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Beta Newsgroup

Mar 1, 2004, 8:00pm
Yet again The Lady is going on about this AGAIN like with 3.4 open beta.


Mar 11, 2004, 10:32pm
Some things sound like a good idea but it sounds like somoenes super

Community Alert

Mar 21, 2004, 9:59am
Computer ID's are built from hardware id numbres

Just out of curiosity (sp?)

Apr 6, 2004, 10:07am
AW is the largest you can get p32750 or 655,000m2

Build 531 Installation

Apr 8, 2004, 8:47pm
Anyone else read the warning?


*Pets AW* there there..

Build 531 Installation

Apr 10, 2004, 2:26pm
Thing is these tabs are NOT dockable they just clip in to the corner they
still sit on top of your 3d view nstuff and having them along the side and
not running the browser maximised gets annoying.

Is this possible?

Apr 11, 2004, 8:57pm
AW use to be on Quad T1 lines now there on OC1


What about whats new in World Server build 64

Apr 10, 2004, 2:28pm
I cant see whats new there were no missing world features in the 3.4 server.
Unless its to do with the SDK events

AW Promotion

Apr 10, 2004, 2:35pm
I was going though some old posts but i noticed something else on the press
release page john found about the BBC.

Carlsberg Beer to offer an Active Worlds CD-ROM with every 6 pack of
Carlsberg Beer sold in Denmark
Carlsberg Brewing Denmark has recently signed a contract with COF for the
purchase of an Active Worlds Uniserver that will be the home of the
Carlsberg Beer Universe. This Universe will be available to all Carlsberg
Beer consumers in Denmark and it will be offered as a CD ROM gift promotion
with every 6 pack of beer sold. The Universe will offer several thematic
worlds including one public building world where users will be able to make
their virtual home in Beer land. Look for this promotion to hit store
shelves in Denmark before January 1999.

That should sell aw easy! if they did it for them selves

AW Promotion

Apr 10, 2004, 10:21pm
John no one lives in the street u live on lol

beta 531 comment

Apr 11, 2004, 8:50pm
It sucks and doesn't work... notice how the thing doesn't check and uncheck

Dedicated to JohnF

Jun 17, 2004, 8:43pm
Wouldn't you like to know haha!

Activeworlds makes my UPS beep?

Aug 5, 2004, 1:29am
Well, ive never had that guess andras is right. Though mine is a 2200va
rackmount and the software is on another computer.

This is gay...

Aug 18, 2004, 3:31am
Note Zeo doesn't own grimmsoft.com


Aug 31, 2004, 9:58pm
TV sucks... its past it's prime of 2 3 years back..

Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)

Sep 8, 2004, 8:12pm
Well, you could just use win xp or win 2k pro.. If its a normal machine or
even just a dual machine you dont need windows 2000 server or 2003 if its
just a web server unless your doing things like terminal services, remote
installation dhcp exchange server, but mainly active directory. If your just
running a small web server you wont need it...

But anyway..Does apache error in anyway or write to a log file? You dont
seem to have IIS installed so that wont be stopped apache..

Webweaver is a web server too isn't it... If its already running, then port
80 will be blocked and apache cant start?

Try stopping web weaver, then see if apache will start.

Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)

Sep 8, 2004, 8:15pm
Process Name : WebWeaver.exe
Local Port : 21
Remote Port : 43190
Process Name : WebWeaver.exe
Local Port : 80
Remote Port : 63621

Yep..webweaver is blocking the HTTP anf FTP Port for its self..

Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)

Sep 9, 2004, 9:41am
Ok link sys routers, you can leave DHCP for the other machines but on your
server you will need to first set a static IP.

Go Start > Control Panel > Network Connections

Right click local area connection and select properties

On the list titled "This connection uses the following items:" double click
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Select Use the follow IP address and enter the values:

IP Address :
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS Server:

You may need to replace these DNS server's with ones used by your ISP.
Press OK, OK, and close Network connections.

