syntax // User Search
syntax // User Search
Jul 8, 2001, 8:59pm
Bwhahaha, Casay made a fatal mistake by putting the Typo tribe behind by one
member. Better watch out, your own tribe may be after you next week. :-O
Oh, and kellee, bad mistake voting me previously. Sorry to see you go,
It'll be interesting to see what unveils next week. Good luck to the
remaining contestants.
syntax at swcity.net
> 11th vote...
> ...
> ...
> kellee.
Jul 8, 2001, 9:51pm
2 vs. 7 doesn't sound like a good alliance to me. :-P
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]alphabit phalpha <cy-awards at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b48ecd7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *salutes kellee*
> ok now....down to business.....
> CASAY!!!!!!!...what the heck you doin girl!!!!!
> Without me there goes the wardrobe ya knows???????
> Duh!:)
> *taking pearls and diamonds back from Casay*
> Casay...you are going jeweless to the Cys:)
> But then again...you and I COULD form an alliance against the guys:)
> *nudge nudge*
Jul 9, 2001, 6:20pm
Well, I think this is why that Universe-wide message is being implemented in
3.2. Another solution could be to put "Never give your password out to
anyone" in that empty box in the citizen attributes box. *shrugs*
Maybe put something about it in the AW help files or on
http://www.activeworlds.com/worlds/alphaworld. Lots of things. Just gotta
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]facter <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
news:3b49d8cc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b49b338$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> vibe,
> Then please, give me another solution to the problem - if you can think of
> something more effective, I am all ears - but you will be hard pressed to
> think of anything effective to counter someone not using common sense...
> F.
Jul 11, 2001, 4:44pm
He posted in HTML? O_o
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]builderz <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3B4C9694.9B7BA0C6 at yahoo.com...
> If it doesn't work out, go ask Andras and see if he may be able to setup
> a Townbuilders NG on his NG server. Also, please do not post in HTML. As
> others have stated before, it wastes bandwidth and has its security
> exploits.
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
> http://aw.stuff-x.com/
> PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
> P.S. Shouldn't your signature read "I came, I saw, I built!" instead of
> "I came, I saw, I build!"?
> news://news.activeworlds.com/3b4c942f%40server1.Activeworlds.com
Jul 11, 2001, 11:40pm
Ah I see. Good eye, Builderz. ;-P
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]builderz <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3B4CF517.64402FC3 at yahoo.com...
> Yes, Legion posted in HTML (the font was in Times New Roman in my
> newsreader) in his original post and then later posted in plain text in
> his second post at 14:58:20 -0400. Enable the viewing of all headers in
> your newsreader (which is MS Outlook Express 5.x) and look at the
> "Content-Type:" header in his post and compare it to the one in mine.
> I'm telling you, everything is in the message headers.
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
> http://aw.stuff-x.com/
> PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
> syntax wrote:
Jul 12, 2001, 6:21pm
Ugh...same here. *filter's the whining baby*
[View Quote]wing <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b4e0594$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *sigh* *filter* Have a good day m o r o n.
> "m a r c u s" <i_have_a_site at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3b4d37c2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> <snip pointless HTML reply because I don't want to spend my time adding
the >'s to it>
Jul 13, 2001, 1:30am
Wow, a live tribal council! Sounds fun! I'll be there :-)
Just remind me to come when it starts.
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]nornny <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b4e50d6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well, it'll Friday when you guys see this hopefully. And Friday means
> here at Tribal Council once again. Syntax, congratulations on your
> you cannot be voted off, but of course, you still have to vote off
> But, you'll all notice that you are missing one person. Leaf.
> Leaf has chosen to leave and resign from the game voluntarily. He is gone
> vacation until the month of August, which would be leaving him for over 3
> weeks of gameplay and tribal council. Unfortunately, he left on immediate
> notice and did not submit a vote for this week either. HOWEVER, Leaf will
> joining you when he gets back here in tribal council and will be joining 6
> of you in casting the Final Vote for a winner. Now, only 8 of you remain,
> Syntax, Wing, Casay, Gamer, SW Chris, Nornny, Tony M, and Alphabit
> It's time to submit your vote once again.
