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The Problem With a Gate Keeper

Aug 11, 2001, 11:56am
Weekly events can be quite succesful if they are constant and attractive to
the masses.
The Poets Corner for example was doing well building attendance.
Unfortunately IRL work made it hard to be consistant....but hopefully I can
get it started back up again:)

[NG Survivor] Immunity Results/Time for Council

Aug 14, 2001, 1:22am
Sure Nornny....just send me an email of what to say:)

[View Quote]

Shame on WVRN Radio

Aug 15, 2001, 12:58pm
I would also like to thank Danny2k not only for the great promotions he
has given the Cy Awards, and hosting the mp3's for our party events, but
also for being VERY professional:)
When he came to us to sponsor The Cys, he first of all was polite in the
request. Then he asked tons of questions to make sure he had all the
information to make sure the commercial was correct.
A draft was to me within 24 hours and the promos released soon
He handled himself in a very professional manner also when I was taken
away from the opening of the Nominees Ball to deal with a *competing
station's* argument about who had rights for coverage.
AWRadio not only has secured rights for coverage of the Cys, this round,
but has earned those rights ongoing because of it's outstanding talents and
professional behavior.
Thank you Danny2k for everything you have done for us and the Community,
and we look forward to a lengthy partnership in the future.


A crash course in event hosting

Aug 14, 2001, 12:02pm
Awwwww....Wing....please don't give up:(
What you guys did was fun!
I think it's a great idea and ABNtv's idea of doing it in a custom world
really should be considered more:)
Heck, ya'll could make a more realistic tv set (although what you built in
AW Prime is fantastic!)
Thank you again for letting me be a part of it and for the beauuuuuutiful

Cy Interview by ABNtv :)

Aug 16, 2001, 11:53pm

"Memorial" World

Sep 14, 2001, 2:50am
Ok...I'm going to get accused of being in Activeworlds waaaaay tooo much
after this statement...but oh well:)

Rhetorical question for you folks that don't understand;
What are memorials used for in the real world?

A memorial world can be a place for those that have lost loved ones to
gather on the Net and share and release.
It can also be a place for those that are confused and angry to come and
talk with others and share thier feelings.
I am hearing of people who hang in AW that have lost loved ones and friends.
I am hearing fear in the voices of our young adults.
I am hearing cries from people for an ear to just listen.
I am fearful myself and finding comfort in talking with others.

Now let's ask that question again....
Why does this Memorial world exist?

AWDisco Party!...with Cy photos:)

Sep 28, 2001, 5:54pm
Hey Everyone!

3DNetz (Those folks that brought you that spectacular light show for the Cy
Nominees Ball and Cy Reception) are going to be having a stupendous light
show tomorrow September 29th at 20:00 AWDisco World!!!
They will be featuring some pictures from the Cy Nominees Ball also!
Your'e all invited!
Hope ya'll can make it:)

AlphaBit Phalpha

Help please:)--Fair World Server Pricing?

Oct 19, 2001, 8:53pm
Hi Everyone:)

I REALLY need some input from all of you ...if it's not too much
King Tex and I are starting up world server and object path hosting with
We would like to offer fair pricing to allow those on tighter budgets to
be able to have custom worlds.
While at the same time, justifying the expense of the servers.
Any input would be greatly appreciated!:)

AlphaBit Phalpha

Help please:)--Fair World Server Pricing?

Oct 23, 2001, 11:21am
Thank you nomad1:)
With all the wonderful responses you all are submitting, it's giving me some
ideas, which I'll disclose soon. I think ya'll just might like them too:)
Thank you everyone!

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Smiling Hacker

Oct 20, 2001, 12:38am
Anyone seen hide nor hare of Wascally lately?:)

Serendipitous's Birthday Quilt:)

Oct 25, 2001, 9:06pm
In honor of Serendipitous' birthday on Sat. 10/27, a Virtual Quilt under
construction in WildAW at 440S 440W (guess how old she's gonna be :) Come
on out, leave your greetings on a quilt square and have some fun
:))...please hurry:)...thanks:)


Nov 5, 2001, 11:10pm
Hey everyone:) I'm on yet a new idea again!
Please visit and let me know what you
Any input is greatly appreciated!
We are hoping to give folks the opportunity for exposure of their works
and talents without having to be rich people to execute it.
I am wide open to suggestions and ideas.
Also, if you are interested in having some space...please email me:)
I know some of you do hand crafts...some virtual crafts.
Just about anything can be consigned for this realm.

Thank you in advance!


