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- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojans

Jul 21, 2003, 8:00pm
yeah, and I got the links in the telegram. Unfortuanetely your warning came
too late. Luckily I didn't lose my cit. Thanks anyway. Its no problem, its
not your fault.
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- !!! Trojan horse WARNING !!! - some AW cits do not know better than to spread trojans

Jul 21, 2003, 8:01pm
rofl, I got it from matt through pineriver's cit. I clicked on it stupidly
because I trust pineriver, and didn't know the cit was stolen :-P sucks for
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Jul 22, 2003, 9:55am
That person was probably just making a joke...
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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 23, 2003, 10:29pm
Idiot... most everyone downloaded it in a link from a person they knew who's
cit got hacked.
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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 23, 2003, 10:34pm
Well, I suppose you might say: "DO NOT DOWNLOAD AWTOOLKIT.EXE FROM ANYONE!!
http://iceflare.net/nelxaga/stuff/awtoolkitdeleter.zip" in the universe
message. That's more what people were asking for.

Anyway, first off, this file is not considered a virus by any of the best
antivirus software, so scanning it won't help. Also, if you recieve the link
from someone you know and trust who makes tools for AW, it is pretty hard to
know... that's what happened to me :-X heh heh heh
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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 23, 2003, 10:37pm
I got it on july 20th at 7:30 PM
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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 23, 2003, 10:38pm
yeah, but it might've been someone else besides matt. heck, it oculd be me
or you for all we know. Proxies are quite accessible.
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Citizen Ship hacked

Jul 23, 2003, 10:40pm
Yup, its horrible isn't it? When my cit was hacked I got banned from like 15
different worlds, and I'm still banned from mutation because Ombre refuses
to believe me O_O. You may never get back into someof your favorite worlds.
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Citizen Ship hacked

Aug 13, 2003, 7:43pm
What anti-virus software? None of it installs on any hard drive I try in my
computer. Must be a hard drive issue.
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Citizen Ship hacked

Aug 13, 2003, 7:43pm
Oh yeah, no one on my network will let me configure the router to have the
firewall on...
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Citizen Ship hacked

Aug 13, 2003, 7:45pm
How are college age people children? Dumb CNN, heh heh heh.
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OneSummer a Hacker?

Jul 23, 2003, 10:41pm
More likely M A T T or someone else
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AV proposal

Jul 23, 2003, 12:13am
Believe me, they've tried, but he using proxies. I could just as easily as
matt do the same thing... with a proxy. It isnt hard. We don't even know if
all these people are matt...
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AV proposal

Jul 23, 2003, 12:14am
There are at least 2000 proxies (andthats a horrible understatement)... good
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AV proposal

Jul 23, 2003, 12:14am
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AV proposal

Jul 23, 2003, 12:15am
I dought matt will ever be caught
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AV proposal

Jul 23, 2003, 9:05am
He's not lucky, he uses proxies. There is no way to catch him.
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AV proposal

Jul 23, 2003, 9:05am
hmm... or at least trace it.
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AV proposal

Jul 23, 2003, 9:07am
Maybe he usd a fake card or something? If he didn't, then this whole thing
is bull. Making viruses is a serious offense, as well as hacking. I don't
see why aw couldn't at least sue him or take him to court.
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AV proposal

Jul 23, 2003, 10:47pm
Hmm... maybe M a t t works for AWI and AWI doesn't want themselves to look
bad... or maybe M a t t's related to an employee...
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Unofficial Active Worlds Poll

