run facter run // User Search

run facter run // User Search

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Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 20, 2001, 1:13pm
I'm not quite sure you completely understand the nature of Activeworlds nor
the userbase nor the functions of our software.

We tried to install a "weather bot" in Alphaworld to change the mood, it
even included rain and clouds and all of that kind of thing - but there are
thounsands of people in there, and the majority of them thought "it messes
with our building" or "we dont want you to be able to change how our stuff
looks" or "I built my lot and I dont want other people changing the look of

What you propose, is to give the user the ability to go in, and change the
look of a world in order to suit their own whims. This will never happen,
and it wont be a feature that will ever be offered - would you want someone
to walk into your art house, and take a can or green spraypaint to the walls
merely because they didnt like the color of them ?

AW Support.

[View Quote]

Wouldn't it be cool if...

Apr 23, 2001, 7:38pm
> By telling me this is not at the top of the list for Active Worlds to
> consider is telling me flat out you don't give a damn towards the citizen.
> I sure hope other citizens do not read what you just posted because I
> honestly don't think you meant it, nor do I think Active Worlds wants to
> ignore the suggestions a citizen may give to improve their system.

*shakes his head*

If you wish to put words in my mouth, please do so elsewhere other than a
public forum, it does not really reflect well upon you, when all here know
that I do nothing *but* care about this community.

Take care

: applaud:

Feb 9, 2001, 6:48pm
[View Quote] *prepares his lemons for the Bigger Bitter Battles*, that reminds me of something...

oh yes, Friday afternoon - Beer.


Run, Facter...Run !!

> Nornny
[View Quote]

Testing, testing...

Feb 9, 2001, 1:40pm
Oops - thats better =)


[View Quote]


Feb 12, 2001, 12:18pm
This situation has been resolved.

After comparison of various different logs, it was found that some logs in
certain instances had been altered, and certain things taken out of context.

Whether someone is black, white, gay, straight or have tentacles growing out
of their nostrils, they are all welcome in AW, end of story.

Take care =)

AW Support.

[View Quote]


Feb 12, 2001, 2:16pm
Facter for the AW side, Run Facter Run for my personal opinions =)

I mean,t he name really says it all...hehe


[View Quote]

As an aside note *self promo*

Feb 16, 2001, 7:29pm
Most of you probably know that I produce electronic music as well =P

Pollen was originally set up to let people have a 3D link to that stuff...I
was asked where the ideas for it came from - if anyone wants to know its
loosely based on the Jeff noon novels ..Vurt, Pixel Juice, Nymphomation,
Needle in the Groove and of course.."pollen"...sot heres that little story..

glad u guys like it btw - I've had some great comments =)

Oh, the self promo part? I just put another new song up online..its hit 15
on the jungle charts so far - .checkit if yas want, its
the first one..The Bridge...

Well, theres my 5 minute break - why do Fridays always get *really* busy in
the hour before your about ta knock off ? hahaha..

The opinions expressed in this newsgroup post are not representive of nor AWCI policies. Any information posted within this
newsgroup post, is the express opinion of "Facter"

Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 21, 2001, 11:34am
[View Quote] Which is exactly why it hasnt been cahnged yet.

More thought would be required - perhaps a vote by a vote bot in AWGZ ?

Ideas anyone ?


Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 21, 2001, 11:34am
[View Quote]
That not such a bad idea. Let me think about it - really, in essence though,
it will be doubling the object just to be able to use some for the

There are a few different factors here regarding other things we are doing
that would affect a decision on doing that, as I cant actually tell you what
those factors are, then this decision should be left for a little while
longer...but by all means discuss it, I want to see what you guys all think.

Fletcher Anderson
Active Worlds Support
support at

Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Feb 21, 2001, 11:34am
[View Quote] Tell you what - build the set up, and then I'll see about what we can do
about putting them
Fletcher Anderson
Active Worlds Support
support at in - no guarantees yet though =)


help files

Feb 22, 2001, 2:06pm
[View Quote] Hmm, thanks, didnt catch that one !

Fletcher Anderson
Active Worlds Support
support at

Any advice? I paid for my world renewal and it still isn't up

Feb 28, 2001, 7:41pm
[View Quote] It can take up to 48 hours to process world purchases and renewals.
Fletcher Anderson
Active Worlds Support
support at

Active World's bait and switch operation

Apr 12, 2001, 12:37pm
[View Quote] Right, and you know us well enough to say that for truth right ? Some of us
actually care about the community and the users, you know. I hate blanket
statements like that.


Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 25, 2001, 11:47am
Yeah, sorry , my newsreader was being funky for some reason - no idea why it
wasnt properly posting quotes.,..

back to that, Eep, I cant speak for Rick and JP - but things *are* discussed
in our weekly meetings, including all of the concerns that are read about
her ein the newsgroups, and things *are* done about some of them, even if
they are not immediatly apparent, nor are apparent yet...

...but alot of concerns that are read about, here, are discussed in meetings.


[View Quote]

crashing problems

May 31, 2001, 5:57pm
[View Quote] Okay, well I mean what we do is set up a machine with roughly the same specs
and video card and see what happens under that system..., I dont think I did get your email =/


[View Quote]

Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:07pm
[View Quote] *sigh*

We remove porn whenever we are notified of it, or whenever we find it in
Alphaworld, it is not permitted, nor do we allow it to remain IF we are
actually *notified* about it. If we feel it violates the guidelines of use
in alphaworld, then it is removed.

End of story.


[View Quote]

Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:09pm
> Facter is just spewing more of the we can't be held responsible for it
> it's just a cop out.

No I am not, I believe I have been very succinct and very thorough in my
explaination of the matter, if you want to see the illuminati and conspiracy
theories in your own head, then there isnt much I can do about that.

I will continue to tell the truth, and be honest, regardless of whether you
believe it or not - thats my job.


[View Quote]

Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:12pm
[View Quote]
Would someone be able to scan my area for me ?

Its a mass called Alphaworld, it reaches from say, oh, roughly 32000 nsew
and contains roughly 80 million objects or so, should only take a few years
to go through and look at every object individually =)

Please email me if interested !


ps - in case anyone is confused, this is a lighthearted, humourous post =P

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:19pm
[View Quote]
Is it just me or doesnt anyone else see the humour here in Marcus's posts ?
He's stating im inactive, yet I'm a very active, and contributing part of
this whole conversation.

Strange really =)


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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 4:29pm
[View Quote] Marcus,

Until you have proof of my "incompetance" I will kindly ask you to not again
refer to my person in that way again, as I consider it slanderous, and libel
against my character. You have no proof as to the fact that I have in any
way, shape or form conducted myself in any other manner other than that
which my job description, and personal morals define as proper conduct in
regards to my support of users in the Activeworlds software.

Further slanderous and libelous remarks of a personal nature against myself
or any other user will result in the removal of such posts from this

Fletcher Anderson
AW Support.

[View Quote]

Be on the lookout

Aug 14, 2001, 11:54am
[View Quote] Yes we are =)

How so would it be collaborating with the enemy? You'd be surprised at the
support for other VR software that is here in the office - and the answer as
to why alot of us support competition should be pretty obvious - because it
represents that there is indeed a justified need, niche, and want *for* this
kind of software.

I'm looking forward to this just as much as I looked forward to alot of
other things, like the continuum (the developer of which I was also friends
with) and that omnicron thing....alas, nothing has emerged yet, but we'll
see =)


> SW Chris
[View Quote]

Be on the lookout

Aug 14, 2001, 11:54am
[View Quote] Hay mate =)

Well, good luck with it man - I'll keep an eye out for anything you come out
with =)


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