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something in blue

Jun 29, 2005, 7:46pm
[View Quote] No, I think the joke here is that it is called AW News.
: )

Feature suggestion

Jul 1, 2005, 9:39pm
That used to happen to me all the time on my older computer.
Try dumping your cache.


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So how about those clouds?

Jul 1, 2005, 3:42pm
LOL Yeah, even I noticed that.


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Jul 3, 2005, 11:19am
[View Quote] hehehe Yeah, well, they lost the war so we'll allow them some "sour

; )
(sorry about all that tea)

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Corruption in AWTeen...and alas why?

Jul 2, 2005, 1:39pm
[View Quote] OHH! OHHH!!!
I know this one!!!

Bocchi Ball

I WIN!! I WIN!!!


Jul 8, 2005, 11:18pm
LOLOLOL And I just scrolled ALL the way down here looking for that last
unread msg in this NG.

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Stand Alone mode

Jul 12, 2005, 11:31pm
Is there anyway to enter "stand alone mode" once I'm already logged in to
My cable is too darn fast for me to click SKIP. LOL


Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 12:37am
Strike was showing genuine emotion upon hearing some very sad news.
Would you rather he said he didn't give a rat's rear about Page's passing???

Where is the "AW Book of Netique for Expressing One's Heartfelt Dismay"?

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:44pm
Take off your Crown of Thorns, plz, Sharon.

Wanna compare health charts? I'm 48 years old, confined to a wheel chair 98%
of my waking hours because I was diagnosed with MS 23 years ago. I take some
medicines to couteract the side effects of other medications I take.

I, too, know the value of life and the value of the quality of life. I also
know when something isn't worth the energy to get all riled up over.

Why do you think I would not take your bait today when you tried to drag
this idiotic argument into The Gate?

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 9:26pm
In what world did this incident happen? Was it a PK patrolled world or The

If you truely have concerns and if I could address any of them, I'd be more
than happy to meet you in AW somewhere and discuss them.

If this had happened on my shift in The Gate, I would have said I'm sorry
for what happened to Page but to plz remember to keep your language
appropriate for a G rated world. Just as I would sympathize with your hurts
but keep your language in check should you do as you suggested you might on
my shift. Stuff happens all the time in RL. A lot of it not good. We can not
turn a blind eye to it, nor can we force our personal morals on others.

I follow the guidelines of a GateKeeper while on duty. I signed a pledge to
uphold those guidelines. However, what others do in other worlds of AW is
not my concern as a GK. And most of what ppl do the world over in RL is
beyond my comprehension.

I think to obsess over something that happened in a VR chat is unhealthy.
You are getting ridiculous now, talking about letting robbers, rapists and
murders do as they plz.

If this isn't just about cussing, then what is it about?

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 10:03pm
Then I truely do not know what all the hubbub is about.

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 15, 2005, 10:30am
Is THAT what this is all about???

ok - first of all, I would not put on my privs if it wasn't my shift. Not if
another GK was bold, that is.

second - I would never swear at The Gate. Actually, I rarely swear in other
worlds, even my brother's.

third - everybody has their own way of dealing with shocking news. Emotional
outbursts are just that - EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS

Here is a RL example ---
I read about the murder-suicide of a friend of mine and his father on the
freaking front page of the newspaper last month.
The first thing out of my mouth was - No fucking way!!!
The second thing was - Son of a BITCH!!!
and then I flung the paper on the floor.

oh. I'm sorry. Was my emotional outburst inappropriate? Too bad. Nobody
tells me how to deal with shock and grief.

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Is this useful?

Jul 14, 2005, 10:06pm
WHEW I thought I broke it.
But I like the idea!!!
ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested
operation requires a current record.

/website/pb_results.asp, line 79

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no t'gram

Jul 17, 2005, 4:43pm
Nope, but I get a few grams that are "postage due".
(mostly from SR) ; )

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no t'gram

Jul 17, 2005, 5:54pm
*sends SR a case of his favorite brew*
heh heh heh

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no t'gram

Jul 18, 2005, 9:51am
ok Sorry, John.
Back to the original question...

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Celebrity Encounters?

Jul 18, 2005, 10:12am
About 10 - 15 yrs ago, I managed a liquor store.
We're short-handed one day, so I'm working one of the cash registers, which
also means I have my back to the front windows.
This familiar looking guy comes up to my register and sets his purchases on
the counter.

Now, I live in a very small 'burb right outside of Chicago. One of those
towns were everybody pretty much knows everybody else. It's killing me that
I can't place this guy. From where do I know him?

He pays cash for his purchase and walks out the door. All my stock handlers
are looking out the front windows and yelling,
"WOW!!! Look at their bus!!"
"Their bus is in our parking lot!!!"
"How cool is THAT?"

I turn around, look out the window, my jaw drops and I smack myself on the
The Moody Blues touring bus is parked right outside.
I had just sold a bottle of Cuervo Gold and a fresh lime to Justin Hayward.

D'OH >_<

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Celebrity Encounters?

Jul 18, 2005, 7:03pm
Michael Nesmith
(trust me on this one)

I was a HUGE Monkees fan.
*turns red*

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Jul 24, 2005, 11:21am
[View Quote] Strike Rapier is not running the CYs.
Lady TeaL is.
SR is the Technical Director for the CYs and works very closely with Lady


Jul 24, 2005, 4:08pm
: ) Yes, he is.
He's at University now and turning into a fine young man.

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Overpriced.. How the heck?

Jul 20, 2005, 1:23pm
Are you sure you're not confusing a 'universe' with a 'world within the

A universe, yes, starts at 30k. A world within the universe starts at a
couple hundred.

Are you thinking of buying a universe? Or a world?

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CY Comments?

Jul 23, 2005, 11:36pm
Don't think LT won't be reading this comment.
*sigh* and you were doing so well...

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America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)

Jul 26, 2005, 3:55pm
[View Quote] The funniest thing I ever heard contributed to Chuchill was when at some
sort of function, a woman told Churchill he was drunk.
He replied...
And you, madam. are ugly. However, when I awake in the morning I shall be


America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)

Jul 26, 2005, 10:38pm
[View Quote] He's serious. I was there ans saw that, too.

I left.


Argh @ Kids with nothing better to do

Jul 28, 2005, 9:58am
Because it's their only mark of distinction.

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Help us rally to bring our sky back

Jul 30, 2005, 8:39pm
wow I didn't even realized it changed back.

I guess I only noticed the newer sky because I didn't care for it. The
moving cloud layer looked like a massive cobweb to me.

I like the clear, deeper blue of the present skybox. It's the boring, brown
mountain range I don't like.


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Help us rally to bring our sky back

Jul 31, 2005, 12:31pm

Shows you what I know. LOL

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Aug 4, 2005, 1:56am
[View Quote] Former??? Huh?
It's not something you "get over".
There are sober alcoholics, but I never heard of a "former homosexual".

Plz explain


Aug 4, 2005, 11:00am
Ohhhhhhhhhhh ok

I have many Gay and Lesbian friends, so I'm well aware of all the "miracle
cures" for homosexuals.
They make us laugh. : )

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The discoveries...

Aug 5, 2005, 9:03am
Any idea of when 4.1 will be released?

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