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Apr 1, 2005, 9:32pm
VERY cool, Bean!! Good luck and Godspeed.

I hope you have a better sense of direction than Lord of the Pies. He was
flying world wide in a simulator. He asked me what that big open space is
just East of Chicago. I told him we like to refer to it as Lake Michigan.

ROFL He meant to say WEST!!! ; )

~ TS

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How dare you

Apr 5, 2005, 4:09pm
It was great to see ENZO or whoever it was at AWI being so silly. I was
crying at times I was laughing so hard.

When the Gate was closed, you got this msg....
Immigration Officer: Sorry, this world is currently full. Please try again

At one point, the floor in The Gate was spinning. If you landed on it you
got ejected....
Immigration Officer: April Fools !!! :P

When DMC bolded up he got this greeting. (Apparently, the IO didn't feel he
knew me well enough when I was bold.) LOL
Immigration Officer: {{{{{{{{{{{ DMC2U }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} The Management

And then there were these various msg's.....
Immigration Officer: E N Z O spilled his mochachino on the ATF (Acme
Timegate Fuxometer) and all timestamped databases have been reset to
whatever the computer thought was a good era... our apologies for any
inconvienience The Management

Immigration Officer: All citizens registered prior to 3/31/2005 will find
that a little "o" will be added to their cit name.... SMILE E N Z O LOVES
U!!! The Management

Immigration Officer: Please be aware that all "whispers" can be seen by
anyone looking over your shoulder The Management

Immigration Officer: All citizens having a citizen number ending in 7 now
have eject powers! Please be nice to them The Management

Immigration Officer: {{{{{{{{{{{ YO PEEPS }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} The Management

Immigration Officer: {{{{{{{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} The Management

Immigration Officer: {{{{{{{{{{{{Cleanup in Server rack 3}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Immigration Officer: All timestamped databases have been reset to whatever
the computer thought was a good random year, for some citizens this means 3D
is no longer possible and/or the Information SuperHighway no longer
exists... Our apologies, The Management

[View Quote]

Welcome back Customs Aide

Apr 2, 2005, 5:53pm
[View Quote] You never could swear on my shift. CA or no CA.
: )

~ TS

Welcome back Customs Aide

Apr 3, 2005, 12:48am
Hmmmmmmm ............
A drive-by cusser, eh?

rofl ; )

~ TS

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To our community catholics...

Apr 8, 2005, 10:47pm
I think I know what SWE was trying to say.
It's the same as when the WTC was attacked. All of a sudden everybody was
waving the American flag and singing patriotic songs.

It's not that we don't care, exactly. We just don't give it much thought on
a day-to-day basis. We don't know that we care until it's gone or

~ TS

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To our community catholics...

Apr 8, 2005, 10:50pm
[View Quote] ROFL Our pastor would wish everybody a Merry Chistmas at the Easter
; )

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 5, 2005, 6:14pm
I think it would be interesting to get Seiya's side of this story.
I've never had a problem with Seiya. I first met Seiya in AW when I was
still TheRaven.
We have exchanged many civilized grams in the past. I admire Seiya's
building skills.

I have, however, had some rather unpleasant run-ins with some of the other
ppl posting to this thread.
One has to wonder what the provocation is here.

~ TS

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 8, 2005, 9:28pm
[View Quote] First of all, let me say that I am sorry you are still bothered by an
incident that took place about 8 months ago.

Second, I was not offended by your questioning of my action. I'm sorry you
were not satisfied with my explaination that the word "badass" is not G
rated. I was, however, perplexed that a person of your standing in AWTeen
did not know that using such a word was not acceptable in a G rated chat
*Badass* is vulgar slang in any context and thus not G rated. After being
ejected once for using that word it is totally illogical to me that you
would come back and use that word again, even to the point of trying to mask
it by saying "Bada$$".

As you keep pointing out, (then and now) "badass" is a compound word,
meaning - one word made up of two separate words. As I recall you tried to
tell me 8 months ago that I should also be ejecting for other compound words
such as "grass" as it contained the letters *ass*. Take away *ass* from
"grass" and you are left with *gr*. *Gr* is not a word, so "grass" is not a
compound word. *Badass* on the other hand is a different story. *Bad* and
*ass* can stand alone as words. "Bad" is perfectly fine. "Ass" is not.

On a final note, GKs do not always have to give a first warning before
ejecting somebody. The CA certainly doesn't. We will post our "hated macros"
telling ppl that The Gate is G rated and certain behavior is expected by our
Cits and tourists while in The Gate. Ppl who are new to The Gate very often
do not know that The Gate is a monitored chat room, so yes, we will give
them fair warning to amend their ways. 19 times out of 20 they will comply.
Regular visitors to The Gate know the rules very well so no first warning is
called for. That would be like giving every person who came into The Gate
swearing a do-over. How logical is that?