> However, PLEASE reply to me by email if possible at nornny1 at home.com with
> your vote. Leaf, and all future members of the jury will be forwarded
> vote with your confessional included. I also ask that from now on, whoever
> goes into the jury stay isolated in Activeworlds from the remaining
> of the tribe, unless it is for other business. A lot of you are very
> together, but to simulate REAL gameplay (as many of you would like), I ask
> that the jury only reads posts in the newsgroup and go about daily AW
> business, rather than scheme or voluntarily chat with the remaining
> contestants. However, jury members WILL be able to chat with other jury
> members as soon as that member is voted off. You can deliberate until days
> end on who to vote for and such. DO NOT leave the newsgroup or stop
> NG Survivor posts jury members, as near the end, you will be given tasks
> info to help you decide your winner. :)
> ALSO IMPORTANT!! This Sunday at 4pm vrt in Alphaworld at 3816n 27581.5e
> 250, I will be announcing the results of this tribal council live in AW as
> part of Festival celebrations. I hope that all 7 of you can come, I'll be
> attendence. Should you show up, you'll be the first to know will be
> before I even make up the tribal council results post. Plus, it'd be a
> photo op to have all of you there, but I know many of you are all over the
> globe.
> With only 8 people left, I think it's only fitting we start up with the
> Things to consider list:
> Nornny was the target of Typo members last tribal council.
> Casay had not followed Typo voting and was the biggest blame in losing
> kellee.
> Wing had publically shown his intent on throwing out Nornny.
> Someone in the community keeping up with the game really hates Tony M.
> Alphabit was the target of Casay, which definately can cause friction.
> Syntax and SW Chris are both under-the-radar followers in a point in the
> game where following might lead to death.
> Just to recap: Leaf has resigned from winning the game, he is the first in
> the jury of 7. You're halfway through the game. 8 of your peers have been
> voted off or have left. 6 more will follow before we crown the Ultimate
> Survivor of the AW Newsgroup. It's time to vote off one more, please email
> me your vote and attend on Sunday at 4pm vrt to hear the results first.
> luck again.
> Nornny
> <production note: WE NEED DIARIES! :)) I'll also update the webpage with
> challenge results and so forth. Remember, it's on awlife.net now. :) Also,
> the community vote poll will be put up tommorow morning at
> http://awlife.net/survivor/ngcouncil.html as usual. As the game is going,
> we're expected to have this game finished by the last week in August at
> latest. I'm shooting for August 24th. Hang in there, it's been a rough two
> or three months, but you're almost done and the million dollar prize is
> awaiting on the other end. not an easy game, is it? :) >
Jul 14, 2001, 1:57am
This newsgroup is only going down because of moronic people like you that
are only here to stir up shit. :-\
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]kmissile583k <Kmissile58 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b4fc123 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey, my prediction was right!
> Highlight and read the white text under my first message.
Jul 14, 2001, 10:52pm
[View Quote]kmissile583k <Kmissile58 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b50e6c0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Brant wanted to write that message to prove that these newsgroups were
> downhill.
Who gives a shit if they are going downhill?
>After a debate with nornny (which you could prove), he did this.
> He didn't want to go through the whole process of re-setting up the
> newsgroups to his account, so he used mine.
Ooo, the whole 5 minute process. Even if Brant did it, you take the fall
for it. Unfortunaly for you, you are now at the Chucks Party/Marcus level
which is not good. And Chuck, don't even bother replying to me because your
filtered, same with you Marcus. I would like it if you also filtered me too
so I don't need to put up with your 11yr old ass.
Kmissile, the best thing you could do right now is just go back to AWTeen
and do your building or whatever and leave here because your degrading your
character every post you make. I personally have lost a lot of respect for
you. :-\
Jul 14, 2001, 12:38am
Uhhh....your not helping things too much there partner by doing this. All
this will do is get everyone in a big rage. ugh -_- Don't try to solve
other's problems because all you are doing is making it worse. You
obviously do not know how these newsgroups work.
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]kmissile583k <Kmissile58 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b4fafe8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Did you ever notice...
Did you ever notice that the people who have the most off-topic things to
say waste the most space and downloading time? Notice Eep. He wastes 32kb
of space and downloading time to try to make a point of not posting in html.
