Leaving AW Soon (Community)

Leaving AW Soon // Community

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Apr 4, 2005, 4:34am
Dear Folks of the AW Community, My recently new citizenship has been
disabled with a remainder of 8 months on it meaning $40 down the drain, and
my remaining cit which I am writing with now expires in 17 days.

I have come to terms with my AW experience, I dont regret the good and bad
times I had, I learned alot in many areas, I dont hold any grudges against
anybody, I am just glad I was able to call myself a "virtual pioneer" for a
few years. I was able to make good friends who have left over the years, and
I have been able to develop my sense for design, but above all I have alot
of good memories from this place, and wont hold onto the bad ones. So I may
come back everynow and then as a tourist just to check things out, but I
dont have the money for a new cit, nor the time.

So I just want to say I apologize to all that I hurt, and I forgive all who
have hurt me, I had a good time that I wont forget, I taught myself alot
about architecture and I am proud to be able to leave AW the 21st of this
month with a good attitude and no regret or anger, I am just glad for the
opportunities and good times I was able to have here.

So gram me if you want within my last couple of weeks, or email me at
starbuilds at yahoo.com Maybe someday when I have more leisure time and if AW
is still around, I will come back. To my old friends and new and everybody,
I love you! Ciao~! =]

dabean e

Apr 4, 2005, 6:14am
Well Seiya, from my observations, you are a great person, great builder,
and AW should be kicking itself for loosing such a person.
As many times as I have tried to find out, nobody has explained to me
why all the bad stuff is going around about you, but IMO, i see no
problem with you, and they, well, who knows! hmm they all reading this..
Nothing bad against you all, you just dont say enough about things!

AWI, refund Seiya's money, or give her cit back. Thats just horrible
to theive 8 months of pay from a user. Well, hope to see you around my

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Apr 4, 2005, 6:52am
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strike rapier

Apr 4, 2005, 6:53am
*looks at contacts list* You look online to me. 8 months don't just
disappear, phone them up.

- MR

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Apr 4, 2005, 7:05am
OK. This is no reason to leave AW.

Email AWI, and find out why they disabled your citizenship, if they cannot
provide a satisfactory answer then try phoning them (number will be on the
website). If that still doesn't work, you'll still have protected tourist
building in AWNewbie, Storage, TheBeans, and my world, Tourist. There's
still plenty of fun to be had in AW, even if you're cit-less :)


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lord fett

Apr 4, 2005, 7:12am
The reason for the drop in users is NOT because of lack of linux
support. Not sure where you are getting this from... it is because of
the price hike that happened a while back and people not wanting to
renew. Windows is not the only platform, but it is sure the majority...
a large majority in fact and where the main stream of money is coming
from for them. And from what keeps happening to the staff/programmers at
AWI, doesnt seem like they have much manpower to work with to take on
such a task of redo the browser to have linux support. Would take a long
long time, probably several years to recode the browser. So don't expect
anything anytime soon.

[View Quote] > I am not there either due to AW's Lack of Linux support, I think this is
> a reason that the user base has gone from over 1000 to less then 300 at
> times, and others even lower then that. I run SAlackware 10.1 and have
> asked they make a Linux version, as the have a Linux version of the
> World Server so why not a Linux version of the Browser? Wine the Windows
> Binary builder seems to not like aw, or aw does not like it, at least
> here. So all my builds go unattended and will probably lapse soon due to
> the unresponsiveness of all the Upper Management that thinks Windows is
> the "Only" platform that anyone uses. Be well sis and keep in touch with
> me.


Apr 4, 2005, 8:06am
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strike rapier

Apr 4, 2005, 11:45am
Listen... if you want to go on a rampage about Linux is soooooooooo much
better than windows, piss off! No one gives a flying feck if you don't know
how to setup an operating system to work right. You bought a product 'aw' to
work on a platform 'windows', nowhere does it say it is for anything else
(Except certain server components).

I for one am so sick of walking adverts for Linux that seem to exist these
days, You have mentioned that you use Sloppyware in every single post you
have made.

Now just to ram it in a little more, meet my friend 'Hypertext Markup
Language' which is, would you believe it, used on hundreds of millions of
PC's running windows without problems.. although I dare say, should you try
it on XP you would probably get a general protection fault from trying to
rewrite the kernel in cgywin.