Now open internet explorer, (hopefully your home page should appear, if not
dont worry just yet)

type in

You should be presented with a log in box. Leave the username blank and
enter your routers password, usually admin unless u changed it.

Click the status tab, below you should be able to see your internet IP (WAN)
if you need it.

If your home page didnt display or have trouble browsing repeat the previous
steps and copy the values of DNS: displayed by the routers status page in to
Primary and Alternative DNS, but if it works then dont worry about this

Now on the routers admin pages select advanced... then click forwarding..

Enter 80 to 80 in ext.port check TCP protocol, u can check UDP for the hell
of it too... and as your IP and click enabled. Then click apply.

Now use your external IP address shown on the status page to test your web

Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)

Sep 9, 2004, 9:51am
Oh also, yes you can use a different port for HTTP, however its not a good
idea. If i was running on port 943 instead of typing


the URL would become http://www.xeonsoft.co.uk:943/index.htm

If you wish to run on a different port you will need to adjust your router
to forward a different port, rather than 80...

If you have a second server in the future remember to set its IP to etc, but nothing above 99 as these are used for DHCP by link sys

Also on 2003, the homepage is not actually on the net if you got that
internet security thing still enabled try browsing a bit to test it...

AFantasy World's 2004 Building Contest & Halloween Party!!!!

Sep 10, 2004, 12:53pm
Chill.. never seen so much in ur life?

An idea about AW celebrating 10th anniversary...

Sep 11, 2004, 9:24pm
Hint, doubt aw will exist in 10 years...

An idea about AW celebrating 10th anniversary...

Sep 11, 2004, 10:18pm
Well the software may still be in existance but AW Inc are going down the
plug, i give em 3 years tops

An idea about AW celebrating 10th anniversary...

Sep 12, 2004, 12:07am
"AWI Said" "J P Said" since when have AW Inc had any business scence..
they've come so close to going under over and over

An idea about AW celebrating 10th anniversary...

Sep 12, 2004, 2:45am
Yeah well if the software was run by a company with brains then i could see
it lasting, but its not so its going down the plug. Not to mention the
community has atleast halfed in the last 2 years. This was mainly because of
pathetic over pricing for a chat room with a few flash graphics slapped on
top. Many people who have done direct business with AW have said they are
unprofessional, rude, have no clue what they are doing and just generally

An idea about AW celebrating 10th anniversary...

Sep 12, 2004, 2:48am
Humm not a bad idea, could help them but na it's ok they can topple them
selves quite easily...

[View Quote]

An idea about AW celebrating 10th anniversary...

Sep 12, 2004, 6:42pm
Not to mention they cant seem to keep there own server running. I mean look
its been down 3 4 times + that ive seen in the last month or so.

A question for you all...

Sep 16, 2004, 3:28pm
Not really any cause still 90% are unpopulated half the time, alot of people
just go where there are people at the time. But it does show that many users
who owned worlds have left.

Eject Dialog Bug?

Mar 28, 2005, 4:06pm
When you right click eject someone and you can then enter a new name and hit
look up, It appears to be case sensative? Is this right? World server build
67 and Browser 566

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 5, 2005, 7:30am
Hes not debating whether windows is better than linux hes saying hes had
enough of it here there is a debate whether windows is better than linux yes
but this is not really a thread for it. DROP IT!

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 5, 2005, 7:36am
I had AW 3.6 running under Fedora Core using WINE, no major issues it was
useable. As long as you say to use the external web browser, use software
rendering and to disable media urls theres no issues. You just grab a couple
dll's from a windows machine to help it out and there you go. Its not
complicated Im a linux n00b and even i can do I dont see what this guys
problem with getting it running online as he seems to be a linux fanatic or
maybe his linux buzz words are to make him sound smart I dont know but its
very simple to get working if you just read any errors wine gives you with a
bit of common sence like Direct X dont work with linux and wine.

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