, it really doesnt worry me, and being that none of it is
> as you or binarybud would have it, it cant be supported in the way you are
> telling it, so my worrying is none.

Witnesses are my support of my claims.

> I can keep this up for as long as need be, you carry, you and Bud and who
> ever else wants to.

Is this going to be like a 30 inning baseball game?:)....btw careful CAN'T keep this up forever if the moderator decides you are
crossing a line.

Continue to attempt slur and bs tactics with me and i
> will continue to write in reponse. :)

Not slur nor bs....facts sweetie:)

Unfortunately it appears to be
> blatently obvious that alot of you dont like direct home truths being
> mentioned in a public forum.

You lost me on that one.....oh well:)

Sonofsolaris leaving?

Mar 3, 2002, 4:10pm
> how did this all begin ?
> i will tell you, Bud making far too many assumptions and claims and
> initiating a flaming thread, thats how.
> if Bud had never had done that in the first place none of this would even
> have be an issue.

Ummmm...somehow I think if it hadn't been would have been
someone else that would have posted the warning in here.

> You would never have come to my room,

Doubtful...I visit alot of new worlds:)

i would have never have come to yours
> n joked around, you would have never have ejected me, and i would have had
> no need to say a few words via telegram. You can say that your bias is
> to my behaviour in this newsgroup all you like AlphaBit, however the fact
> still stands that if the thread has never have been started in the first
> place with a pack of false accusations, slurring and lies, i would never
> have had the need to defend myself would i now ?

Reality is it DID to figure out how to resolve it:)

And up until the point of
> a supposed mass AW onslaught of Sun, which doesnt really appear to get you
> any where, i had been perfectly civil with in the group.
> Your judging love, comes from experience and personal perception, NOT,
> experience and HARD FACTS. Infact your judging comes from experience and
> an already biased perception. So i would put it to you that you are
> hardly well qualified to judge me at all.

grrrrrr......ignorance is one of my pet peeves:(

> The community that i talk off is the one that has pushed some one out(not
> me, although you are all having a good old try) to the point where the
> person now sits in his own private world for fear of further flaming from
> the likes of ppl such as you and Binary.

You really have me curious as to who has chosen to be a recluse because of
ng flaming. I know they or you won't share and respect that privacy, just
wish there was a way to help them come out and see the beauty in most folks
here. And please...don't lump me into the group of folks that expressed
thier opinions here that ended up hurting anyone. That isn't part of my

> Perhaps the very fact that i havent been removed from posting yet would
> suggest something to you Alpha sweetie ;) Perhaps its just the ppl with
> the group(bar a few) that seem to be having difficulty grasping the
> of me defending myself agains constant bs, lies and false accusations.

The line hasn't been crossed yet has it?...Hey...anyone got a charter handy?

> hope you enjoy your day in the yard building your fountain, and glad you
> a nice day at the rodeo :) hope you wore something nice out, you know
> the black leather outfits that i like chix in :)

Well...thanks but we have to wait till weather is a little warmer before we
finish the fountain. I'll post some pics when it's done if you wish:) (Mind
you...we are NOT pros at this sorta thing!)
Rodeo is this coming week and I don't own black leather.....too much tummy
to wear it.....*leaving those fashions to the young ladies*...:)....thinking
maybe just good old blue jeans and a tshirt!

Sonofsolaris leaving?

Mar 3, 2002, 5:58pm
LOL...I personally am getting lost as to who is talking to I think
I'll take a small vacation from all this and get some house cleaning

[View Quote]

The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBud

Mar 3, 2002, 5:57pm
Well a better favor to the Community would be if he stayed and contributed
his knowledge....but what the heck...he's made his decisions.
Plus he would need to be more congenial along with his creations ?

[View Quote]

The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBud

Mar 3, 2002, 6:14pm
Sun...I need to concentrate on some projects now.
I no longer have any time to read things being belabored.
Sorry but your now on ignore.

Gavroche has died.

Mar 4, 2002, 4:30pm
Thank you Cal for looking into this.
Not many Net Companies would take the time to inquire about something like
this about one of it's Users for it's Community.
Ya'll are the bestest!

[View Quote]

Gavroche has NOT died.

Mar 4, 2002, 9:21pm
Why are you leaving?:(

Dont reply to anyone

Mar 7, 2002, 12:15am
I'll accept yours if you accept mine....LOL!


Mar 6, 2002, 3:14am
Just seeing if I'm still here...LOL


Mar 6, 2002, 1:06pm
Well...if'n you get down here and your in the Austin Texas area...wander on
over for a sarsaparilla pardner:)


Mar 7, 2002, 7:44pm
Cool!....Just stay in touch and if your down here we can do coffee or

The Virtual Olympics are on!

Mar 10, 2002, 4:41am
Ahhhh heck...just make the black circle purple and you've changed it enough
to not be infringing on copywrites...LOL

[View Quote]

The Virtual Olympics are on!