Do you have any measily idea how many different user bases AW actually has
not in this universe?

chmod 777 /
rm -r x /

Please do...


- Mark R

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Apr 4, 2005, 1:33pm
How ridiculous. Why did they disable your other cit? The other question is
have you decided what you are yet?


Apr 4, 2005, 1:34pm
Actually - AW is on of the two reasons why I have still Windows running
on my machines, else it would be Linux too. :-)

Many years ago I bought a TV, but it only could receive one single
channel, because that was all what was available. This very old TV was,
though, capable of receiving more channels as they were offered in the
next 15 years - I did not have to buy a different model only because I
bought it once "with one TV channel".

So, when I had 10 years ago - or have now - a program that only runs
with a Windows "OS", it does not mean that it has to be that way
forever. Of course, since Windows is the biggest customer base, every
company would start with it, but to not expand the possible customer in
the course of time is not a senseful approach to business.

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dabean e

Apr 4, 2005, 1:45pm
YOu see what I mean everyone?? Nobody who has posted yet, which is
probobly a magority of people who read this thread, have a clue why AWI
would do this. So please dont telegram me saying it is absure that I
defend Seiya.

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Apr 4, 2005, 2:16pm
Strike... Have to disagree on this one.

Linux/Unix machines beat windows out on simply uptime alone.

My server's current uptime:
[jerme at www ]$ uptime
09:43:13 up 314 days, 15:20, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Let me see your windows machine do that....

My expirence shows that on identical/equivalent hardware, windows
machines will need to be rebooted at least once a week to maintain
stablility. After about a week (depending upon load/use), memory leaks
and corruption take over... Where as on Linux, the machine can run

I have yet to *ever* see a windows machine with an uptime of over a
year. This is due namely to the fact that everytime you install a
security update or a new piece of software, you have to reboot the whole
system. However, on linux it's not uncommon for most machines to have
uptimes of a year or more.

Don't get me started on performance and security.... Microsoft looses
hands down, anyway you look at it.


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Apr 4, 2005, 2:25pm
I have to agree with you whole heartedly...

I feel the need to correct one minor thing though.

TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) is not a "Microsoft thing". TCO is a term
used in mainly in the computer/technology industry (but other industries
as well) to refer to the total cost of purchasing,
installing/implimenting, traning users, and
maintaining/expanding/scaling the system throughout it's anticipated life.

So, rather than just looking at upfront costs, TCO looks at how much a
piece of technology will cost to buy, impliment, and keep running (i.e.
pay a techie to keep it running).

My bet would be that you're refering to the adds that Microsoft has been
running lately which claim Window's TCO is lower than the TCO of linux.
They're trying to say that it costs *more* to keep a linux system
running and maintained than a Windows system. Granted that it is more
complex to maintain a linux system (most of it doesn't have any pretty
window's interface dumbing it down), it does require a more skilled
administrator. However, when you add in all the hidden costs of Windows,
somehow I doubt the TCO is less than linux.

My guess is that Microsoft funded the research behind these ads and that
it's noting more than propaganda in a loosing battle microsoft is fighting.

Indepent research suggests that the most popular web server in use today
is Apache running on (surprise!) linux..... Eat that microsoft and IIS.


> I realise the hike in Cit costs is part of it. Also there is a Microsoft
> thing out called TCO, Totla Cost of Ownership. They claim Windows is so
> much less yet Linux on the whole is free to get, and install, Spend
> hundreds of dollars on Windows and watch it crash on a regular basis.

strike rapier

Apr 4, 2005, 2:30pm
- Mark Randall
[View Quote] > My server's current uptime:
> [jerme at www ]$ uptime
> 09:43:13 up 314 days, 15:20, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
> Let me see your windows machine do that....

The question is, why? I go to bed at night, I like quiet, I very rarley need
to leave my workstation on, if I need to leave it on, usually its only for a
few days. Ive gone for weeks just kicking it into hibernate mode at night
without problem.