Can't everyone just stick to the topic of the post and stop complaining
about everything else. If people like Eep and Wing stopped complaining
about the pointless things in everyone's posts it would save us a headache
and a lot of downloading time. When people complain about this, it just
makes everyone have to download more posts. Why not think of that the next
time you complain about posting in html or another pointless off-topic
AWTeen Head Builder
Kmissile58 at hotmail.com
Jul 14, 2001, 2:45am
Wow your so freakin hilarious, Chucky boy. It seems you, Marcass and
Kmissile have formed little alliance to piss off everyone in the newsgroups
and just be jerks. I think you should just abide by the rules and none of
this bickering would take place. Why must you be like this.. :-\
I actually thought you were through with you sharade when you started
posting links to your Name that Tune event instead of posting the whole
thing up. See how that avoided all the bickering and extra crap posts? The
root of the problem is the HTML posters. If they simply abided by proper
Usenet ettiquette, none of this would occur. Like the saying goes, only you
can prevent forest fires. :-)
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]chucks party <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b4fcbc2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
You are 100% correct sir! But don't try to get these morons to understand
that concept that they are the ones causing people to d/l more crap because
of their complaining. Your 1 little 2k html post turned into 50k of
complaints, LOL eep and wing are the biggest problems in this NG. I have
limited my posts here to actually helping people with questions and posting
for any events I may happen to be a part of. Other than that, attempts such
as this to get people to stop posting their moronic opinions because they
are the ones eating up LOTS of bandwidth with their stupid posts, is
completely futile. Just block their sorry asses and get on with life, LOL
Jul 14, 2001, 2:50am
Oh yes, one more thing. All of the non-html posts in this thread don't even
amout to your 11k post.
Your and Kmissile's posts are more than double the non-html posts! So
essentially, your just as bad as the rest of us.
2 HTML posts = 23k
8 Plain Text posts = 10k
See? -_-
Jul 17, 2001, 1:42pm
Bahahaha!! "Mr. Don't let kids see porn" telling a 13 year old to get laid.
That's funny.
[View Quote]mike zimmer <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
news:3b545612 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yup, okay ill do that since i am only 13!
> m a r c u s <i_have_a_site at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3b53dac4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> would
> your
Jul 15, 2001, 9:52pm
If anyone is interested in putting together a small AWHS staff team/reviving
AWHS, I'm be interested in helping out. My knowledge of historical sites in
AW are quite extensive so I could be of some help. :-)
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]nornny <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b52241b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Before Munkuy left office, he told me he had a small list of people who he
> would like to take over control of AWHS, and, not to be braggy or
> he did have me in the list for planning all those AWHS historical tours.
> thing is, he never told any of his small group of AWHSers what you do as
> president and how he would transfer power or anything. He didn't even pick
> one of us, he just told us we were being considered, but then disappeared.
> Someone should really take up the job, but I have NO AW history embedded
> me besides what i've learned from a few tours, I just would love to help
> maintain the beautiful AW gz. Tyrell, however, would be a very good choice
> as he ran the AWHS museum and so forth and can spout out 6 years of AW
> whenever you ask him. mauz too. :) one of those two should definately
> but both are extremely busy. :( It'd be a shame if we couldn't keep AW
> historically intact before it is damaged or hidden away by vandals and ad
> hungry kids. :?
> Nornny
Jul 17, 2001, 7:44pm
Hmm, no link to any forums on www.awcommunity.org/cyawards
Have a link for us, LAP? :-)
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]lilalpha phalpha <alphaaw at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3b54871e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi,
> In case you haven't been informed there is a Cy Fourm where you can go
> and check up on all the latest Cy news, and dates, and mabey even see a
> little of the Cy Committee in action :) You will have to regester a
> password, but that is free, so you can go and post your suggestions for
> Thanks,
> LilAlpha Phalpha
> Cy Awards Committee
Jul 18, 2001, 1:41am
Amen, Goober.
Shane Fris
"Syntax" (#308403)
-Active Community builder in AW Prime. 2 and a half years of hard work and
dedication for the Activeworlds community.
Jul 18, 2001, 9:08pm
Filtered. :-\
Jul 18, 2001, 10:20pm
Ahhh look at it shake.
I already unfiltered him anyway. :-)
[View Quote]mike zimmer <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
news:3b561bf7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Okay, so your going to "filter" him because he messed up? *shakes head*
> syntax <syntax at earthcorp.com> wrote in message
> news:3b5616f4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 20, 2001, 4:51pm
*rolls eyes*
Why is posting in HTML such a big deal to you. :-\
- Syntax -
[View Quote]m a r c u s <i_have_a_site at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3b582b8c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And read up on how the ozone layer forms, you will see it isn't that bad
> a thing.
> "nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b58204d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> not
Jul 21, 2001, 1:34am
Meh. Plain Text gets the message across just as good as HTML. Sure there
are places when eye candy is nice but the newsgroups aren't one of those
places. I come here to read messages/news/flames for the info. I also like
to read/download them as quickly as possible. (I only have 28.8 modem, ugh.
