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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 12:13am
Yeah, but those constitutional rights are taken away on the internet by the
digital millenium act or whatever its called. Also, iggy is not neccesarily
a 'proud-american' but had family in the holocaust. I think thats plenty of

Vermin clearly used the word 'jew' as if it were a bad thing, and you know
it. However, I don't really think that vermin saying that hitler was half
jewish was bad at all, and in fact if anything was to make hitler look
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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 12:17am
There, a good argument. The GK management may be the reason certain GKs are
bad (or have gone bad) and are still there, and that would be the cause.
However, I was just arguing that there are bad GKs, and plenty of them.
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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 12:17am
I agree.
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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 12:19am
I agree with that statement 100%.
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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 12:20am
No, but some GKs are really bad enough to eject people simply out of
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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 12:20am
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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 10:42pm
I think that vermin was hinting at slander, saying 'Jew' as if it were a bad
thing. That is clearly against the conduct guidelines.
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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 10:44pm
That law is what ALLOWS aw and other internet entities to be exempt from
many laws.

Sorry for the one liners, heh heh heh.
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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 10:56pm
I would say that 5-10 lousy GKs or even possibly more is plenty.
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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 11:00pm
lol, I would love it :-P

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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 11:01pm
No, I would never do that. In my world I don't really eject for anything at
all as long as no one is bothered by it. I would make a terrible GK, but I
sure wouldn't eject for no reason.

I prefer not to list the names on the newsgroup.
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I crossed the line

Jul 1, 2003, 12:25am
Me :-P because those posts drive me nuts.
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I crossed the line

Jul 1, 2003, 10:38pm
lol, yeah :-P
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Okay you can kill me now...

Jul 5, 2003, 12:28pm
Yeah me too. The only reason I ever became a cit was because I explored all
the worlds and ended up liking them a lot. If I was a tourist now, I would
never become a cit.

Ok this is all assumptions and stuff, but here goes:
I own a p-20 5 user world. I'm not an adult and don't have any kind of job
(besides tutoring), and my parents don't spoil me so the chances of me
getting any large amount of money from them is very small. I personally
don't want to pay for a world if I have to scrounge money to keep it up. I
own a p-20 5 user, which I pay $40 a year for. As I said before, I don't
want to have to use a large amount of effort to keep my world up. Why would
I pay $100 a year for a p-20 5 user world with tourist access when I can pay
$90 a year for a p-30 5 user or p-20 10 user, have more possibilities for my
world, and have to use LESS effort to keep my world up? What's tourist
access when you have a 5 user limit anyway? If tourist access was cheaper,
then owners of small worlds (like me) might actually pay for it. It would
also be more profitable for AW. Lets say, 400-500 world owners (there are
generally 1100 active worlds) payed $30 for tourist access ($12,000-$15,000)
instead of 110 world owners paying $60 for tourist access ($6,600) AW would
make twice as much money off of tourist access. Not that you can be sure
400-500 world owners would buy the $30 tourist access. They could break even
(220 world owners paying). Even if it was only $20 (and they had 400-500
people registering) they would still make $8,000-$10,000, which is more than
$6,600. Not to mention the extra income brought in by more tourists becoming
citizens (more worlds to experience, more bad experiences in build deletion
etc., more appeal because of nice worlds open to tourists, etc.). Pretty
much any way it would happen, AW would not only make more money, but the
universe would be more appealing, more enjoyable, cheaper to use, and more.

AW won't last unless they make more money somehow. This is probably very,
very far off, but here is what their income could be. Lets say there are
only 300 cits. Thats $24,000 a year. Then $6,600 from tourist access. Thats
$30,600 a year. Then the income from worlds, $81,930 (assuming 500 worlds
are p-10 5 user, 100 are p-20 5 user, 10 are p-80 10 user, 50 are p-50 30
user, 3 are p-100 100 user, 100 are p-20 10 user, 200 are p-10 10 user, 100
p-30 5 user, 37 are p-30 10 user, and there are 1000 worlds total (and there
are definately many more)). That's $112,530 a year. Not to mention little
cit upgrades (bot limits) and other ways they make money (bingo bot renting,
etc.). Assuming there are 50 legal universes, and the average price is
$34,375, AW gets $1,718,750 from universes. That's $1,831,280. Then lets
assume there are 20 legal galaxys that cost on average $5,800. That's an
additional $116,000, making the yearly income $1,947,280. Assuming they host
200 worlds ($200 each), 5 galaxys ($400 each), and 15 universes ($900 each)
they make $55,500 off of hosting. That's $2,002,780. Asumming they host 200
FTP places at an average price of $509, they make $101,800 off of that. That
brings the total to $2,104,580. Advertising is $500 a month, assuming they
have 10 people advertising the entire year, they make $60,000 off of that,
bringing the total to $2,164,580. I could go on a long time, but lets end it
here. That's probably a horrible understatement or overstatement, but oh
well. If their employees cost them $1,600,000 and they have $200,000 in
other costs and... well you get the picture of my random estimation.
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BI Message - Try Building Somewhere Else Because This Space Is Too Full - WHAT IS UP????

Jul 5, 2003, 10:50am
No, I think its actually the number of characters, but oh well.
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Another M A T T joke [198 kb]

Jul 6, 2003, 4:05pm
Nope, I think any general statement without proof is bull pucky.
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M A T T Types in Sims?....lol

Jul 6, 2003, 3:37pm
Lamers are in every online game. I'm not surprised at all.
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Jul 6, 2003, 3:59pm
This is just what he means. Your all heartless jerks. Read your own posts,
I'm sure you wouldn't like any of that said to you. It's people like you
guys who scare cits and tourists away. Anyway, I see why he would want
appreciation for doing stuff for the community. I forget what else I was
going to say, heh heh heh.
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Jul 6, 2003, 4:00pm
No, but people do show their appreciation to them.
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On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 12, 2003, 3:07pm
:-P don't mean to be a jerk, but I'd rather not tell you where I live, heh
heh heh. Near Boston though.
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On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 12, 2003, 3:10pm
Heh heh heh, and I live in Cambridge, right next to Boston, woo!
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its a nice day in AW

Jul 12, 2003, 3:18pm
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New Objects :)

Jul 15, 2003, 9:46am
Dangit, I want those kind of object making skills, lol.
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New Objects :)

Jul 15, 2003, 9:47am
BTW< I don't mean to be picky or something, but browsing your site would be
easier if it had some kind of menu somewhere.
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A!!CT looking for new host

Jul 16, 2003, 10:44pm
Lol, I was thinking of using a php script to get oct31.de/objs, your OP, and
my own. That would screw things up a lot, heh heh heh.
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Bots N Privacy

Jul 21, 2003, 8:13am
Remember though, sometimesworld owners will have the world on 'hide chat'
and will repeat the chat through a bot. This basically disables whispers.
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New Trojan Floating around AW

Jul 21, 2003, 7:57pm
lol, I got it O_O Thanks for the info :-P Where'd you get those skills :-P
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- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojans

Jul 21, 2003, 7:27pm
What are the names of the registry entries?
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- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojans

Jul 21, 2003, 7:32pm
BTW, will deleting all of the files get rid of it sufficiently, or shoudl I
delete the registry entries too?
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- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojans

Jul 21, 2003, 7:42pm
You just delete all the files and registry entries, right?
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