> My expirence shows that on identical/equivalent hardware, windows machines
> will need to be rebooted at least once a week to maintain stablility.
> After about a week (depending upon load/use), memory leaks and corruption
> take over... Where as on Linux, the machine can run indefinitly.

Try mapping the NT Kernel memory usage, if you were talking about 9x I would
agree with you wholeheartedly, it was a piece of shite. My old school left
its Windows 2K boxes running for weeks at a time.

> I have yet to *ever* see a windows machine with an uptime of over a year.
> This is due namely to the fact that everytime you install a security
> update or a new piece of software, you have to reboot the whole system.
> However, on linux it's not uncommon for most machines to have uptimes of a
> year or more.
> Don't get me started on performance and security.... Microsoft looses
> hands down, anyway you look at it.

Have to love ye olde 9 bit security attributes on linux and unix eh?
Compared to MS's PID EFS cert system, a full set of primary and operational
rights... It literally blows Linux out the water. I mean, of course its
going to be more secure if it has 3 pesky little rights associated with it,
and not 15. Windows and Linux are different kinds of locks; Linux is just a
padlock with a big key, Windows is a 10 digit keypad that opens different
doors, Linux is all very well for just dedicated tasks (webhost) otherwise,
in a workplace situation.. its crap.

Linux is good for one thing... PHP / MySQL web page hosting. Even then,
findings show that Windows .NET Server beats it in almost every situation.

- Mark R

> -Jeremy
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strike rapier

Apr 4, 2005, 2:34pm
- Mark Randall
[View Quote] The latest research shows that medium businesses are turning away from OS,
who could blame them really, if you use software from a company you have
rights... if you get it for free.... well, you dont. At all...

> Indepent research suggests that the most popular web server in use today
> is Apache running on (surprise!) linux..... Eat that microsoft and IIS.

So how come about 80% of corpate enterprise systems run on ASP or JSP?

> -Jeremy


Apr 4, 2005, 3:07pm
can't understand nor imagine why awi would disable it and be so rude and
insensitive as not to tell ya why =-/ perhaps ya got drunk and changed the
password and now yer in total denial.....maaaaaybe? =P wishing ya all the
best in all that ya can beeeee =D

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Apr 4, 2005, 3:15pm
EGADS woman! there you go again being uppity! ;)

*take my CaseyAngel out for dinner*

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e n z o

Apr 4, 2005, 4:59pm
What cit? I just looked and "Seiya" is not disabled....


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Apr 4, 2005, 5:24pm
Good Luck to you! Seiya, I have not met you and don't really understand your
problem nor have ever heard anything bad about you before so one person here
and probably hundreds of others are still your friend cause we have never
met you....but good Luck. I bet you will be back though as a cit. :)


Apr 4, 2005, 5:54pm
Seiya was disabled after deleting my property once obtaining my password
through stalking me and for harassing me through email, phone, and air mail.
To defend her without knowing the facts is absurd.

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Apr 4, 2005, 5:55pm
We could argue all day about why this OS is better than that OS. The
fact is, about 90% (last time I checked) of desktop computers use
Windows. From a business standpoint, a company wants to "go where the
money is" and would most likely come out with software that works on the
most popular OS (which would be Windows). Adding support for
additionally OSes in the future would be nice, but if it doesn't
generate a reasonable amount of profit to a company, it probably won't
happen. Sorry to say, but that's just how it is.

Now, if everyone that was using Windows suddenly shifted over to a Linux
distro or ran out and bought a Mac, then I think businesses in the
software industry would have to take note of this since it would have
the potential to hurt their bottom line. Linux and Mac usage will slowly
grow over time and eventually reach a decent amount of desktops, but for
now, most companies just don't feel the need to support multiple OSes.

Have you tried using any emulation software to get AW to run on Linux? I
believe someone was able to get it working in software mode, but some of
the features didn't work or it crashed a few times. In any case, at
least AWI has servers that work under Linux. It would be a hard sell if
you couldn't host worlds under Linux, but you can at least do that much.