Jul 23, 2003, 12:10am
1) All of them, including allof the featurs that should be part of the
browser but are instead incorporated into bots. EXAMPLE: Backing up a world.
Also, have graphics ratings as well as content ratings so a world with
extremely high amounts of polys can be distinguished from one with few.
Improved graphics, as well as improved rendering.
2) The improved world list which they offered in the feature vote, as well
as a terrain grid based on quarter cells instead of cells (which allows for
more detailed terrain). A lot more. Examples: Custom AVs, improved world,
universe etc. server interfaces, cells which include vertical coordinates
(cube shaped instead of the entire height, this would potentially reduce lag
while at the same time improved building), enroachment formulas based on the
actual edges of an object and not it's center, even more.
3) The GUI is pretty good. Skins would be nice. It could be easier, and have
more options.
4) Yes, much. The more people the better.
5) As open-ended and free as possible. No corruption, proper services
(example: a GOOD GK service. And AW don't reply saying that they are
volunteers so your not complaining, believe me, there are a LOT of better
people who would volunteer if they could or there was a better program).
More possibilities. The ability to make avatars do anything, have items and
such, kind of like an RPG since that's kind of what AW sort of is.
6) Mutation is crap. None of the bots nor AW software is advanced enough for
proper gaming worlds. We need a well organised public building world where
there is as much land as AW, except vandalism is controlled. Making seed
objects MUST be built into the browser.
7) AW can advertise like mad, do fundraising, and come out with a
well-balanced pricing plan. So far all the price hike has done is gotten rid
of many people who make the AW experience better. Maybe different prices
plans and options for citizenships. EXAMPLE: $20 a year for a limited
citizenship where you are not allowed to own worlds or something and more
disadvantages. $50/year for a citizenship where you get normal citizenship
benefits. $90/year for a premium citizenship where you get access to a
special world or something you normally would have to pay to enter. Also,
reduced world prices would be good. It would encourage people to buy MORE
worlds. Most of all, the ability to CHARGE for entry into a world (I know it
sounds stupid, but read on). You would pay a little extra moeny for
permission to do this. It would encourage premium citizenships, as well as
encouraging higher quality worlds which are larger and can hold more users,
because people would have more money for better worlds, and even try to make
a profit, which would incite competion among worlds and more improvements
and spending on worlds. It would have to be regulated however, or else ALL
world owners would be charging, which would be ludicrous and kill the entire
software. There are a million other things AW could do.
8) Yes, definately. If they got moere money they could have larger servers
and be able to accomadate worlds which are 50000NESW. if many more people
were building this would allow worlds such as AW to continue to have the
same atmosphere as well as accomadate everyone.
9) YES, absolutely. It keeps the AW world thriving to have many different
diverse worlds which are up-to-date.
10) Possibly, but they definately should hire some professional 3D artists
to make objects so that AW would look much better. Also professional texture
artists, beacuse honestly... many of the current textures are absolutely
horrible and ugly.

There is SOOOOOOOO much that could be done to improve AW.

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Unofficial Active Worlds Poll

Oct 6, 2003, 6:12pm
We definately need a terrain/attribute/property backup built into the

-.Duo. (342836)
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Unofficial Active Worlds Poll

Oct 6, 2003, 6:14pm
and higher definition textures

-.Duo. (342836)
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Unofficial Active Worlds Poll

Oct 6, 2003, 9:33pm
well... maybe not, or maybe so. I guess the CT of the certain world would

-.Duo. (342836)
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Unofficial Active Worlds Poll

Oct 6, 2003, 10:35pm
true... but in two years any computer will be able to handle it. Seriously,
this is my computer:

700MHz Athlon
640MB SDRAM (128MB PC100, 512MB PC133)
80GB Hard Drive
Sound Blaster Live!
Geforce 2 MX 440 32MB

and I can handle games on high quality mode, though occasionally the lack of
video memory kills it.

-.Duo. (342836)
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Yellow Community Leader!

Jul 23, 2003, 9:59pm
Yeah, I'd love to help, but I bet AW won't let me because I'm not 18 or
older. Oh well.
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Yellow Community Leader!

Jul 23, 2003, 10:03pm
I agree 100% with the whole thing about having real conversations instead of
the mindless crap at the gate being a good idea, and was a strong point
about yellow. BTW, Builderz and MrBruce are both free and great hosts.
[View Quote] > many times the PK would come in to "break it up"
> Now Yellow is dead. I say good riddance to the world, but I really miss
> having a place where there was a group of people who had the mental
> to say more than hello or talk about their kitty. I've always wanted to
> build my world (Avatar) into a place like that (a place for fairly
> unrestricted exchanges of ideas, not horrid objects textures and building
> from the 4th layer of hell) but it's just so hard to get the "critical
> of a community together. ... and the fact that it shuts down when I go to
> bed since I can't find a reliable free host....
> Wow, that turned out not only long but stupid. Sorry.

Yellow Community Leader!

Jul 23, 2003, 10:05pm
Correct he is. Wrong I talk, but right I am.
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Yellow Community Leader!

Jul 23, 2003, 10:12pm
Assumption? ROFL. Every time anyone starts an intelligent conversation the
GKs put an end to it, and you know it. You don't need to spend time at the
gate to know this. I have logs upon logs of examples too. For instance,
everytime someone voices their dislike of the United States they're
immediately ejected. Once I tried to have an intelligent conversation about
what Microsoft was doing, and for SOME reason the GK told me to stop, as if
it was too innapropriate for 'kids' (who probably would have wanted to join
into the conversations, and probably ould have had something to say). Tell
me, HOW is this inapropriate? HOW can any intelligent conversations go on in
the gate if even such a mild topic is banned?

p.s. Not only that, almost all GKs let their firends (mostly other GKs who
are off-duty) say WHATEVER they want. Period.
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Yellow Community Leader!

Jul 23, 2003, 10:12pm
Bowen is not assuming anything, but you are.
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