For example - "I'm gonna kick his a$$.". If you know better than to post
something like that then an "Oooops, sorry GK." ain't gonna cut it.

I hope this clarifies things for you.

~ TS

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 11, 2005, 2:20pm
[View Quote] Isn't that what I said ???????

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 11, 2005, 6:15pm
[View Quote] You are absolutely correct. Ty for making our argument for us. : )
Dictionary.com says...
bad·ass ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bds) Vulgar SLANG
underscore VULGAR SLANG

[View Quote]

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 11, 2005, 11:48pm
ok Obviously, no matter what anybody says, you are going to insist you
were "wronged". I can not make a blind person see.
I'm very sorry I did not give you a warning first before I ejected you. ok?

What you keep dredging up happened 8 MONTHS AGO. Get on with your life.

~ TS

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 12, 2005, 12:08pm
No. It was Alaskan Shadow brought it up. Again.

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 12, 2005, 12:12pm
No. If there is a legitimate complaint the Gatekeepers act on it within the
week. Seeing as I have never heard a word about this eject from any of my
superiors, I can only assume the eject was justified.

I'm sorry if that displeases you.

[View Quote]

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 12, 2005, 6:32pm
No. You are wrong, again. We have a very deffinate set of guide lines. We
are not corrupt and we are not going "down hill".

And just because the complaintant did not receive a response from the GK
organization about a complaint does not mean the complaint was not looked in

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 12, 2005, 8:36pm
I have.

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 13, 2005, 11:42am
"I have, however, had some rather unpleasant run-ins with some of the other
ppl posting to this thread...."

Yes. That CLEARLY says AlaskanShadow.

*rolls eyes*

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 13, 2005, 2:05pm
I agree. I grammed her and offered to meet somewhere in AW to discuss this.
So far, she has ignored that offer.

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 14, 2005, 8:05pm
[View Quote]
Am not.

; )

New Pope

Apr 20, 2005, 7:18pm
[View Quote] They purposely picked an older man to be Pope. The most desirable "life
expectancy" for a serving Pope is 5 - 10 years only, as crass as that
sounds. John Paul's reign was almost 30 years. I think his was the 3rd
longest reign in the history of the Papacy.


PeaceKeepers: A Modest Proposal (rant)

May 7, 2005, 7:47pm
There IS a sign for which PK is currently on duty, 8 meters N of GK at
their headquarters, but it's rarely up-to-date.

Right now it says - PK on duty PK##

~ TS

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PeaceKeepers: A Modest Proposal (rant)

May 8, 2005, 1:02am
That's true. Excellent idea.
Ppl keep coming into The Gate looking for a PK, and all we can do is give
them the contact into for PKs.

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May 8, 2005, 11:48pm
HEY. Watch it. He's my brother.

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May 11, 2005, 9:03pm
I know Mutation went off line awhile back, but why? And will it be coming


Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?

Jun 1, 2005, 6:26pm
Exactly, SWE. That would be my main concern for it's use at The Gate -
keeping it G rated.
Plus, I've been in other voice chat programs, and some kids like to get on
it and SCREAM at the top of their lungs.
UGH. >: /

Perhaps it could be a feature for Cits only, to give the tourists another
reason to register? That way, if a Cit continually abuses the privilege of
voice chat, AWI can disable it on that acct.

I'm not entirely sure a "gatekeeper type of thing" would work for it. Sounds
more like a PK problem to me.
; )


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Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?

Jun 1, 2005, 8:56pm
That's fine for you, but as a GK we can't mute anybody.
It's bad enough to see "<whoever> RAWKS" 20 times a minute in chat,
then we'd have to LISTEN to it, too???
ROFL No, ty.


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Jun 15, 2005, 10:46am
My dog jumped out the window.
>: /

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Jun 16, 2005, 1:19pm
[View Quote] Run, Fido, run!!!!
Run fast and run far!!!!

AW Mapper - approaching 1 year outdated

Jun 17, 2005, 11:34am
[View Quote] Byte yer tongue, Bast!!!!!
They'll raise the Cit price another 50 cents per to cover the cost.

; ) {{{{{Bast}}}}}


My baby

Jun 14, 2005, 10:02pm


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I Spy - Continued

Jun 27, 2005, 5:59pm
It was Col. Mustard in the Drawing Room with a wrench.

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