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where is aw ?

Aug 7, 2005, 12:54pm
You can do a search for
95 parker st. newburyport,ma

or type in "coords" : )
42º 47' 45.37" N
70º 53' 15.53" W

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Is everybody OK???

Aug 7, 2005, 1:56pm
This was a relatively short down time for AW.

Is everybody ok after their AW withdrawls???

Is everybody OK???

Aug 7, 2005, 6:07pm
I went back into There after a 6 month hiatus ----
Hardly anybody was there!!! LOL

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One man's garbage is another man's treasure

Aug 9, 2005, 9:30am
This is pretty cool. Thx for the url.

Usually, when I have something still useable that I don't want anymore, I'll
put it at the end of my driveway.
A chair and foot stool was gone in 30 minutes.
My old Nintendo game system was gone in 10 minutes. LOL

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Object command to make object move like a butterfly

Aug 9, 2005, 7:51pm
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Dunno if you're kidding or not, Seiya, but SR was referring to Mohamed Ali's
signature line.
; )

CY Update

Aug 9, 2005, 11:33pm
FIRST of all - you were FIRED, Mark. You did not "resign".

Second - this crack you made about Bit ..... "Its bloody good to know
Alpha[Bit Phalpha] failed to kill them," Strike states proudly... as posted
in AWNews, is TOTALLY out of line.
(and why Maki chose to repeat that is beyond me)

Third - the CYs are about "COMMUNITY", not "Strike Rapier".

You had a good thing going with Lady TeaL letting you help her with CYs. Too
bad you couldn't put your enormous ego aside and actually do something for
the better of the community, rather than try to satisfy your delusions of

How dare you castigate Lady TeaL in this manner. You were no more than a
Technical Adviser to CYs. You tried to make yourself more important than you
really were. Get over yourself. Everybody else has.

CY Update

Aug 10, 2005, 10:34am
[View Quote] Exactly. And SR gave himself that title. : )
Lady TeaL ran the CYs. Or rather, tried to.
Running the CYs is hard enough as it is without constantly trying to UNDO
everything SR was specifically told to NOT do.

CY Update

Aug 10, 2005, 10:36am
I was RUDE??? How about what you said about Lady TeaL???

and since you seem to think I have some facts wrong, why don't you set the
record straight?
(if you can)

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CY Update

Aug 10, 2005, 11:41am
My sincerest apology, Ry. I did not mean to imply that a technical advisor
was not important.
In my anger at SR, I did not weigh my words properly. I was only trying to
say that SR was elevating himself to a position he did not have with CYs.

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CY Update

Aug 10, 2005, 6:21pm
Anything else you want to say, Ry?

lol ; )

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CY Update

Aug 10, 2005, 6:25pm
[View Quote] ROTFLMAO
You did not disappoint me, SR.
I knew, I just KNEW, that part of the conversation would make it to this
thread. Why do you think I said it in open chat? Why do you think there was
such little conversation said in open chat? We all knew you had a bot there,
recording chat.

Yer quite the little eavesdropper, ain'tcha? heeheeee

btw - "context" is everything. A question was put into chat as to just why
SR would put a CY Award statue object 55 meters up in the air.
LOL I said, "Because he's an idiot." ; )
You have to admit, that IS a pretty idiotic thing to do.

And I don't believe I was running around saying it. I was also 55 meters in
the air, hovering.

I am never ever afraid of saying something that "might" get repeated. BUT -
if you DO repeat anything I've said, plz get it right and in the correct

: )

CY Update

Aug 10, 2005, 6:30pm
[View Quote] Lady TeaL has been in AW well over 5 years. She is one of the best TLs in
the GK org. She is my TL.
If I am not mistaken, Bit asked Lady TeaL personally to take over the CYs.

CY Update

Aug 11, 2005, 12:46am
I'm just saying who Lady TeaL is. You said you didn't know her.
and TL just means Team Leader. We have 10 of them. She isn't *the* leader.
: )

But Lady TeaL has been actively involved with GKs for 5 years, so yes, she
spends a lot of time in AW and is committed to making the CYs the best it
can be.

And yes, maybe GKs are overrated. Maybe not. But that's another thread.

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CY Update

Aug 11, 2005, 10:09am
Awwwwwwwww. ty

ok, everybody -
»§«*´`*»§«*´`*» GROUP HUG «*´`*»§«*´`*:

Touch yer monitors and
FeeL the LovE!!!!!

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CY Update

Aug 11, 2005, 11:51am
What are you talking about?

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CY Update

Aug 11, 2005, 5:04pm
Irony? Not really.

When Lady TeaL agreed to take over the CYs from Bit, the first person LT
asked to join her was me. She and I have an excellant working relationship
already, based on mutual trust and respect.
Unfortunately, I had to decline because I did not have the time.

I have the time now, and Lady TeaL asked me again to reconcider.

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Spice Grand Opening

Aug 13, 2005, 3:35pm
What a wonderful world!!!! So CUTE!!!
I took the rowboat tour. WOW It was a LONG ride!
Too CooL. : )

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 17, 2005, 2:00am
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Geeeez, Louise. Here.