AlphaBit Phalpha
alphabit at

The Cy Awards


Nov 5, 2001, 11:11pm
Sorry about that....something was messed up:(


Nov 5, 2001, 11:26pm
Well maybe:)
Hold on folks....true URL to come....LOL
Silly me:)


Nov 5, 2001, 11:43pm
Thank you macb:)
I'll look into it.
In the meanwhile......A very dear person immediatly saw my dilemma and
offered me some temporary space.....Thank you Ananas!...huggggs!:)
The new url is
Gosh I love this Community and all you wonderful folks in it:)


Nov 8, 2001, 7:01pm
Thanks Kah:)

[View Quote]


Nov 5, 2001, 11:10pm
Hey everyone:) I'm on yet a new idea again!
Please visit and let me know what you
Any input is greatly appreciated!
We are hoping to give folks the opportunity for exposure of their works
and talents without having to be rich people to execute it.
I am wide open to suggestions and ideas.
Also, if you are interested in having some space...please email me:)
I know some of you do hand crafts...some virtual crafts.
Just about anything can be consigned for this realm.

Thank you in advance!


AlphaBit Phalpha
alphabit at

The Cy Awards

AW 2.2

Nov 6, 2001, 9:39pm
I think I have it on a disk:)

[View Quote]

AW 2.2

Nov 7, 2001, 5:02am
And your welcome Tyberius:)
Good luck!
Also...maybe check your settings for virtual memory on the slower pc.

AW 2.2

Nov 7, 2001, 1:04pm
That reminds me back when I first came into AW. Alpha was running it on a
486 and minimums were a P133 ....I think?
That guy could make a computer sing even if it didn't have any vocal

AW 2.2

Nov 7, 2001, 4:43pm
Whoa...that's back in the "Grover" days:)
I'll send that to Mauz or AWHS for Historical archives. Thanks Ananas!

A Month of Cys!

Nov 18, 2001, 2:48am
Hi Everyone:)

We are gearing up for the Cy Awards and are officially claiming January
as the Cy Month...hehehehe
If you would like to host an event, please check out the available dates
and times on the calendar at and please follow
the links:)
Thank you!

AlphaBit Phalpha

The Cy Awards

Wings0nite's Birthday card site

Nov 20, 2001, 2:15am
From Cyberwitch:)
this is quick but come make something for WingsOnite her birthday tomorrow
and she is the big 50 LOL at AW 4922.2N 4899.9E 0.2a 0 pass this on to
everyone and let see how fast we can do it lol

Thanks everyone!

[NG Survivor] The Final Episode...or is it?

Nov 22, 2001, 2:55pm
Woooohoooo! Love the webpage!
What fun everyone!
Thanks Nornny for the great times:)
Congratulations Syntax!
I truly loved all the challenges, but mostly the fishing:) Cow flinging.....
my arms were out of shape and I had nothing to wear for THAT occassion!
Would be fun to see some interactive challenges "inworld". Maybe AWCom, Inc
could offer a temp world where some of you Bot Gurus could create some?:)
Nornny congrats again on the Cy Award for it. Well deserved!

AlphaBit's Cakewalk:)-Free Cake textures!

Dec 15, 2001, 9:36pm
Hi Everyone:)

I have started a Cake jpg area and would like to invite you all to come see
the samples and use them to your hearts content:)

I'll be constantly adding more daily so check back regularly.

Also, if you want a texture done for that "Someone Special" I can do that
for free!

I would need an idea of the person's hobbies or interests tho...(beside

There are a few holiday ones just in time for your Christmas party!

Coords are AW 2492N 2665W

Please email me or catch me inworld (AlphaBit Phalpha or AlphaBit) for free
custom cakes:)

Thank you and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones:)


AlphaBit's Cakewalk:)-Free Cake textures!

Dec 15, 2001, 11:05pm
C'mon on over Ananas!:)

[View Quote]

AlphaBit's Cakewalk:)-Free Cake textures!

Dec 16, 2001, 12:52am
Can too!:)

[View Quote]

dreamer2's Gift Garden

Dec 16, 2001, 4:16am
Just wanted to add that dreamer2 is also adding dreamer2's Gift Garden to
the site....with all of her splendid gift wraps!
Coords are AW 2491N 2665W

Float and AVRquest Jpg yard extended

Dec 17, 2001, 12:27am
Hey Wizard!

I checked out your site and must say...Great Job!
Quite a selection you have there:)
And I love where your heart is!


*sigh* The good ol' days....

Dec 17, 2001, 11:31pm
Hi Cozmo:)

Well, for me...the good old days happen every day.
Every year I can look back and say...that was a great year in AW.
They seem to get better and better.
Maybe it's because I can still see folks helping new people coming in,
and I can see people creating new things out of the new versions with each
release..(possibly things AWCom never knew could be executed).
Each day, it is not a surprise to me to see someone helping someone.
Those were the good old days are yesterday and today and tomorrow...:)

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