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What happened at Boston?

Sep 9, 2005, 8:11pm
D'OH! >_<

ty, Kenneth.
*turns red*

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What happened at Boston?

Sep 14, 2005, 9:43am
Only a few have captions. Who is everybody? I don't know more than 3 of yas.

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What happened at Boston?

Sep 15, 2005, 10:40pm
<taps on Chris' monitor>
Pssttttt. You got mail.

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Gate Network System: New Objects, New Website

Sep 17, 2005, 12:23pm
Yep. That's why the original movie had Egyptian overtones.
I don't know anything about the TV series. I never saw it.

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Think about it

Sep 17, 2005, 2:42pm
Indeed. Another huge factor in this tragedy was the complacency of the ppl
who did not evacuate, thinking it could never be that bad. The authorities
had ordered evacuations for many hurricanes past, but many had choosen to
ride them out anyway, and all the warnings were for naught. It never got as
bad as the authorities said it would.

And too, the scope of the devastation overwhelmed our government. We were
woefully unprepared and ill equipped to deal with an area of devastation
roughly the size of the UK.

That does not excuse the looting and the raping that occurred in Katrina's
aftermath. I was particularly appalled at the snipers shooting at the police
and rescue workers. What is wrong with ppl nowadays???

However, I did get a chuckle out of one middle-aged man who was looting the
stores for whatever he could find and giving it to bands of ppl stranded. He
had spray painted AID all over his car (his car or not, I don't know) and
syphoned off gas wherever he could find it. LOL
I remember one scene of him giving a box of food to a group and saying, "Eat
it now or save it for later." and off he went with a car load of diapers to
bring to a shelter.

Think about it

Sep 19, 2005, 3:15pm
My brother and I were raised to respect other's property and to show respect
and courtesy towards others.

I can still hear our dad (may God rest him)...
"Is that yours? No? Then put it down." hehehehe

If we broke a toy, it didn't get immediately replaced.
"Well, now. Look what happened. You don't have it anymore."
My two goddaughters have NO concept of losing something dear to them,
because it is always replaced. Sometimes twice and thrice. Grrrrr

I can still remember feeling absolutely horrible once because I did not
think of my dad.
I had a boat load of friends over one hot Summer day, and we all grabbed a
cold Pepsi from the fridge. The rule on that was - you take a cold one out,
you put a warm one back in.
Well, to an 8 yr old having a grand 'ol time, that rule just flew out the
window. Until Daddy came home. Uh ohhhhhhhhh.
Mom spoke up, "Your poor father works so hard all day long in the hot sun.
Do you think it's too much to ask that he gets a cold Pepsi when he comes
I felt HORRIBLE. My lower lip trembled when I apologized. man I'll never
forget that lesson from 40 yrs ago.

Happy Birthday, Bean!!! I'm sure you will make a fine father some day.

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Captuire The Flag

Sep 22, 2005, 1:01am
Yep. ; )
One post is titled "Capture The Flag" and this post is titled "Captuire The

All 3 posts contain typos, but not always the same typos. hehehe
Can't blame THAT on OE.

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dead server

Sep 29, 2005, 3:54pm
I love sphosing.com I've been with them since December of 2001 and I've
never had a problem.

For $4.95 a month you get 250 MB of web space and 25 GB of bandwidth.
Double that for $9.95 a month. You also get FTP access and much more.

They have a lesser package for free, too, butyou have to put up with thier
pop-ups. Ewwwwwww

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Oct 9, 2005, 12:35pm
I think *something* should be done with it. Maybe move the GZ landing area
someplace else farther out, and build it up really snazzy.
It's the first thing potenial new Cits see outside of The Gate. (which also
needs updating, IMHO) Shouldn't it look more like the Ritz Carlton, rather
than the Salvation Army HQ?

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Where'd The Midis Go?

Oct 8, 2005, 4:01pm
I'm sorry, but have you heard the midis that were recorded from a toy
NOTHING can make them sound good.

TINK tink tink. Tink tink TINK.
>_< rofl

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Where'd The Midis Go?

Oct 8, 2005, 6:05pm
Fair enough. ; )

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Locations of builds in AW

Oct 18, 2005, 3:25pm
You need the builder's building pw to use that site.

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Rediculous Signs @ AW GZ

Oct 23, 2005, 11:19am
[View Quote] but... but.... <lip quivering>
The Easter Beagle told me Uncle ENZO was god.

