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Jun 10, 2006, 11:49pm
I just want to thank those who nomintaed SistaAVs under Best Avatar :o}

Thank you, being nominated is an honor and is much appreciated!!!

Lady NightHawk

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Jun 11, 2006, 3:48pm
I'm not sure why you all are on about her windoze ... her question was
webpage related.

I also couldn't log in CoLoR, seems that when you vote you have to get a new
pw but you do have to do that in world which I agree is a pita. Also,
logging in is cookie dependant I believe. If you refused the cookie (which I
did cause I think cookies are rude) then you can't get back in after the
initial entry to the site. I tried everything yesterday to get in to vote
(deleted IE cookies, blocks, cache, cleared history, refreshed, you name it
LOL) but I couldn't get into the site from my computer, even with staff help
.... no go. I had someone else cast me vote, hopefully that's legit, it'll
hafta do since I couldn't get in myself.


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I like the new contact list feature

Jun 13, 2006, 3:27am
Personally I've had two people add me to their contacts with ? by their
names, I don't know them well ... so why'd they request to be added to my
contacts if they don't want me to know they're online ... sorta redundant
now, since they don't have to have me on their contacts to begin with. I've
deleted them both. I see no point in having them in my contacts if I can't
tell if they're even online to chat with. I have no idea why they'd bother
to add me if they don't want me to know they're online LOL


I like the new contact list feature

Jun 14, 2006, 10:06pm
I did as Starheart said and removed most that I don't really know LOL. I
figure if they wanted on my contacts they'd re-ask ... and a couple have. My
problem with this style of contacts list is that there were over 113 people
on my list, most of which requested to be added and while that is flattering
it's time consuming to go through everyone's name to find the few I actually
gram. Personally, I like to keep the number of contacts on my list within
view, meaning just enough that I don't hafta scroll down (that's currently
my preferred max).

So, all I can say is if you really, really, really gotta have me on your
list then re-add me and I'll accept (until the list gets unmanagable again).
Otherwise what I'd rather see happen is that people add me when they need
me, remove me if they don't :o} Help me keep my contacts managable LOL If
you are interested in our avs we have our contact info in SistaAVs world so
feel free to pop into GZ and get our nicks or emails from there! If you want
to order, or even talk we'd of course be happy to add you but then perhaps
when the conversations are over we can delete each other until next time ...
unless we become fast and furious friends :o} You can also find me in Aeon,
my own world.

Hugzzz to all those that poofed, it's nothing personal ... a better format
for storing contacts is what I would like to see happen ... perhaps someway
to sort your contacts into categories so you can remember who's who and why
they've/you've got em on contacts to begin with :o}


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I like the new contact list feature

Jun 14, 2006, 10:08pm
Oh and join requests have nothing to do with the ? besides someone's name
.... the ? means they don't want you to know they are even in aw. I don't
have that activated for me, although I do have to approve join requests and
usually do if I'm not afk. You were not doing anything wrong tho, and
although I remember meeting you I don't really remember when/where/etc. LOL
.... I am blonde after all ... I forget alotta stuff! Hugzzz


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Jun 15, 2006, 7:11pm
I used it for almost two years without paying (intended to but didn't have a
job or money so I couldn't) ... I finally DID pay and I paid for 3 licenses
rather than just one, to make up for non payment previously ... in other
words I paid $60.00 for what I thought was three years but rather Wayne
tells me that was good for me, and two others, it's $20.00 one time fee ...
not bad if you use it ALOT like I do ... I practically LIVE in accutrans LOL

Thanks Wayne (if yer able to read here) :o}

Lady NightHawk

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Jun 16, 2006, 9:20pm
Yes I know LOL thanks :o}


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Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 22, 2006, 12:18am
You can now put global sound in an object (or objects) in your GZ, mind you
this won't make noise if the person enters another area (where you don't
have a global sound) ... but it works pretty good as I've been using it. Do
action something like this ...

bump noise yoursoundhere global

I use it in GZ at Aeon where I have a rotating object on the floor of my GZ
.... once the person bumps the object I hear the sound (so will anyone else
in world) :o}


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 20, 2006, 12:23am
*Waits for the DevTeam to decide to remove the awsdk.license* ... it's a
dang nuisance for bot programmers & users alike ... if someone abuses their
privileges in aw just ban em, don't make us all suffer ... please??? As a
*new programmer* that license has given me more fits with my poor baby bot
than any other single issue! I thank God for Andras, and the other
programmers that help me sort it all out!