Mar 10, 2002, 1:58pm
Ok....I just wrote to the US Representative for the Olympics and requested
permission to use the logo or for his advice.
Hopefully we will hear something back soon.
If permission is denied, what about running a logo contest?:)


Mar 12, 2002, 4:48pm
Hi Everyone,

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but here is the reply I received from
the Olympics Committee;
(maybe a logo and name contest is in order?:)

Dear Ms. Tuttle:

This will respond to your e-mail request for permission to use the Olympic
Symbol for a "Virtual Olympics" as set forth below. You may not be aware
that all Olympic imagery and terminology, including the Olympic Symbol and
even the word OLYMPIC, are protected under the Ted Stevens Olympic and
Amateur Sports Act, in which Congress granted the United States Olympic
Committee ("USOC") the exclusive right to use and control the use of
Olympic imagery and terminology in the United States. (A copy of the
relevant portion of the Act is attached for your convenience.) Congress
granted the USOC this right in order to allow it to license these marks for
the legitimate and exclusive use by our sponsors and licensees, who provide
the funding to feed, house and train U.S. Olympic athletes. Without their
support, we would not be able to fulfill these important responsibilities.
Therefore, we reserve the right to use such imagery and terminology to
those providing such support to our athletes and Olympic programs. Under
the Act, the USOC has the right to file a civil action against any
unauthorized use of Olympic-related marks. In order to protect the value
of these marks, we try to carefully police all unauthorized uses.
Therefore, the USOC cannot consent to the use of the Olympic Symbol
(regardless of the color of the Rings) and requests that you do not use the
name "Virtual Olympics" for the event but select another name altogether.

I hope that this addresses your concerns.

Kelly Maynard
Office of the General Counsel
United States Olympic Committee


Mar 12, 2002, 7:36pm
What about 5 worlds linked together by their 5 rings?:)

[View Quote]


Mar 12, 2002, 11:45pm
Yup...I told them that it was a Community event with no income being made.
I wish I hadn't asked either:(
But I didn't want to see friends get in trouble....sowwy:(
And moreso...I was hoping they would give the go ahead....they are a bunch
of stuffed shirts....but put on a fantastic show!:)

[View Quote]


Mar 14, 2002, 4:15pm
Check this out for a logo and name.
Submitted by Chucks Party:)

Anyone have StarBand satalite 2 way internet?

Apr 1, 2002, 7:17pm
Hi kiethb:)
I didn't have starband but I had satellite radio connectivity thru Sprint
when I lived in AZ.
It was pretty good priced, however I had alot of losing connection for a few
seconds continually. This really created a problem when I hosted my worlds
as folks would be chatting and lose text.
They were picking up the signal from a mountain 35 miles away is why.
I think if you are close to where they are sending a signal you might be ok.
If I have my druthers I would chose cable or DSL.
So far DSL has been my favorite:)
Also if you are going to run a server make sure you read the details
regarding that.
Good luck!

I apologize...

Apr 1, 2002, 8:01pm
Hey DarkMod,

Thanks for the appology:)
I am hoping most can forgive and forget. Sometimes it takes time tho.

I apologize...

Apr 2, 2002, 12:15am
Hmmmmm...swe....have you been reading my mind?:)

I apologize...

Apr 2, 2002, 3:07am
Hey pc hamster,

Could you just drop it please?:)
If you force someone who made a mistake to leave something they
love.....something they may be able to contribute are going to be
on my *list:)

I apologize...

Apr 2, 2002, 10:13pm
In my honest opinion I am not wrong here...but that's just my opinion:)
Are we so insensitive and inhuman to say things like "get outa town
pardner!" Or...."kill yourself matey...there is no hope for yer!"
All of that is downright bull:)
Speaking for the entire Community is also a wrong I think?
If there is one....just ONE person that disagrees then "The Community" does
not have a preference.
You can however say...."well....I and a few others would like you to leave".
Or you can run an opinion survey, but then those aren't the greatest if you
don't have 100% input from the Community.
Do you have any idea of how many people have done "wrong"...turned over a
new leaf, and not only give to the Community now, but also assist AWCom with
beta testing etc?
C'mon now please:)
Everyone has a good side.
Everyone is human and makes errors.
Everyone deserves at least a second chance.
We are not perfect by any means. least AlphaBit Phalpha isn't:)

I apologize...

Apr 2, 2002, 10:36pm
I read your mind this time:)

I apologize...

Apr 3, 2002, 1:56am
Ya know what?
The term "kid" just grates on my nerves.
I prefer to refer to the younger generation as "young adults":)

YOUR QUOTE..." A kid who is not taught a lesson grows up to become an adult

MY QUOTE..." A young adult who is not given a chance to redeem themselves
and be trusted by proving they have changed, learns to not trust others,
learns to not forgive others of thier actions, and becomes lonely"


I apologize...

Apr 3, 2002, 2:22pm
oooooh Binary!
You just created a great anagram!
LAW=Lost AW....or ummmm....Losing AW? hehehehe:)

I apologize...

Apr 3, 2002, 3:03pm
Hey Andras!
Very well put:)
My girls didn't mind was the bathrooms they refused to take care

I apologize...

Apr 3, 2002, 5:38pm

I apologize...

Apr 3, 2002, 7:11pm

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