Rediculous Signs @ AW GZ

Oct 24, 2005, 10:57pm
They're talking about the pirated ones. I sincerely doubt any one of those
will raise a stink about what AWI is saying about them.

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Rediculous Signs @ AW GZ

Oct 24, 2005, 11:41pm
I'll have what SR is smoking.

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Rediculous Signs @ AW GZ

Oct 25, 2005, 2:03pm
LOLOLOL You must have gotten some cheap stuff.
I'm not the CY Director.

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Help on World.

Oct 23, 2005, 3:13pm
Yep. and it's on the wrong NG.

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Help on World.

Oct 23, 2005, 5:59pm
Amen to that.

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Off World tidbits

Oct 28, 2005, 9:19pm
*screams and jumps up and down like a star struck teen-aged girl*
omg Omg O M G
Is the keyboard player married??????

Too CooL, tunajazz. I love it. : )

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Off World tidbits

Oct 29, 2005, 3:26pm
[View Quote] THAT'S PERFECT!!!!!
I'm looking for a meaningful one-night stand.
; )

New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Nov 2, 2005, 10:27am
[View Quote] <keeps an eye peeled for a possibly unruley 037753>

damn this dyslexia >: /


Oct 31, 2005, 7:36pm
Fat chance. She has nothing to do with CYs.

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Oct 31, 2005, 7:56pm
GAH >: /

I was not aware of that disgusting, juvenile, immature totally uncalled for
display at SR's b'day build site until yesterday.
Since the pic at King RaMel's build is now gone, can we also expect that pic
at SR's b'day build to be removed, also?????

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SW City launches new quest game for Halloween.

Oct 31, 2005, 2:21pm
I loved that night sky in AW.
It was a nice change and gave me a much needed BREAK from building.

: )

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SW City launches new quest game for Halloween.

Nov 1, 2005, 9:38am

I don't do much building at all anymore. I was trying to be factitious.
; )

Everytime AW goes off line or say, changes to a night sky, I get bombarded
with Tgrams.......
"An outrage!!!!"
"We should demand a refund!!!"
"What are they using OUR money for anyway????"
"We pay good money for this. Put it back the way it was and don't ever,
ever, EVER change for as long as AW exists!!!"
blah blah BLAH blah blah blah blah BLAHHHHHHHHHH

ROFL (sorry)


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Re: New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Nov 2, 2005, 6:36pm
I would love to see The Gate have that "garbage bot" thing that sweeps up a
dead avatar and disposes of it in the trash. ; )

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Re: New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Nov 2, 2005, 7:27pm
I'd love to see an avatar be able to 'poon another avatar and get dragged
all over the universe.
ROFL Wouldn't THAT tick off a lot of "poonees" ; )

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Nov 2, 2005, 10:52pm
Yep. I got a worm warning from Norton.
I, too, D/L'd Skype from their web site.
I immediately uninstalled Skype.

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Nov 3, 2005, 10:21am
It was just a couple of months ago that I D/L'd Skype. I only used it once.
It's good to know that it was a "false positive" from Norton and not Skype.
A lot of ppl really like Skype. Me, not so much. : )

[View Quote]
> As Gnu32 properly pointed out:
> "I continually get Worm notification from Norton Anti-Virus when I run
> Skype?
> To stop the Norton Worm warning for Skype from continually appearing
> please try the following:
> Open Norton Anti-Virus program -> Select “Options”-> Select “Internet Worm
> Protection” -> Select “Program Control” -> look for “Skype” in the list of
> programs -> click on Skype once -> click “Remove” ->Select “Yes” -> Select
> “OK” -> Close Norton.
> Next time you start Skype or update or reload the program, Norton will
> detect Skype as a worm invasion. Simply click “OK” and you will not get
> anymore notifications."
> Norton is famous about its false positive detection :(
> Nobody uploaded any malware to Skype's site - there is a "Social
> Engineering" based Trojan which spread through email carrying an infected
> Skype Installer.
> --
> Andras
> "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)


Nov 3, 2005, 2:09pm
Ohhhhhhh. ok Thx

Well, I have unlimited free long distance on my phone, so Skype is a moot
point for me. I can't deal with multiple users at once yapping at me, which
is why There drove me NuTs. LOL
I don't have any friends overseas to make Skype worth my trouble.

OHH. I have a cousin in Sweden...... : )

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