[View Quote] These are but a few of the thousands of sites with free objects for use in
AW. It is my hope that all of the world owners enjoy these sites and have
fun building in their worlds.

Now as to the issue I would like to talk about. I have been accused of
taking these objects and reducing the polies in them
and telling people they were mine by Queen Ramel o. This all started back
when her VR husband had her try to coerce me into reducing poly's on some
things that Pelican had given them. It was a clipper ship and a Cinderella

I reduced the Cinderella carriage for them but would not do the
clipper ship because I had seen it online and told them this. Later the
RaMels broke up over this and Pelican left AW and closed his world, I would
imagine to clear out all the things he was selling that he had gotten from

There are many people in AW that know me and have talked to me live
while I was modelling and they can tell you that if I convert something from
online and I (Give it Away) I tell the person it is going to that I did not
make the object. You see, converting things and giveing them away is not a
sham. It is helping world owners who would otherwise have to pay exobatant
prices for them. Now, what is a problem is, Object makers taking these
objects and in many cases never even changing the names and try to sell
them in AW. I do not sell my Objects. I give them freely to anyone who
wants them and I shall continue to do so as long as I make them.

I have almost got a perfect horse. By the way, every horse in AW at one time
was a chorse, but none of them are perfect. They have a flaw, and that is
that you can see through the nose and eyes if you look into them. The chorse
I took apart in wings and reconstructed does not have this flaw. Even the
unipeg has this flaw because every horse was made from a chorse ie. a horse
is a
chorse of course of course LOL.

Now to end all of this I would like to say
that the petty bickering and backstabbing in AW must stop or there wont be
an AW for anyone to fight in. If this were kids acting like this I would
laugh about it but it is not. It is grown adults acting like children and
this is sad. So stop fighting and go build your worlds and make them a place
people want to visit. This will be my one and only post to this news group.
I thank you all for your time

SW City: Revolution video

Aug 23, 2005, 3:52pm
whoa Whoa WHOA!!!!

Holy canolli. BRAVO!!!

I was extremely impressed and I don't impress easily.

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SW City Real Estate

Aug 28, 2005, 10:47am
> Currently there are lots available just off the Castle Pines 18-hole golf
> course and in Forest Oaks, James River's newest public building area.

wow Sounds pricey. ; )

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I'm done..seeya.

Aug 30, 2005, 9:27am
I can't wait to see the first "stick figure" avatar in AW.
; )

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Any AW Cits in Hurricane Damaged area?

Sep 1, 2005, 9:44pm
I believe TaLLan lives in southern Arkansas. Close enough.

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AWReunion 2006

Sep 6, 2005, 11:26am

I can actually go to this one.
I live there!!! LOL

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AWReunion 2006

Sep 6, 2005, 11:42am
I'm so excited. : )

Here are 2 URLs to check out for Chicago...

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AWReunion 2006

Sep 10, 2005, 2:34pm
[View Quote] hehehe Exactly. To do everythiong on the suggested activities list you'd
need a month and a half!!


Sep 9, 2005, 6:28pm
It was built pre-boarding. ; )

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What happened at Boston?

Sep 8, 2005, 2:01pm
You don't have to name names, but what happened? It sounded like it would
have been great fun to meet the AWI staff. :(

from a Reunion 2005 diary.....

August 12, 2005
AWI Fiasco

We were scheduled to go to AWI's home offices for most of the day, with a
pizza party at the end.

Unfortunately, circumstances prevented that from happening due to a
certain committee member. The tour was cancelled, along with the party and
meeting the people of AWI.

What happened at Boston?

Sep 9, 2005, 11:36am
I thought it was rather odd that there seems to be 2 different sets of pics
circulating from the reunion.
Two distinct seperate groups of Cits in each. : ( How silly.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, well. 2006 will be WAY better.

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What happened at Boston?

Sep 9, 2005, 3:34pm
Well, for the 2006 reunion may I humbly suggest that there be several
itineraries to choose from.
Some things, like meals, could be "non-negotiable" so that everybody touches
base as to what is happening next but Chicago is HUGE, with many different
activites to enjoy. Everything from some of the finest museums in the
country, to the fabulous Navy Pier with all it's shops and a 15 story Ferris
wheel. Architechual tours by boat or by bus of some of the truely
magnificent buildings and skyscrapers designed by some the world's leaders
in design (including Frank Lloyd Wright).
btw, Navy Pier has fireworks every Wednesday and Saturday night. Something
else to consider. : )
and many times there are free concerts in Grant Park, usually given by the
Chicago Symphony Orchastra, and even free classic movies shown in a drive-in
type setting, but you walk in. LOL

You can see 4 states from the top of the Sears Tower. Take a lake cruise on
The Star of Chicago boat. Pack a picnic lunch and eat at the lakefront or in
Grant Park. Visit our zoo in Lincoln Park!!!
Eat at the famous Billy Goat restauant. Cheese burger! Cheese burger! No
fries - Chips!!
There is something for everybody in Chicago.

I'll shut up now, or I'll end up typing a short novel. hehehehe

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What happened at Boston?

Sep 9, 2005, 5:47pm
All I see at awreunion.com is the logo for Chicago. : (

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