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Image Switcher

Apr 23, 2005, 12:03pm
To make it a bit more useful instead of just displaying no image set you
could display a small form with a drop down of all pictures?


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new world

Apr 25, 2005, 12:56am
Hardly, I found when I had a P50/50/Tourist that it was big enough for me
and friends but not for everyone to build in. I mean plots are restrictive
but no plots and your land will be gone in minutes. If you want something
thats big you'd need atleast a P250+

new world

Apr 25, 2005, 1:00am
Oh and a word of advice before your world gets destroyed by vandels. LEARN

But if you dont want to use a registry then atleast keep Tourist Build
disabled otherwise you cant tell whos been vandeling very easily.

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new world

Apr 25, 2005, 1:08am
There are tools to generate a registry from your OP, but also there are some
preavailable ones for paths like AW and Megapath you put these text files in
your world server directory then set the registry file name on the world
properties on the world server. Now magically no one can build on other
peoples objects.

Read the AW Help files:

If its your own path then you can generate a registry using this tool:

If your using objects.activeworlds.com/aw or want a sample registry view the
alpha world one here:


Just like to point out that this took me 5 minutes to compile with just
using Google and AW Help files. Its not hard to find these things out.

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new world

Apr 27, 2005, 12:40pm
Lol P1000 is tiny compared to AW... AWTeen is a p3000 on my last count.. AW
its self is a P32750
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Apr 25, 2005, 1:08am
Like E N Z O ever gets round to it anyways.

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Apr 25, 2005, 1:10am
You wish..
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reply worldwind

May 4, 2005, 5:24pm
E N Z O's password wouldn't get you far, You'd want AWLD's or its ppw to do
anything major.
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AW TV Stations

May 11, 2005, 11:30pm
A great way to tell a tv station is n00b, they dont use square 256x256
images or of another size which AW renders quite well, and havent learnt the
some other shapes n sizes can be completely unreadable.

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Re: I Can't hear Midi With Midi On in Settings

May 27, 2005, 9:33pm
*looks at jacobs confused face*
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Streaming Media

May 28, 2005, 12:46pm
Windows Media Encoder works quite well too

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Streaming Media

May 30, 2005, 3:02pm
What do you mean Media Encoder can't capture the video, it doesn't have to
stream you know! I use it all the time for encoding video files, making
video files from various hardware sources and desktop sources. Streaming is
only part of it!

Streaming Media

Jun 5, 2005, 12:37am
Done the lot, create files from live capture. It's rather simple. Just
untick allowing pull on port blah and Archieve to file becomes encode to
file. Use the import source as the screen area and ur done.

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To AWI: Remove Jacob

May 28, 2005, 10:36pm
Your reports consist of:

"It dont work fix it"


"It broken!"


"Big bug in aw!"


etc etc

To AWI: Remove Jacob

May 28, 2005, 10:36pm
From Beta? or perminently cause id vote for the later

To AWI: Remove Jacob

May 29, 2005, 12:24pm
You sound like 8

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To AWI: Remove Jacob

May 29, 2005, 12:40pm
I have to agree 100% with strike, Jacob has just proved the point in 2

<Pointless Post 1>
Step one: go to telegram Tab
Step two: read telegram and push forward or backward or fly Same time
Voila! You stuck moving

If you want to stop

Stop tip: Push Shift and move back to stop!
</Pointless Post 1>

This is no bug because you can use keys to select mutliple grams and delete

<Pointless Post 2>

I found another bug

Step 1: Move forward Fast as you can with 50 sec before it too late
Step 2: Right click and ctrl on object and object will counts 15
Warning it will freeze you up 5 second


From Jacob The Mighty Hero

</Pointless Post 2>

You dont need to run to do this, you just need to right click while holding
control. Again that isn't a bug either your ment to be able to use control
to select multiple objects in the same cell to make it quick to move them or
delete them.

Supprisingly you can use shift as well to select multiple cells or multiple

To AWI: Remove Jacob

May 29, 2005, 12:41pm
But its not a bug at all!

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Jun 14, 2005, 8:01am
No, its ment to do something to you when you hear it, T'was a good episode
of brainiac lol
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Jun 15, 2005, 6:57pm
Not in the slightest, its ment to effect certain parts of your body that
will make you crap your self. :)

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Corruption in AWTeen...and alas why?

Jul 1, 2005, 9:22pm
Look whos talking!

Corruption in AWTeen...and alas why?

Jul 1, 2005, 9:23pm
You could not even bother playing this sort of thing, it's rather pathetic

London bombings

Jul 9, 2005, 12:00pm
Thing, I don't see why I should let those attacks stop the way life is why
should we slow down and stop our country just cause of it. No were not drama
queens like other people who have had attacks on them. Yes if you knew
people involved you have all the right to be shocked but why would anyone
else in the UK be shocked? We had enough crap from the IRA for the last god
knows how many years to really be bothered by it. People in london were
perfectly calm, people just kept working in there offices as usual.




Look at those 3 videos? Do you see panic, I think theres a lesson for drama
queens here, you shouldn't let it bother you cause bringing the world to a
stop is what they're trying to do so why let them? I mean I will quite
happily get on a london underground train right now.

London bombings

Jul 9, 2005, 8:24pm
Well you've all sounded like your deep in sympathy for us, well to be honest
we dont really care lol.

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London bombings

Jul 10, 2005, 6:49pm
Now you missed my point completely, oh well it happened never mind? Meaning
unlike other events around the world were not gonna bring the world to a
hault. Secondly most of the UK doesn't have to worry about bombings london
is only a fraction of the UK. But we have no fear, I will quite happily buy
a travel card and travel to every station on the london underground if asked

I didn't say shuve it however its old news we had moved on by the afternoon
it was just a normal day to us, we don't have to go round dragging up whats
happened sitting there saying oh my god it was horrible!

London bombings

Jul 10, 2005, 6:54pm
Oh and yes if we get use to it, it doesn't bother us, there is less point of
bothering to attack us.

London bombings

Jul 10, 2005, 7:16pm
Whats to confuse?

The point of terrorisum is to cause fear. If fear is produced the attack is
susccesful and there is motive for another. If no fear is created it is
pointless to keep attacking. All I say is that why should we let it bother
us. Why should we cry about every single little thing that happens as that
just encourages then to do it again!

London bombings

Jul 10, 2005, 11:16pm
If people read my earlier post, I said something along the lines of fair
enough if you knew someone invovled you have allright to be worried/upset
and sympath to them but I don't see why the whole country needs to be hugged
better we can stand on our own two feet and im 40 minutes from london too
and I don't feel any less safe or scared I still travel on the trains
regularly and will quite happily go on the london underground!

Sound >_<!

Jul 17, 2005, 10:03am
Hahaha love it, he hasn't got a clue and quotes tony m.. lol anyway naa most
of the time its drivers eg sound driver or graphics driver problems that
cause random reboots. I've never had to fix a problem like that by changing

But if you read the post you see this is not the problem he is experiencing
this is AW's crap sound its never worked proper ever since they changed to
WMP sound.

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Overpriced.. How the heck?

Jul 20, 2005, 3:39pm
Universes are at rip off prices to buy because AW Inc doesn't want anyone to
compete with them. Universes start at $9995 though a lower user limit you
could get a special deal maybe. You do not have to be hosted by AW Inc which
is a rip off they do allow universe owners to self host the uni, 30k seems a
bit much even for AW's standards though, If well planned hosting can be alot

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