The area I live in is getting DSL in year 2003.) When I want dazzling
graphics and coloured text I go to websites.
Ugh, if only there was a choice between an HTML format community NG and a
plain text community NG. It'd solve so many problems. Then people COULD
have the choice. If you don't like HTML, don't subscribe. If you like
HTML, subscribe. But until that comes along, the filter is the best thing
to solve the HTML problem. The only way someone would go in the filter for
HTML though, is if they _repeatedly_ posted in HTML over and over.
- Syntax -
[View Quote]m a r c u s <i_have_a_site at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3b58d2a9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Why does a program like active worlds so important to you? It's just
> manipulation with a Z axis against a 2d monitor presenting an illusion you
> are walking through something. However, it is dull and boring to always
> smiley faces, and static avatar pictures that many other programs use so
> Active Worlds rocks when it comes to enhancing our online time. So does
> html, it can enhance our use in the newsgroup. If there is an area for
> plain text only, and another that allows html, it can be your choice to
> subscribe or not. You will always have the option to be in a newsgroup
> geared toward plain text and not have to be in one that allows html.
> You may find this a plus if you only want to use totally plain text,
> there will then be a system which caters towards your use. If you want
> absolutism, you will always be fighting this issue. The only remedy is to
> minimize not eliminate entirely. These seperate newsgroups geared
> differently would be a fair way to minimize what one does not want.
> "syntax" <sfris at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3b587dc7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 21, 2001, 6:08am
I'm glad no one uses HTML constantly. I don't like adding people to the
filter because OE makes a mess of the threads. :-) btw, your out of the
filter now because of a reformat. You've been pretty good lately so I don't
expect putting you back in anytime soon. :-D
- Syntax -
[View Quote]chucks party <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b59214a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes and we are not talking about posting that kind of html, we are talking
> simply for special events maybe or functions or for humor occassionally to
> up the NG a bit, that's all, no one here has any desire to post in html
> constantly.
Jul 21, 2001, 6:01am
What the hell happened? Why did you post 3 times? O_o
Read/research before asking questions, young fellow. :-)
- Syntax -
[View Quote]k.c <KC0013 at cs.com> wrote in message
news:3b58b450 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> To Whom It May Concern:
> I was wondering how I would get involved in the AW Beta Tester
> I have been involved and been an active member in the AW Community for
> 4 years now. I have been and currently am involved with many other Beta
> testing programs such as CompuServe, AmericaOnline, and WinAmp DJ
> Broadcasting Software. If it could be at all possible to get any
> information on how to become a beta tester, could someone please respond
> this post or contact me using the address below. Thanks!
> Musically Yours,
> Kurtis J. Cummings
> Station Manager
> WVRN, Broadway World Radio
> www.wvrnradio.com
> KC0013 at cs.com
Jul 21, 2001, 10:41pm
OMG at Gamer!! I want to see the picture he sent you, Nornny!!!
Upload them onto the site or something.
- Syntax -
[View Quote]nornny <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b5a190e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sorry this is kinda late. Went to the beach today. lol. Well, you guys
> a pretty good job at Level 3, some of you seemed to have made it past the
> first 3 rounds, which was amazing. Those newbies, I tell ya, they're
> Anyways, we'll make this quick and show the results.
> Nornny -1020
> Syntax - 2380
> Tony M - 1200
> Alphabit Phalpha -460
> Casay -1290
> Gamer -24020
> SW Chris - 0
> Which means, beating out ALL the rest, Gamer wins immunity for this week.
> Congratulations. Well, it's time for tribal council yet again. You've
> survived half the game, it'd be a shame for any of you to leave now, but
> all but one must. All we know now is that Gamer is playing for one more
> week. So, let's go, cast your votes, the Community VoteCaster is up and
> running at http://pub50.bravenet.com/vote/vote.php?usernum=4253335963 or
> can click on the link on http://awlife.net/survivor/ngcouncil.html in a
> hours. Here's some things to consider:
> We never recieved SW Chris's vote. At this point in the game, is this
> cockiness?
> Alphabit is getting extremely sick and tired apparently through this
> challenge, she barely had enough energy to try the game as in challenge's
> past.
> Syntax is now free from immunity.
> Casay's vote is still swinging back and forth. She's yet to follow anyone.
> Tony M, a declared Wing follower, is now alone without the leader and
> vulnerable.
