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AW Meeting

Aug 9, 2003, 12:34pm
I dont think she understands No, Give up, Defeat, Enough or anything that
means stop

AW Meeting

Aug 9, 2003, 2:24pm
How about i setup a new newsgroup server where we can let everyone on exept
the lady

Echomencers above post MEANS NEW UNIVERSE!!!!!

Aug 16, 2003, 10:57pm
Echomencers above post MEANS NEW UNIVERSE!!!!!


Echomencers above post MEANS NEW UNIVERSE!!!!!

Aug 16, 2003, 11:36pm
[View Quote]

Echomencers above post MEANS NEW UNIVERSE!!!!!

Aug 17, 2003, 11:35am
Echo was saying the post wasn't making much difference to i simpley made it
a bit more obveous

Alternate newsgroup for expired cits and existing cits and tourists maybe?!

Aug 30, 2003, 9:49pm

new newsgroup where aw's hated ppl will be banned!

Alternate newsgroup for expired cits and existing cits and tourists maybe?!

Aug 30, 2003, 10:52pm
dunno he gave me the email and idea so i thought what the heck but if hes
evil then bye bye to him

Alternate newsgroup for expired cits and existing cits and tourists maybe?!

Aug 30, 2003, 10:55pm
*KILLS IT* cant be assed to host a huge newsgroup

AWTeen Problem

Sep 7, 2003, 8:45am
Finally someone said it

Halloween at spiral matrix-Imagine

Oct 3, 2003, 2:00pm
Err didn't u hear about what echo said on the last post about SM..... dont
do it here this is aw...

Halloween at spiral matrix-Imagine

Oct 3, 2003, 2:03pm
And since when have u been the publicity officer

3.4 495 upgrade? whats it for?

Oct 29, 2003, 9:32pm

PROXIMA Teaser Video

Nov 4, 2003, 3:51pm
Reminds me of one of those DIY shows where they show u around what they did

End of the world

Nov 26, 2003, 9:01pm
http://www.hojenberg.se/endofworld.swf can take a while to load

End of the world

Nov 26, 2003, 9:03pm
Sorry ment to go to General.Discussion
[View Quote]


Nov 30, 2003, 11:54am
What does it matter if its matt as far as the sm owner cares as long as he
behaves him self he is treated as a normal SM Cit


Nov 30, 2003, 12:19pm
Commander shut up we dont harbor them. We let them be a cit same as anyone
else. We dont care what they have done in AW or anywhere else. But if they
step out of line once there is no warnings for them. How can Matt or any
other "terrorist" get in a community with being given a chance to prove they
can behave them self.


Nov 30, 2003, 1:50pm
you dnot like ppl reposting the whole convo making more and more 60k posts
do you mark aka the king


Nov 30, 2003, 2:41pm
no i just generally wait for ppl to leave b4 i announce who they r


Nov 30, 2003, 7:29pm
You have to remember the a!!ct stuff have been going totally psyco for the
lsat 4 months +


Nov 30, 2003, 9:39pm
By the way the problem in A!!CT is to do with MrBruce and Mayor Taz who
simpley got Matts help for revenge. This has nothing to do with SM and Mayor
Taz did not use SM to plan this they simpley have done this at the spure of
the moment


Nov 30, 2003, 9:40pm
So sort out ur own problems and admit bruce has gone in to a flamer stop
blindly staying on his side and blaming any possible thing u can


Dec 1, 2003, 5:49pm
Excuss me id just like to point out that most ppl use echomencers first name
in that universe

computer ID

Jan 15, 2004, 5:41pm
The computer identifier is the whole MAC address for the computers network
adapter. This basicly means no matter how they change there IP or what ISP
they use the mac address is the same. The mac address is unique to the
adapter its self. So the main way to get around it is to change the adapter
in your computer, but who would do that just to get in a chat room?

can aw release a 3.5 screenshot?

Jan 27, 2004, 4:15pm
No that rain and lightning isn't to do with 3.5
[View Quote]

3.5 Annoying stuff

Jan 31, 2004, 2:31pm
Ive seen many posts about the tabs so, if you agree that the new tabs is
annoying in 3.5 reply to this message maybe if we can create a long enough
thread we can get aw inc to do something about it.


Feb 7, 2004, 10:44pm
Aw create a lot of load on the processor when running with higher graphics
options and a large 3d window... sometimes shrinking the 3d window in a
lagger world fixes this temperlary. Since i think it was 3.1 AW stopped
using Direct sound and just shuved all sounds though Windows Media Player.
Explaination possibley?

Build 525

Feb 12, 2004, 11:20pm
Build 525 those bloody tabs blah... but worst of all is it just me or does
this higher throttal make movement slower and corse more general lag! I wish
you could specify/disable/enable the throtal on the fly!

Help wanted

Feb 15, 2004, 8:18pm
I dont think we should even bother trying to understand this question from
our lil jacob...

The Game

Feb 20, 2004, 3:20pm
Does she even know her self?

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