Another huge annoyance, is the chs###.tmp files that ZoneAlarm keeps warning
me about ... it now only does it for bot use which I'm sure is somehow
linked to that goofy license!? Every time I start my bot I get the chs file
warning and after a couple of days when I look in ZA there a zillion of
those stupid files in there that I have to delete. Can't you just make one
file, or better yet ... NO FILE?

Thanks for fixing the box issue tho, that rocks, and it is appreciated!

Lady NightHawk

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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 20, 2006, 3:10am
Thanks for the info Strike ... keep me posted cause I'd like to do that too


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 21, 2006, 12:25am
Youuuuuuuu rock! Thank you soooooooooooo much!!! Hugzzz

Lady NightHawk

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NewsGroup Hickups

Jun 22, 2006, 10:14pm
Your question isn't clear ... are you asking to get into beta universe? Are
you asking to get into beta newsgroup? Are you asking for a person named
beta (since you've referred to tgram'g)? What exactly are you asking?


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Jun 23, 2006, 10:44pm
Well then it's not really global is it? Global is like the World Features
sound where it's heard worldwide. I think in the instance of objects
*global* means that more than one person within range of the object can hear
it ... not that it can be heard worldwide which is the true meaning of


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Jun 24, 2006, 6:41pm
Perhaps they attached global to create and activate and forgot bump ...
silly aw LOL, let's hope they get it fixed!? For the record tho, people do
hear it (besides me) when near GZ, but no one hears it when out of range.


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Friend with problem, need help please...

Jun 24, 2006, 6:40pm
My friend can't click activate signs in my world, when he does ... nothing
happens. They are linked to web or media, and they work fine for me and
everyone else ... but nothing happens for him. Any ideas as to why? I even
had him reinstall aw but to no avail. He even crashes when clicking signs
.... very very odd.


Friend with problem, need help please...

Jun 25, 2006, 11:10pm
When he tries to click on video links winamp tries to open, seems he's got
things all messed up :o/


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What exactly does the "Empty Local Cache" option do?

Jun 27, 2006, 10:19pm
You don't need to close aw browser after you use that function ... it may
take a moment or two but it will delete and reinstall the cache (I believe
it's only for the world you are in at the time but not sure of that ...
never tested it).


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What exactly does the "Empty Local Cache" option do?

Jul 2, 2006, 6:23am
Whenever I do a new av dat I just copy old to another folder as a backup, I
also copy the new one in case something goes funky. But yes, browser does
auto refresh avs now, no more closing aw, dumping (deleting the av dat,
assuming you can find it), restarting aw ... those painful days are gone :o}
Thanks Chrispeg, you KNOW that is one of my fav *new* features!


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Mr Pimp Noll

Jul 2, 2006, 6:24am
Hahahaha that one looks like he's had *one too many* drinks ... or
*something* lol


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Happy Canada Day!

Jul 2, 2006, 6:09am
Eh1? LOL Geez I've been in the US so long I forgot about Canada Day ...
thanks for the reminder :o}


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Citizenship Resolved (something new!)

Jul 13, 2006, 8:59pm
What does that mean? LOL Does it think perhaps tourists are *invalid* since
their number is 0?


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Need a Host that...

Jul 6, 2006, 4:40pm
I'm looking for a Web Host that does/allows the following for a reasonable
price, I'm talking web hosts ... not aw hosts ...

1) Allows multiple or unlimited domains & subdomains
2) Has at least three static IPs, preferably a range of static IPs for
several domain names (say 3-10 minimum)
3) Offers Reseller program (for all the websites and OPs I have this seems
to be the cheapest)
4) Has ample webspace and monthly bandwidth to run at least three worlds and
6-10 different websites (each with their own IPs preferably)
5) Allows servers (like bot programs and/or aw server) to run from their/my
site (I mean I want my package to include being able to run my bots from the
server space I purchase ... not that the host themselves run them)
6) And of course enough webspace to cover at least three world OPs and a few
more websites not necessarily related to AW (I have a few websites not
related to AW, and a few websites for our AW worlds)
7) A company that's been in busy a long time and has a good reputation!

Right now I'm using a host that charges me a mere $128.00 per year and for
that I run three world OPs and three websites, I have two static IPs. It's a
reseller program. Yes the price is right but I'm *growing* LOL. I cannot run
bots from this package. The company that is my host now has sold out to
someone who apparently doesn't care so I need a new host. I realize I may
not get some of the above but if you know of a company that might come close
I'd appreciate the info.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance ...

Lady NightHawk


Jul 8, 2006, 1:11am
Aura is now Aura Lily, she owns that world, always has. She does AWESOME
dragons! LOL She's in SL alot I think, not sure how much she's in AW of
late. She was heavily into helping in AWRPG I think, not sure if she still


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