> Nornny has been the target of a handful of votes. One day, he'll get shot.
> That's all, good luck everyone, remember that your votes will all be
> forwarded to Wing and Leaf. It's their choice now to follow the game, so
> confess what you want them to know, but be careful what you say also. I
> votes in by tommorow night if possible. :))
> Nornny
Jul 21, 2001, 11:19pm
Ok, just had to see for myself. :-) WTG Gamer! :-D
- Syntax -
[View Quote]nornny <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b5a283d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You can see it at http://awlife.net/survivor/images/pirate.jpg :) It's
> authentic. :)
> Nornny
> "syntax" <sfris at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3b5a211f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 21, 2001, 11:22pm
Actually, I'm kind of curious to know why that "god" has a lower case G on
it.... hmm
[View Quote]syntax <sfris at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3b5a2a32 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok, just had to see for myself. :-) WTG Gamer! :-D
> --
> - Syntax -
> www.swcity.net
> nornny <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b5a283d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 22, 2001, 6:00am
Yay for Facter!
If any of you are going to make objects, make a wk01.rwx that accepts the
create texture in reverse. Sometimes when you start twisting the wk01.rwx
object around, it doesn't properly align with the other textures on objects.
If your not sure what I mean, look at AW 2043.4S 3749E and see how the
wk01.rwx with create texture brick1 connects with the walk014.rwx. I know
it's kind of a specific request but I think it should be fixed. :-)
- Syntax -
[View Quote]facter <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b5a4069$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "harry potter" <felipedrummond at globo.com> wrote in message
> news:3b5a29c4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Where do we get the objects?
> If they are fully custom made, I mean, NOT convertions and you can totally
> verify them as custom and unique, I'll start accepting people to send
> objects to me, and maybe get together a new bunch to put in.
> The problem, is that there are so many copyright objects out there - but,
> send and we shall see....why not?
> I'm pretty busy until August the 1st, but send cutom SELF made ones and
> get a bunch together , then propose it to everyone...
> F.
Jul 24, 2001, 2:30am
Hey Tony
I uploaded it. Try http://sw_city3.tripod.com/awweb.jpg
- Syntax -
[View Quote]tony m <tony at triton-dynamics.iwarp.com> wrote in message
news:3b5ce854.7292539 at news.activeworlds.com...
> could you pls post a link to that picture you attached? I'm using a
> newsreader that apparently is unable to show binary attachments.
> On 23 Jul 2001 20:09:23 -0400, "facter" <facter at activeworlds.com>
> wrote:
> *snip*
> - Tony M.
Jul 25, 2001, 1:34am
2 words (not including the sig ;-P). Netscape SUCKS!
- Syntax -
[View Quote]john viper <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:Xns90E8E9882B788jviperjtsoftnet at
> I know this works on 4.0 and up:
> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ... </table>
> If you want good-looking borders (instead of those awful 3D things):
> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000">
> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
> <tr>
> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Ima Tablecell</td>
> </tr>
> </table?
> </td></tr></table>
> Makes a nice, one-pixel thick border around all the text, and works in at
> least NS4, IE4, and probably most other browsers. Only M$ product that I
> truly believe is actually worth using is IE simply because of what it
> you to be able to do, and you can do it much more easily. Plus, most of
> features and how they are coded makes sense. Netscape really needs to
> up. NS6 came close, but again, no cigar...
> -John
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in
> news:3b5e12df at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> --
> _____________________________________________
> Jeff Tickle (John Viper, #296714)
> jviper at jtsoft.net
> http://www.jtsoft.net
Jul 22, 2001, 9:37pm
CuteFTP is by far the best FTP software out there. 4.2.2 is the latest
version of it but it is only a 30 day trial. Anyone have a serial/crack for
it? :-)
- Syntax -
[View Quote]nova <n at n.com> wrote in message news:3b5b5b5d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> cute ftp http://www.globalscape.com i belive is the url does suport upload
> and download resuming
> "john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
> news:Xns90E6BAFD57F0Bjviperjtsoftnet at
> it.
Jul 22, 2001, 10:50pm
I'm gonna end up doing that too. hehe :-)
There's a first time for everything, eh? Wait..I paid for AW. O_o
- Syntax -
[View Quote]nova <n at n.com> wrote in message news:3b5b69e0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> um well i done bought it :)
> "syntax" <sfris at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3b5b63b9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> for
news:3b5b5b5d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> upload
> of
> those