[View Quote] > I realise the hike in Cit costs is part of it. Also there is a Microsoft
> thing out called TCO, Totla Cost of Ownership. They claim Windows is so
> much less yet Linux on the whole is free to get, and install, Spend
> hundreds of dollars on Windows and watch it crash on a regular basis.
> Same hardware, no changes, and Slackware Linux is poperating at it's
> peak with no hiccups. AWI needs to understand the cost will go up again,
> because of the lack of users, so trying to keep revenues is going to be
> fun. If they took the time, they could get back to a greater than 500 or
> even 1000 users if they just paid attention.


Apr 4, 2005, 6:15pm
[View Quote] > My server's current uptime:
> [jerme at www ]$ uptime
> 09:43:13 up 314 days, 15:20, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

9:14pm up 329 days, 18:00, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


Server uptime: 680 days 7 hours 20 minutes 47 seconds



Apr 4, 2005, 6:23pm
[View Quote] Try mapping the NT Kernel memory usage, if you were talking about 9x I
agree with you wholeheartedly, it was a piece of shite. My old school
its Windows 2K boxes running for weeks at a time.

I have right now a W98SE machine with a worldserver running for 8 weeks
without a reboot - it is just a question what you do with a computer,
when you play games or run resource hungry and/or substandard
applications, it won't run for a day, not on Windows and not on Linux.
When you use server services, both, Windows (98, 2000, 2003, etc.) and
Linux can run for weeks and weeks without a problem - I once came to a
customer who had a DOS machine running as a server for 3 years <g>. :-)


Apr 4, 2005, 6:56pm
>The question is, why?

Because I like to know that my OS is quality enough to handle it. If it
always dies after 3 days of uptime, or had to be restarted everytime I
turn around, then it's no where near a stable as linux. Which, as we've
proven, can run for virtually limitless periods of time.

>Have to love ye olde 9 bit security attributes on linux and unix eh?
>Compared to MS's PID EFS cert system, a full set of primary and
>rights... It literally blows Linux out the water.

Guess you haven't seen SE Linux.


Read up. This version of linux can blow windows out of the water on
security anyday....

This just in from bowen:
"Feel free to post this from me, if I recall correctly, my 233 MHz
machine that I put mandrake 10 on had an uptime for about 346 days
before a thunderstorm tore it down. Try to do that with windows. ;)"


strike rapier

Apr 4, 2005, 7:12pm
> This just in from bowen:
> "Feel free to post this from me, if I recall correctly, my 233 MHz machine
> that I put mandrake 10 on had an uptime for about 346 days before a
> thunderstorm tore it down. Try to do that with windows. ;)"

Sorry, I don't have time... I prefer using my computer, and turning it off
when im not... I don't have a year to spare :)

- MR


Apr 4, 2005, 8:48pm
E N Z O it would be my Cute Mandy cit, this one I am on now is the one that
expires soon, I really just want my money back, I am content with leaving,
probably the best thing I could do for myself.

strike rapier

Apr 4, 2005, 9:11pm
We agree.

- Mark Randall
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Apr 4, 2005, 9:40pm
[View Quote] TCO Linux 0 to 100.00 max. Per seat, some Distros are Not free.

This is PEr Seat, can Windows make this claim?


Apr 4, 2005, 10:15pm
Shadows right, from my experiences of Seiya Im not supprised- it all gets a
bit freaky when someone approaches you as a 16yr old girl askin you to be
thier internet boyfriend when youve known them previously as someone whos
supposedly 22, a bit sick if you ask me.. although didnt take long to suss
out - and also trying to steal friends identidies by making others think
that they were Seiya him/herself, causing untold problems.. theres a lot I
could add but cant be bothered, its been a long time coming in my oppinion
and not something I really want to have to deal wiht when I come to Aw, but
nether the less, good luck Seiya, hope you have learned something :)

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strike rapier

Apr 4, 2005, 10:16pm
Add to that several hundred per-seat to train each user. You will find that
MS does do bulk buys, site licenses and so on, these do work out a lot
cheaper than you would expect.

Regardless, a cheaper distrobution is still useless if it doesnt have
support, doesnt provide everything you need, doesnt have as much software
for it.

- Mark Randall

> TCO Windows Initial Seat no more than one from 99.00 to 399.00 depending
> on theOS of cxhoice
> TCO Linux 0 to 100.00 max. Per seat, some Distros are Not free.
> This is PEr Seat, can Windows make this claim?

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